THE NEW YORK TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1975 Security Chief Who Shuns Publicity Lew Allen Jr. By DAVID BINDER as they related to satellite academy 147th In a class lOoOLI to rho Iffiw York Tfnmo and missile systems. of 835, Cadet Allen was re- WASHINGTON, Ocr. 29— In March, 1973, after he membered In the 1946 year- As a teen-ager, Ler.v Allen Jr. had been chief of staff for book ax "'a natural hive" wanted to be a newspaper- Air Force Systems Command man like his father, but now, for only one month, he was of beelike diligence. "No one es a lieutenant general head- appointed deputy to the Di- enjoys life as much as Lew," ing the highly secretive rector of Central Intelligence, the capsule biography 'said- National Security James R. Schlesinger. "Not even these cold walls Man Agency, he feels It was a period when Unit- could chill his spirits." At compelled to ed States intelligence ser- West Point he played la- In the avoid the press. vices were undergoing their crosse, skiied and participat- News "Anonymity Is first major reshuffle in more ed in the debate and camera something we than a decade. clubs. treasure." he told a reporter Considered 'a Natural' With pilot's wings from loping beside him as he left the first West Point class Lieut. Gen. Daniel 0, Gra- to get flight training, Lew the Senate's Russell Office ham, a classmate from West Building this noon after two Allen was assigned- briefly Point an an intelligence asso- to the Strategic Afr Com- hours of testimony before the ciate from those days, recalls Senate Select Committee on mand, where he flew B-29 General Allen as "a natural" bombers. But the Air Force Intelligence. for the intelligence communi- Before reaching his auto- soon recognized his scientific ty because "he has been in- bent and gave him four years mobile for the drive back to volved in reconnaissance agency headquarters at Fort at the University of Illinois technology, knew the man- as a student officer. He George C. Meade in Mary- agement business and was land, the career Air Force earned his doctorate under good at Improving the com- Prof. Alfred 0. Hanson with ' officer remarked only that his munity's resources—he un- a dissertation on "Photo Dis- hobbies included "white derstood everybody's re- integration of Deuterim , [a e water canoeing, scuba diving quirements." rare form of hydrogen' by and keeping up with techni- General Graham said it cal literature in physics." 95 Million Electron Volt X- was also natural to move Rays." General Allen is something General Atle over to the se- Tho POW York limn of a. phenomenon in the In 1949 he courted and A pilot's wings and a doctorate in physics curity agency in August, married a war widow, Barba- United States armed forces— 1973, even though It was (General Allen at a Senate hearing yesterday) • he is the holder of a doctoral ra Rink Hatch of Washing- not the Air Force's turn to ton, D.C. There are five child- degree in nuclear physics and run the huge operation that Intelligence community to the best technical systems" his career has confined him ren: Mrs. Frank Miller a provide other details of Ge- monitors and intercepts com- daughter by Mrs. Allen's first of the United States armed entirely to posts within the munications all over the neral Allen's nonofficial life: forces. "I can't tell you which . continental United States. marriage; Lew 3d; Marjorie; that he canoes in the rapids because they're classified," world, Christi and James. A Late Entrance Lew Allen was born Sept. of northern Virginia's Goose he added. 30, 1925, in Miami. He moved Mrs. Allen politely refers Creek, that he scuba dived In his appearance before His entry Into the Govern• to Gainesville. Texas in the even caveat questions about off Yucatan last year, and the Senate committee he ment'a intelligence operat- nineteen -thirties after his her family to the office of that he has what passes for looked very much the milita- ions came relatively late, al- parents separated and gra- the security's agency's direc- a sense of humor in, the ry man, with a brace of. though he was involved in duated in 1942 from the local tor. A call to that office military. Asked to explain old ribbons on his chest and some of the nation's most high school with a record produced as only the infor- the latter, a civilian intel- three Silver Stars on his heavily classified technical of A-plus, A or A-minus in mation that General Allen ligence officer said: "if a epaulets. But the service programs from 1954 to 1973. every subject. was the son of a newspaper- Joke walks by, he salutes awards were earned outside He participated in the The Leopard, the high man and was appointed to it." combat, and with his rimless Atomic Energy Commission's school yearbook he edited, West Point from the I3th On the serious side, anoth- glasses and his rapid speech nuclear test serie from 1954 said he intended to go to Congressional District of er Intelligence officer credit- he could also have passed to 1975 as a scientist study- the University of Texas to Texas. ed the trim six-footer with for the professor he might ing the effects of high alti- study journalism, Instead he However, associates In the having "developed ,some of Dave become. tude nuclear explosions for spent a year ata local junior - - ballistic missile defense and college and then won an ap- experimenting in the design pointment to West Point • of hydrogen bombs. From through Representative Ed ' 1961 to 1971 he was involved Gossett. in Air Force space programs finishing , the military .
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