APPENDIX C European Subsamples

APPENDIX C European Subsamples

365 APPENDIX C – COMPARISON OF EUROPEAN SUBSAMPLES Table C1 - Fisher’s exact test for comparison of North American Europeans vs. Portuguese: Epigenetic traits, entire sample combined (n=209) Epigenetic Trait NA-EU Portuguese Analyses n/90 %P n/119 %P p phi anterior ethmoid foramina (AEF) 3/3 100 65/110 59.1 .275 -.134 posterior ethmoid foramina (PEF) 3/3 100 77/110 70 .555 -106 (accessory) infraorbital foramen (AIOF) 32/86 37.2 60/119 50.4 .066 .131 infraorbital suture (IFS) 82/86 95.3 111/117 94.9 1.000 -.011 metopism (MET) 81/86 94.2 39/118 33.1 .000 -.613 (accessory) nasal foramina (NF) 38/44 86.4 34/95 35.8 .000 -.471 frontal grooves (FG) 10/86 11.6 12/116 10.3 .822 -.020 trochlear spur / spine (TRS) 0/83 0 11/112 9.8 .003 .210 supranasal suture (SNS) 83/85 97.6 26/118 22 .000 -.748 supraorbital foramina (medial) (SOF-M) 67/88 76.1 114/119 95.8 .000 .293 supraorbital foramina (lateral) (SOF-L) 77/87 88.5 109/117 93.2 .319 .081 supraorbital/trochlear notch (SON) 63/88 71.6 86/119 72.3 1.000 .007 zygomaxillary tubercle (ZT) 19/84 22.6 44/118 37.3 .031 .156 ossicle at bregma (OB) 0/3 0 1/110 .9 1.000 .016 coronal ossicle (CO) 0/5 0 3/117 2.6 1.000 .033 sagittal ossicles (SO) 1/7 14.3 7/119 5.9 .376 -.079 parietal/obelionic foramen(PF) 38/63 60.3 80/116 69 .253 .087 foramina parietalia permagna (FPP) 0/74 0 0/119 0 - - highest nuchal line (HNL) 1/87 1.1 7/110 6.4 .080 .131 Inca bone variations (INCA) 1/86 1.2 3/119 2.5 .641 .048 lambdoid ossicles (LO) 4/11 36.4 53/117 45.3 .754 .050 ossicle at lambda (OL) 1/38 2.6 8/117 6.8 .455 .077 occipital foramen (OC) 25/88 28.4 88/117 75.2 .000 .466 paracondylar process (PCP) 0/85 0 6/114 5.3 .039 .152 auditory exostosis / torus (AEX) 0/80 0 8/119 6.7 .023 .168 suprameatal spine (SMS) 0/82 0 2/119 1.7 .515 .083 suprameatal depression/foveola (SMD) 76/82 92.7 83/119 69.7 .000 -.277 asterionic bone (ASB) 3/6 50 9/111 8.1 .014 -.305 occipitomastoid bone (OMB) 0/4 0 4/112 3.6 1.000 .036 parietal notch bone (PNB) 0/5 0 6/111 5.4 1.000 .050 mendosal/biasteronic suture (BAS) 80/87 92 19/118 16.1 .000 -.750 transverse zygomatic suture vestige (TZS) 8/81 9.9 3/110 2.7 .056 -.152 bipartite parietal bone (BP) 0/86 0 0/119 0 - - bipartite temporal squama (BTSQ) 0/86 0 0/119 0 - - infraparietal foramen (IPF) 2/86 2.3 4/119 3.4 1.000 .030 mastoid foramen exsutural (MFE) 13/35 37.1 82/106 77.4 .000 .371 inferior squamosal foramen (ISF) 28/87 32.2 44/118 37.3 .464 .053 superior squamous foramen (SSF) 2/81 2.5 2/116 1.7 1.000 -.026 squamous ossicles (SQO) 0/8 0 3/117 2.6 1.000 .041 epipteric/pterionic ossicle/bone (EB) 1/5 20 110 31.8 1.000 .052 fronto-temporal articulation (FTA) 0/5 0 0/118 0 - - bipartite zygomatic bone /os jap. (BZ) 0/85 0 1/118 0 1.000 .060 squamo-mastoid suture (SQMS) 79/83 95.2 26/110 23.6 .000 -.711 marginal tubercle (MT) 17/87 19.5 35/117 29.9 .106 .118 zygomaticofacial foramen absent (ZFF) 0/86 0 9/119 7.6 .011 -.182 zygomaticofacial foramen (ZFFM) 56/86 65.1 54/119 45.4 .008 -.195 tympanic dehiscence (TD) 80/82 97.6 29/118 24.6 .000 -.721 marginal foramen of tymp. plate (MFTP) 0/5 0 3/108 2.8 1.000 .036 ovale-spinosum confluence (OCS) 43/79 54.4 5/115 4.3 .000 -.570 Vesalius foramen (VF) 51/83 61.4 104/117 88.9 .000 .324 medial palatine canal /bridging (MPC) 1/82 1.2 2/119 1.7 1.000 .019 condylus tertius (CT) 0/86 0 0/118 0 - - 366 cont… Table C1 - Fisher’s exact test for comparison of NA European vs. Portuguese: Epigenetic Trait NA-EU Portuguese Analyses n/90 %P n/119 %P p phi precondular tubercles (PCT) 1/86 1.2 14/117 12 .003 .204 jugular foramen bridging (JFB) 2/3 66.7 11/113 9.7 .033 -.286 hypoglossal canal / bridging (HGCB) 13/86 15.1 30/117 25.6 .083 .127 intermediate condylar canal (ICC) 12/86 14 28/114 24.6 .075 .131 condylar canal patent (posterior) (CCP) 79/87 90.8 95/115 82.6 .104 -.117 craniopharyngeal canal/fora. (CPC) 11/80 13.8 70/110 63.6 .000 .498 postglenoid foramen (PGF) 23/83 27.7 38/95 40 .113 .129 pharyngeal tubercle (PYT) 2/86 2.3 41/113 36.3 .000 .409 pharyngeal depression / foveola (PYD) 3/86 3.5 33/113 29.2 .000 .331 pterygo-alar bridge (PAB) 0/81 0 0/113 0 - - pterygospinous bridging (PSB) 0/81 0 4/113 3.5 .142 .123 retromastoid process (RMP) 0/88 0 4/112 3.6 .132 .127 condylar facet double (CFD) 81/85 95.3 14/119 11.8 .000 -.826 accessory lesser palatine foramen (LPF) 2/5 40 100/115 87 .024 .263 maxillary torus (MXT) 0/83 0 2/119 1.7 .513 .084 palatine torus (PLT) 1/80 1.2 4/118 3.4 .650 .067 (accessory) mental foramen (AMF) 12/80 15 31/115 27 .054 .142 De Serres canal (post. orifice) (POCS) 75/79 94.9 62/114 54.4 .000 -.439 molar foramen (MF) 35/81 43.2 60/108 55.6 .107 .122 retromolar foramen (RMF) 0/14 0 3/112 2.7 1.000 .055 Robinson canal (ext. aperture)(EACL) 11/15 73.3 86/112 76.8 .752 .026 temporal crest canal (TCC) 0/14 0 4/114 3.5 1.000 .063 genial pit /median pit (GNP) 25/80 31.2 98/110 89.1 .000 .598 genial tubercles (GNT) 26/82 31.7 31/110 28.2 .634 -.038 median mental spine (MMS) 1/81 1.2 50/110 45.5 .000 .494 mandibular torus (MDT) 0/83 0 0/117 0 - - mylohyoid bridging/arch (MHB) 0/80 0 0/115 0 - - Table C2 - Fisher’s exact test for comparison of NA-EU vs. PT: Epigenetic traits, 0-3 yrs (n=51) Epigenetic Trait NA-EU Portuguese Analyses n/40 %P n/11 %P p phi anterior ethmoid foramina (AEF) 0/0 0 5/8 62.5 - - posterior ethmoid foramina (PEF) 0/0 0 5/8 62.5 - - (accessory) infraorbital foramen (AIOF) 19/37 51.4 9/11 81.8 .092 .260 infraorbital suture (IFS) 34/36 94.4 10/10 100 1.000 .112 metopism (MET) 36/37 97.3 10/10 100 1.000 .077 (accessory) nasal foramina (NF) 23/25 92 1/7 14.3 .000 -.742 frontal grooves (FG) 4/38 10.5 1/11 9.1 1.000 -.020 trochlear spur / spine (TRS) 0/36 0 0/10 0 - - supranasal suture (SNS) 36/36 100 10/11 90.9 .234 -.267 supraorbital foramina (medial) (SOF-M) 33/39 84.6 11/11 100 .317 .196 supraorbital foramina (lateral) (SOF-L) 34/38 89.5 10/10 100 .566 .155 supraorbital/trochlear notch (SON) 23/39 59 6/11 54.5 1.000 -.037 zygomaxillary tubercle (ZT) 10/34 29.4 2/10 20 .702 -.089 ossicle at bregma (OB) 0/0 0 0/2 0 - - coronal ossicle (CO) 0/2 0 0/9 0 - - sagittal ossicles (SO) 0/4 0 1/11 9.1 1.000 .161 parietal/obelionic foramen)(PF) 22/32 68.8 3/8 37.5 .126 -.258 foramina parietalia permagna (FPP) 0/35 0 0/11 0 - - highest nuchal line (HNL) 0/39 0 0/11 0 - - Inca bone variations (INCA) 1/40 2.5 0/11 0 1.000 -.074 lambdoid ossicles (LO) 2/5 40 4/9 44.4 1.000 .043 ossicle at lambda (OL) 0/10 0 1/9 11.1 .474 .248 occipital foramen (OC) 4/40 10 5/11 45.5 .015 .383 paracondylar process (PCP) 0/38 0 1/11 9.1 .224 .268 367 cont… Table C2 - Fisher’s exact test for comparison of NA-EU vs. PT: Epigenetic traits, 0-3 yrs Epigenetic Trait NA-EU Portuguese Analyses n/40 %P n/11 %P p phi auditory exostosis / torus (AEX) 0/34 0 0/11 0 - - suprameatal spine (SMS) 0/35 0 0/11 0 - - suprameatal depression/foveola (SMD) 29/35 82.9 7/11 63.6 .220 -.199 asterionic bone (ASB) 2/2 100 1/3 33.3 .400 -.667 occipitomastoid bone (OMB) 0/0 0 0/4 0 - - parietal notch bone (PNB) 0/1 0 0/3 0 - - mendosal/biasteronic suture (BAS) 39/39 100 7/10 70 .007 -.504 transverse zygomatic suture vestige (TZS) 3/33 9.1 0/10 0 1.000 -.151 bipartite parietal bone (BP) 0/38 0 0/11 0 - - bipartite temporal squama (BTSQ) 0/37 0 0/11 0 - - infraparietal foramen (IPF) 1/38 2.6 1/11 9.1 .402 .136 mastoid foramen exsutural (MFE) 3/17 17.6 2/5 40 .548 .224 inferior squamosal foramen (ISF) 15/39 38.5 3/11 27.3 .724 -.097 superior squamous foramen (SSF) 1/36 2.8 0/9 0 1.000 -.075 squamous ossicles (SQO) 0/3 0 0/9 0 - - epipteric/pterionic ossicle/bone (EB) 0/1 0 0/3 0 - - fronto-temporal articulation (FTA) 0/1 0 0/11 0 - - bipartite zygomatic bone /os jap.

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