En lovember 24 9 1975 PHONEt (212) 6824.081 URGENT! The peril of deeper U .S . involvement in Angola becomes'gavel with . Sat passing day. The administration is pressing hard for quick passage of le .at on Mich would grant Zaire srcatly increased security and military aesistano led in to the war in Angola . Congress takes up this legislation when it mturns to Washington on December 1st. A growing number of members of Congress are disturbed about this w,rIgeroes course the U .S . is being pushed to engage upon . Some have Vetoed amendments aimed to prevent the U . S . from giving open or covert Id to any political group fti. Anola, as explained in the enclosed action Nowt prepared by the Washington Office on Africa. We must act at once to Death our Senators and Congresspeople end to Tee them to resist US . interference in a people's determination of lair own future. Contact your legislators - in person - while they are in their hem Letviate for the Thmisgiving holiday. Keep after the consistently when back tea Washington. 'GM SENATORS 9 Washinuton, D .C . 20510 PHONE : (202) 224.8121 DM REPRESENTATIVES Wa6ington 9 C 2051 S PHO= : tt NIPLAZDL .IPAtV COIMAITTE,t, CM MST MO AVE.. APT 14F‘ NEW 10b:n THE SUNDAY TIMES, NOVEMBER 23 , 3 9''M. --~- African -Affairs, Nathaniel Davis, The intensity of Iuasi n' sup- 60 miles "sou at Dom. ` i I argued, in time-honoured port led one blase Eastern Euro- move wilt' be sttg13r re- Peter Pring writes fashion, that it was not possible pean to remark : " I know what sisted as Dorado au lies .the from New York for arms bought by Zaire to be the Russians want here : it is a capital .with electricity: passed on because they are sold small ' garden,' about 100 square THE CIA is using .huge US Air- under .., the Foreign Military kilometers, on the coast M The opening of: .the railway Force Starlifter transports to¢fly ' Assistance Act which forbids Angola. But the MPLA leaders which '-eunds - foe thee port: of weapons and supplies into Zaire, such dealings. Cynical senators know that Russia can turn cold Benguela is certainly a boon formerly the Belgian Congo, to recalled; the use of Turkish arms on them again as it once did. for the Unita'NLA forces, but b mst the antiscammunist Angolan by Turkish Cypriots in the They only peed them now to win it will not yet help President Cyprus crisis. this -war." Kuanda in land-locked Zambia. i forces. Equipment worth tens MPLA still controls a key town .t_ millions of dollars has been C particular concern to the In the .confusion of this civil flown In since spring and the air- US at this time are the $225 war, claims by the rival army which prevents trains reaching lift is being increased with this million Gulf Oil investments in to have taken several key MPLA the Angola-Zambia border to weekend's . reported arrival of the Cabinda enclave,. which is towns, draye "proved to hefalse... pink up Zambian copper. 3,000 Cuban troops . and: .Soviet' outside the Marxist MPLA 'eon- -Unita 'Said that it "had taken weapons , in Angola's capital, In 'Lu'anda' the real fear of Luanda, held by the MPLA trod. Gulf is currently produc- Melange, : thus effectively split- an FNLA attack has been dissi- ing 120 to 140 million barrels ting MPLA territory in two, but pated and .people- are learning (Popular Movement for the of crude oil a day from the Angolans arriving in Luanda to cope with an' "austere life. Liberation of Angola). offshore rigs and it is part of from Melange deny this, although The city was last week without The American arms are , the CIA.'s intention to .protect, lnita forces are . approaching the water :tor over 24 hours-because destined for the .forrees of Holden . these interests by channelling town from the sdutit Similarly, of a break ifi' 'the electrical line Roberto, whose 15,000-strong aid to Zaire. the Luanda authorities deny that outside the city. People sleep on army of the FNLA (Front .fair •Gabela !bassi:fallen 180 miles the pavemeftts at night so" they the Liberation of Angola) .has' 'south-east-, f the capital. There{ can. be -sure "of ' getting bread been the guest of President Caryle' Murphy writes is now a prospect of stalemate the next morning . The ' market Mobutu of , Zaire since it was from. Luanda - in, this; mountainous area where place is, .practically empty.. and formed, in 1962.. Rebe -WW's_ f-arc MPLA forces are being strongly if MPLA' does not' regain some have been advancing on Luanda built up to defeat the threat territory lost in the south, it from the north . REINFORCEMENTS sent out to .the ..capital. , — . wilt ,soon. : be . hard-pressed :to An American source said the fro mLuarida, including Cuban MPLA leaders 'believe their feed'the' city. Part -of the ship- airlift was "The biggest CIA troops and heavy equipment enemies will try to press north ments from the Russian ships operation since the Congo in the unloaded from a Rats Sian shipp . reportedly rice. sixties. It.. is thought that the only civs before, are :c n r g towards Quibale, which - is only. this- week was Starlifters, which can carry 154 the thrust from the south by troops or 70,847l'b of equipment, FNLA and Unita forces, led by are staging ;-tprou li be US base Portuguese and .,South Afrioan in the Azores, still owned by theummadders . The tide of the Portuguese. But no troops have Angolan civil war seems to be been' sent to *reinfolrcq...°t", :p- . Atoning after the, first, viottories, man American military ads rsary 'by'' the antt-communist troop:S, unit in Zaire . whose advance column is being The?. 'builld-up' hi Luanda cif held .-e240 miles southeast of th Soviet equipment and Cuban 'Capital. troops since independence on Last week a Cuban and two November 11 has led to a hard- Russian ,ships' un1thidtid -large ening, on Washington's official amounts of war material for the line of " just observing the situ- MPLA at Luanda. It included ation ." State Dapartrnent,omitxtis. f$0. ,and, 1 Umirn nmotars, 105mm have approa4 hed Congressmen howitzers, recoiless rifles and about increasing sixfold Ameri- hand-fired rockets . There were can aid to -Zaire. Id eabout $60 . also reports .fit ia shipment in. million (£30 milli'ori) eluded -Russian 40-tube rocket- This would consist of $20 mil- launchers and the latest in Sam lion in development aid, $20 guided missiles. If this is true million in export-import bank it represents an escalation of the loans and $20 million for food. war. All unloading work is Washington: soUirces: say;: 'how- heavily . .i guarded by ' Cub A ever, that these loans would then sold,inrs. be used to buy US weapons to The MPIfA's Commandant he passed on to the FNLA and Juju, asked to comment on the its ally, Unite (Union for the new equipment, would only say: Total Independence of Angola), " It is all very good." There are led by Jonas Savimbi.; • persistent ~ rumour that Russian The -State Department hotly MiG jet fighters are being denies this. At hearings before assembled at the airport, hut the Senate foreign relations Commandant Juju denied this, committee this summer, .the adding: "We don't need planes Assistant Secretary of State Awn. to-stop this column ." In Luanda people ,are getting . • used :to, the Russian' presence. Grarips of Russaian' technicians who arrived last week are living at the airport, where they are assembling electronic equipment. The Russian and Jugoslav am- bassadors are active around i town..
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