rAllAil SAL L Lula cti:Licie... • THE PRESMENT They Killed The President by Alan Stang, which LOD 11111,91/ 00.40 WW1 tl'Orle ,-, reveals startling new evidence of conspiracy in the ...:■ ..11.4. .- ^ , „r ...I.—L._ __ •:. , ,....... ..-- -;,.•"" .....V • _ ..- assassination of President John F. Kennedy, original. 3‘..., ■ J„-:- . • .:40,... --.7'..."-11,1"."7 ... • ._ ly appeared in the February 1976 issue of AMERICAN OPINION magazine. War. g„..1,..0.... -77,1:=7 ...0‘.."• '''' 0 P: -- Additional copies of this copyrighted article are -:^_:-..- , 2.-- _ •6•E•g7'^- ' L"--...7. 7-.-- , - ''' I..-- Vr- ). • ---- .•' --•••...'... • • available at the following prices: Less than 100, four , ,. • :Ar''.'r/4.".7%.-Wrdn't.e . for one dollar; 100 to 499, twenty cents each; 500 to ---- •• ••*f ....; "...e,-- : ...OIL. ::..1 . •• ' 999, eighteen cents each; 1,000 or more, fifteen cents •-' --..`. ' ' . t.-::- . - each. 4:47." - re21 • — -0" • al I • — •-• The article described above is just • one of scores which have been re- Jam F Kamm* Lam, printed from AMERICAN OPINION magazine — America's foremost Con- servative journal of current events. Each month AME.RIC.AN OPINION con- tains accurate, behind-the-scenes re- THEY KILLED ports on such topics as the created energy crisis, 0.S.H.A„ the E.P.A., rising prices, shortages and rationing, and more. AMERICAN OPINION is the only THE PRESIDENT magazine where you find exclusive reports and essays from such distin- Lee Harvey Oswald wasn't alone guished authors as Taylor Caldwell, Gary Allen, Alan Stang, Dr. Susan Alan Stang is author of It's Very Simple; The Actor; Huck, Dan Smoot, William P. Hoar, and, The Highest Virtue. His radio commentary, The Alan Stang Report, is now heard on and Dr. Medford Evans. more than 80 stations. Mr, Stang holds a Master's Degree from Columbia. Don't wait to receive a reprint from our pages; subscribe now and get every • E. HOWARD Burn is probably the the news. To his surprise and plea- article every month. A one-year sub- only American over thirty who doesn't sure, the stately strains of the slow remember where he was and what he movement of Beethoven's "Eroica" scription is fifteen dollars. was doing on November 22, 1963. came over the air, and he began hum- Subscriptions and reprints may be ordered from your nearest Your reporter, for instance, remem- ming accompaniment to the unex- AMERICAN OPINION BOOKSTORE bers quite clearly that he left his pected treat. typewriter in his New York apart- Then a neutral voice interrupted or directly from ment (the city was then still part of the music to announce that the Pres- the United States), headed for a late ident of the United States had been AMERICAN OPINION lunch, and turned on the radio to hear assassinated. Belmont, Massachusetts 02178 San Marino, California 91108 FEBRUARY. 1978 nine t)! other Americans, killed Uswald tor the same reamni. your reporter was stunned, shocked, Because Oswald could not possibly eyes blind, mind reeling. Such things have fired fast enough to do all the could not happen here in the United damage done to President Kennedy States! They happened only far away, and Texas Governor John Connally, in the Middle East and South Amer- the Commission told us that one bul- ica. In the pacific United States we do let, Commission Exhibit 399, com- things differently! The experts now monly known as the Magic Bullet, tell us that the event marked the end entered the President's back, exited of our "age of innocence." America his throat, entered the Governor's was now supposed to realize it is back, smashed a rib, exited his chest, vulnerable. At last we were forced entered his wrist, smashed more into the "modern world." bone, exited his wrist, struck his And, sure enough, the assassina- thigh — and later turned up almost tion raised the curtain on an incred- totally undamaged on a stretcher in ible tragicomedy so prepoeterous it Parkland Hospital. would have been rejected by a fiction Since then, various commentators editor. Presidential Assistants and have written at length about the Secret Servicemen committed a fel- crime. From time to time, they meet ony by stealing the dead President's in convention. For some, the assassi- body from Dallas County, where Dr. nation has become a business; for Earl Rose, one of the nation's fore- others, a hobby. Many have axes to most forensic pathologists, was ready grind. Some are opportunists. A few to do the crucial auto;isy. Back in are serious students. Your reporter is Bethesda, less qualified pathologists not an "assassination buff," but like were not allowed to do a proper job. most other Americans has been won- Lee Harvey Oswald, the man arrested dering what really happened in Dal- for the crime, was known to have gone las, and is frustrated by the usual to Russia, renounced his U.S. citizen- rehash of contradictions. So it is elec- ship, and returned to participate in trifying to report that now at last Communist activities; but the na- come two men with genuinely new tional press screeched that the assas- evidence — sonic of which may even- Kennedy in the National Archives. nally that he was hit not by the bullet sination was the work of the "climate tually lead to the answers we want. Like just about everybody else but that wounded the President but by of hate" created by "Rightwing Ex- the Warren Commission, Chapman the second bullet.' And, says Chap- tremists," and that Dallas was a Autopsy And Ballistics has long been dubious of the "single man, there is the fact that the angles bullet" theory, according to which "center of fascist reaction." As much E. Forrest Chapman is a physician of the various wounds prove there as he dared, Chief Justice Earl War- in private practice in a suburb of the Magic Bullet went through Ken- were three different bullets. Accord- nedy's hack and neck, entered Con- ren agreed. The Communist Daily Detroit. For three years he was Deputy ing to the "single bullet" theory, the Worker, apparently impressed, sug- Medical Examiner of Wayne County, nally's hack, shattered four inches of Magic Bullet dramatically changed gested that a Presidential commis- Michigan, the scene of innumerable, rib, shattered the largest bone in the course in mid-air. "The Commission sion, headed by Warren, be ap- interesting murders. He is a graduate Governor's wrist, and tore into his asks us to believe that the Magic thigh — but was only minimally de- painted to "investigate." And, a few of the Armed Forces Institute course Bullet was deflected by a large air days later, President Lyndon Johnson in forensic pathology. He is Senior Air formed. For instance, he enumerates, molecule," says Dr. Chapman. appointed just such a commission. Transport Examiner for the Federal there is the still unwavering insis- There is also the fact that the Despite a Matterhorn of evidence Aviation Agency. He is a veteran of tence of both Governor and Mrs. Con- Commission refused to accept the re- to the contrary, the Warren Commis- countless autopsies. And E. Forrest sults of some of its own testa. For 'The tenon Connally didn't hear the second instance, it fired a round through the aimi concluded that Oswald was a Chapman is one of fewer than a dozen bullet, says Chapman, it that by the time the "lone fanatic," who did what he did professionals who have been permit- sound. which travels much *laser, arrived, he wrist of a cadaver. Needles* to say, because of a wart "d psyche. Jack ted to see the autopsy photographs already had been hit by the much feeler bullet the exiting bullet was mashed. But Ruby was also a "Inc■ fanatic," who and X-rays of the late President John — and the manic, assault on his brain mn- we are asked to believe that the bullet mentarily blanked out ell other stimuli. which smashed the heavy distal ra- 2 AMERICAN OPINION FEBRUARY. 1976 3 CE 543 remember also that the maximum possible time between the wounding of the two victims — scientifically established by examination of the movie film shot by Abraham Zapru- der — was less than the minimum CE 544 time required to re-fire Oswald's rifle; and that, for as long as two months after the assassination, both the Se- cret Service and the Federal Bureau of Investigation were filing reports ac- cording to which Connally had been CE 545 hit by a second bullet. So, if the Magic Bullet did not hit Connally, what did it do? First, says Chapman, fifty-two witnesses re- ported that the sound of the first shot Dr. E. Forrest Chapman (above) was the third non-government professional was noticeably softer than the next permitted to see the autopsy photos and X-rays of President Kennedy in the two, more like a firecracker than a National Archives. He Is convinced the so-called Magic Bullet on Page 4, bullet. But, of course, witnesses are probably because of a defective primer, was a low-velocity "short" round that notoriously unreliable, se by itself hit Kennedy alone. That was Oswald's first shot, striking the President in the this means nothing. More important, upper back and exiting his neck; his second shot NI J.F.K. In the head and One assassin couldn't fire fast says Dr. Chapman, is the fact that killed him. But, says Chapman, Oswald fired only twice. Since there is photo- enough for 2 hits as shown on IIIm while there were traces of copper on graphic evidence of three shots, Including one hitting Connally lust after the so Warren Commission claims this the President's coat at the back of the first shot hit Kennedy but before anyone could have re-fired the Oswald rifle, "Magic Bullet" cut through J.F.K.
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