ISSN 1331-9523 OLIMPIJSKI MUZEJ: OLIMPIJSKE LEGENDE: INTERNET: ZNANOST I ŠPORT: Hram športa i kulture NANJING 2014 Mladi iz Kine sa šest odličja Doživi Hrvatsku tijekom cijele godine. Više na www.hrvatska365.hr Photo by Aleksandar Gospić Photo by Aleksandar Gospić 6 Barbika na naslovnici Šport, novac i politika Hram športa i kulture ISSN 1331-9523 Josip Čop Saša Ceraj, Ante Drpić, Gordana Gaćeša, Radica Jurkin, Siniša OLIMPIJSKI MUZEJ: OLIMPIJSKE LEGENDE: INTERNET: ZNANOST I ŠPORT: Hram športa i kulture NANJING 2014 Hrvatski olimpijski odbor Krajač, Jura Ozmec, Ana Popovčić, Nada Senčar Mladi iz Kine sa šest odličja Trg Krešimira Ćosića 11, 10 000 Zagreb - zlatne u Nanjingu - zlatne M 14 d.o.o (Jet-set magazin) Ante Drpić Preradovićeva 23, 10 000 Zagreb Ana Popovčić Marin Stojić Olimp 4 VIP salon zagrebačke zračne luke postao je najčešće mjesto susreta hrvatskih športašica i športa- ša, njihovih trenera, predstavnika saveza, medija, predstavnika državnih institucija i predstav- nika HOO-a. Naime, u tom se prostoru već dugi niz godina dočekuju pobjednici, medaljaši, najbolji na Olimpijskim igrama, svjetskim i europskim prvenstvima, a i, kao što se i zbilo nedavno, naj- uspješniji s Olimpijskih igrara mladih koje su u kolovozu održa- ne u kineskom Nanjingu. Lijepo je, naravno, vidjeti tu športsku mladost okićenu meda- ljama kada se vraćaju s natjecanja sa svih strana svijeta. Ispu- njeni smo tad ponosom, svaki put iznova možemo konstatirati da je jedna tako mala zemlja konkurentna cijelom svijetu u športskim dostignućima. Svima njima, ali i onima kojima je manjak sreće ili loš dan uskratio zadovoljstvo medalje, treba odati nemalo priznanje za sav trud, napor i odricanja koje je potrebno uložiti da bi se uopće otputovalo na neko natjecanje, a kamoli kad se vrate s odličjem ili nekim respektabilnim rezultatom. Glavni tajnik Hrvatskog Športske i životne priče jednog Dražena, Janice, Ivice, Go- olimpijskog odbora rana, Blanke, Sandre, sada i Marina Čilića jasno ukazuju da ulaganje njih samih, njihovih najbližih, ali i ljudi iz kluba, Secretary General of the lokalne sredine, matičnog saveza i Hrvatskog olimpijskog odbo- Croatian Olympic Committee ra imaju podlogu, imaju smisla i imaju perspektivu. Jer samo na takav način, kroz sustav, može se lakše doći do očekivanog Josip Čop, dipl. oec. športskog rezultata. Još je jedan važan događaj obilježio proteklo razdoblje. Povo- dom Dana osnivanja HOO-a, 10. rujna, održana je tradicional- na svečanost dodjela Nagrade Dražen Petrović najuspješnijim športašima mlađih dobnih kate- gorija u 2014. godini. Dobitnici nagrada (imena možete vidjeti u samom časopisu) su iz sedam različitih športova, a u konkurenciji je bilo još puno izvrsnih iz drugih športova, što nedvojbeno Od Olimpa do Olimpa govori u prilog tomu da je budućnost hrvatskog športa još kako vedra i obećavajuća. S puno optimizma očekujemo daljnje nastupe naših športašica i športaša s uvjerenjem da će biti isto tako uspješni kao i njihovi prethodnici. Zagreb airport’s VIP lounge has become the most common meeting place of Croatian athletes, their coaches, federations’ representatives, the media, representatives of the state institutions and representatives of the COC. For many years this space has been used to welcome the winners, medalists, the athletes- winners at the Olympic Games, World and European Championships, and – as it happened recently – to welcome the most successful athletes at the Youth Olympic Games, held in August this year in the Chinese city of Nanjing. Of course, it is very nice to see all that sports youth returning from competitions from all over the world, adorned with medals. At that moment, we are )lled with pride, and we can conclude – every time - that such a small country as ours is such a great opponent of the entire world in terms of sports achievements To all of them, but also to those who did not win the medal due to the bad luck or bad day, we should show respect for all the hard work, e*ort and sacri)ces they had to make in order to even travel to a competition, let alone when they return with a medal or another signi)cant achieve- ment. +e sports and life stories of Dražen, Janica, Ivica, Goran, Blanka, Sandra and now of Marin Ćilić as well, clearly indicate that investment made by them, their dearest ones, but also by the men from the club, local communities, their federation and the COC do have a base, sense and N. T. Dalma d.o.o., perspective. Because only this way, through the system, the expected sports result can be achieved Medveščak 13, Zagreb more easily. odbora. Another important event marked the previous period. On September 10th, the Day of establis- Denona d.o.o. hment of the COC, the traditional Dražen Petrović award ceremony was held. +e award was presented to the most successful athletes of younger for the year 2014. +e award winners (you Marina Getaldića 1 10 000 Zagreb will )nd their names in the magazine) come from seven di*erent sports disciplines, while the list of candidates included many other excellent athletes from other sports disciplines – which is Naklada: undoubtedly the evidence that the future of Croatian sports is extremely bright and promising. 2000 primjeraka With a lot of optimism, we are awaiting further performances of our athletes, believing that they will be just as successful as their predecessors. Olimp 5 Mladi iz Kine sa šest odličja! Olimp 6 Mladi iz Kine sa šest odličja! U Nanjingu je nastupilo i 24 hrvatskih športašica i športaša. Bili su iznimno uspješni, osvojili su tri zlatne, jednu 7 Olimp - - - U - - - - - - - - - postanje - - - - - - Sa šest odličja Hrvatska sjajna 22. športa... - - - veleposlanici imenovani od nacional- - U Singapuru četiri odličja i ekipnu broncu. Okitila se zlatnim od- - Olimp 8 9 Olimp - europske kadetske bronce. Višestruka - - Hrvatska olimpijska delegacija mladih Nanjing 2014. - atletika - badminton boks - gimnastika - jedrenje metara prsno. - judo - mačevanje plivanje streljaštvo stolni tenis taekwondo tenis veslanje članovi Misije medicinsko osoblje Olimp 10 - prvenstva. - - osobu do sebe. Uzbekistanca Kozimbeka Mandorova. - kovima nisu nimalo zaostale za „ve- - pronašao pravi pristup mladima i pre- bez kormilara Ivo Bonacin i Bernard pokretu. Six medals for Croatia - in Nanjing klasi Byte CII. Today, making sports and healthy lifestyle an integral part of everyday life of young people is more important than ever. !e former President of - the IOC, Jacques Rogge, clearly saw this as one of the key tasks of the Olympic Movement. At - the 119th session of the IOC in 2007, he announced the plans on launching the Youth Olympic Games (YOG), a multi-sports - competition that will bring together the most talented young athletes between 15 and 18 years and promote - at the same time - the Olympic spirit among young people. Seven years later, in 2014, we witnessed the second YOG. Nanjing, the capital of China’s province Jiangsu, one of the oldest cities in Eastern China with nearly "ve and a half million inhabitants, hosted from August 16th-28th more than 3800 young athletes from 204 National Olympic Committees. !ere were 24 Croatian male and female athletes participating at the YOG in Nanjing. !ey were extremely successful, having won three gold medals (judo, swimming, taekwondo), one silver (boxing) and two bronze medals (judo, boxing), that brought Croatia to the excellent 22nd place on the medal-winning list. (Manuela Sentđerđi Čorković) 11 Olimp Olimp 12 - Gotovo u tišini i bez velike pompe U hrvatskog športa - Mate Parlov, Matija Ljubek, Dragutin Šurbek i neizbrisiv trag u cijeloj hrvatskoj športskoj obitelji - - - oni su radili. - - - - - - - 13 Olimp - - - dvokleku. - - - Ljudi nam vjeruju jer i mi smo skinuli dioptriju Oftalmolozi klinike Svjetlost. Zagreb | Heinzelova 39 Tel. +385 1 777 5656 Split | Borisa Papandopula 8b Tel. +385 21 783 050 10 liječnika i 7 medicinskih sestara www.svjetlost.hr www.facebook.com/Klinika Svjetlost klinike Svjetlost skinuli su svoju dioptriju laserskom operacijom na istim uređajima koje koriste za ispravljanje vida svojim pacijentima. Laserskim skidanjem dioptrije svoj je vid u klinici Svjetlost do danas ispravilo preko 10 000 ljudi. Medals awarded to four sports legends pobrojati sve njihove In the moments when Croatia was euphorically celebrating the medalje i troFeje. Dovoljno triumph of Marin Čilić at the govori podatak kako su U.S. Open, almost silently and osvojili ukupno sedam without much hustle four legends of Croatian sports - Mate Parlov, olimpijskih medalja i Matija Ljubek, Dragutin Šurbek više od 100 medalja sa and Vlado Lisjak - were presented svjetskih i europskih with the medals. +ese four legends have marked, in their own way, four sports, but besides that, they have also le, an unforgettable mark in the entire Croatian sports family. Unfortunately, the two are no longer with us - Ljubek le, us in October 2000, while Parlov died eight years later, and therefore they were awarded posthumously... +ese four legends of Croatian sports were awarded by the Croatian President Ivo Josipović on September 10th, the Croatian Olympic Day.
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