#antzunf #i~t U. S. NAVAL BASE, GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA Thursday, %larch 21, 1974 Sirica refuses to hold secret grand jury report WASHINGTON (AP)--U.S. District the court to restrain Sirica from case, would leak out. Judge John J. Sirica refused yester- sending the report to the Douse be- day to hold up transmission of a fore the court reviews his decision. Sirica had ruled on Monday that secret grand jury report on Pres- the sealed report and a satchel ident Nixon's role in Watergate to Special Watergate Prosecutor Leon filled with evidence should be the House Judiciary Committee. Jaworski opposed any delay in send- turned over to the House Judiciary Sirica denied a request to delay ing the secret report to the House Committee. giving the House the report until impeachment inquiry. Sirica gave parties in the case the U.S. Court of Appeals could Jaworski argued that "it is par- until 5 p.m. yesterday to appeal to rule on a petition to reverse his ticularly important that the Pres- his decision. decision. ident--the focus of the grand jury's report and recommendation--has not Haldeman was one of seven former But Sirica did give attorneys opposed delivery and favors the administration and Nixon campaign for former White House Staff Chief earliest possible resolution of the aides indicted by the grand jury H.R. Haldeman 24 hours to ask the impeachment inquiry." for allegedly trying to block the appeals court to delay the trans- investigation of the Watergate break- mission of the report. Haldeman contends that the grand in. All pleaded innocent. John J. Wilson, Haldeman's attor- jury had no authority to issue its Haldeman's petition argued that ney, said he would ask the appeals report and that if it is sent to transmission of the sealed report court for a stay before the day was Congress its contents, including to the House committee "creates a out. Wilson also said he would ask material pertaining to Haldeman's (See HALDEMAN, Page 2) Assassination attempt against Princess Anne, husband fails LONDON (AP)--Princess Anne, 23-year-old daughter of Queen Eliz- abeth II, and her husband of four months survived last night what appeared to be an attempt to assassinate them. Their chauffeur, two policemen and a fourth man were shot. Buckingham Palace said a white Ford car forced the royal lim- ousine to halt in the mall about 150 yards in front of the palace. A man jumped out, fired a shot at a bystander and then pumped six shots into the princess' car. Scotland Yard said a man has been arrested and was not identi- fied. The British Broadcasting Corp. said the attack was an at- tempt to assassinate the princess and Capt. Mark Phillips, her husband. It was the first attack on a member of the royal family since the mid-1930s when a man waved a pistol at the then Prince of Wales. Buckingham Palace said the princess and her husband were unhurt but "obviously they were very shaken." Injured were the Scotland Yard bodyguard of the princess and the chauffeur of her car, a policeman on duty in the mall and a PPINCFSS A AND CAPT ILLIPS (See PRINCESS, Page 2) .qurvive attack Page 2--LATE NEWS ROUNDUP Guantanamo Gazette Thursday, March 21, 1974 HALDEMAN- GAZETTEER (Continued from Page 1) .a digest of late news~ risk of exposure before the trial that cannot be guar- anteed against." "Public disclosure of the evidence upon which they were indicted will provoke widespread comment in the news media which will not hesitate to evaluate for public consumption the alleged facts behind the in- DAMASCUS (AP)--Israeli forces again tried to fortify dictment.," the petition said. their positions in the Golan Heights yesterday, but Syrian tank and artillery fire drove them back, a mil- "Thus, the defendants will stand convicted before itary spokesman said in Damascus. He said the firing their stories are told." in the central and northern sectors of the tense front Haldeman's petition also noted that he does not know lasted 80 minutes. It was the ninth straight day of what is in the sealed report but has reason to believe clashes in the area. A Syrian communique charged that it contains "alleged evidence relied upon by the Israel with trying to strengthen its forward positions. prosecutors to support some of the charges against In Tel Aviv, the Israeli command claimed the Syrians all of the defendants." had started the latest fighting by firing tank shells at Israeli forces. Neither side reported any casualties. The petition noted that the usual procedure in the District of Columbia is that regular grand juries do ARDEN HILLS, Minn. (AP)--Eunice Kronholm, released not issue reports other than indictments. by kidnappers after her husband paid $200,000 ransom, said yesterday that she pleaded with one of her abduc- tors for several hours before the man finally re- PRINCESS- leased her. One man has been arrested in the case, (Continued from Page 1) and a second is being sought. The FBI said yesterday it has recovered an estimated $190,000 of the ransom fourth person who was not immediately identified. paid by Gunnar Kronholm, president of a South St. Paul The policeman was said to be gravely hurt with bullet bank. Mrs. Kronholm, who was released unharmed on wounds in his stomach. An emergency operation was Monday, told a nevs conference the two men grabbed carried out at nearby St. George's Hospital. her at her home in Lino Lakes, a Minneapolis suburb, after she started her car Friday morning to go to her The queen and her husband, Prince Philip, who are on hairdresser. an official visit to Indonesia, were immediately in- formed of the attack by cable. MIAMI (AP)--George Cunningham, paralyzed from the Prime Minister Harold Wilson ordered an immediate neck down in a high school football game, can defy the investigation and Home Secretary Roy Jenkins was ex- paralysis of his limbs with the help *of a device de- pected to make a statement in the House of Commons veloped for use by astronauts in space. With a huff later last night. and a puff into a tube, Cunningham can place a tele- phone call, control a TV set, radio or tape recorder, After the attack, the shaken princess and her hus- open the curtains in his hospital room or call the band were bundled into a backup police car that had nurses' station. He is the first quadraplegic to been following them and were whisked into Buckingham benefit from a new electronic device originally de- Palace. signed to activate controls in space vehicles in the According to police sources, the compact white Ford event astronauts lost the use of their limbs. "It's swerved in front of the royal car and forced it to great to be able to do things for myself again," halt, its brakes screaming. says Cunningham, 18, who has been paralyzed since Thanksgiving Eve. Water status ,I Local Forecast Gunmtanamno Water figures for yesterday: Gazette WATER PRODUCED: 1,439,000 Mostly clear with periods of partly RetA.2p Ms. chmla case. Michael .Th.rkin during the afternoon with isolated WATER CONSUMED: 1,320,000 showers. Visibility unrestricted. Af r.blie offt s Winds SE by noon 12-14 knots with J0 " mad.oe. U- - v or- J co .sA .a3 . WATER GAIN: 119,000 afternoon gusts to 21 knots. High . .i today 87. Low tonight 70. Bay 3 I5 th . conditions 2-3 feet during the after- J N P- "S M"t ay. rte WATER IN STORAGE: 18,335,000 JosN .Sady5 unrren.,. orce noon. High tide 0825. Low tide 0144. 31e.5na5 51 SiStutt. pbse acurding to1.the ule ad15. reguasS direcion t.Nava se5 p5lic affain.S offist. 5i spaedtfo. samk atgn a easut Ay t no . .ieao 11i11ial5.p erfleetims the v1im of wom5. or the Phyrmet of th 0 Thursday, March 21, 1974 Guantanamo Gazette NATIONAL NEWS--Page 3 Political ties of Justice Department criticized WASHINGTON (AP)--Advisers to the law "from advising the president in All "I.S. attorneys would be appointed Senate Watergate Committee recom- the latter's political or personal on a non-partisan basis as part of a mended yesterday that Congress strip capacity." career legal service. All employes the Justice Department of its pol- would be placed under the Hatch Act itical clout and retain a special Referring to testimony by and a- which bars partisan political act- prosecutor during the transition. bout former Attorney General John N. ivities by civil servants. A study prepared by the National Mitchell, the panel said: "Watergate Academy of Public Administration has demonstrated that the 'partisan The report advises Congress to also called on Congress to make ,climate' which has intensified extend the impeachment process to clear to the public that any pres- within the Department of Justice cover serious misconduct in the ident can be impeached "without over the past quarter century has political campaign which brings a first being beheaded, jailed, fined, no place in such an agency." president to office, a step which indicted or even indictable." it said might require an amendment Both Mitchell in the Nixon admin- to the Constitution. The panel's 169-page report, one istration and former Attorney Cen- It also said that the constitu- of a series by various academic eral Robert F. Kennedy in.the Ken- tional definition of an impeachable associations, was prepared at the nedy administration were close per- offense to include "high crimes and request of the Senate Watergate Com- sonal and political advisers to misdemeanors" is based on an archaic mittee and funded by the Ford Foun- their respective presidents.
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