established mm Ijo rt H ills S tem COMPLETE COVERAGE OF MILL BURN TOWNSHIP INCLUDING WYOMING PM # { M W VOL. XLVII.—NO.' 8 Millburn, New Jersey, Friday, February 22, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS THE NEGRO South Mountain School Vote March 12; LOCAL LEGION AS A GIVER TO AMERICA $20,000 Of Surplus May Be Utilized Strong Sermon Preached Ventilate Vault* of Horne of Millburn Education Here W im W I L L By Dr. Sibley at Wy- w.Tfm Vi.Homtif Plenty of Heavy Firing In The vaults and dungeons un­ I- To look u t A-vtV Horne of Engagement BAND ISSUE derneath the High School have the Board of Education, one DECIDE ON Preaching Sunday morning to a been undergoing improvements might never teallze the sym­ large congregation which included and betterments lor the-past metry ol thought that lurks be­ n r r A DTI ID 17 L - After years of standing pat, Guy a number of guests from a neigh­ several weeks so that'now, at l U X A r I U l l L ' R Bo,worth Post American Legion, hind his severe exterior. , went on record at its Thursday boring Negro church, Rev. H. Nor­ TO $ 1 7 ,0 0 0 a small cost ol only $58, good C0NT1NUEFUND Commenting on the possibil­ _____ | night meeting at Town Hall In man Sibley chose as his sermon ventilation is assured to any ity ol grading the South topic "The Negro, Giver to Amer- and all students or records Mountain school site as an Home beads Attack to1 Uvorthe bonus of tmmed,ate payment °r lc." In place ol the usual choir, Sum Ample for Build-; placed in solitary confinement. Need $1,000 to Keep ERA project Monday night, Mr. the Glee d u b ol th e Bordentown ing Grading and It was a surprise to learn Students In CCol­ Horne stated I have estimates Transfer Present From the way money is being Manual Training School sang, in­ any part of the Millburn edu­ on this cost of $7,000, so that Funds handed out In Washington, the cluding a number o l Negro Spirit­ Fee* cational structure required ad­ lege il done under the $4,000,000,000 _____ fanners getting it for crops they * •; — r , „ doi,'t Brow, banks having it handed uals in the service. ditional ventilation as it has relief program, it seems to me The Board of Education, follow- j to them for all the bum securities Tuesday, March 12, Millburn been assumed matters in this Wednesday, February 27, the a $20,000 project should be am­ Contrasting the very prevalent “Emergency Committee" of the ing its doolslon to submit thej their boards bought in a spirit of attitude ol our white race, that the voters will go to the polls a t a branch ol the city government ple designation of Its then Student Loan Fund will canvass 8outh Mountain School question at j avarice and which went sour, rull- Negro has been always the receiver, special election, to express their had been well aired in days magnitude." All of which goes views lor or against the new school gone by. Millburn Township for the purpose to show the Horne ol Millburn a special election March 12, carried roads grabbing off Federal funds with the deeper Insight that recog­ of raising funds to Insure the con­ nizes what the Negro race has been in South Mountain Estates. and the Horn of Plenty sound by a spit vote, a proposal DyA. W.l the modernisation they didn't The Board oi Education, at a tinuation ol the college careers of notes in the same key Home, to also permit the tax- i and the countless quietly contributing Ut this and the students who are relying on meeting Monday evening, voted payers to decide as to applying the j other drains on the amount of other countries, Mr. Sibley gave his this fund to carry them through unanimously to submit the prop­ $20,000 now In the board’s surplus, money In sight, the boys felt that hearers a clear picture ol some ol college. their outstanding contributions. osition, calling for a bond Issue ofj HARNSBERGER account, to meeting the cost of the J if they don't get the theirs now, Basing much ol the authrltallve not to exceed $117,000, to the quail-: In a letter to the committee, new school building, if voted when it does become due. Uncle source of his words upon such per fled voters of the township. This Mr. R. J. Bretnall, Principal ol COMMITTEE t The cost will be fixed at $117,000. 3“ ” will be out of dough and they son? as James Weldon Johnson, amount will cover the cost ol the IS ENTERED FOR Millburn High 8 ch 0 ol and secretary but if the voters choose to transfer will be out of luck. special lecturer at N. Y. University, new building, grading of the en­ of the Student Loan Fund, states J $2 0 ,0 0 0 from surplus to the build- It was a heated and furious de- distinguished man ol letters, now tire plot, architect’s fees and legal In part: "The Student. I/jan Fund; ADOPTS ITS j ing account, bonds would be Issued bate One ex-service man of local at present Is facing a severe crisis 1 professor at Fiske University, and services i In an amount not exceeding prominence said "If the DuPonts POSTMASTER and only the efforts ol all of us \ $97,000 This would have the ad- could not get patriotic for less Dr Burghart DuBols and others, The necessary resolution reciting can enable It to continue its work Mr Sibley continued “the gifts of the board's view of the need for vantage of reducing interest than 2 .0 0 0 per cent profit. I don t 1935 BUDGET I charges and putting to work a see why the hell all this fuss is the black people to our national such a school, was prepared and Stone and Ginty Also In 1allow d0 ,10t this bclieve splendid the l0m,m,mty movement wl»to life are three: song, toil and spirit submitted by A. W Horne of Hie : part of the $65,000 surplus that t? made about giving me my 600 fall behind. I do believe that the) Dr Johnson breaks these down building committee, who stated Race For Permanent M l jvf, now lying Idle and drawing no in bucks before they plant a string of people will rally to the efforts! m o v e i o n a m e ouperm -i terest, It is maintained trees from the Great Lakes to the into definite categories. He says the estimate of cost, as made by Job which you and your committee are ; there arc five great gilts ol the three qualified architects and tendant of Mainte- This may be said to be the first Gulf “ I making in order that a good work . time the “surplus" has been When the order for cease firing Negro Sacred music, secular builders, was not to exceed $1 0 0 ,0 0 0 , Thc sh o rt Hills postm astership 1 well begun, shall not be allowed' nance Is Tie brought into open as an admitted had been issued, the Poet ad- music, folk-stories and the dance for th(. building proper, and that plum ^ (luc ^ lall |nso_ pass out of existence" lact Past figures have shown Journed to Harry Stevens' office among the arts and labor. Minor tire remaining $17,000 would cover fnr M temporary appointment Mrs J M Schwarz, chairman of Mlllburn’s budget for 1935 was such a surplus should exist, but where refreshments and dark and contributions ar^ seen In humor all other costs, In his belief, esti- is concerned, and this, it is felt, the committee reports that 1 2 0 ; unanimously passed on final read- Inquiry has always met with the light were served and the soft Southern drawl that mates already being In hand on win K0 ^ Cai lisle C Cahill Mi women have volunteered their set- \ ing at a meeting of the Township statement it was a paper surplus A committee of Gifflonelln, has modified our language ” grading and fees, to bear out th e , C a h l! 1 h a 5 the P eking of the local vices for this emergency work, that committee held Monday night m >*' foct, and not a tangible Mon- Matthews and Barnard was ap- Enlarging upon the first of these flRure i Democratic organization for this next< Mondayk fn .. J,,.. over O2,000 non rletters o . i ....will I I j ^ ^ day nnight i n b i Ithe b n fthing h lm » U.'acwas rrun u n Into npointed n ln in /4 *to survey............ >the L ____various<____ or- gilts, Mr Sibley said in part: Plans for the new structure will appointment and both he and Ed be distributed, through the Girl th,e Town Hall earth a« money In the bank, and ganlza lions In town on the ad visa- Suppose we turn first to the be prepared in ample time for the Loncrgan, committee chairman Scouts, to every family In the The committee had on record a Austin Bailey stated, I feel we billty of purcliasing and maintaln- Negro's sacred music—the spirit­ public to study them and to decide j feel that this will be the deciding township, and that beginning next| resolut'on of the Taxpayers' Asso-.
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