' i 350 f.\' •f'1' (•n "PrtlUCPOR ^Servinx The Lowell Area for over KK) Years ^ ~ , II D(\i/( /m Q-'c^ ^ t'ka cA/"';, i f r\ ' ?' I :;r-~ nnr, f M1 * ^v/'/S "rtv V r / I lf " rtfi ... ' ' -"' OH f YI UlCH. 4 x •> H The Lowell Ledger Volume 21, Issue 7 Serving Lowell Area Readers Since 1893 Wednesday, December 27,1995 Reduction in low HAPPY^ MEAP scores applauded by NEW school district Lowell superintendent Bert Bleke says Ci he's pleased with progress shown at the middle YEAR! school and Alto and Cherry Creek elementaries. By Thad Kraus Everyone At The Lowell Ledger Lowell Ledger Editor Wishes You A Healthy & Mark Weber. Lowell Middle School assistant principal, asked the building's teachers if the MEAP tests what they think Prosperous 1996! students should be learning. The answer thai came back was an overwhelming "yes." Weber along with staff and curriculum director Jim White then began formulating strategies that would give students skills which are essential to performing well on the MEAP. "It is no longer enough to teach students facts." Weber Nauta misses old stomping ground; returns to serve says. "The MEAP asked that students be able to do something with the facts." on Vergennes Township Planning Commission Weber, who undertook the task of improving student performance on the MEAP at the middle school level, says the B> Marc Popiolek approach of providing students with strategies to learn and ' 'ontrihulinx Writer not going to try. 1 just missed sure Carol will do an excel- it will impact our future." understand concepts they will see on the MEAP is the right being a part of my local gov- lent job." Because the Lowell High approach. Who said >011 can never ernment." Nauta is no stranger to School is located in Vergennes "Without a doubt, it is the best approach I've seen in the 26 i!o back 10 where you started? Nauta's term, which will Vergennes' ordinances either Township. Nauta believes years I've been at Lowell ," Weber said. "This approach is Alter a year-and-a-half be tor two years, begins in because she served as the growth will continue, but she being taken in every curricular area." absence. Vergennes Town- January. township" s treasurer for more stressed it must be managed This across-the-curriculum approach is evident in read- ship resident Carol Nauta will Although Wise is no than 14 years. She currently properly. ing. "Reading a story is different than content reading in social once again he ser\ ing her lo- longer an otTicial member of works in the business offices "There must be some con- cal government. the commission, he has \ol- ofthe Lowell School District. trol and if you don't do it The scores were not bad, hut were not Nauta was recently ap- unteered to lend a helping Nauta said she missed locally, where will you do pointed to the vergennes hand, w hen needed. working within Vergennes' it?" she said. satisfied. Our target has to be making Tow nship Planning Commis- "1 don't need to look up government, but didn't miss Besides appointing Nauta. everybody succeed on the test. sion. replacing* Cnl Wise. our ordinances because all 1 being politically involved. the board approved reappoint- "I w as honored to be asked do is ask CiiL.it s like access- "I have experience on the ing Tim Howard to the plan- Bert Bleke to serve on the commission, ing a computer, he knows it board and 1 missed working ning commission and Zoning especial 1> since n wasCiil w ho all." said fellow planning com- with them," she said. 'The Board of Appeals for atwo- Lowell Superintendent asked me." said Nauta. "No- mission trustee Mark Weber. most important issue facing vear term. body can replace (111, and I'm "He will be missed, but I'm Veruennes is growth and how studies, science or math." Weber explains. Come and meet the 1996 Board of Directors and enjoy an In an effort to improve scores on the informational part of Along Main Street informative program. Business Advisory - School to Work. the reading test, teachers in these content areas are providing You need not be a member to join us. R.S.V.P.. Liz Baker at students with strategies that will best help students read tor and 897-9161. understand content. A Teachers also participate in inner-curricular work. HOME SNOWMOBILE SAFETY COURSE Weber has designated Wednesday as the day various - n The Michigan Department of Natural Resources will be curriculum staff members meet in groups and discuss curricu- r If - - offering a snowmobile home study course for anyone 12 years lum. or older who would like to earn a snowmobile satety certifi- "1 believe this approach will impact MEAP scores at the - ^ -'L*® •..-'-a-^- cate. middle school'level down the line," Weber said. In Kent County the course lest will be held at the Flat River The assistant principal said this year's scores have valleys Sportsman Club. 11841 Potters, Lowell on January 13,1996 at and highs. "The valleys are not as low and the highs are 9 a.m. To participate, please contact the DNR1616-456-5071 higher." Weber said. or 350 Ottawa N.W.. Grand Rapids. Ml by Dec. 31, 1995. In reading, 61.1 percent of the middle school students LMS DRAMA CLASS PRESENTS scored satisfactory (300 or higher) on the story and informa- "GONE WITH THE BREEZE" ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE SUPPORT GROUP tional portions of the reading lest: 28.4 percent scored 300 or The Lowell Middle School eighth-grade drama class will The Lowell support group for family members and friends MEAP, cont'd pg. 8. present "Gone with the Breeze" on Thursday, Jan. 11, at 7:30 of Alzheimer's disease patients will meet Wednesday, Jan. 3 at :;v v•'xmiiWiWWMnw p.m. in the new middle school catetorium at 750 Foreman. Cumberland Retirement Village, 11535 F. Fulton at 6:30 p.m. Don't miss this free evening of entertainment. Interested persons may contact group leaders Betty Wiley. 897-4810 or Lynne Bylsma. 897-0200. INSIDE THE LEDGER YMCA ADULT VOLLEYBALL The meeting is free and open to the public. On-site respite Starting Jan. 10. the YMCA will be offering open adult care provided. Please call 897-0200 ahead of time to arrange. School orders new buses, volleyball from 7 - 9 p.m. on Wednesday evenings at the For more information contact the Chapter at (616) 949-7890 or Pg-17 Lowell Middle School. The session will run thru April 24 with 1-800-722-2516. the exception of Jan. 24. The cost is $2 per person, per time. OFF THE BLOTTER Lowell wrestlers win, pg. 18 LACC QUARTERLY MEETING Involved in a property damage accident Dec. 12th on The Lowell Area Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a Chatham near Smith St. was Shannon Parnofiello, 36. of quarterly meeting January 10 at FMB State Savings Bank, 414 Belding, when the veicle she was driving struck a parked van Stopping a budget trend, pg. 20 R. Main St. at 7 p.m. Main Street, cont'd pg. 8 mm 9HH (t I'lic I.o>u'll I.ed^iT-\N ednesdav, December 27, IWS-Page 2 The Lowell Ledger-Wednesday, December 27, P-WS-Page 3 ers, memorials may be made his battle with cancer. He was cember 17.1995. She was pre- of Shelbyville, Sue and Mike to the American Cancer Soci- a member ot Central S.D.A. < v ceded in death by her hus- Morris. G. John Drake and Joe ety of Hospice Care Center or Church in Grand Rapids. He band. Harvey: her son Bob: and Lisa Drake all ot Grand Greater Grand Rapids. Ar- leaves behind his ex-wife, OBITUARIES her iirandchildren Gail Rav Rapids: his sisters and broth- rangements by Roth-Gerst. Carol Quillan; two sons and Larry Blanchard. She is ers and t he i r spi uises. M adeli ne survived by her children and Norm Holbrook of White Lowell. ' Michael (Chris) Quillan ol Grand Rapids, John (Shelley) Loryce and Charles Cloud. Jack and Lois Drake of HARLOW - Clifford W. etery. Arrangements by Roth- McDonnell of Orlando, Will- Lowell. Dale and Bonnie HORSLEV - Michael Quillan of Saranac: four Barlow was born August I. Gerst. Lowell. iam and Violet Gill of Lowell, Drake of Grand Rapids. Judy Horsley, 35,of Lowell passed daughters Helen (Randy) 1910 and \\ em to his heavenly Wallace and Janet Bonney of and Dan VanderVeen of away December 24. 1995. of Scherehcel. Betty Marvin, all home lo spend Chrisimas w ith MUISKKN - Mr. Arend H. Grand Rapids: Lois and Edmore. Ron and Linda Drake accidental injuries. He was of Coopersville, Linda (Ron) his beloved wife. Mary, on Huisken. aged 68. (^1 Maine, BUSINESS DIRECTORY Ml of Grandville: ten grandchil- bornJuly 17.1961. in loniato Champion of Caledonia. Gern t-- 0c George Anderegg of Decern her 24.1 )5. He was a passed awa> Friday. Decem- uy) Muskegon. Gordon and dren: a sister-in-law Joyce the parents of Roy (Ivy Bridge) (Mike) Huyserof Grand Rap- proud \ eieran of World War ber 22. 1L)95. He w as preceded Delores Bonney of Custer. Allen: a special niece Kelly Horsley. He was employed by ids: brothers Bill (Betty) 11. Celebraiing his life and in death b\ his wife. Jean Ellen Wilma and Andy Blvstra of Whitaker: several other nieces Precise Engineering as a mold , Quillan ot Alto. I bm Quillan J 5 Parts Plus grievini: iheir loss are his chil- (Price) Huisken in 1994 and Wyoming: 17 grandchildren: and nephews.
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