Issued ■Rjesday THURSWOT Saturday T he Courier-Gazette Catered a* Second Clou Mall Matte, THREE CENTS A COPT Established January, 1846. By The Courier-Gazette, 465 Main sl Rockland, Maine, Tuesday, May 16, ,939 Volum e 9 4 ...............Number 58. The Courier-Gazette It’s A Bad Actor Red Shirts Met Here Had More Patrons [EDITORIAL] THREE-TIMES-A-WEEK Meet Your Mailman GREETINGS TO THE PRESS CLUB But Central Maine’s Total “The Black Cat” Editor Waldo Tyler Tells Why the The State Hand Engine It was The Courier-Gazette's privilege yesterday to WM. O. FULLER Electric Razor Hits the Associate Editor League Held Annual Output Last Year Less extend a cordial greeting to the members of the Rcckland Radio FRANK A. WINSLOW Meeting Saturday Than In ’37 High School Press Club, who, not content to merely study the Subscription* $3U) ner year payable subject from a theoretical standpoint, came to the scene of Editor of The Courier-Gazette:— lu advance; single copies three cents. Rockland was host Saturday to The annual report of the Central action to see how the thing is done—at least from the stand­ Advertising rates baaed upon circula­ This "dog-gone" motor age Is get­ tion end very reasonable. the Maine State Hand Engine Maine Power Company shows op­ point of its favorite home newspaper The students were shown NEWSPAPER HISTORY ting worse by the day for good through every department of this plant, receiving a ver­ The Rockland Qaeette was estab­ League at its annual meeting, held erating revenues of $6,764,693. a de- lished In 1S4e In 1874 the Courier was radio reception, and Hilliard Spear bal explanation of the intricate processes of newspaperdom, irtabllsbed and consolidated with the and The Black Cat aren't the only at Legion hall. A delicious supper crease of $46,510 over the previous and seeing with interested and Intelligent eyes Just how the Gazette In 1SS2. The Free Press was year. Net income after deductions established In 1855 and In 1891 changed ones who find the electric razor a was served under direction of Mrs publication gets to its readers. For example they saw this Its name to the Tribune. These papers for operating expenses mainten­ bad actor. Mary Dinsmore, Mrs. Anne Alden statement leave the editor's desk; they saw It put In type on consolidated March IT. 1897. ance, depreciation and taxes, was The motors In these and other one of the machines; they saw it proofread; they saw the and Mrs. Ella Hyland. $1,792,643 which Is $53,363 more similar appliances such as hair clip­ make-up man lock it into the first page form; they saw it go In the lively balloting Chester H than for the year 1937. pers and dryers have to develop an down the elevator onto the press, from which It finally came to By The Roving Reporter •» Oood order Is the foundation ♦ McCabe Jr. of Bath was made presi­ "The year 1938 was a difficult •* ot all good things.—Burke extremely high R.P.M. to be effi­ them with the ink still damp. And the same process is followed dent, Chief George M. Dinsmore of period in several respects," the re­ cient. which when not properly sup­ with every line which goes into the newspaper, a quantity of Hallowell and Chief Van Russell of port stated, “with a slackening of pressed at the appliance Itself wUl labor which is but little understood by those who sometimes All of the printing errors do not this city, vice presidents; H. W industrial activities throughout most travel considerably over the air as skim too carelessly through the 64 columns which constitute find their way Into The Courier- Way of Portland, secretary and of the year, a disturbed feeling of To Meet In Belfast well as along the power supply into a normal publication. Gazette—not by a jugful, as they Gerald Nason of Saco, treasurer. uncertainty which prevailed gen­ which they are plugged The Press Club represents one of the many practical sides used to say In the olden days. Speak­ John B. Trembley of Brunswick erally, and the temporary disrup­ Medomak Region Garden Naturally the worst lntcrierence of the school work of the present day, and much pride Is taken ing of the recent Chicago fire, a was elected to the muster commit­ tion of New England business re­ Clubs To Have Annual will result to radios connected to in Its progress by Principal Joseph E. Blaisdell and Albert Pcrtland newspaper said: tee. his associates being Edward W. sulting from the September hur­ the same or nearby circuits. Houses McCarty, under whose direction the club functions. The Club “Firemen expressed belief that Meeting Tomorrow “Ted" Palmer of Portland, Percy Dins­ ricane. wired In the days of open wiring has Its guest speakers who discuss for its benefit practical only the aches of the victims' bodies more of Rockland. M. E Aldrich of “Net income for the year 1938 and with both sides of the line Theodore E. Perry, parrel post phases of newspaper work The students give close heed and would be found in the debris " The first annual meeting of the Hallowell and John Lowe of Tops­ was $1,792,643. an increase of $56- above ground potential would radi­ carrier may well be classed as one derive much benefit from the lessons thus taught. The meaning was apparent, but Medomak Region (Garden Club) ham. 383 over the previous year In spite ate worse than a more modern jjb of the “vela" at the Rockland Post- The visit was but another instance of the close and now If the fire had been In a dental will be held at First Parish Church A pleasant entertainment fol­ of a falling off of gross revenues. and one on which BX cable Is used friendly relationship which exists between the High School establishment, whi knows? Office, for he Joined the carrier lowed, featuring the talented Decrease in revenues was due pri­ In Belfast May 34 opening prompt­ The following suggestions may help, faculty, student body and The Courier-Gazette, a friendship aervice away back in 1914, April 4. 6taples sisters, Esther, Jennie and marily to the abandonment of the ly at 10.30 with registration start­ but the manufacturers know the which is a long time ago, *» youth fostered by the extended High School department which this Lewiston Journal: “It m int have Betty in acrobatic dances. This street railway operation and a fur­ been a good sermon. Rev. J. Charles ing at 10 a. m. only sure answer—that of suppres­ views it. newspaper carries and the ever congenial relations which charming trio are mascots of the ther small decline in the gas busi­ MacDonald at Rockland first gave Reports will be heard from vari­ sing the interference inside the Ted was bom July 16. 1894, and exist between the school and the newspaper staff. motor housing—and several razors Rockland Fire Department. A ness. Taxes were substantially it when he went to that city to ous State and regional chairmen, wa« educated in the city schools, sightseeing tour aboard the new higher and the provision for main­ are already being made thus preach 12 years ago. He repeated it •Mvtaig U g h School at the end of ^ c k triple ' romW nati^ Included tenance and depreciation was In­ followed by election of officers. equipped. on the anniversary, this month.” his Sophomore year in 1911 to take viewing of the Samoset and the new creased over the rate of appropria­ BARROWS ON THE VERGE Luncheon at 1 o'clock. Noise suppression filters that may 3 hey have all been good sermons a position as billing clerk. Camden street factory. tion In effect during 1937 These Mrs. Harry B. Coe. president of be purchased at electrical and radio Only one "if" now stands in the way of Gov. Lewis O. The great outdoors was more to factors were more than offset by the Federation, will open the after­ dealers which are attached to the Barrows' formal announcement that he will seek the nomina­ Coast dwellers will read with In­ his liking, and he Joined the Post- favorable water conditions benefits noon session at 2. Lincoln Colcord, socket into which the razor Is tion for United States Senator, and that concerns the adher­ terest this item clipped from the Office staff. Circus In A Church which are beginning to be realized a noted author, literary critic, and plugged are quite efficient and ate ence of Senator Frederick Hale to his announced Intention State Chat column of the Lewiston Along came the World War in I _____ fro mthe capital expenditures of authority on marine history will sold with full Instructions. (Not of running again. As there is little likelihood that Hale will Journal: W17 and taking a H»'r of ab- Baraca Class Kick* U p Its the past several years and savings speak. An additional speaker will expensive). change his mind, it may be taken for granted that Congress­ "Who has heard of kllllcks, here senoe from Ute Post Office Depart­ In current operating costs." talk on flower arrangement. A similar filter can be made at Heels With Ralph Clark man Ralph O Brewster will have at least one opponent. The In Maine? They are described as In addition to the exhibits of ment he went to Portland and en­ President Wyman reported that home out of a couple of fixed radio listed in the U. S. Navy in August, | Ringmaster other possibility Is Representative James C Oliver of the First home-made anchors for small cralt.
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