Saint Rose of Lima Catholic Church Generosity, Humility, and Love for the Lord in the Holy Eucharist 504 So. Third Street + De Soto, MO 63020 + 636-337-2212 + www.stroseparish.info The Feast of Pentecost M A Y 23 , 2 0 2 1 PARISH STAFF Fr. Alex Anderson, Pastor Deacon Ed Boyer, Parish Deacon & PSR Principal Deacon Terry Baldwin, Parish Deacon, RCIA & Adoration Chapel Coordinator Kathey Compton, St. Rose School Principal Corie Boyer, Parish Secretary/Bookkeeper Natalie Woodrum, SRLS School Secretary Abby Huck, PSR Secretary Pam Winckel, Assistant Parish Secretary Mike Merseal, Maintenance Carol Emmett, Parish Music Director RECTORY EMAIL [email protected] SCHOOL INFO 523 S. 4th Street, DeSoto, MO 63020 636-337-7855 I www.stroseoflimadesoto.org MASS SCHEDULE Monday thru Friday at 6:15 am I 8:00 am Wed & Fri when school is in session I Tues evening: 6:30 pm with Perpetual Help Devotions Sat: 8:00 am & 5:00 pm & Sun: 7 am, 9 am, & 11 am CONFESSIONS Sat: 8:30 - 9:00 am & 4:00 - 4:45 pm PERPETUAL ADORATION Perpetual Adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament in the lower level chapel on the Miller Street side of church PLEASE CALL THE RECTORY . to register as a member of St. Rose Parish to have Holy Communion brought to the sick to arrange for the Anointing of the Sick to put someone on the sick list to arrange for a Baptism or Marriage to become a convert to the Catholic Church CALVARY CEMETERY INFO - 636-337-2150 Mass Readings for the Week LITURGICAL MINISTERS MAY 29TH & MAY 30TH Mon May 24 Genesis 3:9-15,20; Psalm 87:1-3,5-7; John 19:25-34 LECTORS Tue May 25 Sirach 35:1-12; Psalm 50:5-6,14,23; 5:00 PM Debbie Wilson Mark 10:28-31 7:00 AM Todd Milner Wed May 26 Sirach 36:1-5,10-17; Psalm 79:8-9, 9:00 AM Trish Coleman 11,13; Mark 10:32-45 Thu May 27 Sirach 42:15-25; Psalm 33:2-9; 11:00 AM Larry Sansoucie Mark 10:46-52 SERVERS Fri May 28 Sirach 44:1,9-13; Psalm 149:1-6,9; Mark 11:11-26 5:00 PM Austin Milton & Tyler Milton Sat May 29 Sirach 51:12-20; Psalm 19:9-11; 7:00 AM Brody Hercher Mark 11:27-33 9:00 AM Josh Lewis Sun May 30 Deuteronomy 4:32-34,39-40; Psalm 11:00 AM Dameon Cobb & Dakota Cobb 33:4-6,9.18-20,22; Romans 8:14-17; Matthew 28:16-20 EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS 5:00 PM Deacon Terry Baldwin 7:00 AM Deacon Terry Baldwin MASS INTENTIONS 9:00 AM Deacon Terry Baldwin 11:00 AM Deacon Terry Baldwin FOR THE WEEK USHERS MON - May 24 6:15 AM Diane Sacco 5:00 PM Charles Koch, Mike Merseal, Mary, Mother of the Church & Duck Reando, Josh Reando TUES - May 25 6:15 AM Kaye Suryk 7:00 AM Ken Merseal, J. R. Merseal, St. Bede 6:30 PM Alex & Mary & Harold Wickerham Anderson 9:00 AM Jeff Draves, Robbie Winckel, WED - May 26 6:15 AM Purgatorial Society Bob Winckel, & Lonnie Reando St. Philip Neri 11:00 AM Fred Carr, Glenn Jones, Larry Sansoucie Bruce Baisch, John Horn & John Sampson THUR - May 27 6:15 AM Betty & Bernie Olds St. Augustine of Canterbury FRI - May 28 6:15 AM Brown Family SAT - May 29 8:00 AM Al Luebbers Pope St. Paul VI 5:00 PM Marion Reando WITHOUT PRIESTS SUN - May 30 7:00 AM Parishioners THERE CAN BE NO MASS! Holy Trinity 9:00 AM Theresa & Floyd Pigg 11:00 AM Luke Horn Pray for Vocations to the Priesthood, Please remember Saint Rose of Lima Parish especially among the young men of in your will our Parish and of our Archdiocese! ARE YOU NEW TO THE PARISH ? If you are new to St. Rose, we extend to you a warm and heartfelt welcome. Please call the rectory to register, or fill out the following information and drop it into the mail or the Sunday collection. We’ll be in touch with you right away. Name____________________________________________ Phone__________________________ Address____________________________________City__________________Zip_____________ SUNDAY, MAY 30th at the KC HALL after the 7:00 am MASS As the world welcomes a lessening of the chaos thrust upon us by the COVID-19 pandemic, and as the school year beings to draw to a close (here at St. Rose both our Parish School of Religion and St. Rose of Lima School are now finished for the summer) hopefully a greater sense of peace will descend upon us. And what a wel- come change it will be! However, as things calm down on one side of the schedule, things begin to pick up on the other side. As we'll discuss at the upcoming Parish Council meeting on Today the Catholic Church throughout the world cele- Tuesday, we'll discuss the following: brates the great feast of Pentecost which brings our cele- 1) the loosening of the pandemic restrictions bration of Easter to a close. These 50 days have helped 2) the Parish Picnic on Labor Day weekend us reflect upon the Lord's Resurrection and the new life He 3) the celebration of the feast of our Parish brings to us through the Church. Patron, St. Rose of Lima Today is the birthday of the Church. Until the Ascen- We hope and pray that circumstances are such that sion, the Lord Himself was with us to guide us and direct these and all other aspects of our Parish life can, to the us in all we do. As He ascended into heaven, He gave us best of our ability, return to as normal as they can be. If the Church to be His presence in the world. Just as a soul not, or if circumstances change, we'll adapt. is infused into a body at the moment of conception, the Saying all of the above gives me an opportunity to Holy Spirit came upon Mary and the Apostles as the thank all of you who have been so accommodating and Church came into existence. understanding over the months of the pandemic. What a Note, however, that Jesus said to St. Peter - "You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church." [Matthew relief that we're still up and running! What a relief that our 16:18] He did not use the plural - He did not say capital campaign to raise the Sunday collection was such "churches". He said Church. Singular. Not many. Not lots a success! And what a relief that maybe - just maybe! - and lots. One. Just one. There is only one Church founded we're going to be able to get pretty much back to the way by Jesus Christ. It is the Catholic Church. things were before the virus started taking its toll. All other Christian denominations are off-shoots of the As we try to put things back together, we will need Catholic Church. They have all pared down the teachings additional accommodations and patience and under- of Christ to suit themselves. Or they have added teachings standing - all good things! But with God's grace and by all which suit their pleasure. Do they contain the truth? To the of us pulling together in the same direction, we should be extent that they agree with the Catholic Church, they are able to accomplish a whole, whole lot! Our work is cut true. To the extent that they separate themselves from the out for us! On this Pentecost Sunday, may the Holy Spirit Catholic Church they do not. Himself fill us with His grace and peace and with the Only the Catholic Church is one, holy, catholic and ap- strength and determination we need to get to work on ostolic. That's why in the Nicene Creed which we profess whatever He sends us to do! each Sunday at Mass, we reiterate our belief in the Be sure to check this week's Pro-Life Point in the Church. To the extent that we continue in the Church, to bulletin. According to LifeSiteNews, the Supreme Court that extent we continue in Christ. To the extent we depart has decided to take up a Mississippi abortion law which from the Church or its teachings, we depart from Christ - could ultimately change or even overturn the Supreme the way, the truth and the life. Court’s 1973 decision Roe v. Wade. Pray! Pray! Pray! There is a move afoot in some circles (as there has al- Have a wonderful week and be sure of my prayers ways been!) to 'update' the Church, to bring the Church and good wishes always! into the modern world. Spare me! It's not a matter of bring- Fr. Alex Anderson ing the Church into the modern world. It's a matter of bring- ing the modern world into the Church. The world needs to keep up with the Catholic Church and its teachings and ideals and priorities, and not the other way around. THIS WEEK'S QUOTE As we return now to the "ordinary" time of the Church "Disorder in society is the result of disorder in the family." year, we all look forward to 'getting back to normal', espe- St Angela Merici cially during these pandemic times. But we have to remem- ber that Christ is the norm. He is the model. He is what we're supposed to be. As Scripture reminds us, "Anything else is from the evil one." [Matthew 5:37] "The land of the free Navy.At any time, feel free to add to our bulletin list of because of the those in the military.
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