LiaR. Marine ace Laboratory Oregon State University Vol. 32, No. 6 June 1970 STATE OF OREGON DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES The Ore Bin Published Monthly By STATE OF OREGON DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES Head Office: 1069 State Office Bldg., Portland, Oregon - 97201 Telephone: 226 - 2161, Ext. 488 FIELD OFFICES 2033 First Street 521 N. E. "E" Street Baker 97814 Grants Pass 97526 XX X XX X X XX X X XX X X XX X X X Subscription rate $1.00 per year. Available back issues 10 cents each. Second class postage paid at Portland, Oregon 'X 'X' 'X' 'X 'X' 5Z 'X• 5Z 5Z 'X 5Z 5Z 5Z 5Z 5Z SZ 5Z 5Z 5r 'X GOVERNING BOARD Fayette I. Bristol, Rogue River, Chairman R. W. deWeese, Portland Harold Banta, Baker STATE GEOLOGIST R. E. Corcoran GEOLOGISTS IN CHARGE OF FIELD OFFICES Norman S. Wagner, Baker Len Ramp, Grants Pass 5Z 5Z 5Z 'k 5Z 5Z 'k 5Z 5Z 5Z 5Z 5Z 5Z 5Z 5Z Permission is granted to reprint information contained herein. Credit given the State of Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries for compiling this information will be appreciated. • State of Oregon The ORE BIN Department of Geology Volume 32, No.6 and Mineral Industries June 1 970 1069 State Office Bldg. Portland Oregon 97201 CENOZOIC ASH-FLOW TUFFS OF OREGON* By George W. Walker U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California 94025. ABSTRACT Periodic violent eruptions from many different centers during Cenozoic time deposited vast quantities of pyroclastic material as ash-flow tuffs over most of Oregon, although the Coast Ranges and isolated patches elsewhere in the state appear to have been spared these recurring inundations. Eruptions occurred at different times throughout the Cenozoic, and for purposes of description, they can be separated into three age groups: an older one of Eocene, Oligocene, and Miocene age, an intermediate one of early and middle Pliocene age, and a young group of late Pliocene, Pleistocene, and Holocene age. Some of these ash-flow tuffs are of small volume, less than a cubic mile, and are related to fissure vents, small domal complexes, or calderas from which several kinds of volcanic products were erupted. A few cover thousands of square miles, have volumes of tens of cubic miles, and apparently are related to a large-scale basinal collapse structure and associated calderas. Most ash-flow tuffs are rhyolite or dacite; a few are peralkaline soda rhyolite. Older ash-flow tuffs are commonly diagenetically altered to a va- riety of secondary minerals; of the younger tuffs, only those that erupted into shallow lakes exhibit comparable alteration. Introduction Periodic violent eruptions during nearly all of Cenozoic time deposited vast quantities of silicic pyroclastic material over nearly all of Oregon, although the Coast Ranges and some small, isolated patches in other parts of the State do not appear to have been inundated. Much of this pyroclastic material was erupted high into the air, where it cooled, fell, and was incorporated as volcanic ash or pumice and crystal fragments in tuffs and tuffaceous sediments. A large part of this material, however, was erupted as hot, high-density suspensions of pyroclastic material in volcanic gas. These suspensions retained much of their inherent volcanic heat as they flowed as turbu- lent mixtures down broad slopes of volcanic cones, and laterally from large craters * Publication authorized by the Director, U.S. Geological Survey. 97 or calderas over vast, nearly flat areas. At times they devastated thousands of square miles in a matter of a few hours or a few days. Some of these flow mixtures filled valleys locally to considerable depth, whereas others spread out as very thin (less than 10 feet thick) sheets over peneplained surfaces. The turbulent, hot mixture of gas and pyroclastic material has been variously labelled nuee ardente, tuff flow, incandescent tuff flow, glowing avalanche, and ash flow, to mention a few names, and the material deposited from the mixture labelled as ignimbrite, eutaxite, or ash- flow tuff. Following the usage of Ross and Smith (1961), most geologists in the • United States now refer to these incandescent mixtures of gas and pyroclastic material as ash flows and the deposits as ash-flow tuffs, and they will be so termed here. After emplacement, the ash-flow tuffs were modified by several processes, including compaction and welding of the still hot and plastic pyroclastic material to form welded or sintered tuffs, by secondary flowage to form laminated rock similar in some ways to flow-banded rhyolite, by crystallization of the glassy constituents, and by several kinds of alteration. Manifestations of this type of volcanic activity are well preserved in the Cenozoic stratigraphic record of Oregon and, although structural complications, ero- sion, and deep burial of the older ash-flow tuffs hinder comprehensive studies of some of them, several of the younger ash-flow tuffs are well exposed over very large areas, and they afford an excellent opportunity for investigation. Some of the data obtained over the past few decades on distribution, age, and character of Oregon ash-flow tuffs are summarized in this paper. For those in- terested in more detailed information on the development of ash-flow tuff terminol- ogy, postulated mechanisms of flowage and emplacement, and detailed characteris- tics of these volcanic products as they occur in Oregon and in other parts of the world, reference should be made to the excellent and comprehensive summaries by Smith (1960a, 196013) and Ross and Smith (1961 ). Historically, these extensive ash-flow tuff sheets in Oregon, as well as else- • where, were interpreted as rhyolite or dacite with unusual textures that originated from fissures now concealed, inasmuch as centers of eruption seemed to be lacking and the individual flow units covered areas of such immense size. The presence of these extensive sheets of rhyolitic rock in different parts of Oregon was recognized for many years, but the fact that most, though by no means all, of these sheets are deposits from Tertiary and early Quaternary ash flows has been established only with- in the past few decades, and the origin of a few small rhyolitic sheets is still in doubt. As early as 1882, Russell (1884, p. 437) recognized the volcanic character and rhyolitic composition of some of these layered rocks. Diller (in Diller and Pat- ton, 1902) identified a distinctive ash-flow deposit (the Quaternary Wineglass Welded Tuff of Williams, 1942) on the northeast wall of Crater Lake caldera as a tuffaceous dacite that appeared to him to be transitional between a flow and a tuff. An early description of the Pliocene Rattlesnake Formation of central Oregon by Mer- riam, Stock, and Moody (1925, p. 54) indicates that the formation contains a wide- spread, massive rhyolite flow with tuffaceous phases. Fuller (1931 ), in discussing the geology of the Steens Mountain area, describes rocks occurring stratigraphically above the Steens Basalt as "acidic lavas" and as well-indurated stratified tuffs, some of which are "... remarkably high in lithophysae and in irregular gas cavities." He (Fuller, 1935) recognized flow features in some tuffs in southeast Oregon and also that parts of these rocks were compacted and vitreous through collapse of pum- ice fragments. Wells and Waters (1934) identified a glassy dacite tuff south of Cot- tage Grove that appeared to them to be about the same stratigraphic horizon as 98 "... a single flow of glassy dacite (vitrophyre ) ...." a few miles away. Moore (1937, p. 3) indicates that the Pliocene Rattlesnake Formation contains a "pumi- ceous rhyolite flow," now recognized as a welded tuff. The foregoing brief descriptions of rhyolitic volcanic rocks exposed in differ- ent parts of Oregon include data on texture, structure, and induration indicating close resemblance to both flows and pyroclastic materials. These features were first attributed to the eruption and welding of pyroclastic materials in Oregon ash-flow tuffs by Ross (1941 ), who considered that a tuff in the John Day Formation, of mid- • dle Oligocene to early Miocene age, resulted from complete welding of a glassy, hot, and plastic air-fall ash. Shortly thereafter, Williams (1942) described in con- siderable detail the development of Crater Lake caldera and the ash-flow tuffs re- lated to this spectacular volcanic center. Allen and Nichols (1945) recognized welded tuff south of Cottage Grove in the Calapooya Formation of Eocene age, dur- ing a study of high-alumina clays near Hobart Butte. Several years later, the "rhy- olite" of the Rattlesnake Formation was identified as an ignimbrite or welded tuff by Wilkinson (1950), and welded tuffs in eastern Jefferson County, near the Horse Heaven mercury mine, were attributed by Waters and others (1951 ) to nuees ardentes or glowing avalanches. Since then, welded tuffs or ash-flow tuffs have been reported from many different localities in Oregon (Hausen, 1954; Dole and Corcoran, 1954; Williams, 1957; Lund, 1962, 1966; Hay, 1963; Bowen, Gray, and Gregory, 1963; Dickinson and Vigrass, 1965; Peck, 1964; Peck and others, 1964; Prostka, 1962, 1967; Haddock, 1965; Hampton, 1964; Fisher, 1966; Walker and Repenning, 1965, 1966; Walker, Peterson, and Greene, 1967; Swanson, 1969), although locations of the eruptive centers for many of these sheets are still in considerable doubt. Age and Distribution Within the vast region of Cenozoic volcanic rocks that extends essentially 110 from the Willamette Valley to the eastern border of Oregon, ash-flow tuffs have been identified in nearly all parts of the stratigraphic column, the oldest of Eocene or early Oligocene age and the youngest of Holocene age. For purposes of this report these tuffs have been separated arbitrarily into three age groups: an older one that includes Eocene; Oligocene, and Miocene ash-flow tuffs, an intermediate group of early and middle Pliocene age, and a younger group of late Pliocene, Pleistocene, and Holocene age.
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