PAGE FOUR THE YPSILANTI DAILY PRESS. YPSILANTI, MICH., TUESDAY, JUNE 24. 1941 The psilantiDailyPress TRUSTIES ESCAPE and entering, were last seen walk* Y Observations Your Health YOAST OP THE TOWN" lng —w. ~r. .i.v toward Saranac. , . .... - --- -•- -er —. i»- lonia, June 24—Two Michigan Re- Entered second-class mall matter Readjustment After Surgery* Xot Aided so formatory trusties escaped from the WOMAN ATTORNEY DIES Pott Mich. prison's dairy at Office. Ypsilanti, War Causing Worry to Much by War as Other barn where they were Port Huron. Mich., June 24—Mr/. GEORGE C. HANDY, Publisher. 1 working late Monday. Howard Almira Wilson, first woman admit- Leading Economists Researches Are Pond, 19, sentenced to one to five ted to practice before the St. Clair TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTION ' years entering •— for breaking and at County bar, will be bqrled per week, > •- »• »» OST in Lake- Dally, In city...- 15c By Charles P. Stewart r Jackson In 1940, and Carl Cemetery Mrs. year Ypsilantl nWliii> West- side today. Wilson Dally, one In During and after the last wai comb, 21. Muskegon, serving two- comprising had been a practicing attorney here trading zone, By CHARLES P. STEWART we heard a number of pronounce- and-one-half to 15 years for breaking since 1903. Washtenaw County, and Central Press Columnist ments to the effect that in spits western portion o( Wayne uv*mCt THAT NOBODY wants to see of all the evil some good had come j|Y County $3.00 out in that the war string out indefinitely goes of the terrible struggle, Six Months 51.75 many without saying. Yet nobody wants we had made progress in Three Months {I.UO fields of medicine and surgery. I Daily, per year, outside Ypsi- to see it end, even in a hurry, in some wrong confess these statements left ms lanti trading zone {5.00 cold. Iknow of nothing in my own Independent of politics, and way. What's more, field that was developed as a re- published daily except Sunday, sult war nothing of any <g> of the and with an aim toward serving the the end of it, COLD best Interests of Ypsilanti and whether soon or Dr. Clendening will answer the Trading late, is liable to vir Ypsilanti Territory. questions of general interest Telephones' be followed, only, and then only through Business Office 470, 471 either immedi- his column. V STORAGE Editorial Rooms 59 ately or after a bit of a lapse, real importance in surgery. The for your MEMHrH OF sever') present conflict, however, has THE ASSOCIATED PRESS by some Tna Associated Press is entitled economic pains. brought up the same line of argu- to the use for rapublicaOon of alt One dreads ment. Julian Huxley (New Ke news dispatches credited to It er public, April 28, 1941) reports on not otherwise Credited In this paper those, too. Just Furs and also tha local news published now were on the activities of medical and gen herein. All rights of republicatlun of era! science in this war. I excerpt * special Charles P. kind of abnor- dlspatcnes bereln are also v some of his items. and resert ed. Stewart the basis of a “Verysurprising it that while mal normality. is » rUESDAY, 24, 1941 4 JUNE It's absolutely abnormal In com- it was anticipated that neuroses very FREE SPEECH parison with what preceded it. such as shell-shock would be widespread in the civilian popula- Garments In the endless fight for freedom Nevertheless, we've adapted our- tion, very of speech and pre;s, the to selves to it, there are more than there hes actually been right I total, Pay next fall for cleaning and criticize men in public office con- | enough jobs to go around. We re little of it. In December the tinues to front line. By their ! temporarily prosperous after a number of civilian neuroses after be the an air raid admission insurance only. newspapers of • begin to requiring very nature, the the fashion. Taxes will soak hospital leaders In the | shortly and to a in all Britain was United States are us frightfully we'll run twenty-eight.’’ crusade. Sometimes they w in. some- | into numerous other uncomforta- times they suffer temporary defeat. ! bilities. whether we ourselves be- The explanation is apparently But the battle continues. come in the rumpus or that shell shock is a defensive | involved * The famous contempt case involv- simply go on aiding the democra- mechanism. The shell-shocked sol- ft A A|| ing the St. Louis Post-Dispatch cies. All the same, we stay-at- dier is removed from the front has been decided by the Missouri homes, at least (maybe not our lines to a nice, safe hospital. But Supreme Court in favor of the de- piilitary selectees), will adapt our- with air raids the whole civilian fendants. In April, 1940. Circuit to the situation and feel population is the front line. The selves to dflisig! Judge hospital they Thomas J. Rowe fined the tolerably until so-called which would be Company, owner normal removed would •Pulitzer Publishing peace comes along. be far less safe of the pafler, {2,000, sentenced the than the street. that chief editorial writer to 20 days in Then what? Why, by time us jail and a fine of {2OO, and imposed peace will be an abnormality to New Building Facts If revert a fine and 10 days in Jail on for quite a spell. we to Bombing has 1100 that caused scientists toe editorial cartoonist. The con- the same conditions as those to study new facts and principles before the started, tempt of court citations were based prevailed scrap about the strength of building ma- remember what they were on two editorials and an editorial we'll terials, which will be valuable in O(3&I3SDy I 4 W.'Michigan rartoon. criticizing Judge Rowe's and will be able to readjust our- the future for building science in dismissal of an extortion charge selves back into ’em, probably general and in particular for the no against a slate representative. with great difficulty. design of buildings intended to re- Whether this decision was wrong But they'll probably be of an sist earthquakes. whether the editorial writer was or altogether new kind, and darned if beings mistaken is beside the point The Blast effects on human I don't hate to contemplate ’em. brought in new types of injuries. defense showed that the criticism in Before the last World war we had Rural Events The blast results in a wave of in- Pick of the Air Today the editorials and the cartoon was one way of living. Then we had judge, tense compression of air. travel- TODAY made after the act of the not the World war variety. Then we during the trial. Judge Rowe insist- ing outward in advance of a wave London had a boom. Then we had a slump of rarefaction. This compres- National Broadcasting Company NBC-Blue 7 Gordon Jenkins ed that he was the ultimate author- network. Willing Workers of London and a prolonged depression. Then sion wave causes, for one thing, —Red WLW 700. WWJ orchestra; ity in a contempt case in which he Deal. Now we've WTAM 670; Blue Church will meet at the Harrison we had a New an increase in the velocity of 950. 1100. WMAQ Bee; acted, as complainant, judge and hands. Sub- network. YVXYZ 1270, WLW 700; 7:3o—Question Heidt home. RAZLEV war on our jury. He assumed the position that another sound up to twenty times normal. Willis if THIS war ends all WGN 720. B:oo—Grand Central Station; CASH MARKET the Judiciary is sacrosanct and sequently, The wave produces a peculiar Party in Willis Methodist L/ JL right, we re assured that the world Columbia Broadcasting Company 9:oo—New American Music: CHOICE w-ATS SATISFACTION GUAQAMt above criticism type of damage in the lung. The —WJR 760, Church for Rev. and Mrs. Clifton ¦PJJfjWJJU be better all around. I'm blest lungs may beyond re- WBBM 7SO. WCKY 10:00—Pan-American Concert. In dismissing the contempt cita- wil.l be shattered 1530, 1260. WGAR 1 ISO, Hoffman. Epworth League mem- if I believe it’ll seem so to ME. covery without any effect appear- WFBM MBS—6:ls—William C. tions the Missouri Supreme Court YVBNS 1460, WDOD 1310; Blue McDonald bers to present program. MICHIGAN APPROVED After living through half a dozen ing on surface of body. added this opinion: “To rule other- the the network, WOWO 1190. on Polish Relief; JUNE.SS wise be to the limits changes of the game, I’m sick of The symptoms are those of a non- would narrow Mutual Broadcasting Company 7:30 —Ned Jordan; Belleville RING BOLOGNA ~ 1 C of permissible criticism so greatly readjustments. infectious pneumonia. Red network, WLW' 700; Blue B:3o—Morton Gould orchesira. Mr. and Mrs. Savage will 1 that right criticize ..... the to would War May Last Years The need for accumulating network, WLW 700, CKLW 800; be hosts at a lawfi party* at their CLUB FRANKFURTS cease to have practical value." stores of food-stuffs—est)e- - far I’m con- large WGN 720. home for members of the “Hum Enjoy the finest quality sausage produett at this low price. A Another contempt case, that So as personally as we out ciilly grains—attracted hordes oi Wednesday Joyn U’s" Class and their families. summer time favorite, they will please everyone. Try tome to- against the Los Angeles Times, has cerned. so long stay (I like see involved) rats and insect pests.
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