25C Volume 14, Issue 48 Serving Lowell Area Readers Since 1893 Wednesday, October 10, 1990 Saturday morning house blaze still under investigation r According to the Lowell Fire Chief, Frank Martin, the fire started in the back The State Fire Marshall is still investigating the cause of the fire. porch. He said there was roughly $40,000 worth of damage. Foul play is suspected in a still being investigated by the The Lowell Fire Depart- ment's arrival. morning, according to Mar- hours." Martin said. Low- Saturday morning blaze that State Fire Marshall. We be- ment was called to the scene The home was being lived tin. There was no one in the ell's Fire Chief estimated the destroyed a Lowell home at lieve it started in the back at about 3:29 a.m. Saturday in by Roy Aitchison. The house at the time of the fire. damage to be at S40.000. 191 S. Pleasant, according to porch/' Lowell Fire Chief morning. Martin said the Lowell man called the Lowell "We fought the blaze for The house was com- the Lowell Fire Department Frank Martin said. "Foul play home was already well in- Fire Department after coming an hour and then remained on pletely destroyed," he con- Chief. is suspccted." volved upon the Fire Depart- home to the blaze Saturday the scene for another four cluded. * "The cause of the fire is Along Main Stmt Metropolitan Council stirs controversy among governmental units Proponents say the proposed Grand Valley Metropoli- City of Lowell had nothing against the concept, but felt tan Coordinating Council would allow for better plan- one of the moving forces with the Metro Council was ning, and more help from teh state government. water and sewer," said Lowell City Manager Dave Pas- Opponents say the organization will create another quale. "The Lowell City Council felt that since Lowell layer of government and would surrender the indepen- has its own water and sewer services there was no particu- dence of many smaller units of government to Grand lar advantage to joining a council." Rapids and Kent County. Pasquale said some of the advantages to the Metro ACADEMIC BOOSTERS MEET OCT. 10 "I have no quarrel with the idea of a Metro Council Council would be the economy of scale for water and for coordinating, cooperation and planning of water, sewer and for land-use planning. "I think those would The Lowell Academic Boosters Club will meet at 7 p.m. sewer, public improvements, solid waste collection, re- be positives that would come from the council. I also on Oct. 10 in Room A-1 at the Lowell High School. cycling and disposal, and ground and air transportation," believe each governmental unit needs to examine the says ex-Ada Township Board member, Imogen Vader. council on an individual governmental basis," he said. BASKETBALL BEGINS OCT. 15 "But when it gives the appointed council authorization "Some facilities need more than just one governmental to levy two-tenths of a mil for operation and up to five- unit for support." The YMCA Mens Monday night Open Gym basketball tenths of a mil which would have to be authorized by While Pasquale agrees with the concept, he says the ^begins at the high school on Oct. 15 from 7 to 9 p.m. the people, then I have a problem." council has some mechanical problems. "Taxes would Another big snag that Vader sees in Public Act 292 is be one and the percentage of the vote lying heaviest with HARVEST DINNER SET FOR OCT. 23 the extent to which the council is authorized to plan, Grand Rapids and Kent County would be another." he promote, finance, issue bonds for, acquire, improve, en- said. The annual Harvest Dinner will take place at First United large, extend, own, construct, replace or contract for Lowell Township Supervisor John Timpson said the Methodist Church of Lowell on Hiesday. Oct. 23 from 5 to public improvements and services including parks, Township would watch this thing a while before making 7 p.m. museums, zoos, wildlife sanctuaries and recreational any decisions and won't be stampeded into making one. Tickets for the turkey dinner may be purchased from An- facilities; special use facilities, economic development "I believe it would work best as a planning council with nabellc Wittenbach at FMB State Savings Bank (897-4153) and planning for the council area and higher education some authority." Timpson explained. "The way it reads or at the church entrance under the north portico the evening public improvements and services. now. the counciPs authority would be all encompassing. of the dinner. The Grand Valley Metropolitan Council was formed a Prices arc $6 adults: $3 children 6 through 12: and frcc It scares me that the council would take away local con- after the Minneapolis/St. Paul Council. Senator Dick for children 5 and under. Take-out dinners are available by trol. I'm not ready to relinquish control of the Township Posthumus says it could provide services in the area of which was delegated to me by my constituents to a council phoning 897-7992. transportation and water and sewer that in some cases which was appointed." He added he had a concern that extend beyond the jurisdictional lines of Townships. GET YOUR COSTUMES READY!! 63 percent of the council's vote would be representing "Townships and governmental units can't have power Grand Rapids and Kent County. that goes beyond their geographical lines. Yes, Town- Timpson said he felt the technical problems could be The Lowell Ledger Halloween Costume Contest will take ships would be giving up some of their independent au- worked out. but it may take a year or two. place again this year on Wednesday. Oct. 31. thority, but in turn they would be gaining regional author- Posthumus added that in order to have a Metropolitan Any businesses that wish to dress up and be judged, •a •• ity Council Articles of Incorporation must be established. should contact the Ledger office at 897-9261 before 5 p.m. Posthumus sponsored the bill that allowed com- "This states what the council can and can't do. What on Tuesday, Oct. 30. so that you can be put on the schedule munities to form councils. people don't realize is. there would also be a Grand 0.)! stops for the judges to make. Thc.only area in which the opponents and proponents Valley Metropolitan Articles of Incorporation which Have fun, and good luck! agree is that the council concept is a good idea. "The would he much more limited in its powers." Main St., confd., pg. 2 Metro, cont'd., pg. 7 The Lowell Ledger - Wednesday, October 10, 1990 - Page 3 The Lowell Ledger - Wednesday. October 10, 1990 - Page 2 Obituaries • • Lowell Township has geographical dilemma when it comes to SMITH - Mr Wayne C. Scrvicc will be held today Smilh, aged 69, of Alto, 1 p.m. (Wednesday after supporting the Kent County Library System passed away Sunday, October noon) at the Stroo Funeral 7, 1990. Mr. Smith was a Home, Cutlerville Chapel Lowell's Township Board the amount of money each Township's actual costs after ment was $8,485. exist anymore. Navy Veteran of World War II 1095 - 68th St. SE, Pastor ment for a given governmen- denied Alto its request to con- participating local gov- tal unit should be directly redistribution would be Lowell Township is cur- Over the last 10 years. 200 Get one and worked for the C & O William D. Dobson officiat- tribute toward the rental of ernmental unit should pay to proportional to the use of the $37,594. This total also re- rently in the process of pay- people per year have regis- Railroad for 41 years. Surviv- ing. Interment Chapel Hill the Alto Library building. support the Kent County Li- Kent County Library System flects the circulation at all ing 1990's total of $9,421. tered with the Kent County ing are his wife, Lucy; his Memorial Gardens. Memo- However, the Lowell Town- brary system. Thus it will by systems of the gov- other branches, the costs of Township Clerk, Carol Wells Library System. The system children, Larry W. Smith and rial contributions to the Amer- ship Board did agree to make cost Alto an extra $1,500 to ernmental unit - the higher services delivered, and costs says the 1991 payment will has the highest circulation of fiancee Sue Carr of Grand ican Cancer Society. a S350 contribution toward operate from the library the usage the higher the pay- generated by use by citizens increase to $10,740. any system in Michigan. Its Rapids, Nancy and Tom | utilities. building. In 1989, Alto's ment. of governmental units that are According to Joe Garcia circulation is 2-1 over the Burke of Wyoming; four VAUGHAN - William Vaii "I just don't believe we Kent County Library System Lowell Township ac- not members of the Kent from the Kent County Li- City of Grand Rapids. grandchildren. Matt and ghan passed away suddenly should pay out rent to Bowne support payment was $8,433, counted for 25.959 percent of County Library System. brary System, the new for- Garcia was asked why Adam Smith, Kelly and Brad- October 3, 1990. He lived in Township. We no sooner do plus the $1,500, and the total the 1989 circulation at the Lowell Township would mula would go into effect there is no initial charge for ley Burke; four sisters, Win- Lansing. Ml and was for- that, and the City and Cas- cost to Alto for its library was Lowell Branch Library, so receive $22,508 worth of cre- governmental units that pro- an individual's library card to nie Cavanaugh of Alto, merly of Lowell.
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