OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT . OF THE 1 SOUTHERN LAWN TENNIS ASSOCIATION ~ 1961 FUTURE CHAMPION IS N!illions of players and thousands of instructors are deeply indebted to the BALL-BOY COiYIPANY for its many contributions to the instructional end of tennis. BALL-BOY COl\IIPANY, headed by Eric Bergmark and Judy Barta, has virtually revolutionized the teaching of tennis through automation. The first innovation produced by this Company was the BALL-BOY itself, an auto­ matic ball throwing machine that will toss up to forty balls at one of three speeds, at any loft, at five second intervals. Soon to follow were the BALL-BOY "RETRIEVER" and "SERVER." Now, BALL-BOY has released a new item of value to teachers and students of tennis­ the "RE-BOUND-NET" (advertised below). This ingenius device allows the user a longer interval between strokes. The only way that it might be compared to a tennis "backboard" is that it returns balls hit against it. Unlike the back board in any other way, the RE-BOUND­ NET allows several seconds more for the student to prepare himself for the next stroke, without any reduction in ball velocity. "Adjustable tension controls" further add to the ver­ satility of this device. The RE-BOUND-NET may also be tilted at various angles to sim­ ulate a variety of shots. SOUTHERN TE~NIS ~Iagazine wishes to commend BALL-BOY Company on its achievements in the "grass roots" phase of the game of tennis. Their efforts have produced a variety of excellent and varied equipment which is of great value to both the student and instructor. Editor be a winner this year ... get real tennis practice -even at home! another exciting tennis first from BALL-BOY • Obsoletes backboards ... a new hitting • Adjustable tilt and adjustable tension set • experience that actually gives player time up any stroke. for repetitive hitting indoors to hit hard when standing as close as 8' or outdoors. or as far as 40' away from net. • May be played on both sides at once ..• • Provides "get ready" time for next stroke by as many as I 0 people. ... no reduction in ball speed. • An ideal surface tor vigorous practice even at close range ... great fun for novice or • Light, portable and free standing ... use skilled player . develops and grooves in backyard - basement - garage - every stroke. driveway . or on court, in the field - stores flat against any wall. • Available in I 0' long and 20' long units. BALL-BOY CO., INC. 26 Milburn Street ... Bronxville, N.Y.··. DE 7-0047 WRITE - WillE - PHONE FOI DETAil.$ SOUTHERN TEN ... 2 and Wimbledon and U. S. Champion World's Professional Champion Join Harry C. Lee Advisory Staff Canadian National Champion Althea Gibson, 1957 and 1958 Wimbledon and United States Sinc;les Cham­ picn, has joined the Harry C. Lee Aeviscry Staff Al:hea's wor'< in prcmonng tennis througrOUi tre COLntry has been Lr.sur,;asSeG, arc trot:sands Of t:rCef?riviJec;ed children all over ti-e United Stares, feel r:-a; ;l-ey, reo, rave an cppor.:..nity to become "SOMEBODY" in this c;;reat c;are of renn1s. M1ss Gibscn has proved to the world that tennis is a spon ior all people. She tcured for the State Department in both 1956 and 1959 Karol Fageros, Althea's opponent curir.c; their '959-'S€0 profes­ sional to~;r, has also JOined :he Har-, C. Lee Aeviscr1 Scud. :<arol, mc'<named "Tne C-olden C-cdcess" oy sccr·swr :ers, has tOLred t:-e Far Easr en a Goodwill mission for rhe Ur•:ed Stares C-ovemren; and has played corrpent•vely in India, ?akis:an, Europe, Can- ada, Mex1c0 and South America. Harry C. Lee Rackets have been used 1n the past by Olympic Champions as well as Wimbledcn and Fcresr Hills tirlists. The Bat, The Dreadnought Dnver and Lee Aurcc;;raoh are top quality rackets and favorites of champions. In the 19€0 World Pro­ fessional Championships •n Cleve!and, both The Dread- nought Driver and the Harry C. Lee Bar will be used by those comoetmg for the mle. Favorite of Champions Maste r Model THE RACKET THAT MADE HISTORY! 3 Olympic Titles 6 World Pro Titles 5 National Doubles Titles 60 years of prominent ploy send lor catalog W A l'~E SARI~ THE AUTOMATIC BALL-BOY TE~~IS CE~TER - DUPLICATES EVERY SHOT IN THE GAME - (A Summer Camp For Boys and Girls) Ages 9-17 Conducted at: SLASHES LEARNING TIME "Tennis Center of the Gold Coast" MAKES PRACTICE FUH Pompano Beach, Fla. Three sessions -June lOth to July 8th, July 8th to Aug. 5th and Aug. 5th to Sept. 2nd Enroll ycur <;; 1rl or coy now for rnis excellem tennis training, per;onaffy conducted and supervised by Wayne Sabin. We offer ourstanoing ac.:::Jmmodatlons, meals, anc recreation facilities. One counselor for every I 0 children, 24 hours a day, assures the strictest supervis1on. <~The Only way to develop Tennis Sf..-ills is by HITTING BALLS--Consistent, Accurate Wnte tcday for our comprehensive brochure with full details ·rc'uding an cutl1ne for cur caily schedule. Balls. " Ra ies: ~;co per camper inch.. ces rcom, meals, ail tennis teaching and prc<;;rammirg, bi-weekly launcry, recreation, and : How you con develop your game--quickly and transportation to and from home. easily--on any leve l area (courts not required) Write: Wayne Sabin For the details write: Silver Thatch Inn BALL-BOY CO., IHC. 5 10 North Ocean Blvd., Pompano Beach, Flo . 5 Kensington Road, Bronxviller Hew York • PLAYS LIKE GUT, and stays l ivelier longer. • POWER CORE tor strength. resilience, "ping." • SPIRAL WRAPPED armor sheath for maximum durability and abrasion resistance. • MOISTURE IMMUNE, "weathers" best in your rack et. 0 • GAUGE CONTROLLED specify ASHAWAY ~ : ~~ ~:~~~:~ ~tr i ng~ uniform roundness for consistent accurate p lay, VANTAGE (Nacural) Approximate Tournament Stringing Cost: Tennis: $9 eBRANDNAME PRQ-fECTED (Ebony Spiral) IMPRINTED on the string Approximate Stringing Cost: Tennis: $7 Badminton: $6 itself for quality guarantee. MULTI-PLY (Green Cross) Approximate Stringing Cost: Tennis: $5 Badminton: $4 ASHAWAY PRODU CTS, INC., Ashawa y , R. I. Southern Tennis Official }tfagazille of the ''Match-Point'' Sou/hem Lawn Tetmis Associatio11 P. 0 . BOX 3386 BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA TELEPHONE AL 1-1965 TE~~IS Vol. 3 March-April-May, 1961 No. 2 WADE L. UC:RRE:"i. editor and publi4her :\IRS. FlL.\:SCES HA:'<t""r"'•il.JI\f. circulation mana~er phot o e ditors GLASSES [1 0 11 )lJTCHELL :and J D! ATK1:'iS are an ideaL gift for any Occasion Contents Sparkling elegance in platinum SLTA Officers and Executive and black. Heavy bottom 12 oz. Committee ----·-------------·--------- 6 tumblers, platinum r im. Fired on tennis motif ne t, racket and SLTA Committee Chairmen.___ ._____ 6 ball. Set of 8, $4.95, Post pa id. SLT _-\ Ran kings -------·-----·------- 7 ).{em bers oi District .-\ssociations --·----···--·------- . 8 District Oiiicers -------------------- 9 D istrict Rankings -·------··--------·-- 12-17 Tournament Schedule ---·-------18-19 T he Cover The young tennis aspirant whose south view greets you on the cover is Clare Draper. ! \ ", 2·vear·old son of :"of r. and \frs. Clare H. Draper, III, Birmingham, Ala. Nor did young Clare wait until this ripe old age to take up the game ... a racket World Favorites The Dunlop Maxlife tennis ball plays best. T hat's why it has been used in more international championships than any ocher ball ever made. lr will play best for you. too. It won't drift or fade or floar. You'll get better con­ trol - and more sers per can. Se t of 8-$4 .95 Postpaid Proof of the playing qualities of the Dunlop Maxply Fort racket is the facr that it has been the firsr choice of SOUTHERN TENNIS more chan 100 W i mbledon players P. 0 . Box 3386, Birmingham, Ala. was walllng fo r him shortly after the initial every year since 194 7. T ry a c:m of scrubbing at age zero days. y{axlifes: try a Yfaxply Fort; cry a pair Please send me a se t of eight "Match­ When interviewed for this cover story, of new Dunlop teunis shoes. See what Pa intu tennis glasses. Clare LV, remarked "um glup, goo-ball, glop blip ooou, wlerpst." This means: "If Kwamer Dunlop will do for your tennis game. thinks [ will sign for a paulrwy s'enty-fuve ~AME gwan he's cwnzy .... I ha'en't lost a match in mi 'bole caweer. ... \>Vha's mor' I'm pwe· pared to hold out until I"m fowr; unless his STREET p1vice s wight." CITY & STATE SOUTHERN TENNIS is published monthly by Southern Tennis, Incorporated, Birming­ Sports Division O BILL ME 0 PAYMENT ENCLOSED ham, Alobomo. Second Closs postage paid ot Birmingham, Alobomo. Subscription price 500 FI FTH AVENUE NEW YO RK 36, N.Y. is $3.00 fo r one year, $5.00 fo r two yea rs, 'lou' II never know how good you are until you play Dunlo p $7.00 fo r three years. 5 ARCH-APRIL-MAY, 19 61 SOUTHERN LAWN TENNIS ASSOCIATION OFFICERS FOR 1961 PRESIDENT FRANK vVILLETT 305 Provident Building, Chattanooga 2, Tenn. FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT RANDOLPH S. REYNOLDS 5 East 11th Street, Anniston, Ala. SECOI'f"D VICE-PRESIDENT vV. E. HESTER, JR. P. 0. Box 1185, Jackson, l\tfiss. SECRETARY DAN lVIAGILL, JR. University of Georgia, Athens, Ala. TREASURER JACK R. EVANS I 030 East 15th Street, Tuscaloosa, Ala. SECTIONAL DELEGATE FRANK vVILLETT 305 Provident Building, Chattanooga 2, Tenn. EXECUTIVE COl\'IMITTEE DISTRICT DELEGATES C. R. COUNCIL State Department of Health, Raleigh, N.
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