VOL. LXIIL—NO. 9. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1898. WHOLE NO. 3381. nnn xjxnjTJxruTjxr urnjiTLTLTLrLr z| uTjTjrrurnjvinnJTJTJTf irLrinjxnru'uijTn^ ITS FINE EQUIPMENT. THREE IN A WEEK. E The D., Y. & A. A. Will Have the SUT THE STREETS The Unfortunate Record of Accidents Best That's Going. on the Ann Arbor Railroad. A CLEANINGUP PRICE Tbe Detroit. Ypsilanti & Ann Arbor A southbound freight on tbe Ann Ar- Christopher Rathfon, of Pitts- Eleotric Railway is sparing no expense The LyraHarmonie Concert bor road was struck by a double header field, Took Poison. to make its equipment first olass. while resting at tbe station at Alma, Tracklaying will be rusbed as soon as Was a Grand Success. Thursday of last week. Four cars and tbe frost is out of the ground, and on a caboose were wrecked. Both engines DISGRACED HIMSELF or before May 1 tbe finest electrio cars of the rear train were badly damaged. in the United States will ba running HADTHREEIN AWEEK Many cars were ditched. The crewa between Detroit and Ann Arbor. The jumped and no one was hurt. The en- He Told His Wife in a Letter cars will be larger than those on the gineers of tbe double header could not We bunched together about one hundred rapid railway or Detroit & Pontiao lines But the Smashups on the Ann stop because of frosty rails. Tbe other Men's Sack Suits—Suits that sold for 810 and He Wrote to Her, and much more eleagnt. President Arbor Railroad Had train bad been split up BO as to make $12, and they are worth every penny of it today. Hawks has decided to spend $146 extra the grade. Tbe damage is estimated at But you expect to buy clothes at this season on eaoh oar for plate glass windows, $20,000. And Was No Longer Fit to Live.— for less than regular prices, and we are not go- Tbe oats will be handsomely uphol- No Fatalities or Injury to Human Be- Speculations in Hay and Grain A wreck on the Ann Arbor road over- ing to disappoint you. We never do. Our bar- stered, with plnsb seats, toilet rooms ings.—Trying to Break a Will.- turned and ditched several freight cars Which Went Against Him gains are always [genuine. What we tell you, and in every way models of comfort Other Interesting Items for at Elsie, on Sunday, aud scattered baled the Probable Cause, you can rely on. Money always refunded if and convenience. Ten cars in all are the Argus Readers. hay and other prodnoe for about forty being built by the Barney & Smith Co., or sixty rods. It was caused by a goods are not as represented. of Dayton, Ohio, each 45 feet long, freight truck jumping the track. For- Christopher Ratbfon, who lived in eqniuped with Westingbonse air brakes Tbe LyraHarmonie oonceit at the Pittsfield township, abont four milas tunately no one was injured. Imperial Hat for Spring on Sale and four 50borse power Westingbouse Athens Theater Wednesday evening was Early yesterday morning an aooident west of Ypsilanti, committed suioide motors, enabling it to ran 40 miles an considerable of an event in German Saturday, February 19. at the Hotel Kichelieu, Pittsburg, Pa., happened in tbe yard in tbis oity. A hour. Tbe rapid railway oars and musical cirolea in tbis city and the freight train coming from Wbitmore on Tuesday, by taking poison. Tbe other cars running in Detroit have only good attendance was proof of the appre- action was premeditated as tbe same Lake loaded with ice ran into another two motors. oiation shown for the efforts of the Lyra freight train, through the failure of the afternoon Mrs. Rathfon received a let- Singing Society to provide a first class ter from him stating that he had dis- Tbe power bouse now building at air brakes to act. A oar full of ioe was entertainment for its friends and pa- telescoped into a combinationn coaoh graced bis family and was not fit to Ypsilanti will be a oomplete Westing- trons. live any longer and that by the time honse plant. The Detroit offioe of wbich was being used as a trailer. Westingbouse, Cburoh, Kerr & Co., On the 1:55 p. m. train from Detroit No one was hurt and the track was the letter reached her he would be arrived 115 ladies and gentlemen, 83 dead. bas the contraot for the entire equip- cleared in time to avoid any great de- ment. Only the best known and most of whom were members of tbe Har lay either in passenger or freight traffic umruTnJTJxnjTnjTruTrurruxriJTx^ Mrs. Rathfon at once went to tbe monie Sinigng Society of that oity, nn- Western Union telegraph office in Ypei- economical type of machinery will be used. The Fuller company, of De- der tbe leadership of Prof. Wm. Yunck. SOUSA AND HIS BAND lanti to enquire if any message bad They were taken in band on their ar- been received for her. She was told of troit, is building two ninefoot fans, which will be plaoed between the rival by tbe Anu Arbor people who had ave the Best Entertainment in the a telegram that bad just been received volunteered to entertain them and every- form a Pittsbnrg coroner annonnoing Roney stokers and tbe smokestack to Whole S. L. A. Course. insure good draft. thing possible for their comfort was the suicide, thus showing that Mr. done. The concert by Sousa's band, Miss Ratafon had followed op the threat viabel Reese Davies, soprano, and Miss HUNGER IN CUBA At 8:15 o'olock in the evening the After Inventory Sale contained in his letter and had taken ooncert began and for 2% hours a suc- Jennie Hoyle, violinist, at University his life. jail Saturday evening, was tbe most The Terrible State to cession of vocal and instrumental solos, Christopher Ratbfon was a yonug Which Cubans male, female and mixed choruses fol- popular number in tbe whole S. L. A. man about 28 years of age. Wben a and Their Children Are Reduced. lowed one after the other, the program course. Standing room both downstairs We find the following Broken Lines: young boy be was brought to Ypsilanti Below is given an engraving repro- being as follows: and in tbe gallery was at a premium by a mission society from New York duced from a photo from life of one of Male Chorus—A Cappella '60 voices) Kreutzer and tbe audienoe was a most enthnsias- oity and was adopted by Sidney O. tbe starving children of Cuba. His Harmonie aud Lyra. io one. While tbe applause that greet- Piano Solo—a. Staccato Caprice Vogrich Ratbfon, a Pittsfleld farmer, later of poor, emaciated little body is plea b. Whither SchubertLiszt >d tbe more classical selections render- Odds and Ends of Ladies,' Gentlemen's and Children's tbe Detroit soap works. He married enough, without any further words, c. Fantasie Polonaise...Kroeger ed was hearty and spontaneous, that Miss Anna Mayer, Detroit. the only daughter of Johu Ellsworth. for the aid that is so urgently needed Tanzleid Weinzlerl whioli greeted Sousa's marches and two He was a little eccentrio and their mar- for the relief of the starving population Harmonie Ladies' Chorus. steps when they were played was al- Male Chorus and Solo Alt Heidelberg die ried life bad not been very happy. of tbe unhappy oonntry. t'eine Neesler most deafening, showing most conclu- Last fall his barn caught fire and was Lyra and Mr. Oscar Gareissen. sively that the popular taste is best SHOES destroyed. With tbe insurance money Alto Solo—Hearts' Ppringtime.Von Wickele Mrs. R. H. Kempf. )leased with popular music. he oomroeuoed purobasing hay and Male Chorus—Vinete P. Abt At the second number in the program Which must go at a grain from farmers, shipping it to De- Barmonie, Detroit. BIG REDUCTION Baritone Solo—Two Grenadiers Schumann Sousa was presented witb a fine boquet troit. He held for higher prioes, tbe Mr. Oscar GareisseD. of white carnations. Miss Davies, who during this sale to make room for Spring Goods. Mixed Chorus Sonntugr auf der aim 80 demurrage orept np until the value of voices Koschat sang most sweetly was also rewarded tbe bay was consumed and he became Harmonie, Detroit. with a fine boquet, but Miss Jennie Soprano Solo—Cavatina and Arie & SEE WINDOW. discouraged. Parties of whom be Meyerbeer 3oyle whose beautiful playing on the bought the hay threatened him with Mastir Fred Daley. violin charmed bei bearers so muoh personal violence and prosecution if be Violin Solo—Faust Phantasie - Pablo de Samssati ;bat she was twice encored, was not did not settle. He was last seen at bis Prof. Wm Yimek. fortnnate enough to possess a friend in home about three weeks ago, when be Male Chorus—Waldlied m Braun Harmonie. Detroit. " tbe audience to give her the boquet she WAHR & MILLER, took his wife to her father's borne, and Tenor Solo—a. Am Meer Schubert so richly deserved. The applause she returning to bis farm packed up bis be- b. Margaretta Gounod THE SHOE MEN, 218 S. Main St., Ann Arbor. Mr. Anton Dierckes. received, howerer, amply made up for longings and drove south with a horse Male Chorus—The Hose, B0 voices ... Krucken the lack of flowers. Every number that and buggy belonging to his wife. It Harmonie. Detroit, and Lyra. was played was encored and the pro- has transpired that be drove as far as Encores weie demanded on several gram of nine numbers was lengthened Columbus, O., where he left the rig ocoasions but only four were given, one out to 21 numbers.
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