University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 7-13-1901 Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 07-13-1901 T. Hughes Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Hughes, T.. "Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 07-13-1901." (1901). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 22s VOLUME 10. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, JULY 13. 1901. NUMBER 35 sets MadeaBKiaUaM NEW MEXICO Ins the mnrrlnne of hla niece, Mlna In Pueblo for the pnat yenr. met with F elalmntits a testrleleil urea. The grant !allcei with spinal meningitis aeteral' CIMC la a panhandler aa well aa a ptMtngrn TOWNS, nnilRI TRARFnV MIWIMHI I U lilViTRIPT Kntlo I'lnkerton. o( !htln1elthm. n very scrlotia nccldent nlmut the mid , la tilt Iluena Vlstn grant In minta tu days aai fwm which dlseaie. sha was r'"L pher, In appearance he la a slightly John II. rnnnlnR nml fntnlly nro on lie of June, ma left nrm wits entaheil eounl', Arlconn. wTtlctt la situated on unable to recover Itinera! set rices hassled lirli kyard blonde and he nev- the Ittlldoao. where thoy will upend nml In their emlenvor to save the nrm tli iHternatlonal line between New will be conducted at tha residence to er seems to Im- - so happy aa when ha two weeks, mmplng. UbIiIiir nml treat- the iiltyalrlnna not nmputnte Maxim and the United Htntea. morrow morning 10 by Farmlngton, Aztec, Wlilto Oaks, Las did It un Tho Territorial Capital tho Scono ol sti at Jo o'clock TSio Burro Mountains Coming to the is "knocking 'Mimctioriy Aatee let go ing. Mlsa lleaaln Heed nml Mian Kthol til blood tKilBottliiK Imil net In. The rue survey or......the Antonio nei in llev W J Marsh, ami the burial will of him without reluctance and aa kwc I l.tinil npcomtmnlml thorn its of nrm wna taken off Inat rlilnv. nml It grnlit of xA.imio acres llernallllo and lake place in cemetery Fruiit-Acoldo- Crucos, Ellinbothtown, rumIr a Terrible Crime. in Kalrvlew nt to J. W. BiUla, aa he keeps his toea pointed the ether ilia iwtrty. wna renrmi titnt the sprtmil of the vnlancla eountlea was ntinroreil. way. aay further pedeatrian axaralseii ftpr1ntenWnt of goltnola L. It. tiiiMMi poiminitiK would rontlime it nil Tlie restt of 0. C Coleman, special SANTA FE SURVEYORS. on hla part will be beard of with Imp. Ima ilNlded to hold tho teneh-ra- prove fntul, but hla relative hnve tmt cumnllBisiiner lo examine the extent of nil.- - SHORT ' GAME Or CARDS RESPONSIBLE. piaesa by Attar Irnlux. INTERESTING PARAQRAPIII. eonnty Institute nt Cnpltnn this been advised of any worse ilevslup tks nllntied lands on the Kan Miguel Thoy are nt Werk en the Oklahoma MOCKING DIRD fOR S4LVCR CTTY. O tmr and at White Onha next summer. inuiita nml It la liellevml that the pliy rial Undo grant wna presented and la ami Indian Territery Line. QOLORADO'8 GOVERNOR. Thla will lie n iltaHPiHilntmeiit to u nlclnna have It under control. kai under advisement. The report Is Santa Ke surveyors am nt work In Tim Kite. yea-tard- a FARMINOTON, number of our young HMiple who ex- Ah ted Pram saut out vary voluminous and goea fully Into the vicinity of Klyday. Okla., - Specml y only a comiaawe- Oorraauuwduniiu. He Will Build a Grade far a New Rail t If the Inatltttte linil nOSWELL. brief account of th the extent or holdings within mat tng the surveys of at least tag mlwa Silver City. M.. July pected attend ilotililw trngetly t.Ooe of read In This Territery, Worn the Tims. been held here. However, thla la n which oecurml at grant. A decree will .trolmlily be en of new Sauta re track In be built nt the rli heat copnar strikes made In James H onnan. not na Urn gavev santn F early yesterday lHrk llsnilrtcke with nthar fHlr dlvtaloti of hnimra In Cn plain nml Prom the Register. mornlna. tared nt the present aeaalou definitely once Im Oklahoma and Indian Terr! the liurro mouataHM waa made a nor of the state of Colorado Wat mt mHibnt White Oaka wild will lie antlafnctory U. M. Coollitue, engineer. The imrtlriilnra are at follows: flxlng the limits of toe confirmation of tnry. The is on Is ago by of Mi surveying on tit WlUwn the civil extension what akort time Jones Hownes im the senior member of tha nfm of Or. ouri tn the tenchera of the omttty. Is litmy InyliiK off icmumlH. ronits nml ltarly yesterday morning, shortly be that grant. known ns the eastern Oklahoma line a they worn working eeve. man a o'clock, proieet for Crook, railroad contractor, illtrh, war In town after supplies sewer nml water worka pipe lines for fore a double tragedy waa In Cttae No. 67. Involving the Nlcbo-- Oeneral Manager II. U. Madge eays rai weeks pnat. The mine la called received yesterday a telegram front They report work dm the surveying LAS 0HU0B8. Air. nngermnn nt South Hprlug. enacted In the Oxford saloon on San Ina Duran de Clmvsa grant In Valencia that a Hue will be built north from the Copper (llaase. The main shaft his partner, William Crook, that tho . Francisco street. Santa Pe. na the W.tHH) Rev. (1. L. Taylor left by stage for ii. (iriHim, or nuiliHiiilIe City. county, claltneil for acres by J Pawnee and south from Itlptey nl the present time is down only rut had received tha contract for Krom Hln (trande ItepiibllcHii. Fexna, dellveretl to J. J. Hflwernmti result of which two men are dead. The CltAvas y nnllegos et nl.. all the I est I 'I have a general Idea wbare the about twenty feet, but they building grade now ntimnwo. oh rout to Angeles. Hp cause a have a the of tha railroad John R Ih'WIer expects fru t here n enr lixtil of short was quarrel over a dollar, the ninny waa taken on Itehnlf or ihe road will go. bu( that has net beau twenty four incu vein of ore mat la from Denting. N M., south toward Rl t(l I In a game of up eXlCtB IftHHlM ItfaOttt WO WkS. work on the Mt. Sterling mine on Mon- horn bulla for hla big stock fttrm nenr stakes seven which mlHMtnta in supmirt of their petition fully settled It cannot be settled un widening nt nulte an extent aa they Paao, Tax. Mr. Crook wag In the dir. He may decide to charge day. It la located at Organ netween Oreetifleld. They re registered two both partlcipanU, Albino Arias and for money Judgment against the Uni til the aurvi v are made. It is sink. The aaany laat week take of it Harry Haley, the returns which have and attar talking over Urn church Hbnnt to be erected Ht tang the Utile Duck and !Bcelelor iHlnee. year olds, raised on the rRitge nml are claimed to have won. ted States growing out of the fact that purpose of tn- Santa rV to cover that been made on the ore taken out by specifications with Mr. Oram a mft for The story of the affair na told I Reach, having held some rorraapon The brickyard of IVr. Howes la kept nue apeclmeiiN or whnt Intelllaetit at the nlmut tlun acres of the grant hnd been country quite extensively. know that them runs 26 to 7o per cent They Immlng. where tha contract wna I tit deuce on the subject. Tha trip la for very busy tbeae dnys turnliiK out tltt breetltng done. coroner's Inquests Is as follows. twtetltW to Homesteaders. Hon. V President Ripley has been considering will begin ahlpmenta to the Silver yesterday morning. the purpose of inveaUaatlng the prob brick for the uew annllnrium, tlfteen John Sliaw returned front hla entile Harry Daley and Domingo Pacheco W. Ctancy represeiitinl the claimants the situation for some time, and Hues City reduction worka In a few days The road Is being built by PkaiiH, able fffitU of that climate on his men being kept bnay rnahlng the work ranch up the lecos river, where he were coining out of the linn-To- rim In ease No. s. the town of Albmtuer will at once he built north from law Parties have bean prospecting for Dodge Co. of New Tork. whmh taurant having - health. from. branded 11 Hue lot of calves. The after had a lunch when que grant, the tetltion was dismissed mi- and south from Ripley. The line walei in the liurro several they met mountain district railroads in the aouthwasL, c. II. Mrllcnry will supply the town W. II. fleamnn. an expert inlnliiK round up In gathering hla cattle and Albino Arise. Arlaa asked the attorney for the claimants. Hon. I south from Itlplc) will probably ex for several months past, and It is Just what will be th objective point, to play game CWm-y- , with ii water works system. The water engineer, left for the Itennett Bleplmn-ao- the V'a on the west aide of the river Pacheco a of carda with w. having hied a dlamlsaal on lend Into the territory, and meet the atat d upon good authority that K A. of the road has not yet boon Minted, mains will Im' six Inch pipes and the mine, where he will aunerlntend for delivery here on the contract with him for fifty cents or a dollar.
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