Two Rooms Gregory Bennett Born 1965, Tauranga, New Zealand Master of Fine Arts 1st !lass "ons#, $niversity of Au&kland ())*# Ba&+elor of Fine Arts, $niversity of Au&kland 1989# -olo ./+i0itions1 ()1, ./os2+ere, Tauranga Art Gallery, &urated 0y 3arl !+it+am ()14 Nature Morte, Two Rooms, Au&kland .&tomor2+ia, Nig+t Pro6e&tion 7indow, !entre for !ontem2orary 5+otogra2+y, Mel0ourne, &urator Pi22a Milne8 ()16 T9T.M ::, 7alla&e ;igital, 7alla&e Gallery, Morrinsville ()15 Pano2ti&on, Two Rooms, Au&kland ()1< ;romos2+eres, Two Rooms , Au&kland ()1( 9mni2olis, Two Rooms, Au&kland T+e ;igital Multitude, Pa+ "omestead, Au&kland !rowd !ontrol, ;igital Art =ive, Aotea !entre, Au&kland ()11 $to2ia, Two Rooms, Au&kland ()1) Totem, Two Rooms, Au&kland ()), Bla&knoise, >a%asour Godkin Gallery, Au&kland ())6 Automato2ia, >a%asour Godkin Gallery, Au&kland Gregory Bennett, =ooking Awry, Arts2a&e, Au&kland 199< 7indow 7or', Au&kland !ity Art Gallery, Au&kland 199) Gregory Bennett, Arts2a&e, Au&kland -ele&ted Grou2 ./+i0itions & -&reenings ()19 Ren&ontres Internationales 5aris@BerlinA !ontem2orary Moving Images, Forum des images, 5aris & "aus der 3ulturen der 7elt, Berlin ()1, $n0eara0le InfiniteA Giovanni Battista Piranesi and Gregory Bennett, AAB=A Gallery, =os Angeles, &urated 0y Ari =i2kis, -$5.RN9>A ()1, Invitational !om2etition, -u2ernova ;igital Animation Festival, ;enver, &urated 0y :%ar Zeile $r0an 7orlds, Aigantig+e Art Gallery, Timaru, &urated 0y "amis+ Pettengell ()14 Custin Art "ouse Museum, ;igitalA T+e 7orld of Alternative Realities, Pra+ran, >i&toria, Australia, &urated 0y !+arles & =ea+ Custin RealDfake8org8(8), !+aEen Family Gallery, R+ode :sland !ollege, Providen&e RI, &urated 0y !laudia "art, Ra&+el !lar'e & 5at Reynolds -u2ernova ()14, ;igital Animation Festival, ;enver ;igerati, ;enver, &urated 0y :%ar Zeile Greedy Algorit+ms, AfterMat+ Gallery, !+rist&+ur&+, &urated 0y Ronan 7+itteker ;e&ent ./2osureA T+e $niversity Art !olle&tion $ndressed, $niversity of Au&kland 9ld Government "ouse, Au&kland, &urated 0y =inda Tyler !y&les: Re2etition & Redire&tion, T-B Ban' 7alla&e Arts !entre, Pa+ "omestead, Au&kland, &urated 0y Miriam "arris ;igital ;reamer, 5$3 Gallery, Art;igital>ideo Festival, !astelfran&o >eneto >ideotage, !lo&kenfla2 Festival, "ong 3ong, &urated 0y :saa& =eung ()16 Bron/Art-2a&e, t+e realDfake8org8(8), &urated 0y !laudia "art, Ra&+el !lar'e, Pat Reynolds8 New Fork, $-A8 Curied ./+i0ition, :-.A()16 "ong 3ong 香港 !ultural Revolution, ((nd International -ym2osium on .le&troni& Art, "ong 3ong, &urated 0y "arald 3raemer, Ceffrey -+aw & 3yle !+ung "ui/iang, of e&+oes: Artists in !+engduDAu&kland, Art Museum of -i&+uan $niversity, !+engdu, &urated 0y 7arren Pringle and Fan/in Filmideo ()16, Inde/ Art !enter, Newark, New Cersey, &urated 0y =owell !raig ;ivine A0stra&tion, Custin Art "ouse Museum, Pra+ran, >i&toria, &urated 0y !+arles Custin and Ra&+ael 3o+n **t+ ;an&e on !amera Festival, Film -o&iety of =in&oln !enter, New For' ()15 4t+ -&reengra0 International Media Arts Award, Pinna&les Gallery, Townsville, &urated 0y Mit&+ Goodwin Friday Flas+ No81) G;igital Animation N97HI, ;enver ;igerati @ ()15 Biennial of t+e Ameri&as, ;enver, &urated 0y :%ar Zeile >ideo !ontem2orary, -ydney !ontem2orary International Art Fair, -ydney, &urated 0y $landa Blair and Cess Bram International -&reendan&e Festival, T+e Nas+er Museum of Art at ;uke $niversity, ;ur+am, Nort+ !arolina .dmonton International Film Festival, .dmonton, !anada ()1* -IM$=TAN Festival J1), Annual Festival for >ideo, Media Art, ./2loratory Musi& and -ound, Timisoara, Romania !urrents ()1*, -anta Fe International New Media Festival, -anta Fe, New Me/i&o, &urated 0y Marianna+ Amster and Frank Ragano Re!onstellation New Media Grou2 -+ow, Pra'Dsis n<w M<dia Art Festival, !+i&ago, &urated 0y -now Fun/ue Fu, Tie Co6ima, & N+ung 7als+ Per&e2tions of -2a&e: Custin !olle&tion, Glen .ira !ity !oun&il Gallery, Mel0ourne, &urated 0y ;iane -oumilas8 5+antom !ity, Rotorua Museum, &urated 0y 3arl !+it+am ()1< Terrifying No0le -2lendid, T.M5 Art -2a&e, New Fork, &urated 0y Ari =i2kis & !+ris Romero $neart+ing ;elig+ts, 5t+ edition of NARRA!C. – Installations and Interventions in Pu0li& -2a&e ()1<, Gdansk, Poland, &urated 0y Ro0 Garrett ()1( T+e Real Fake: -imulation Te&+nology After 5+otogra2+y, Gregory Bennett, !laudia "art, Ger+ard MantE and Zeitguised, Gallery 1)1, =amar ;odd -&+ool of Art, At+ens, Georgia, &urated 0y Ra&+el !larke K./2loraH, Animated Films, :-.A ()1( Al0uLuerLueA Ma&+ine 7ilderness, Al0uLuerLue, &urated 0y Andrea Polli Filmmakers -+ow&ase, Guild !inema, :-.A ()1( Al0uLuerLueA Ma&+ine 7ilderness, &urated 0y Andrea Polli Multi2lyA Re2etition Reinvigorated, "astings !ity Art Gallery, &urated 0y Cudit+ Anderson ()11 Im2ossi0le !+oreogra2+ies, =iving Room ()11A Metro2olis ;reaming, Au&kland !oun&il Pu0li& Art .vent, &urated 0y Andrew !lifford8 Au&kland "AN;MA;. 5:M.=-A ./2osing t+e Animation Pro&ess, !alder & =awson Gallery, $niversity of 7ai'ato, &urated 0y =isa 5errott8 "amilton ()1) 92ening ./+i0ition, T-B Bank 7alla&e Arts !entre, Pa+ "omestead, Au&kland ())9 4:5; 4 Films 0y 5 Artists,Two Rooms, Au&kland ()), -warm, Gus Fis+er Gallery, Au&kland, &urated 0y Andrew !lifford Taking a =ine, >avasour Godkin Gallery, Au&kland ())4 !urve, Gus Fis+er Gallery, Au&kland, &urated 0y Andrew !lifford In =im0o, >avasour Godkin Gallery, Au&kland ())6 Revealing, >avasour Godkin Gallery, Au&kland ())5 !oming 9ut, >a%asour Godkin Gallery, Au&kland ())* 7indow -ummer -+ow, 7indow, $niversity of Au&kland 199* Re&ent NZ Film and >ideo, ./2erimenta O9*, Mel0ourne 199( Moving Images from Aotearoa@New Zealand: "eadlands, Museum of !ontem2orary Art, -ydney -ele&ted !olle&tions1 Pano2ti&on : ()15#, >MA! >ideotage Media Art !olle&tion#, "ong 3ong, a&Luired ()14 9mni2olis ()1(#, !+artwell !olle&tion, Au&kland Art Gallery Toi o TPmaki, Au&kland, a&Luired ()1< Florato2ia : ()1<#, C B Gi00s Trust !olle&tion, Au&kland, a&Luired ()1< Bla&knoise ()),#, T+e $niversity of Au&kland Art !olle&tion, Au&kland, a&Luired ()1( $to2ia :: ()11#, T+e Cames 7alla&e Arts Trust, Au&kland, a&Luired ()11 $to2ia J1 ()11#, Custin Art "ouse Museum !olle&tion, Pra+ran, >i&toria, Australia, a&Luired ()11 $to2ia J( ()11#, Custin Art "ouse Museum !olle&tion, Pra+ran, >i&toria, Australia, a&Luired ()11 $to2ia 2art 1 ()11#, Custin Art "ouse Museum !olle&tion, Pra+ran, >i&toria, Australia, a&Luired ()118 Bla&knoise J * ()),#, 7est2a& Bank Art !olle&tion, Au&kland, a&Luired ()11 Torsade ::: ()1)#, T+e Cames 7alla&e Arts Trust, Au&kland, a&Luired ()1) Totem :: ()1)#, T+e Cames 7alla&e Arts Trust, Au&kland, a&Luired ()1) Totem 5 ()1)#, !+artwell !olle&tion, Au&kland Art Gallery Toi o TPmaki, Au&kland, a&Luired ()1) Torsade ())9#8, !+artwell !olle&tion, Au&kland Art Gallery Toi o TPmaki, Au&kland, a&Luired ())9 -ele&ted Pu0li&ations1 Cody Zellen, GGiovanni Battista Piranesi & Gregory BennettI, Artillery MagaEine, ( Canuary ()19, +tt2sA@@artillerymag8&om@giovanniD0attistaD2iranesiDgregoryD0ennett@ Anna0el 9s0erg, GT+ree ArtistsI Te&+noDfuturist ;ysto2iasI, QRA:, ( ;e&em0er ()18, +tt2A@@aeLai8&om@main@()1,@1(@t+reeDartistsDte&+noDfuturistDdysto2ias@ Co+n "urrell, GGregory BennettIs Rui&'D-te22ing "ordesI, .ye!onta&t, (6 9&to0er ()1< TC M&Namara, G-mall, 2ale and ierestingI, New Zealand "erald, (6 9&to0er ()1<8 Co+n "urrell, GIm2ressive -atiri&al AnimationI, .ye!onta&t, () May ()1) TC M&Namara, GTra&ing t+e t+oug+t 0e+ind t+e te&+niLueI, New Zealand "erald, 1) A2ril ()),8 Tessa =aird, GI, ro0otA Art for t+e &om2uter ageI, New Zealand =istener, 8–1* Culy ())6, +tt2A@@www8noted8&o8nE@ar&+ive@listenerDnED())6@iDro0ot@ ArtistIs Talks@Interviews1 GGregory BennettI, interview in Miriam "arris, =ily "us0ands & Paul Ta0er+am, ./2erimental AnimationA From Analogue to ;igital, Routledge, =ondon, ()19 Building Blo&ks, ;igital Art 7or's+o2, artistOs talk, AfterMat+ Gallery !+rist&+ur&+, ()14 !y&les: Re2etition and Redire&tion, e/+i0ition talk, T-B Bank 7alla&e Arts !entre, 5a+ "omestead, Au&kland, ()14 Im2ossi0le &+oreogra2+ies: t+e data0ase as &reative tool, Artist Talk, :-.A "ong 3ong ()16, "ong 3ong, ()16 Artist Tal' for ORe!onstellationO, New Media Grou2 -+ow, Pra'Dsis n<w M<dia Art Festival, !+i&ago, ()1* Artist Tal' a0out 2arti&i2ation in O$neart+ing ;elig+tsO, t+e Narra&6e ()1< 2u0li& art festival in Gdansk, Poland8 A$T $niversity, Au&kland, ()1* ArtistIs talk, T-B Ban' 7alla&e Arts !entre, artistOs talk, Pa+ "omestead, Au&kland, ()1( .den Arts2eak ()1), artistOs talk, Mount .den !ommunity Arts Trust, Au&kland, ()1) =en =ye: Gregory Bennett on -ound and Motion, artistOs talk, Gus Fis+er Gallery, Au&kland, ()1) -ele&ted !onferen&e Presentations1 3inaest+eti& affe&t in motion &a2ture and animation, 2a2er 2resentation for 2anel G;igital Affe&t: T+e 2ower wit+in digital animation to moveI, T+e !osmos of AnimationA (8t+ Annual !onferen&e of t+e -o&iety for Animation -tudies, -inga2ore, ()16 ;igital Art 5ra&ti&e, O!G in AustralasiaO 2anel, -IGGRA5" ()15, =os Angeles, ()15 Art 5ra&ti&e in t+e ;igital Realm, 2a2er 2resentation, ANZAA. Art .du&ators &onferen&e, A$T $niversity, Au&kland, ()1* Motion !a2turing, 2a2er 2resentation, Motion !a2ture -ym2osium, Au&kland $niversity of Te&+nology, Au&kland, ()1* $neart+ing ;elig+ts, animation revelations, Animation and t+e Real, 2anel, Au&kland $niversity of Te&+nology, Au&kland, ()1* Im2ossi0le !+oreogra2+ies: animating ar&+ite&ture, 2a2er 2resentation, Animating TimeD-2a&e, $niversity of 7aikato, "amilton, ()11 Im2ossi0le !+oreogra2+ies: ;igital Re2resentations of t+e Moving Figure 0y Gregory Bennett, 2a2er 2resentation, T+e Image !onferen&e, =os Angeles, ()1) PeerDreviewed Cournal Arti&le1 Gregory Bennett, Im2ossi0le !+oreogra2+ies: T+e ;ata0ase as a !reative Tool8 Cournal of !reative Te&+nologies, 4, ()14, +tt2sA@@doi8org@1)8(*1<5@6&t8%)i48*(.
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