Description of Archival Material Title - File Name Yeal" Place of Publication Publisher Total number of pages Measurements in inches Description of the binding i.e,, leather, spiral, etc. Brief description of the contents 6/8/2006S:kLearningResource Centerkl3B LRCk4.rchive ProjectLDesc of ArchivalMaterial Form.doc GALVESTON COLLEGE CATALOG 1999-2001 It is the policy of GalvestonCollege to provide equal opportunities without regard to age, race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability or veteranstatus. This policy extends to employment, admission, and all programs and activities supported by Galveston College. Inquiries concerning equal opportunity may be directed to the Director of Personnel, the Equal Opportunity/AffirmativeAction Offi- cer for GalvestonCollege. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVEACTION COLLEGE IN EDUCATION AND EMPLOYMENZ PROGRAMSOF STUDY Accreditation: Texas Education Agency GalvestonCollege is accredited by the I701 North Congress Avenue Commissionon Colleges of the Southern Austin, Texas78701 - 1494 Association of Colleges and Schools to (512) 463-9734 award the Associate Degree. Texas Higher Education Coordinating SouthernAssociation of Colleges and Board Schools Chevy Chase Drive 1866 Southern Lane Austin, Texas 78752 Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 (512) 483-6250 FAX(512) 483-6444 (404) 679-4500 FAX(404) 679-4558 Galveston College’s Health Occupations Galveston College’s Health Occupations programs are approved by the following programsare accredited by the following organizations: organizations: Associate Degree Nursing Associate Degree Nursing Board of Nurse Examinersfor the State of National Leaguefor Nursing Accrediting Texas Commission William P. HobbyBuilding 61 Broadway 333 GuadalupeStreet, Suite 3-460 New York, NewYork 10006 Austin, Texas 78701 (212) 363-5555,ext. 153 (512) 305-7400 Radiographyand Radiation Vocational Nursing Therapy Technology Board of Nurse Examinersfor the State of Joint Review Committeeon Education in Texas Radiologic Technology William P. HobbyBuilding 20 N. WackerDrive, Suite 900 333 GuadalupeStreet, Suite 3-400 Chicago, Illinois 60606-2901 Austin, Tewas 78701 (312) 704-5300 (512) 305-8101 The Texas Certification Board of Alco Nuclear Medicine holism and Drug Abuse Counselors Joint ReviewCommittee on Educational TAADAC(Provider Number0195-88 Programs in Nuclear Medicine Technology 350 South 400 East, Suite 200 Memberof: Salt Lake City, Utah 84111-2938 AmericanAssociation of (801) 364 4310 Community/Juninr Colleges SouthernAssociation of Colleges madSchools Texas Public Community/JuniorCollege Association National Commissionfor Cooperative Education AmericanHotel/Motel Association Approval: Texas Business Educators Association Galveston College is approvedby the Texas Texas Computer Education Association Education Agency and has complied with Gulf Coast Intercollegiate Conference the standards, rules and regulations as Gulf Coast Consortium prescribed by the Texas Higher Education National Junior College Athletic Associa- Coordinating Board. tion Map To Galveston College Travelingsouth on 1-45... Take61st Street exit andturn right at stoplight. Travel approximatelyone mile to SeawallBlvd. Turnleft on to Seawall. Proceed down Seawallto 39th Street. (Gaido’s Restaurantis at corner of 39th andSeawall). _EG EN D Turn left on 39th andtravel north to Avenue Q. Turn left at 39th and AvenueQ and 1. CheneyStudent Center proceedone block to Main Campus.Main 2. MoodyHall Campusparking available on AvenueQ, 3. Regent’sHall 4. NorthenBuilding AvenueR andSatellite Parking at 39th and 5. FineArts Buitding AvenueQ. 6. HermesFitness Center Parking Parking TABLEOF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Accreditation 2 College Locations/Map 3 Telephone Directory 5 President’s Message 6 Board of Regents 7 Academic Calendars 9 College Holidays 14 Mission and Goals 16 History of the College 20 Galveston College Foundation 23 Facilities 24 General Information 28 General AdmissionInformation 34 General Admissions 34 Special Admissions 35 Fresh Start 35 TASPTesting Requirements 35 Registration 39 Tuition and Fees 40 Academic Standards 45 Credit for Courses 46 Credit by Examination 46 Course Load 50 Student Records 52 Grading System 53 Graduation Procedures 57 Student DevelopmentServices 60 Admissions and Student Records 61 Counseling Center 61 Financial Aid 64 Veterans Information 73 Library and Media Services 75 Student Activities 76 Student Rights and Responsibilities 81 Special Instructional Areas 90 Worlfforce Development and Continuing Education 91 Center for Professional Development 92 Small Business DevelopmentCenter 93 Cooperative Education 95 Skills EnrichmentCenter 96 Adult Education 97 Distance Education 97 Programs of Study 99 Degree Programs 100 Certificate Programs 101 Core Curriculum 102 Graduate Guarantee 104 Job Skills CompetencyGuarantee 104 Overviewof Degrees and Certificates 107 ProgramOff, rings 109 Course Descriptions 166 College Organization 222 Glossary of Terms 232 Index 235 TELEPHONEDIRECTORY TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Youmay reach all college offices by calling (409) 763 6551 and enter the extension below: Admissions .................................... 230 Bookstore ...................................... 260 Building Bridges to Success Program ....................... 298 Business Office ................................... 211 Computer Center .................................. 356 Counseling ..................................... 220 Criminal ]ustice/Police Academy ......................... 154 Culinary Arts .................................... 304 Financial Aid .................................... 235 Fitness Center .................................... 108 Health Occupations ................................ 388 General Studies ................................... 340 I ntercollegiate Athletics ............................... 315 Library ....................................... 240 Math and Sciences ................................. 265 Media ........................................ 250 Personnel Services ................................. 280 Placement Services ................................. 225 President’s Office .................................. 200 Print Center ..................................... 250 Public Affairs .................................... 300 Research and Planning ............................... 207 Security .................................... 364 or 0 Skills Enrichment Center .............................. 290 Snack Bar (Dug Out) ................................ 284 Special Services ................................... 227 Student Activities .................................. 301 Technical Studies and Career Education ..................... 330 Vice President of Instruction ........................... 203 Vice President for Student DevelopmentServices & Enrollment Management. 206 Vice President for Administrative Services .................... 209 Workforce Development and Continuing Education ............... 114 These offices maybe reached directly by dialing: Moody Hospitality Institute ................... 741-8484,ext. 4230 Small Business Development Center .................... 762-7380 Telecourse Hotline .............................. 762-8286 Visit our website at www.gc.edu PRESIDENT’SMESSAGE DR. CARLISLEB. RATHBURN,III Dr. Carlisle B. Rathburn,111 was appointedPresident of GalvestonCollege in ]anuary of 1996. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE GalvestonCollege is pleased to provide service to residents of GalvestonIsland, Boli- var Peninsula and neighboringChambers and lefferson counties. For over thirty years, the College has becomeknown for its quality academic programs, exceptional health care training and progressive approach to serving communityneeds. Openedin 1967, GalvestonCollege has grownto serve over 2,200 credit students per semester and 10,000 non-credit students per year. GalvestonCollege embracesthe life- long learning conceptand providesfor adult basic education,leisure learning and contract training for several thousandindividuals, businesses and organizationseach year. This catalog highlights the manydegree and certificate programs available at GalvestonCollege, as well as presenting detailed descriptions of specific courses. In addition, it provides information on non-credit instructional programsand the many support services provided for all students. Everythingneeded for your success are present in newand modernfatalities, career and academic counseling, comprehensivelearning center and quality classroom and laboratory instruction. Fromdevelopmental studies to advanceduniversity parallel and vocational/technical programs, Galveston College offers challenging opportuni- ties for achievementin higher education within a relaxed environment. On behalf of our Board of Regents, faculty and staff, 1 invite you to join us at Galveston College and gear towards the next millennium. Your future is now-Your future is at GalvestonCollege. BOARDOF REGENTS The Boardof Regentsof GalvestonCollege are elected at-large by position by resi- dents of the city of Galvestonand Bolivar Peninsula. These Regentsgive unselfishly of their time and represent their constituents for six-year terms. Pictured seated fix~m left to right are Secretary lohn E. walker, Chairpersonlanice D. Stanton, and Vice Chairperson Phyllis H. Moore.Standing from left to right are John L. Sullivan, EA.Odom, Carroll G. Sunseri, Carl E. Kelly, Dr. Paul J. Cunningham and Roy M. Quintanilla. PROGRAMSOF STUDY ACADEMIC CALENDAR 8 ACADEMICCALENDAR 1999 FALL SEMESTER Pre-Enrollment Counseling, Placement Testing
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