REVISED TREE BOARD Milwaukie Tree Board | 6101 SE Johnson Creek Blvd, Milwaukie, OR 97206 Members Andrew Taylor, Ley Garnett, Ann Leenstra, Linda Carr, Rebecca Ives, Kathleen Brennan- Hunter, Gina Dake Staff Liaison: Peter Passarelli AGENDA: November 14, 2018 | 5:30 – 7 PM | Community Development Conference Room 5:30 – 5:40 Welcome/Review minutes from October meeting All 5:40 – 6:20 Tree Code and Development All 6:20 – 6:40 Urban Forest Plan Update All 6:40 – 7:00 Tree list Becky 7:00 Adjourn TREE BOARD MEETING MINUTES 6101 SE Johnson Creek Blvd. Milwaukie, OR 97206 October 17, 2018 Members Present: Andrew Taylor Ley Garnett Linda Carr Rebecca Ives Gina Dake Kathleen Brennan-Hunter Ann Leenstra Members Absent: None Staff Present: Peter Passarelli, City of Milwaukie Guests: Emma Sagor – EnviroIssues Jon Brown – citizen of Milwaukie MEETING NOTES DRAFT Minutes from the August 15, 2018, meeting were approved. Peter mentioned that the survey produced important information. Emma Sagor, from EnviroIssues, discussed the results. It drew a lot of open ended comments. There was a total of 204 responses, and 148 of them were completed. The Board next discussed status of the Urban Forest Plan. Peter said the City Attorney advised breaking the Tree Code into 3 broad segments: public trees, private trees and development related activities affecting trees. Peter noted that all materials related to the November 20, 2018, Council work session involving the Urban Forest Plan are due for review on November 8. Tree Board Minutes – October 17, 2018 Page 2 The Board decided to move up the November meeting to the 14th. Friends of Trees want to have a Spring event in Milwaukie. It might be a joint Arbor Day event. Peter said the City has a $15,000 budget to buy trees for planting. The areas where the trees will be planted are yet to be selected but need to be soon. Tree Code workshops with Board members and Planning will be held in the next few weeks. Jon Brown, citizen of Milwaukie and guest at the meeting, made some comments regarding public outreach, and mentioned that there is always opposition to tree protection. Next meeting: November 14, 2018. Adjourned at 7:00 pm. Andy Taylor, Chair Peter Passarelli, City Liaison DRAFT Trees and Development, proposed new code outline, September 2018 Tree Preservation During Land Divisions: MMC Title 17 – Land Division • New code section (perhaps 17.36), applies to all land divisions including flag lots. o Minimum Preservation Standards: for instance, preserve 50% of trees with diameter (DBH) 20” or greater, and at least 30% of total tree diameter on the site . For lots greater than one acre, make it less burdensome to calculate: for instance, simply preserve at least 35% of total tree canopy area on the site. Applies to any land division with at least one tree 6” DBH or greater . There are tree exemptions, such as trees that are less than 6” DBH, dead, diseased, invasive species, or in the public right-of-way. o Approval Criteria: for instance, trees proposed for preservation are suitable based on their location (clustered in groves preferred), health, long-term viability, and anticipated development impact; tree preservation is maximized while allowing reasonable development; and mitigation where minimum standards are not met, including new planting and preserving smaller (<6” DBH) trees. o Modifications to better preserve trees: allowing cottage clustering in low-density zoning, and allowing reduction of number of units. Tree Preservation During Development: MMC Title 16.32 – Tree Code, or MMC 19.500 – Supplementary Development Regulations • Tree Preservation Standards, applies to all trees on sites where development impacts a minimum area (i.e. 100 square feet), and to all trees in public right-of-ways where development impacts more than just existing paved surfaces. o Preservation: For instance, preserve and protect at least 33% of all trees with DBH 12” or greater. Offer option for preservation of Priority Species (natives) 6-12” to satisfy 33%. o Mitigation: Fee is paid to Tree Fund for every tree below Preservation threshold (i.e. 33%); fee is based on size of tree, larger trees are more expensive fees. o Large Trees: For instance, all trees greater than 30” DBH shall be preserved, or mitigation must be paid. They may be used to meet the 33% for Preservation above. o Exemptions: Sites that are too small (i.e. <5000 sq. ft.); trees that are dead, diseased, or invasive species; consider exemption from mitigation fees for affordable housing projects. • On-Site Tree Area and Density Standards, applies to all new development and exterior remodels exceeding a value threshold o Required Tree Area: Percentage of site area, based on zoning (i.e. 50% of site for low density residential). Percentage of lot for planting trees o Required Tree Density: Number of required trees , based on Tree Area size. Target density can be reached with more small trees or fewer large trees. Tree size category calculator to be provided. o Exemptions: Specific land uses (i.e. agriculture); projects relating to septic, plumbing, demolition. • Street Tree Planting Standards, applies to all development affecting right-of-ways, including public and private. o Tree Planting Requirement: 1 tree per X amount linear feet of street frontage, based on tree species/size. For example, 1 large tree every 35 feet; 1 small tree every 25 feet. o Existing trees preserved to meet Preservation Standards can be used to meet Planting Requirements. o Mitigation: for public projects, trees can be planted elsewhere to mitigate when standards cannot be met. o Exemptions: Development projects that don’t exceed a value threshold, only affect the street surface, and demolition; and where utilities make tree planting impossible; where the planting strip is too narrow and tree wells are not feasible. • Tree Documentation, required alongside all development permits, unless there are no trees >=12” DBH on site and no street/public trees >=3” DBH. o A site plan, must show: . Existing locations of all trees, including all trees on site 12” DBH (and smaller trees, if being used to meet preservation standards), all street/public trees 3” DBH, Heritage trees are specifically labelled . Existing improvements . Proposed improvements . Proposed tree activity, including trees preserved and protected during construction to meet standards, trees to be removed, and trees to be planted to meet required tree density. o If not using prescribed tree protection measures, developer must include a description of those alternative tree protection measures for trees to be preserved through development. o Trees to be excluded from preservation standards based on poor health/invasive species require documentation from an arborist. • Review and Appeals processes, specifying a timeframe for the review process, and how the administrative decision could be appealed. Undeveloped 2-1/2 to 3' Planting Strip - 2-1/2 to 3' Planting Strip - 3 to 3-1/2' Planting Strip - 3 to 3-1/2' Planting Strip - 4 to 5-1/2' Planting Strip - 4 to 5-1/2' Planting Strip - 6 to 8' Planting Strip - Roadside BOTANICAL MATURE SIZE COMMON CONCERN Overhead Power Lines No Overhead Power Lines Overhead Power Lines No Overhead Power Lines Overhead Power Lines No Overhead Power Lines Overhead Power Lines Planting Strip Downtown Abies amabilis 80't Silver Fir X Abies balsamea 'Nana' Dwarf Balsam Fir Not pollution tolerant X X X X X X Abies concolor White Fir Disease prone? X Abies grandis 100+'t x 35'w Grand Fir X Abies pinsapo Spanish Fir Not pollution tolerant X Acer buergeranum 35't x 30'w Trident Maple X X Acer campestre Hedge Maple Specie - invasive (var?) X Acer campestre 'Evelyn' Queen Elizabeth Maple Shallow roots? X Acer circinatum 20't x 20'w Vine Maple X X X X X X Acer ginnala Amur maple Invasive specie X Acer grandidentatum 'Schmidt' Rocky Mountain Glow Maple Univ.Minn.report X X X Acer griseum 30't x 25'w Paperbark Maple X X X Acer macrophyllum 100't x 50'w Bigleaf Maple X Acer p. 'Bloodgood' 20't x 20'w Blood Good Japanese Maple X X X X X X X Acer p. 'Butterfly' 12't x 8'w Butterfly Japanese Maple X X X X X X X Acer platanoides 'Crimson sentry' Crimson Sentry Norway Maple Invasive X X Acer platanoides 'Drummondi' Variegated Norway Maple Heavily planted X Acer platanoides 'Globosum' Globe Norway Maple Invasive X Acer rubrum Red Maple Destructive roots X Acer tataricum ssp. Ginnala Amur Maple Invasive X X X X X X Acer truncatum x A. platanoides 'Warrenred' Pacific Sunset Maple Short-lived? X Alnus rubra Red Alder Collar rot if irrigated X Amelanchier alnifolia var semi-integrifolia 12't x 12'w Serviceberry X X X X X X Amelanchier laevis 'Snowcloud' Snowcloud Serviceberry X X Amelanchier x grandiflora 'Autumn Brilliance' 25't x 25'w Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry X Arbutus menziesii 60't x 30'w Madrone X Arbutus unedo Strawberry Tree Messy X X X X X X Calocedrus decurrens 75't x 15'w California Incense Cedar X X Carpinus betulus 50't x 50'w European Hornbeam X Carpinus betulus 'Frans Fontaine' 35't x 15'w Frans Fontaine Hornbeam X Carpinus japonica 30't x 15'w Japanese Hornbeam X Ceanothus thyrsiflorus (specific varieties) California Lilac X X X X X X Cedrus deodara 50't x 40'w Deodar Cedar X Cedrus libani ssp. 'Atlantica Glauca' 60't x 40'w Blue Atlas Cedar X Cercidiphyllum japonicum Katsura Destructive roots X Chamaecyparis nootkatensis 45't x 25'w Alaska Cedar X Chamaecyparis pis. 'Filiferi Aurea' 15't x 10'w Chamaecyparis X X X X X X Chimonanthus praecox 15't x 12'w Fragrant Wintersweet X X X X X Chionanthus virginicus 15't x 12'w Fringetree X X X X X X Cistus x corbariensis 3't x 5'w Rock Rose X X X X X X Cornus mas 25't x 20'w Cornelian Cherry Dogwood X Corylopsis spicata 8't x 10'w Spike Winterhazel X X X X X X Crataegus douglasii (C.
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