CHOTE "On* way u> .140¾) a rufr 25' awa) hnrw ts to bet on him." pt'r rttfty Th* Glob*- and Mail, Toronto tl%m ONE HUN04t£0-f IFTEENTH YEA*- Wo 90 CHCLSEA, MICHIGAN, WtDNESOAY MAY 14 1986 20. Pagiw Jhi*_ VVo*fc_ Young Jackson Man SuspSed in Attempted Arson of 3 Building? A la , ttay taw tbe Jackson i oft LiacDtn St •naan'fsrl to ••rty «at of a* aOey was at fire,. paMee aakt That of aari * St.hawitor's Grocery and Chaises report was at 2:30. n an tltaatin oa Park St. Tbe building was totally n. fantea 4aeatiancd the man EitenaiTC tc abaat Ike glaaa at the road, and akaawWle, a Taylor St. rest- afUrage atUsxaaaaad waao be act»d\iiaaaitknuly they dent, who was awakened when St. Itotetadl m t—~ lil.nJiriii.lii - u_ her dog barhad, calkd Cbelaea at tti a rar iflaniiiKaaoa. ne paHce at t-M with a report she DtCYartaty naltca said. a driver'* Mecaac and saw a man wafting down the Reka^rasy minor in- rceartadh/ t»U the officer* that street Police cespandad and they'd "see ban later aad they'd : (oaad the man they hnt saw Lttrary be aarry. nha aaM tbere was a earning vA from between the bin *t lav BoBvaav an stnaf odsr of akaboi 0« the ana. grocery stare and deaners. Bkstoac ttrary, «M « Taa aaai lalt the arane an font Aceordtog to poiice, the man «L At appnatimatcfy 2:35 the otV was baOfajarent upon baiag taken Tttt oral afl occanad «*J*a fleets rasaanaad to a traata taa aaa eajsady for ojawattaaBg and aboat an boar linhaiiaj at ay- fire at tae Hop-to. as S. Main 9L at «at gaaat Med la grab BatTs pftacfcsateiy Z:H a-m. A» any aniiaaisJ to pat aat that fan btst and halakf. They *aid A wfid sariaa of **aota had fire, they haard "a the nawbaBM vaaeat aad had Cbilaaa paUca and firaman *o«nd,"fr« atawaartat aO war tawa bbrary. They saw tiwee aaparate At 3:4> Cfeeisea fireman Aocsrdbaj ta pattcv, Cbalara banana; pile*, two « the porch responded ta the fire at the D*C poUcc orAeen Deaoia HaB and and one in tbe yard, path* said. • •21. _ r*- -^ 4* • ** M—M.JA.J A^ ^ store. Police said they suspect mim* rvwn uim mfimuw u> • At that point, pance want to the fire toot longer than tbe complaint at 2: M that there was a work on the second oboe others to start lot of glaa* m the rsad at UK to- calkd (or help from the At i pm that same da? a small tersection of Park and Main St. Fire Department. bunting area of brush was found As they were deaning oj> tbe As cne of the volunteers was oa near the Municipal Parkin* Lot his way to She actum, he was stop­ and East St. ped by a resident who said the James Gaunt To Head Michigan Fkxisis Assoc. James L, Gaunt of Chelsea, president of Seuffrvkw (Giadio- bai Far**) he., became the president of Michigan State Florist Asaoriatian at their re- "W - ta • fion> Qum htm of the state. MSFA oflers its members cuity beacfits in- eluding group insurances, the Flex-Rats credit card program, etc. MSFA ha* a Legislative Committee which is active in MOST JNFU.TNTUL TKACTEMS, M aaaae* ay Cheam * Dave Raynaad, Torn Wikm, representing the concerns of the laade ttadeass, were part «1 OK aaaart baaajatt held tort Tuesday at Mai Teravtn, Mary fi- Weber. DcVriet mad Hi tar industry to their state legislators Christ* Hfe* sefcaaL Ffwat left are J*Aan Tamtam, Pamela Yagfela. in Lansing. Helm**, Ait* Cr*«*4ey. Stephen Lei*, Wayne Wettaa, Chris Jim is currently finishing a two-year term as president of the Detroit Allied Florist Associa­ tion. Allied is also composed of retail and wholesale florists and Cum Laude Grads Honored growers in the Detroit Metro­ politan area. Their major em­ Modtm Mather Child &udy son of Mr. and Mrs John daughter of Mr and Mrs Jon Club. toj>rti*r with the Chelsea Howard. Dinner music was pro- phasis is on advertising to pro- yi/WI In. tlu< smrtfi miartet of Euseribeiser; Christie Faveis, Schaffner; Jemter Swarmgen. rftsve^ f1n#*<i*l Cfmtn^i rui«R ichoois held their iJw an- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chelsea High SV;K>O1 orchestra (laughter of Mrs. Susan Kirk; Jim is also serving as the North .'iual Honors Banquet last night Roderick Fa vers; Michael Good­ Ravi Vadiamudi, son of Mr. and for the 1986 Cum Laude led by Jed Fntzemeier and enter­ Central Regional director for tbe tainment was provided hy the Tin- win, son of Mr and Mrs. Michael Mrs. Babu Yadlamudi. graduate*. Goodwin; Mart Haapala. wholesale florists and Fbrist tLnnabulatoTs, the- youth bell Each of the honored students Supplies of American WF * ^SA AUtriaifi* the affair in the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur is permittrd to selc-1 a teacher Chelsea High .vhool cifcttr,.! choir, from the First United is composed of wholesale sup­ Methodist church of Chelsea. Haapala; Sommer Havens, who, they feel, haii influenced were the lionored students, their daughter of Mr and Mrs rUvrt plier; of all the various products Honored students are .is them the most to be honored. The that the retail florists use. parents, honored teachers, the Havens Tyler Heaven, son of honored teacher? are ;*s follows, Board f Education and ad- follows- Ty Anders'"", .'•on of Mr Jim was honored with a and Mrs 'Rudy A.-aci-kx) den- Mr and Mrs. Joseph Heaven; Mrs Ann Crowley, Ms. Su/aruw JAMES f. GAUNT mir.istrators -rum ii\,- hi.^h Cynthia Kvarnberg, daughter of membership m the American schooi mfer Cstteli. daughter J Mrs Devries, Chri* Pimanin, Mrs Academy of Floriculture in July Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kvarnberg; Pam Holmes, David Johnson, Mrs Jsjdy.Wahl. president of Lynda Cattell; Kimoerly Collins, of 19M in recognition of his many daughter of Mr arid Mrs James Brian Oakley, son of Mr. and Stephen l-eith. Thomas Morrison, Modern Mothers, presided over Mrs, Bruce Oakley; Susan Over- years of service and leadership in Collins; Paula Colombo. Robin Raymond, Paul Terpstra, the floral industry. W. Midtile Paving (.he evening. The invocation was dor!, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Mrs. Joann Tlwrnton and Ms. given by the Kfv. John Morris daughter of Mr. and Mrs. l.ouis Southview, founded in 1931 by James Overdorf; Jill Setoff nor, Mar%' Weber. 1 and the speaker was Dr. Harry Colombo, James Fisenbeistr, Jim's parent :, services more than 300 retail sliops with cut Contract Awarded p. > i;.. ,._... ... JI4JWCI3 dllU 3U|^ni». 1/41'< 54^1* Ajax Paving of Jackson was Hayes Sts , Fahmer said That up working with the glads and the tow bidder to re-pave the part estimated cost is $30,ri10. became the owner in I960. of W. Middle street torn up b> the The project is scheduled to be Schools Need 5.8 Mills Southview continues to be a fami­ civistruction of the storm scwo.-. completed July 1 at a cost of ly business with Pan Gaunt as Ajax's bid was $67 758 $162,000. Approximately $62.MB general manager, Rk Gaunt as The o<d was accepted at the of thai is for Public V\,;rks labor. operations manager, and Tom v;i!age council's regular met?tinn The village has also gotten a Gaunt as salef manager May C good deal on labor through the Maintain Present Program In March of 1911 the business "This just .ibout depletes the Michigan prison system, hiring a was moved from the Sibley Rd. major streets fund,'1 Village Ad­ 10-man erew for S'S per day, When Chelsea school district in the State Equalled Value of new labor contract is likely to be Intermediate School District', farm to the Metroplex Industrial ministrator Frit? Weber told the Fahmer said. Those crews work voters go to the polls on Monday, farmland within the district, ratified by the school board at S,U4.45ti. Park in iiomulus. council. from 7:30-2:30. June 9, they'll be asked to ap­ Mills said Farmland makes up thei' May 19 meeting, A tentative Over-* 11, Mills said, those The first phase of the over-all "We used prison labor to work sources will bruit; m about $20,000 prove 5.8 null* m operating 14 percent of SEV, residential agi-ement was reached April 29. project, the replacement of the at the landfill a ample of years milltiye Half of th..'., or 2 9 mills, property makes up 56 percent. Mills said that a request of more than in 1&AJ-S6. Meanwhile, Bands Plan ago," Fahmer saia "It works out The remaining 2S percent is com­ salaries are rising and there i.s storm sewer, should be finished is a tnree-year renewal Tne more than 2.9 mills was con this week, according to Assistant well for every one other half is a three-year reouest mercial and industrial pioperty, some inflation to contend with. sidered at one point, but that the Final Concert Villa«e Administrator Lee There will be no through traffic for new rrullage However, including 12 percent in personal school board decided to make ad­ In comparison with other property. Fahmer in the area until the work is com­ they're beirtt? combined into one ditional cuts instead school districts. Mills said that in pleted in July. proposal Farmland assessments Chessca, one mill brings in about For Year He said Ajax's work should We had to cut more than begin about Juno It.
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