FRANCISCAN TUD A Quarterly SEPTEMBER Review 1943 VO LUM E 24 NEW SERIES, VOLUME 3 N üM B E R 3 T h e Pr im a c y o f C h a r it y i n F r a n c is c a n T h e o l o g y Cuthbert Gumbinger, O. F. M . Cap. Ea r l y C a p u c h in -F r a n c is c a n A t t it ű d é t o w a r d s St u d ie s Marcellus Manzo, O. F. M . Cap. So m é Fa m o u s C o n v e n t u a l H is t o r ia n s Raphael M. Huber, O, F. M. Conv. T h e Ev o l u t io n a n d C lassification o f P hilosophical D f e T h e o r ie s James Van dér Veldt, O. F. ilí, T h e C a p u c h in Pr e f e c t u r e o f N e w E n g l a n d (1630-1656) Jobn M . Lenhart, O. F. M . Cap. F r a n c is c a n a B o o k R e v ie w s Coppens (Ryan and Tribbe, trans.), The Old Testament and the Critics; W right, National Patrioüsm in Papai Teaching; Krzesinski, Is Modern Culture Doomed?; Roemer, Ten Decades of Alms. B o o k s R e c e iv e d Published by The Franciscan Educational Confírence St. Bonaventure College St. Bonaventure, N . Y . The Franciscan Educational Conference Foünded in 1919, the Franciscan Educational Conference is an assodation o f mem- bers o f the First Order and Third Order Regular o f St. Francis who are engaged in educational and literary work. The executive board o f the Conference consists o f the follow ing four officers and twenty-three additional representatives of provinces: Thomas Plassmann, O.F.M., St. Bonaventare, N . Y . , . President Basil Heiser, O.F.M.CONV., Carey, Ohio .... Vtce-President Sebastian M iklas, O.F.M.Cap., Washington, D. C. Secretary-Treasurer M arion Habig, O.F.M., New York, N. Y. Secretary of Franciscan Uterature Philibert Ramstetter, O. F. M. Dániel Hughes, O. F. M . Cap. Detroit, Mich. Oxford, England Silvano M atulich, O. F. M. Anthony Grealy, O. F. M. Santa Barbara, Calif. Waverley, Australia Bernardine M azzarella, O. F. M. Alphonsus Bonnar, O. F. M . Lowell, Mass. London, England Ferdinand Pawlowski, O. F. M. Hubert Quinn, O. F. M. Green Bay, W is. Romé, Italy Hyaonth Workman, O. F. M . M atthew Baran, O. F. M . C o n v. Three Rivers, Can. Detroit, Mich. Thomas Grassmann, O. F. M . C o n v. C yril Shircel, O. F. M. Fonda, N . Y. Lemont, 111. Gerard Tiedeken, O. F. M . C o n v . Accursio Rasi, O. F. M . Cap. Liverpool, England Orange, N . J. Theodore Roemer, O. F. M . Cap. Benignus Gallagher, T . O. R. M t. Calvary, Wis. Hollidaysburg, Pa. N o r b e r t Z o n c a , O. F. M. C o n v . Benedict Determ ann, T. O. R. Chicopee, Mass. Loretto, Pa. Br e n d a n O ’C a l l a g h a n , O .F .M .C a p . FIdelis Chauvet, O. F. M . Rochestown, Ireland El Paso, Tex. Cam ille Berube, O. F. M. Cap. Ferdinand Garoa, O. F. M . Montreal, Can. El Paso, Tex. Gábriel Estrada, O. F. M., Hebbronville, Tex. REPORTS o f A N N U A L M EETINGS — The papers and discussions which are presented at the annual meetings o f the Conference are published in the Reports, which are edited by the Secretary-Treasurer, Capuchin College, Brookland, Wash­ ington, D . C. Beginning w ith Üie year 1941, the Report appears as the fourth or December number of Franciscan Studies. FRANCISCAN STUDIES — The first twenty-one volumes of Franciscan Studies are a series of monographs on subjects o f Franciscan history and science which were published at irregular intervals under the auspices o f the Franciscan Educa­ tional Conference (St. Anthony G uild Press, Paterson, N . J.). Beginning w ith the twenty-second volume, Franciscan Studies is issued as a quarterly review of the sacred and secular sciences and serves as the official organ o f the Franciscan Educational Conference. The quarterly is indexed in The Catholic Bookman. FRANCISCAN D SEPTEMBER, 1943 V O L Ü M E 24 NEW SERIES, VOLUME 3 N U M B E R 3 CONTENTS T h e P r im a c y o f C h a r i t y i n F r a n c is c a n T h e o l o g y ................................ ................................................... Cuthhert Gumbinger, O. F. M. Cap. 209 E a r l y C a p u c h in -F r a n c is c a n A t t it ű d é t o w a r d s St u d ie s . ..........................................................Marcellus Manzo, O. P. M . Cap. 241 So m é F a m o u s C o n v e n t u a l H i s t o r i a n s ........................................................ ....................................................Raphael M . Huber, O. F. M . Conv. 259 T h e E v o l u t i o n a n d C lassification o f P hilosophical L if e T h e o r i e s ................................................]ames Van dér Veldt, O. F. M . 277 T h e C a p u c h in P r e f e c t u r e o f N e w E n g l a n d (1630-1656) ....................................................James M. Lenhart, O. F. M. Cap. 306 F r a n q s c a n a ........................................................................................................................314 B o o k R e v i e w s ................................................................................................................321 Coppens (Ryan and Tribbe, trans.), The Old Testament and the Critics; W right, National Patriotism in Papai Teaching; Krzesinski, Is Modern Culture Doomed?; Roemer, Ten Decades of Alms. B o o k s R e c e i v e d ................................................................................................................326 f r a n c is c a n s t u d i e s , a review o f the sa- Entered as second-class matter M arch 19, 1941, ered and secular sciences, published in M arch, at the Post Office at St. Bonaventure, N . Y., June, September, and December. — September, under the A ct of March 3, 1879* A dditional 1943, Volum e 24 (New Series, Volume 3 ), entry at Paterson, N . / . Number 2. Copyright, 1943, by Franciscan Educationai Annuai subscriptíon, $5.00, fór four numbers, Conference. the December number being the Report which Cum permissu superiorum. contains the papers read at the annual meetins of the Franciscan Educationai Con- Printed in the United States by St. Anthony ference. G u ild Press, Paterson, N . J. A ll Communications, whether of a business or of a iiterary nature, should be sent to the Secretary, Franciscan Studies, St. Bonaventure College, St. Bonaventure P. O., N. Y. FRANCISCAN STUDIES is a quarterly review of the sacred and secular sdences, emphasizing Nova et Vetera in Frandscan Faith, Thought, and Action (Credo, Intelligo, Ago). The scope of FRANCISCAN STUDIES thus embraces chiefly the fields of theological, philosophical, and historical and social studies and research. Its Board of Editors includes the follow ing members of the First Order of St. Francis — Franciscans, Conventuals, Capuchins: Editor M a r io n H a b ig , O. F. M., M. A. 135 West 31st Street, New York, N . Y. Managing Editor Editor of the F. E. C. Report Thomas Plassmann, O. F. M ., Ph. Sebastian Miklas, O. F. M . Cap., D., S. T . D., L. G. S. S., St. Bonaven- Capuchin College, Washington, D. C. tűre College, St. Bonaventure, N . Y. Associate Editors Basil Heiser, O.F.M.Conv., Ph.D., Theodore Roemer, O. F. M . Cap., Our Lady of Carey Seminary, Carey, Ph. D., St. Lawrence College, M t. Ohio. Calvary, Wis. EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Theology Leonard Bacigalupo, O. F. M., L. G ., Lowell, Mass. Dávid Baier, O. F. M., S. T . D ., St. Bonaventure, N. Y. Matthew Baran, O. F. M . Conv., Ph. D ., S. T . D ., San Diego, Cal. Cuthbert Gumbinger, O. F. M . Cap., S. T . D ., Garrison, N . Y . Boniface Hennig, O. F. M . Conv., S. T. D ., J. U . D ., Rensselaer, N . Y . Giles Kaczmarek, O. F. M. Conv., J. C. D ., Sharon, Pa. Martin McCabe, O. F. M . Cap., S. T . D ., Washington, D. C. Anscar Parsons, O. F. M . Cap., J. C. D ., Marathon, Wis. Leonard Puech, O. F. M ., L. G ., M ontreal, Canada. Kevin Smyth, O . F. M . Cap., S. T. D., L. S. S., Marathon, W is. Norbert Zonca O. F. M . Conv., S. T. D ., Granby, Mass. Philosophy Ignatius Brady, O. F. M ., M . A ., Detroit, Mich. Bertrand Campbell, O. F. M ., Ph. D ., St. Bonaventure, N. Y. Denis Gallagher, O. F. M . Conv., S. T . D., New York, N. Y. Gerard Greenewald, O. F. M. Cap., Ph. D., Hermán, Pa. Vincent Fochtman, O. F. M., Ph. D., Cleveland, O. Pacificus Húg, O. F. M ., Ph. D ., Q uinqr, 111. Feldc Kirsch, O . F. M . Cap., Ph. D ., L itt. D ., Washington, D.
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