UNIVERSmy PENNSYL\^^NIA. UBKARIES uAaaJ) J. <^(ZoA^-e^ TWENTY-FIFTH PRESIDENT OF THE PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN SOCIETY. ffiti.Si': %llt tnuBXilmnia^ttman )0tt^tJj. PROCEEDINGS AND ADDRESSES AT LANCASTER, PA., NOVEMBER 13, 19H Vol. XXV. PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY 1917 V nX) O^r? O-- 7 \J y j-X. -J H.i^5" \y ipubUcatfon Committee JULIUS F. SACHSE, LITT.D. DANIEL W. NEAD, M.D. J. E. B. BUCKEKHAM, M.D. Copyrighted 19x7 BY The Pennsylvania-German Society PRESS OF THE NEW ERA PRINTING COMPANY LANCASTER, PA. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA LIBRARIES TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Contents ^ Officers of the Society ^ Minutes of the Meeting at Lancaster 5 Report of Secretary, Prof. George T. Ettinger .... 6 Report of Treasurer, E. J. Burnett Buckenham 7 7 \ _ ^ Death of Col. Thomas C. Zimmerman 10 President's Address ic Report of Committee on Bibliography 26 Election of Officers 28 Biographical Sketches of Deceased Members .... 33 Ipennsplbania — The German Influence in its Settle- ment AND Development. Part XXVII. The Diarium of Magister Johannes Kelplus. The Braddock Expedition. •Zi"i^-.. i : OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY FOR 1914-1915. President : Hon. William U. Hensel, Litt.D., LL.D. (Died February 27, 191 5.) Hon. Harman Yerkes. Vice-Presidents William F. Muhlenberg, M.D., LL.D. (Died August 25, 1915.) Albert K. Hostetter. Secretary : Prof. George T. Ettinger, Ph.D., Allentown, Pa. Treasurer : J. E. Burnett Buckenham, M.D., Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia. Executive Committee: Terms Expire 191 5. Daniel W. Nead, M.D. George A. Gorgas, Esq. Rev. John Baer Stoudt. Terms Expire 191 6. Naaman H. Keyser, D.D.S. William K. T. Sahm, M.D. Benjamin F. Fackenthal, Jr., Sc.D. Terms Expire 19 17. Abraham S. Schropp, Esq. Prof. Albert G. Rau, Ph.D. Porter W. Shimer, Ph.D. Terms Expire 191 8. Rev. Theodore E. Schmauk, D.D., LL.D. Rev. Nathan C. Schaeffer, Ph.D., D.D., LL.D. Ulysses S. Koons, Esq. ,^i(«anil«i;;;>Wi(l^''S'.**BSti?w Terms Expire 1919. Rev. L. Kryder Evans, D.D. Julius F. Sachse, Litt.D. Charles R. Roberts, Esq. REPORT OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Pennsylvania-German Society AT ITS TWENTY-FOURTH ANNUAL MEETING Held in the First Reformed Church, Lancaster, Pa., On Friday, November 13, 1914. -TtHE first session of the Twenty-fourth Annual Meet- ^^ ing of the Pennsylvania-German Society was called to order by the President, Dr. Julius F. Sachse, in the First Reformed Church, Lancaster, Pa., at half past ten o'clock, on Friday morning, November 13, 19 14, In the presence of an excellent gathering of members and friends of the Society. After a hearty welcome had been extended to the Society on the part of the authorities of the city of Lancaster, an earnest Invocation was offered by Rev. John S. Stahr, D.D,, LL.D., a former President of the Society. Upon motion duly made and seconded the reading of the minutes of the last annual meeting was dispensed with. The President thereupon called for the annual report of the Secretary, which here follows In full. I* 6 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Report of the Secretary, Prof. George T. Ettinger, Ph.D. Mr. President and Fellow-members of the Pennsylvania- German Society: The Secretary is very happy to be able to report to you in annual meeting assembled that, during the year now drawing to a close, the Society has main- tained its usual measure of prosperity and has continued to further the noble work for which it was established by the loving sons of loyal fathers. In all phases of its activities, in its aims and its efforts, its ideals and its endeavors, our Society has remained true to the spirit in which it was founded, and true to the spirit in which it has prospered. As heretofore, the Executive Committee has continued to direct and protect the interests of the Society in the interim between one annual meeting^ and the next. In order to do this, the Executive Commit- tee convened six times during the past year, in January, May, June, July, September and October. One of the most important items of business considered at these meet- ings was the revised constitution proposed by B. F. Fack- enthal, Jr., ScD., at the last annual meeting and referred to the Executive Committee for revision, if necessary, be- fore its presentation for final action at this meeting. The Executive Committee devoted a great deal of time and serious thought to the revision of the proposed constitu- tion. As the proposer of the new document. Dr. Facken- thal, was absent on an extended tour through Europe and the East, and thus was unable to meet with the Committee, it was deemed proper, out of deference to Dr. Fackenthal, and to enable him to go over the entire matter with the Executive Committee, to ask the Society at this meeting to extend the time for presenting the final revision of the Report of the Secretary. 7 Constitution for one year, until the annual meeting in Committee unanimously recom- 19 1 5. The Executive mends that the Society accordingly postpones final action until next year. During the year another volume has been added to the long and valuable list of annual publications that contain the proceedings and the papers of the Society. It is hardly necessary to state that, in value of content, in rich- ness of illustration and in beauty of mechanical make-up, the book is a fitting companion to its many forerunners in the same series. In view of the fact that a number of members are in arrears, it may not be out of place for the Secretary to re- mind the members of the following action taken by the Executive Committee at its meeting September 3, 19 14: *' The Treasurer is instructed to notify members in arrears that their volum-es are being held for them and that, if they do not at once pay their dues so as to be able to secure the volumes, these same volumes may be sold and the said delinquent members shall thus forfeit any claim to them." It was furthermore resolved that any member, owing dues for three years to October, 1914, and not responding to this notice, shall be dropped from the roll of membership. Last year 451 names were reported on the rolls of the Society; since that report sixteen new members were elected, three resigned, two were dropped and, as far as has come to the knowledge of the Secretary, five have died. This leaves 457 names on the roll of active membership. The unusual prominence of the members that have passed away is worthy of note: Edward Welles, a leading citizen of Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Hon. James A. Beaver, ex-Governor of Pennsylvania, 8 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Judge of the Superior Court of this State, and a former President of this Society. Hon. George F. Baer, President of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, and a former President of this Society. Hon. Christopher Heydrick, formerly a member of our National House of Representatives, and at the time of his death one of the Vice-Presidents of the Penn- sylvania-German Society. Col. Thomas C. Zimmerman, of Reading, Pa., the veteran editor and cultured litterateur, also a former Presi- dent of the Pennsylvania-German Society. In view of the serious, nay the almost Irreparable loss sustained by the Society In the death of these able and dis- tinguished members, it may not be amiss to urge you, my colleagues of the Pennsylvania-German Society, to consti- tute yourselves a general committee on membership and increase the number of active names on our rolls. Thus you will strengthen the Society, increase its influence, and extend the sphere of Its usefulness. Can not each one of us secure at least one new member during the coming year? I am quite sure that all of you will join the Secretary in wishing the Pennsylvania-German Society another year of unbounded prosperity and permanent progress, in which our organization may accomplish still greater things and thus achieve still greater triumphs. In accordance with the recommendation of the Execu- tive Committee as contained in the report of the Secretary the Society resolved to postpone action on the new consti- tution until such time as may suit the Executive Com-, iKfliMS.^IIm^'^Milt&MitmiS^it^- mittee. Treasurer's Annual Report. 9 Treasurer's Annual Report. presented the fol- Dr. J. E. Burnett Buckenham then lowing: Repo^'^ of the Treasurer of the Pennsylvania- G-..vMAN Society from October 31, 1913, to November 12, 19 14. Dr. To balance received from Dr. Julius F. Sachse, former Treasurer $1,981.99 To annual dues received $1,089.00 To interest on bonds ...... ..T7.T..1.. 40.00 To publications sold 235.00 1,364.00 $3,345.99 Cr. Stenographer, annual meeting 2.00 Clerical services 33'88 Rent safe deposit box, Penn. Nat. Bank 5.00 Dues, Pa. Fed. Hist. Societies 2.00 Printing Volume XXII of Proceedings 810.29 Photogravure plates, Gilbo & Co 28.75 Photographs, W. H. Rau 4.00 Electroplates, Electrotint Eng. Co. 30.33 Translating and transcribing manuscript 35'9i Expressage, postage and sundries, New Era Co 49.66 Books, postage id sundries, J. F. Sachse 17.06 Printing, stationery and sundries 74'30 Postage and sundries 57-13 Printing half tones for Vol. XXII 98.75 Cash on hand 9.84 $1,258.90 Balance in bank November 12, 1914 2,087.09 $3,345.99 10 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Assets. Two $500 bonds E.
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