District Project Description BE 2017-18 MALAKAND MD15D00311-Construction of D/Wall C/O Said Muhammadin U/C 75,670 Khar District Malakand MALAKAND MD15D00354-Construction of Kacha road from LoyaBanda to 400,000 Jismas. MALAKAND MD15D00405-Installation of Hand Pumps in U/C ThanaBandajat in 270,944 PK-99 District Malakand. MALAKAND MD15D00410-Installation of Solar System in verious Masjids of 900,000 U/C Totakan Phase-1,Distrit Malakand MALAKAND MD15D00456-General Building works at GGHS Malakand 262,456 MALAKAND MD15D00458-"Construction of 2 Nos. Bathrooms at GHSPalai, U/C 400,000 Palai." MALAKAND MD15D00463-Pavement of Street & Construction of R/Wall near 1,600,000 GMS Pirkhushal Baba, Serai, U/C Upper Batkhela MALAKAND MD15D00464-Construction of Bath Rooms in GHS No.2Dherai 600,000 Alladhand in U/C Dherai MALAKAND MD15D00470-Construction of Bath Rooms and Gate inGGHS 266,238 Thana MALAKAND MD15D00482-"Construction of G.I shed at GHS NO.1 Thana." 500,000 MALAKAND MD15D00496-Construction of 2 Nos. Rooms at BHUKhar. 865,047 MALAKAND MD15D00499-"Reconstruction of Service Block atCivil Dispensary, 1,258,581 Bazdara U/C Palai." MALAKAND MD15D00523-"Construction of Drain PCC StreetPavement N/H/O 449,286 Qayum Khan Miras khel, Israr Bacha Lahore Khel, HamidLahore Khel, Shah Jehan Koto, Daud khan & Ibrar shaba Khel,Aziz MALAKAND MD15D00526-"PCC Street/Street VCs Khan Pala, SaidAbad, Baro in 153,210 U/C Dherai PK-99 District Malakand." MALAKAND MD15D00532-PCC Drain Karim Baba Line Malakand U/CMalakand 50,000 District Malakand. MALAKAND MD15D00543-PCC Roads/Streets U/C Thana BandajatDistrict 147,664 Malakand. MALAKAND MD15D00549-Pavement of Street and Road in AktarAbad U/C 346,305 Lower Batkhela District Malakand. MALAKAND MD15D00553-Installation of HandPumps at PK-99, Malakand 790,201 MALAKAND MD15D00554-"Construction of Crickat Academy at Zafar 1,700,000 ParkBatkhela." MALAKAND MD15D00557-"Purchase of Sports Equipment, DistrictMalakand." 4,000,000 MALAKAND MD15D00558-"Purchase of Sports Equipment on behalfof Youth 1,000,000 member, Umar Hayat, District Malakand." MALAKAND MD16D00001-Provision of Stipends to the top 5position holder 3,107,000 talented students of District Malakand under the scheme'Gulona da Malakand' of all GHS/GHSS in District Malakand MALAKAND MD16D00002-Provision of uniform to the students ofGovt. Boys 5,607,000 schools of District Malakand under the schemes of DistrictADP 2016-17 MALAKAND MD16D00003-Provision of Stipends to the top 5position holder 1,934,000 talented students of District Malakand under the scheme'Gulona da Malakand' of all GGHS/GGHSS in District Malakand MALAKAND MD16D00004-Provision of uniform to the students ofGovt. Girls 3,073,000 schools of District Malakand under the schemes of DistrictADP 2016-17 MALAKAND MD16D00005-Installation of 04 No. T/Fs/ HT & LT Line at Moh: 2,188,000 Ravi / Khan Palao U.C Dherai Malakand. MALAKAND MD16D00006-Installation of 04 No. T/Fs/ HT & LT Line at Moh: 1,812,000 Ravi / Khan Palao U.C Dherai Malakand. MALAKAND MD16D00007-Construction of Irrigation Channel at Muhammad 2,000,000 Pattay, District Malakand MALAKAND MD16D00008-"Pavement of Streets, Culverts andConstruction of 1,200,000 D/Wall, R/wall at V/C Saman Abad, U/C Batkhela Lower." MALAKAND MD16D00009-"Pavement of Streets, Culverts andConstruction of 1,000,000 D/Wall, R/wall at V/C Maizara, U/C Batkhela Lower." MALAKAND MD16D00010-"Pavement of Streets, Culverts andConstruction of 1,000,000 D/Wall, R/wall at V/C Akbar Abad, U/C Batkhela Lower." MALAKAND MD16D00011-"Pavement of Street, Drain at U/C Khar." 1,500,000 MALAKAND MD16D000120-"Installation of TF 50KV to Dispensaryat Shah Kot, - U/C Palai" MALAKAND MD16D000121-"Purchase of 25KV transformer at BarAtyao, U/C 190,000 Dheri Julagram." MALAKAND MD16D000122-"Purchase of 100KVA Transformer alongwith Poles - & HT/LT Wire for Totakan Hospital, U/C Totakan." MALAKAND MD16D000123-HT/LT extension at Sadam Korona & AghaGarh U/C 592,000 Heroshah. MALAKAND MD16D000124-HT/LT extension at Zarif Shah Baba &haji Sher 696,000 Ahmad Korona U/C Heroshah. MALAKAND MD16D000125-HT/LT extension at Shakar Tangai &Zoormandai 712,000 Lalma U/C Heroshah. MALAKAND MD16D000126-"Installation of 4 Core (37/0.87) cableto local 150,000 Abadies, Moh: Gumbat, U/C Upper Batkhela" MALAKAND MD16D000127-Purchase of land for widening of streetat U/C 1,650,000 Thana Bandajat. MALAKAND MD16D00012-Pavement of Street at U/C Khar 500,000 MALAKAND MD16D00013-"Installation of Handpumps at PK-99,Malakand." 1,000,000 MALAKAND MD16D00014-Construction of R/Wall and Pavement ofStreet at 500,000 Rangmala U/C Malakand. MALAKAND MD16D00015-"Installation of Handpumps at PK-99,District 700,000 Malakand." MALAKAND MD16D00016-Construction of Drain and Pavement ofStreet at 200,000 Tehsil Batkhela. MALAKAND MD16D00017-"Construction of Irrigation Channel atMekhband, 300,000 U/C Pir Khel." MALAKAND MD16D00018-Construction of R/Wall N/H/O Abdul Azizat Karkanai 150,000 U/C Khar. MALAKAND MD16D00019-"Construction of B/Wall at GraveyardDherai, U/C 200,000 Dherai." MALAKAND MD16D00020-"Pavement of Street & Drain at BalaBatkhela, U/C 250,000 Upper Batkhela." MALAKAND MD16D00021-"Installation of Handpumps at PK-99,Malakand." 500,000 MALAKAND MD16D00022-"Pavement of Street, Culverts, Side wallat U/C 1,000,000 Thana Jadeed." MALAKAND MD16D00023-Installation of Hand pumps in DistrictMalakand. 800,000 MALAKAND MD16D00024-Water supply pipelines distribution atU/C Upper 200,000 Batkhela. MALAKAND MD16D00025-"Construction of R/Walls, RCC culvertsand 750,000 Pavement of Street at Sada Bahar and N/H/O Qasim Khan & Amjad KhanU/C Upper Batkhela.." MALAKAND MD16D00026-"Installaton of Hand pumps at PK-99,Malakand." 700,000 MALAKAND MD16D00027-"Construction of Drain, Culverts andPavement of 300,000 Street at U/C Malakand." MALAKAND MD16D00028-Construction of Irrigation Channel atU/C Dheri 500,000 Julagram MALAKAND MD16D00029-Installation of 1 No. Handpump at U/CDheri 150,000 Julagram. MALAKAND MD16D00030-Pavement of Street and Drain at U/CDheri Julagram. 850,000 MALAKAND MD16D00031-"Construction of RCC Culvert overIrrigation channel 500,000 near Hanif Khan Memorial Stadium, U/C Thana Jadeed." MALAKAND MD16D00032-"Construction of B/Wall, Stairs andGates at 500,000 Janazgah Bakhta, U/C Thana Bandajat." MALAKAND MD16D00033-"Construction of Drains at Fazal Abad,U/C Thana 400,000 Bandajat." MALAKAND MD16D00034-"Pavement of Street at Cham, U/C ThanaBandajat." 500,000 MALAKAND MD16D00035-"Construction of Veranda/Shed forCommunity at 500,000 Cham Bakhta, U/C Thana Bandajat." MALAKAND MD16D00036-Construction and cleaning of Drains atU/C Totakan. 300,000 MALAKAND MD16D00037-Pavement of Streets and Culverts at U/CTotakan. 500,000 MALAKAND MD16D00038-Installation of Hand pumps at U/CTotakan. 300,000 MALAKAND MD16D00039-Construction of B/Wall etc. Graveyard &Laying of 500,000 Tufftiles at Janazgah Qulangi U/C Pir Khel. MALAKAND MD16D00040-"Construction of Drain and Pavement ofStreet C/O 300,000 Abuzar at Bala Batkhela, U/C Upper Batkhela." MALAKAND MD16D00041-"Pavement of Street & Culvert (Zarawar),U/C Thana 300,000 Khass" MALAKAND MD16D00042-"Drain rising, Bed clearance, Materialcarriage and 260,000 RCC Slab at N/H/O Niamat Ullah V/C Baba Khel, UC ThanaKhass." MALAKAND MD16D00043-Installation of Dustbin at U/C BatkhelaMiddle. 700,000 MALAKAND MD16D00044-"Construction of D/Wall at Chinar KaleyC/O Habib 350,000 Khan & Siraj, U/C Badragah." MALAKAND MD16D00045-"Construction of PCC Street at ShingraiC/O Amin 300,000 Muhammad, U/C Badragah." MALAKAND MD16D00046-"Construction of PCC Street, Culvert andDrain at 400,000 Bakri, U/C Badragah." MALAKAND MD16D00047-"Construction of D/Wall and Culvert atUtham Khel, 200,000 U/C Badragah." MALAKAND MD16D00048-"Construction of PCC Street and Culvertat Muqm 400,000 Kaley Colony, U/C Badragah." MALAKAND MD16D00049-"Construction of D/Wall, Culvert andDrains at Kachi, 300,000 U/C Badragah." MALAKAND MD16D00050-"Construction of PCC road at MashooKaley, U/C 800,000 Badragah." MALAKAND MD16D00051-"Construction of PCC Street, Drain andCulverts at 500,000 Tor Kaley, U/C Badragah." MALAKAND MD16D00052-"Construction of D/Wall at MachineColon, U/C 400,000 Badragah." MALAKAND MD16D00053-"Construction of Culvert and Drain atV/C Badraga, 400,000 U/C Badragah." MALAKAND MD16D00054-"Pavement of Street, R/wall & Culvertsat U/C 1,200,000 Dargai." MALAKAND MD16D00055-"Construction of Drain, Pavement ofStreet, R/wall & 1,300,000 Culverts at U/C Dargai." MALAKAND MD16D00056-Installation of Hand pumps at U/CDargai. 1,000,000 MALAKAND MD16D00057-"Pavement of Street at Kodo V/C NaraiObo, U/C 350,000 Heroshah." MALAKAND MD16D00058-"Pavement of Streets and Drain at NoshroKandw, 350,000 Shahi Bagh & Muslim Abad, U/C Heroshah." MALAKAND MD16D00059-"PCC Bidge at Shahi Bagh, U/C Heroshah." 150,000 MALAKAND MD16D00060-"Pavement of Street and Drain atHaryankot, U/C 350,000 Heroshah." MALAKAND MD16D00061-Installation of Handpumps at U/C G.UKhel. 1,000,000 MALAKAND MD16D00062-"Construction of Drain, Pavement ofStreet, R/Wall 1,500,000 & culverts at U/C G.U Khel." MALAKAND MD16D00063-"Purchase of Land for Graveyard atKharkai, U/C 2,000,000 Kharkai." MALAKAND MD16D00064-"Pavement of Streets at V/C Qaldara, U/CKharkai." 500,000 MALAKAND MD16D00065-"Pavement of Streets at V/C DargaiBazar, U/C 500,000 Kharkai." MALAKAND MD16D00066-"Renovation of BHU Kharkai, U/C Kharkai" 1,500,000 MALAKAND MD16D00067-"Construction of Drain, Pavement ofStreets, PCC 2,700,000 road, R/Wall and culverts at U/C Koper." MALAKAND MD16D00068-Construction of Irrigation channel
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