2012 Calvin Bibliography Compiled by Paul W. Fields and Andrew M. McGinnis (Research Assistant) I. Calvin’s Life and Times A. Biography B. Cultural Context—Intellectual History C. Cultural Context—Social History D. Friends E. Polemical Relationships II. Calvin’s Works A. Works and Selections B. Criticism and Interpretation III. Calvin’s Theology A. Overview B. Revelation 1. Scripture 2. Exegesis and Hermeneutics C. Doctrine of God 1. Overview 2. Creation 3. Knowledge of God 4. Providence 5. Trinity D. Doctrine of Christ E. Doctrine of the Holy Spirit F. Doctrine of Humanity 1. Overview 2. Covenant 3. Ethics 4. Free Will 5. Grace 6. Image of God 7. Natural Law 8. Sin G. Doctrine of Salvation 1. Assurance 2. Atonement 1 3. Faith 4. Justification 5. Predestination 6. Sanctification 7. Union with Christ H. Doctrine of the Christian Life 1. Overview 2. Piety 3. Prayer I. Ecclesiology 1. Overview 2. Discipline 3. Instruction 4. Judaism 5. Missions 6. Polity J. Worship 1. Overview 2. Images 3. Liturgy 4. Music 5. Preaching 6. Sacraments IV. Calvin and Social-Ethical Issues V. Calvin and Economic and Political Issues VI. Calvinism A. Theological Influence 1. Overview 2. Christian Life 3. Church Discipline 4. Ecclesiology 5. Holy Spirit 6. Predestination 7. Salvation 8. Worship B. Cultural Influence 1. Arts 2. Cultural Context—Intellectual History 2 3. Cultural Context—Social History 4. Education 5. Literature C. Social, Economic, and Political Influence D. International Influence 1. Australia 2. Eastern Europe 3. England 4. Europe 5. France 6. Geneva 7. Germany 8. Hungary 9. India 10. Italy 11. Korea 12. Latin America 13. Mexico 14. Netherlands 15. New England 16. Poland 17. Romania 18. Russia 19. Scotland 20. South Africa 21. Taiwan 22. Transylvania 23. United States E. Critique VII. Book Reviews I. Calvin’s Life and Times A. Biography Arnold, Matthieu. “Johannes Calvin 1538–1541: Ein fruchtbares Exil in Straßburg.” In Calvin 3 und Calvinismus: Europäische Perspektiven, edited by Irene Dingel and Herman J. Selderhuis, 201–14. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011. Atherstone, Andrew. “The Most Perfect School of Christ.” In The Reformation: Faith and Flames, 104–19, 185–86. Oxford: Lion Hudson, 2011. Backus, Irena. “What is a Historical Account? Religious Biography and the Reformation’s Break with the Middle Ages.” Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte 101 (2010): 289–304. Beeke, Joel R. “Practical Lessons from the Life of Idelette Calvin.” Puritan Reformed Journal 2, no. 1 (2010): 329–41. Crouzet, Denis. “Ausencias.” In Juan Calvino: Su vida y obra a 500 años de su nacimiento, edited by Leopoldo Cervantes-Ortiz, 55–66. Barcelona: CLIE, 2009. Originally published in Denis Crouzet, Calvino, translated by I. Hierro (Barcelona: Ariel, 2001). Engammare, Max. “Calvin the Workaholic.” Translated by Calvin Tams. In Calvin and His Influence, 1509–2009, edited by Irena Backus and Philip Benedict, 67–83. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. Febvre, Lucien. “Una puntualización. Esbozo de un retrato de Juan Calvino.” In Juan Calvino: Su vida y obra a 500 años de su nacimiento, edited by Leopoldo Cervantes-Ortiz, 87– 104. Barcelona: CLIE, 2009. Originally published in Lucien Febvre, Erasmo, la Contrarreforma y el espíritu moderno, translated by C. Piera (Barcelona: Orbis, 1985). Ganoczy, Alexandre. “La vida de Calvino.” In Juan Calvino: Su vida y obra a 500 años de su nacimiento, edited by Leopoldo Cervantes-Ortiz, 67–86. Barcelona: CLIE, 2009. Originally published in Pierre Chaunu, ed., The Reformation (Gloucester: Alan Sutton, 1989). Haykin, Michael A. G., with Victoria J. Haykin. “John and Idelette Calvin.” Founders Journal, no. 75 (2009): 28–31. King, Robert J., Ryan K. Noppen, and Darrin R. Brooker. The Engraved Calvin: A Compendium of Medals Commemorating the Life and Works of John Calvin. Grand Rapids: King Riverside Investments, 2011. Mullett, Michael A. John Calvin. London and New York: Routledge, 2011. Musée international de la Réforme. A Day in the Life of John Calvin: Exhibition Catalogue, The International Museum of the Reformation, 24 April to 1 November 2009. Geneva: Musée international de la Réforme, 2009. Petersen, William J. “Un amor que parecía ser: el extraño romance de Juan Calvino e Idelette de Bure.” Translated by Leopoldo Cervantes-Ortiz. In Juan Calvino: Su vida y obra a 500 años de su nacimiento, edited by Leopoldo Cervantes-Ortiz, 137–41. Barcelona: CLIE, 2009. Ronchi De Michelis, Laura. “Calvino nella storia della Riforma.” In Alla riscoperta di Giovanni Calvino: e del suo messaggio a cinquecento anni dalla nascita, edited by Michele 4 Cassese, 51–72. Venice: I.S.E. “San Bernardino”, 2011. Stam, Frans P. van. “Calvin’s Conversion as his First Step Towards the Ministry.” Reformation & Renaissance Review 12, no. 1 (2010): 43–70. doi:10.1558/rrr.v12i1.43. Tucker, Ruth A. “The Swiss Reformation: Zwingli, Calvin, and Company.” In Parade of Faith: A Biographical History of the Christian Church, 239–57. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2011. B. Cultural Context—Intellectual History Abel, Olivier. “Pourquoi Calvin, aujourd’hui?” Études: revue de culture contemporaine 410, no. 5 (2009): 639–49. Amestoy, Norman Rubén. “El contexto histórico de la reforma calvinista.” Teología y cultura 11 (2009): 9–31. Arnold, Matthieu. “L’influence du séjour strasbourgeois de Calvin (1538-41) sur sa pensée et son œuvre.” Dimensioni e problemi della ricerca storica, 2010, no. 2:11–25. ———, ed. Jean Calvin: les années strasbourgeoises (1538–1541). Strasbourg: Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, 2010. Backus, Irena, and Philip Benedict, eds. Calvin and His Influence, 1509–2009. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. Billings, J. Todd. “The Catholic Calvin.” Pro Ecclesia 20, no. 2 (2011): 120–34. Boudou, Bénédicte, and Anne-Pascale Pouey-Mounou, eds. Calvin et l’humanisme: Actes du symposium d’Amiens et Lille III (25–26 novembre 2009). Geneva: Droz, 2012. Busch, Eberhard. “¿Quién es y quién fue Calvino? Interpretaciones recientes.” Translated by Leopoldo Cervantes-Ortiz. In Juan Calvino: Su vida y obra a 500 años de su nacimiento, edited by Leopoldo Cervantes-Ortiz, 11–22. Barcelona: CLIE, 2009. Originally published in Reformed World 57, no. 4 (2007). Cassese, Michele, ed. Alla riscoperta di Giovanni Calvino: e del suo messaggio a cinquecento anni dalla nascita. Venice: I.S.E. “San Bernardino”, 2011. Cassese, Michele. “Giovanni Calvino a 500 anni dalla nascita. La storiografia in Italia.” In Alla riscoperta di Giovanni Calvino: e del suo messaggio a cinquecento anni dalla nascita, edited by Michele Cassese, 13–49. Venice: I.S.E. “San Bernardino”, 2011. Cervantes-Ortiz, Leopoldo, ed. Juan Calvino: Su vida y obra a 500 años de su nacimiento. Barcelona: CLIE, 2009. Cottret, Bernard. “¿Calvino fue calvinista?” Translated by Leopoldo Cervantes-Ortiz. In Juan Calvino: Su vida y obra a 500 años de su nacimiento, edited by Leopoldo Cervantes- Ortiz, 196–202. Barcelona: CLIE, 2009. 5 De Chirico, Leonardo, and Giuseppe Rizza. “Calvino (ri)formatore di un ethos per la città.” Perichoresis 9, no. 1 (2011): 67–90. Dingel, Irene. “Calvin in the Context of Lutheran Consolidation.” Reformation & Renaissance Review 12, no. 2–3 (2010): 155–87. doi:10.1558/rrr.v12i2-3.155. Dingel, Irene, and Herman J. Selderhuis, eds. Calvin und Calvinismus: Europäische Perspektiven. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011. Engammare, Max. “Jean Calvin l’exilé: une théologie de l’exil dans l’œuvre du Réformateur.” Dimensioni e problemi della ricerca storica, 2010, no. 2:27–37. Faber, Eva-Maria. “Johannes Calvin und Ignatius von Loyola.” Stimmen der Zeit, no. 10 (2009): 662–72. Ganoczy, Alexandre. “Calvino y la opinión de los católicos de hoy.” In Juan Calvino: Su vida y obra a 500 años de su nacimiento, edited by Leopoldo Cervantes-Ortiz, 45–52. Barcelona: CLIE, 2009. Originally published in Concilium 14 (1966). García-Alonso, Marta. “¿Quién fue Calvino?” In Juan Calvino: Su vida y obra a 500 años de su nacimiento, edited by Leopoldo Cervantes-Ortiz, 133–36. Barcelona: CLIE, 2009. George, Vic. “The Renaissance: Desiderius Erasmus (1467–1536) and Thomas More (1478– 1535) / The Reformation: Martin Luther (1483–1545) and Jean Calvin (1509–64).” In Major Thinkers in Welfare: Contemporary Issues in Historical Perspective, 61–83. Bristol, UK: Policy, 2010. Hasselhoff, Görge K. “Neuerscheinungen zum Calvinjahr: Einführungen, Textausgaben und Spezialuntersuchungen.” Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte 61, no. 4 (2009): 390–97. Helm, Paul. “Calvin and Philosophy.” In Engaging with Calvin: Aspects of the Reformer’s Legacy for Today, edited by Mark D. Thompson, 60–81. Nottingham, UK: Apollos, 2009. Hofheinz, Marco, Wolfgang Lienemann, and Martin Sallmann. “Was heißt: Das Erbe Calvins erwerben?” In Calvins Erbe: Beiträge zur Wirkungsgeschichte Johannes Calvins, edited by Marco Hofheinz, Wolfgang Lienemann, and Martin Sallmann, 9–16. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011. ———, eds. Calvins Erbe: Beiträge zur Wirkungsgeschichte Johannes Calvins. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011. Huchard, Cécile. “Providentialisme calvinien et écriture historique.” In Calvin et l’humanisme: Actes du symposium d’Amiens et Lille III (25–26 novembre 2009), edited by Bénédicte Boudou and Anne-Pascale Pouey-Mounou, 219–36. Geneva: Droz, 2012. Jørgensen, Ninna. “Jean Calvin (1509–1564)—i 500-året for hans fødsel.” Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift 72, no. 4 (2009): 250–63. 6 Leonard, Émile. “Calvino, fundador de una civilización.” In Juan Calvino: Su vida y obra a 500 años de su nacimiento, edited by Leopoldo
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