NORTH RICHMOND SHORELINE SPECIFIC PLAN JUNE 1993 BRADY AND ASSOCIATES PLANNERS AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS NORTH RICHMOND SHORELINE SPECIFIC PLAN JUNE 1993 Prepared for the CITY OF RICHMOND CONTRA COSTA COUNTY STATE COASTAL CONSERVANCY By BRADY AND ASSOCIATES PLANNERS AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS In association with CRANE TRANSPORTATION GROUP ORION ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES PHILIP WILLIAM ASSOCIATED SAN S WARD AND ASSOCIATES WETLANDS RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, INC. American Societf yo Honor Landscape Architects Award presentee th y db Northern North Richmond California Shoreline Specific Plan Chapter Richmond, California in recognition of outstanding professional achievement City of Richmond RESOLUTION "A" RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIRESOLUTIO3 29-9 L. ONO FN THE CITY OF RICHMOND APPROVING THE NORTH RICHMOND SHORELINE SPECIFI E ARECTH APLA R GENERALLFO N Y BOUNDED E NORTTH Y POINB N HO T PINOLE REGIONAL SHORELIN EE EASPARKY TH B T N O , THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD TRACKS AND PARCHESTER VILLAGE, ON THE SOUTH BY PARR BOULEVARD, AND ON THE WEST BY SAN PABLO BAY (AREA ALSO KNOWN AS THE NORTH RICHMOND SHORELINE SPECIFIC PLAN AREA).__________ WHEREAS, the Richmond City Council adopted the Richmond General Plan by Resolution No. 8481 on September 21, 1964 as the official plan o guidt e futurth e e physical developmen e Cit th f Richmondo y f o t d an ; WHEREAS, the Richmond City Council adopted the Richmond Coastline e RichmonPla th s para n f o t d General Pla y Resolutiob n . No n 44-7 n Marc o 3a Loca, 197 s 12 ha 3l Area Pland an ; WHEREAS n Decembe,o , 199r9 e Environmenta 2th l Assessment Panel, actin n accordanci g e wite Californith h a Environmental Qualitt Ac y (CEQA) e Statth , e CEQA Guidelines d Resolutioan , e . 274-8th No n f o 9 Cit f Richmondo y , certified thae Finath t l Program Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for the North Richmond Shoreline Specific Plan has been complete compliancn i d e State th wite CEQd eth han CEQ A A Guideliness a , amended. This FEI s preparee Citwa Rth f Richmon o yr fo d y Bradb dd an y Associate d consist o an separatels tw f o s y bound reports bearine th g following title d datesan s : ) (1 Public Hearing Draf - tNort h Richmond Shoreline Specific Plan EIR. May 1992. ) (2 North Richmond Shoreline Specific Respons- PlaR EI n o t e Comments Addendum, November 1992. WHEREAS, the Planning Director, pursuant to Resolution No. 274- 89 of the City of Richmond, determined that the effects on the environment caused by implementation of the Specific Plan, as amended by Exhibit A of this Resolution, are covered by this FEIR; and WHEREAS e Richmonth , d Planning Commission recommendee th o t d City Council an amendment to the Richmond General Plan for the North Richmond Shoreline Area by Resolution No. 92-26 on December 17, 1992 to addres e changeth s s thae occurrinar t e Richmona resul th s a gf o t d Parkway e flooth , d control improvements d neaan , r term closure th f o e West Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill; and WHEREAS, the Richmond City Council approved an amendment to the Richmond General Plan for the North Richmond Shoreline area by Resolutio n Marco n , 199 1 ho addresd t 3circulatio an e lane th sus d n changes that are expected to occur in the North Richmond Shoreline Area; and WHEREAS e Richmonth , d City Counci n Marco l , 1991 h 3 hela d public hearine drafth n to g North Richmond Shoreline Specific Pland an : WHEREAS, the Richmond City Council finds that the future developmen e Nortth f ho t Richmond Shorelin e b more en Areca a appropriately guided by the adoption of the Specific Plan, as revised; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Richmond, California has reviewed and considered the staff memorandum e witsubjecth h t headin f o NORTg H RICHMOND SHORELINE SPECIFIC PLAN and such other related information presented to the Counci d accordinglan l y certifies, adopts, state d approvean s s a s follows: 1. That said City Council pursuan o Sectiot n e Stat1509th f e0o CEQA Guidelines hereby certifie s reviewe ha tha t i d tconsidere an d d the information contained in the pertinent FEIR described above prior to reaching a decision on this Specific Plan, and that said FEIR has been completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and the State CEQA Guidelines, as amended. This certification is made upon the report of the Environmental Assessmen e Plannint th Pane d an lg Director thae th t environmental impac f thio t s Specific Plan s amendea , y Exhibib d t C, has been adequately addressed in said FEIR prepared for the City of Richmond. 2 That said City Council hereby adopt e environmentath s l findings and statement of overriding considerations as approved and recommended by the Planning Commission in their Resolution No. 92- 27 approved January 7, 1993. 3. That said City Council approves the Public Hearing Draft - North Richmond Shoreline Specific Plan, incorporated herei y thib n s reference, as amended by Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herei y thib n s reference. T BFURTHEI E R RESOLVED thae Citth ty e CounciCitf th o yf o l Richmond, California directs the City Clerk to keep on file said document and that the Planning Department maintain a copy of said documen r publifo t c inspection. 1 certify thae foregointh t g resolutioy s adopte cit wa ne th y b d Council of the City of Richmond at a regular meeting held March 1, 1993. Ayes: Councilmembers Washington, Niccolls, Corbin, Rogers, Ziesenhenne, McMillan, Powers, Griffin d Mayoan , r Livings ton Noes: None Absent: None EUL . BARNEM A S e Cit Clerth f Richmono y f o k d Approved: GEORGE L. LIVINGSTON Mayor Certified as a True Copy Approved as to form: MALCOLM HUNTER_____ City Attorney North Richmond Shoreline Area Specific Plan TABL CONTENTF EO S 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1 . A Backgroun Plad dan n Purpose 3 B. Planning Process C. Specific Plan Contents 4 D. How to Use This Plan 5 E. Statutory Authority 6 F. Relationship to Other Plans and Regulations 7 2. DESCRIPTION OF PLAN AREA 11 A. Regional Setting 11 1 1 . B Local Setting C. General Site Characteristics 12 7 1 . D Jurisdictions 1 2 . 3 PLAN GOALS 1 2 . A General Goa Objectived an l s 2 2 B. Lan e dUs C. Natural Resources 23 4 2 . D Visual Resources E. Circulation and Public Access 25 F. Capital Improvements and Plan Implementation 26 6 2 . G Economic Development 4. LAND USE ELEMENT 29 9 2 . A Lan Policiee dUs s B. Land Use Strategies 36 1 4 . C Lan Designatione dUs s D. Land Use Designations Summary 51 2 5 . E Development Standards 3 6 . 5 CIRCULATION ELEMENT 3 6 . A Circulation Policies 4 6 . B Existing Circulation C. Roadway Classifications and Standards 64 D. Railroad Operations 72 E. Transit Service 73 F. Bicycle Circulation 73 G. Projected Traffic Volumes 74 H. Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Techniques 75 6 7 I. Emergency Vehicle Access J. Street Development Standards 77 8 7 K. Roadway Phasing 9 7 . 6 DESIGN GUIDELINES A. Introduction 79 0 8 B. General Design Guidelines C. Guidelines for Specific Areas 8 8 and Design Elements . 7 1 IMPLEMENTATIO10 N ELEMENT 1 10 . A Introduction B. Actions Required for Adoption of the North Richmond Shoreline Specific Plan 101 . C Development 6 Revie10 Approvad wan l Process . D Employmen8 10 t Developmen _ t Programs 1 11 . E Richmond Enterprise Zone F. Infrastructure Improvements 112 G. Hazardous Waste Remediation 122 H. Natural Conservation, Shoreline Restoration and Flood Protection Implementatio3 12 n Actions 5 13 . 8 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A. North Richmond Shoreline Specific Plan Citizen Advisory Committee 135 . B North Richmond Shoreline Specific Plan Technical Advisory Committee 136 7 13 . C Contributing Staff 7 13 . D Lis f Preparero t s List of Figures 1. Regional Location 2 3 1 . 2 Aerial Phot f Planninoo g Area 3. Plan Area Points of Reference 15 9 1 . 4 Jurisdictions 5. Shoreline Conditions 33 6. Specific Plan Land Use Map 43 7. Public Access and Recreation 45 8. Circulation Plan 66 9. Streetscape Plan 95 10. Rheem Creek Channel Typical Cross-Section 132 List of Tables 2 5 . 1 Summar f Lan yo e Allocation dUs s 2. Development Standards 54 0 7 . 3 Roadway Dimensions 5 . 7 4 Year 2005 Projec t 100a t % Buildout . 5 Streetscap4 9 e Plan Landscape Treatments 6. Applicable Zoning Districts 104 . 7 Capital Improvement NeedPlae th nn i sAre a and Associated Property Owner Benefits 113 8. Existing Water and Sewer Mains 117 9. Financing Mechanisms for Capital Improvements, Operations and Maintenance 120 Appendices l A- . A Tabl . OwnershieA Parcelizatiod pan n l B- . B Financing Approaches Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION A. Background and Purpose e NortTh h Richmond Shorelin s uniqu ei e metropolita th n ei Areay nBa a , 1,951 acre area locatePabln neay majoSa o oBa n tw r do r transportation routes, Interstate 580 and SO, in the heart of the East Bay's urban-industrial complex. Acces thio st s ares beeaha n limite paste aboud th an n , d0 i 6 t percen aree th undevelopeds a i f o t developee th n I . d areas, industrial uses predominate, with some commercial nurseries and very little residential use. Much of the area is representative of historic San Francisco baylands, with marshland uplandd an s s alon shoree gth .
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