09/23/21 12:24:24 Worlds Largest Online Retailer Returns - MODESTO - April 5 Auction Opens: Fri, Mar 30 1:42pm PT Auction Closes: Thu, Apr 5 6:30pm PT Lot Title Lot Title MX0612 Girls Dress MX0645 Samsung Smart things Multipurpose Sensor MX0613 Mopie Powerstation XXL MX0646 Philips Wake up with Light MX0614 Item MX0647 Magnetic Air Vent Mount MX0615 Bulbs MX0648 Shirt MX0616 New Balance Underwear MX0649 Magnetic Window/Dash Mount MX0617 Loftek Nova Mini Floodlight MX0650 Trenta G String MX0618 Travel Mug MX0651 String Skimpie MX0619 Amazon basic MX0652 Willow Tree Statue MX0620 Lutron Digital Fade Dmmer MX0653 Ladies Underwear MX0621 tp-link Smart Wi Fi Plug MX0654 Solar-5 Solar charging MX0622 Hot Water Bottle MX0655 Hanging decor MX0623 Women's Two Ocean Tunic Shirt MX0656 Irwin Drill Press Vise MX0624 Cable MX0657 Chanvi MX0625 Vivitar Camcorder MX0658 Calvin Klein Briefs MX0626 Otter Defender Series MX0659 Lenox Holiday Bath towel MX0627 Integrated USB Recharging Charger MX0660 Aroma Rice Cooker MX0628 Samsung smart things Multipurpose Sensor MX0661 Medical Shoe MX0629 Lenrue MX0662 Outdoor Wall Light MX0630 Portable Fan Mini Fan MX0663 Coffee Mug MX0631 Kimitech WiFi Smart Outlet MX0664 Kids Clothing MX0632 Acu Rite Weather Forecaster MX0665 Baby Bed Item MX0633 3M Cool Flow respirator MX0666 Westinghouse 1 Light Adjustable Mini Pendant MX0634 Tascam MX0667 Box Lot Various Items MX0635 Speak Out Game MX0668 Item MX0636 Precious Moments MX0669 Mailbox Mounting Bracket MX0637 Hyper Biotics MX0670 Blouse MX0638 Bag? MX0671 Womens Wear MX0639 Sock Slider MX0672 Wig MX0640 Steve Madden Jacket MX0673 Item MX0641 String Skimpie MX0674 Baby Item MX0642 Pure Mist Aire Silver MX0675 Scum Off MX0643 Brainols MX0676 G String MX0644 Beverage Dispenser with Stand MX0677 Toaster 1/7 09/23/21 12:24:24 Lot Title Lot Title MX0678 Mini Chopper MX0721 Battery Charger MX0679 Mexican train Dominoes MX0722 Toy MX0680 Halls Sugar Free MX0723 Jenga MX0681 Baby Clothing MX0724 Cable MX0682 Nerf Gun MX0725 Pants MX0683 Nerf Gun MX0726 Sushi Go Party MX0684 Item MX0727 Jacket MX0685 Items MX0728 Clock MX0686 Dishes MX0729 Toy MX0687 Bed Skirk MX0730 Item MX0688 Canister Set MX0731 Heater MX0689 Frame MX0732 HDTV Outdoor Antenna MX0690 Batteries MX0733 Acu Rite Weather Station MX0691 Dymo Label Cassette MX0734 Item MX0692 Ladies Wear MX0735 Toaster MX0693 Display Case MX0736 Item MX0694 Croose technology Atomic Wall Clock MX0737 Misc Items See Pics MX0695 Batteries MX0738 Solar Spotlights MX0696 Himalayan Salt Lamp MX0739 Item MX0697 Stapler MX0740 Diffuser MX0698 Bosch Kids Toys MX0741 Movie MX0699 Box Lot Various Items MX0742 Shoes MX0700 Bunny Toy MX0743 Men's Leggings MX0701 Salt Crystal Lamp MX0744 Blood Pressure Monitor MX0702 Robot Dog MX0745 Bluetooth MX0703 Toy MX0746 Boogie Board MX0704 Turntable MX0747 Lock MX0705 Burr Mill MX0748 Cable MX0706 Switch MX0749 Folders MX0707 Bulb MX0750 Cable MX0708 Cookie Press MX0751 Door Knobs MX0709 Phone Case MX0752 5 Second Rule Game MX0710 Misc Media MX0753 Dress MX0711 Swarovski Annual Edition Ornament 2017 MX0754 Tech Item MX0712 Pencil Sharpener MX0755 Dress MX0713 Zyex Item MX0756 Dramm Water Breaker MX0714 Robot Cat MX0757 Furby Connect MX0715 Toy MX0758 Leggings MX0716 Shoes MX0759 Door Handles MX0717 Misc Items See Pics MX0760 Hardware MX0718 Power Cell MX0761 Jacket - Sz L MX0719 Monopoly MX0762 Phono Box MX0720 Tech Item MX0763 Smart Switch 2/7 09/23/21 12:24:24 Lot Title Lot Title MX0764 Wireless Headphone MX0807 Toy Dog MX0765 Radiator MX0808 Sweatshirt MX0766 Misc Items See Pics MX0809 Lights MX0767 Item MX0810 Hoodie MX0768 Labels MX0811 Organizer MX0769 Android Tech Item MX0812 Speakers MX0770 Record MX0813 Otter Box MX0771 HP Ink MX0814 Slippers MX0772 HP Ink MX0815 Robot Cat MX0773 Playing Card Case MX0816 Iron MX0774 Bulb MX0817 Meat Grinder MX0775 Tool MX0818 Bed Skirt MX0776 Item MX0819 Sonic Sleuth MX0777 Waffle Maker MX0820 Neck and Shoulder Massager MX0778 Lights MX0821 Wall Baskets MX0779 Hose and Nozzle MX0822 Blanket MX0780 Blanket MX0823 Item MX0781 Drawer Tray MX0824 Take Apart Roadster MX0782 Lego Friends Set MX0825 Cushion MX0783 Puzzle MX0826 Radiator MX0784 Indoor Grill MX0827 Cash Register MX0785 Doodle Pro MX0828 Toner Cartridge MX0786 Faucet MX0829 Puma Shoes MX0787 Tampons MX0830 Facial Steamer MX0788 Epson Ink MX0831 Fan MX0789 Probiotics MX0832 Horse Figure MX0790 Contacts Solution MX0833 Swim To Me Puppy MX0791 Sign MX0834 Glass Mugs MX0792 Spirograph MX0835 Kwikset Lock MX0793 Battery MX0836 Citrus Juicer MX0794 Wireless Mobile Adapter MX0837 General Organics Go Box MX0795 Tactic Item MX0838 Waffle Maker MX0796 Underwear MX0839 Adidas Shoes MX0797 Apple Charger MX0840 Item MX0798 Cable MX0841 Jabra Item MX0799 Item MX0843 Socks MX0800 Lock MX0844 Pan MX0801 The Clapper MX0845 Bob's Shoes MX0802 Bulbs MX0846 Toy Helicopter MX0803 Coasters MX0847 Record MX0804 HDMI Pigtail Switch MX0848 Bop It MX0805 Spirog MX0849 Item MX0806 Anna Doll MX0850 Timberland Boots - Sz 7.5 3/7 09/23/21 12:24:24 Lot Title Lot Title MX0851 Izze Sparkling Juice MX0894 Egg Cooker MX0852 Heating Pad MX0895 Mini Dehumidifier MX0853 Fun Magnets MX0896 Daylight Lamp MX0854 Tens 7000 MX0897 Ticket To Ride MX0855 Pyle Link MX0898 Shirt MX0856 Knife MX0899 Filter MX0857 Original 3D Crystal Puzzle MX0900 Hoodie MX0858 Coffee Maker MX0901 Jacket MX0859 Cowboy Boots MX0902 Combo Brush MX0860 Blackout Curtain MX0903 Pants MX0861 Pants MX0904 Game Pro Classic MX0862 Paint Scratch MX0905 Game Pro Classic MX0863 Bissell Sweeper MX0906 Alarm Clock MX0864 Underwear MX0907 Headphones MX0865 Hardware MX0908 Digital Radon Detector MX0866 Misc Items See Pics MX0909 Eneloop MX0867 Nerf Blaster MX0910 Item MX0868 Record MX0911 Record MX0869 ball MX0912 Wireless Microphone System MX0870 Cushion MX0913 Fuel Door MX0871 Insoles MX0914 Sadness Figure MX0872 Dominoes MX0915 Material Item MX0873 Travel Cup MX0916 amPlug MX0874 EZ Track Graduated Pier Set MX0917 Headphones MX0875 Bulb MX0918 Robo Trax MX0876 Shoes MX0919 Item MX0877 French Press MX0920 Cooking Pot MX0878 Celestron Eyepiece and Accessory Kit MX0921 Record MX0879 Jacket MX0922 Shoes MX0880 Skechers MX0923 Bulbs MX0881 Toy MX0924 Amber Glass Bottles MX0882 Light MX0925 Hat MX0883 Light MX0926 Vest MX0884 Balloon Bot Battle MX0927 Jacket MX0885 Facial Massage Instrument MX0928 Containers MX0886 Light MX0929 Super Retro Tric 3 MX0887 Tortilla Press MX0930 Toy Cash Register MX0888 Sweep Up MX0931 Items MX0889 Shower Head MX0932 Popcorn Poppers MX0890 White Noise Machine MX0933 Nerf Blaster MX0891 Lysol Wipes MX0934 Digital DC Power Supply MX0892 Music Box MX0935 Bamboo Tea Box MX0893 Figure MX0936 Crock Pot 4/7 09/23/21 12:24:24 Lot Title Lot Title MX0937 Door Knobs MX0980 Hoodie MX0938 Toilet Golf MX0981 Figure MX0939 Dress MX0982 Hoodie MX0940 Stuffed Dog MX0983 Jeans MX0941 Safe MX0984 Rival Blaster MX0942 Faucet MX0985 Fabric Cutting Die MX0943 Waffle Maker MX0986 Puzzle MX0944 Art Set MX0987 Adidas Shoes MX0945 Bulb MX0988 Item MX0946 Bulb MX0989 Lodge Cast Iron Skillet MX0947 Record MX0990 Nylons MX0948 Digital Kitchen Scale MX0991 Bra MX0949 Swim Shorts MX0992 Knife MX0950 Swim Short MX0993 Monopoly Gamer MX0951 Swim Shorts MX0994 Columbia Jacket MX0952 Purse MX0995 Hatchimals MX0953 Items MX0996 PJs MX0954 Ceiling Brace and Box Kit MX0997 Bulb MX0955 Pitcher MX0998 Bulb MX0956 Item MX0999 Shower Head MX0957 Cheese Board MX1000 Fan Heater MX0958 Luxe Bidet Neo 120 MX1001 Blood Pressure Monitor MX0959 Battleship Game MX1002 Waffle Maker MX0960 Item MX1003 Coloring Book MX0961 Slippers MX1004 Canister MX0962 Embossing Label Maker MX1005 Card Shuffler MX0963 Prism Wall Decor MX1006 Covers MX0964 French Press MX1007 Stapler MX0965 Power Rangers Item MX1008 Tags MX0966 Code Names MX1009 Misc Items See Pics MX0967 Garden Light MX1010 Steve Madden Jacket - Sz M MX0968 Santa Hat MX1011 Grillet MX0969 Pyle Item MX1012 Potting Mix MX0970 Spacerail MX1013 Pants MX0971 LA Dodgers Item MX1014 Nerf Blaster MX0972 Flock a Flickers MX1015 Mini Hoop MX0973 Shirt MX1016 Gloves MX0974 Rock Crawler MX1017 Stratego Original MX0975 Genie Bidet MX1018 Card Shuffler MX0976 Moisture Meter MX1019 Flip Flops MX0977 Toilet Brush MX1020 Nerf Blasters MX0978 Glow in the Dark Terrarium MX1021 Battery MX0979 Kanteen MX1022 Heated Neck Pillow 5/7 09/23/21 12:24:24 Lot Title Lot Title MX1023 Shoes - Sz 7 MX1066 Record MX1024 Coffee Mill MX1067 Fan MX1025 Grill Cover MX1068 Bulbs MX1026 Sheet Set MX1069 Bai Drinks MX1027 XMen Figure MX1070 Swiffer Refills MX1028 Container MX1071 Swiffer Refills MX1029 Ceiling Fan Remote MX1072 Swiffer Refills MX1030 Stuffed Dog MX1073 Air Hogs Robo Trax MX1031 Cake Pop Maker MX1074 Toilet Flush Kit MX1032 Moen Hardware MX1075 Charger MX1033 Lava Lamp MX1076 Weather Station MX1034 Item MX1077 Label Maker MX1035 Nike Shoes MX1078 Cast Iron Skillet - Broken MX1036 Car Seat Covers MX1079 Madden Shoes MX1037 Light MX1080 Item MX1038 Heater MX1081 Electronic Football MX1039 Heating Pad MX1082 Gooey Louie MX1040 Shoes MX1083 Cookie Press MX1041 Elmo MX1084 Bed Blanket MX1042 Thermos MX1085 Doll MX1043 Item MX1086 Mini Kettle MX1044 Marbles MX1087 Pan MX1045 Light MX1088 Protein Powder MX1046 Fan MX1089 Item MX1047 Coleman Pump MX1090 Neck Wrap MX1048 Toy MX1091 Exercise Ball MX1049 Toy MX1092 Brace MX1050 Rival Blaster MX1093 Pie Face MX1051 Smart Switch MX1094 Yard Stake MX1052 Smart Switch MX1095 Beanie MX1053 Item MX1096 Bubble Machine MX1054 Swiffer MX1097 Let's Go Fishing MX1055 Towels MX1098 Shoes MX1056 Digital Kitchen Scale MX1099 Rival Blaster MX1057 Towels MX1058 Timberland Boots MX1059 Lava Lamp MX1060 K'nex Set MX1061 Toaster MX1062 Columbia Jacket MX1063 Boots MX1064 Sliver MX1065 Refractometer 6/7 09/23/21 12:24:24 Full payment for all items must be received within 5 days of the auction closing date, this includes Sundays and Holidays. This payment deadline is firm. All items not paid for by the payment deadline will be considered abandoned, the winning bidders claim to those items will be forfeited and a 15% relisting fee will be charged. Bidders requesting a payment extension must notify us by email only at [email protected] prior to the payment deadline.
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