Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 9-23-1963 The Ledger and Times, September 23, 1963 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, September 23, 1963" (1963). The Ledger & Times. 4311. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/4311 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 21, 1983 Selected As A Best All Round Kenturay Community Newspaper In The Afternoon God Daily Newspaper We For Murray and • Trust Calloway County United Press International IN OUR 1141h YEAR Murray, Ky., Monday Afternoon, September 23, 1963 MURRAY POPULATION 10, 100 Vol. LXXXIV No. 225 V GET ACQUAINTED PARTY SET TOMORROW Local Students Are Odd Egg Is Layed Semi-Finalists In Funeral For By Meat Type Hen MSC Students And Faculty To Scholarship Program -- Mr and Mrs. Howard Thompson, --- Rome Elkins who live just north of the Almo Be The Guests Of Merchants Three local students have, been cross road on US 641 North, have a • named as semi-finalists in the Na- hobby which is entertaining and at tional Merio Scholarship program The students of Murray State gin at 7:00 p.m on the court square. field Today the same time provides a tantaliz- for the year 1963-64. College will be welcomed tomorrow Welcome talks will be made ing treat for the table. by, They include lifelodity L. Duckett night with a gala party on the several persons, however the total sok. corn. They raise chickens and develop of Murray College High, Stanley R. Funeral court square. The merchants of time to be taken by the pre-party Ian Diego, services will be conduct- what they want through cross- Jewell of Murray High School and ed today at 3 p. m. at the Mak Murray are sponsoring the event talks is only 13 minutes. Dr. Ralph VIM/ a bit breeding They have a cross now MOITLI G. Parrish of Murray High Churchill Funeral Home with the sole purpose of entertain- Woods, Mayor Holmes Ellis and Atlantic, for Rome between the White Rock and the Sehool. Elkins, ing students and faculty of Mur- others will make brief talks. I married. 423 South 8th Street, who Cornish Hen, which is a fine "meat" Seeni-finalists in the program are ray State College in appreciation ther's say- passed away at his home Sunday at hen. Tables will stretch frilth one end deemed to be students of unusual 7:45 following for their selecting Murray as the a. m. a heart at- Shorter legs and larger breasts of the block to the other and free academic promise. Students are se- place to further their education tack Dr H. C. Chiles will officiate are a principal feature. hot dogs, popcorn, cold drinks and lected on the basis of their perform- at the service. Special buses will be run from Another bonus from heir hobby sat will be handed out. ance on the program's qualifying The deceased was 76 years of age the colt- s• at 6:45 and back again Is a supply of eggs. The pullets be- Merchants will man the tables and test, a rigorous three hour test of and a member of the First Baptist at 10:30. gin to lay at the age of four months, will give out the hot dogs. educational development. Church. The tiei acquainted party will be- with the eggs being larger than re- The high feature of the evening Survivors include his wife, Mrs. gular hen eggs. will be a street dance with Jim UG Rosie Stewart Elkins; three daught- This week one of the pullets pro- Jennings and His Combo providing ers. Mrs. George DuBoise, South 8th duced an odd egg with a very rough the music. Street. Mrs. Edwin Robinson, Payne shell, deeply corrugated and thick. The event, coordinated by the Street, Murray. and Mrs. William BULLETIN" The egg measures six and one-half Murray' Chamber of Commerce has inday Colburn. Calvert City, one daughter- been held inches by seven and one-half inch. for several years to let in-law, ?Ara. Mary Brown Elkins, es. Several of the egges have double the college students and faculty By WILLIAM THEM Story Avenue, Murray; one son, 7 111•06 yolks. know how much they are appre- United Press International Beatiron Elkins, Route Six, Murray: The Thompsonson said that the ciated _by _ the townspeople. A two sisters. Mrs Emerson Hall, WASHINGTON — The sen- Cornish Hens sold at markets are spokesman emphasized that there Route Six, Murray, and Mrs. Allen ate today rejected Sen. Barry actually the cross which they have, will - be nothing to buy. since all How Wells, Route Three, Murray; three Goldwater's proposal to make the with the chickens being killed for stores will be closed by the time PRE-SAFETY brottars, Jack of Route Six, Mur- the SEMINAR PLANNING SESSION -- State Public Safety Commissioner nuclear test ban treaty with R4111- food at the age of six to eight weeks party begins. ray. Walter of Denver; Colorado, Clenn Lovern (center) discusses a point wihis division directors at the State Police Ac- *a contingent on the removal of old. They are a cross between the "This is just a gesture on the part and Carlos of Kirksey; 12 grand- of the merchants and the people ademy In Frankfort during a planning meeting for a series of three traffic safety semi- all Ruesian forces from ('uba. White Rock and Cornish Hen. children. We, great grandchildren. of Murray, to express our apprecia- nars. The first seminar was held September 19 in Louisville at the Fairgrounds. Two The Thorns:none said that the Kentucky Sens. John Sherman Pallbearers will be Robert Henry tion fo'r the students and faculty of other seminars Mrs. Thompson a housewife. They r Park will be held, the second at Kentucky Dam Village, October 1, and the Cooper and Thruston B. Morten Hall. Edward Russell. Otis Elkins, have tvvo children who are now mar- the college", a spokearnan said. third at Jenny Wiley State Park, October 18. Demonstrations in karate, radar, polygraph voted today against "en, Berry W. C. Elkins. Hoyt Wilson. and Bill iveniences ried. The event will be held on the (lie detector), fire hazards, boating safety, and other scientific crime fighting devices Goldwater', Cuban reservation to Donekion. west aide of the Murray court impers will be featured. the nuclear test ban treaty, re- Burial will be in the Elm Grove square A carnival atmosphere us- jected by a 75-17 Cemetery with the Max H. Church- 94 vote. R. M. Vance And Sons ually prevails at this get acquainted ill Funeral Horne in charge of the party. Both Kentucky ' Republicans Are Named To Group arrangements All students at the college, and Frankfort, Sept — Demonstra- have indicated they will vote for , ned Fall's Arrival Points To the faculty is extended an invita- tions including karate, radar, fire the treaty when it conies up in Mrs. Lester B. Wolfenden tion to be on hand tomorrow night. hazards, polygraph file detector), a the Senate Tuesday. OMAHA, NEB.. R. M. Vance Close Shave driving simulator and boating safe- and Sons of Hazel have been named For Two Bills devices will be among the ac- Judging Team ty members of the American Short- tivities at a Kentucky Department Nunn Charges That horn Association, nation-wide re- Garden Department Host To of Public Safety seminary on Octo- gistry for Shorthorn and Polled By ARNOLD S A %V ISLAS. nulls [maths ago. the President ler Isat Ktrajaisky Daus village. Kennedy Helping Piaces_FouFt4 best ea/We. issosptance of added esti rights to the priority list , United Press International Commissioner Glenn for this year State Safety 'Stettin likesobeislas - wits an- Region-Of Statetartleu Club. Lovern said. "The meeting is an- LOUISVILLE Vim — Republican nounced, here. by C. D. Swatter, • WA8HINOTON let - Fall's of- It might have seemed possible other attempt to stem the tide of nominee Louie B. Nunn has charged executive secretary. ficial advent brought home to Con- back in June to get both bills Mid-South Fair accidents in traffic, accidents by that the Kennedy administration Their membership carries mem- The Garden Department of the years "larding" arid collecting na- gress today a chill realization it through the House and Senate in fire and those which happen in the is giving financial support to the ber-breeder registration privileges Murray Woman's club will enter- tive objects which she utilizes as probably can't complete action this 1963. It doesn't look that way now. water Another reason for the safe- Democratic campaign in Kentucky. and names them cooperative partici- tain for the Seventeenth Annual accessories for her lovely home. year on both the tax and civil rights Congresaional leaders have been ty seminar is to clarify needed safe- "The Kennedys are trying to buy The Calloway County 4-H Dairy pants in nation-wide promotion of Meeting of the Audubon Region of The Travelogue will include visits bill labeled was "musts' by Presi- reluctant to talk about this. One ty programs." _ Kentucky like a chattel," Nunn said Judging Team placed 4th at the ' the Garden Club of Kentucky. Mem- (Csatinued on Page 2) dent Kennedy.. reason is that the choice is a hard the breed. on bers frem twenty-nine garden clubs one and is certain, Each of the Department of Sunday in a statement issued by atithri3mrh Pair SeturaaY' "mortharns led the purebred Final action on taxes this year either way, to tember 21 There 'S Public Safety's six divisions — State his headquartift here.
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