TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, TnTJESDAT, SEPTE3IBER 16, 1920 ' 15 REAL. ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL KSTATE, REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -- Bmrb Property. For Sale Houses. For Sale Houses. For Sale -- Houses). For Sale Houses. For Sale House. For 5ale FINE BEACH LOTS. A FEW OF THE MANY HOME LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON BEST CORNER SALTAI R TILLAMOOK BEACH. BARGAINS. TH8 PACIFIC COAST. IN HOMES ON EASY TERMS. BIECK CAREY CORPORATION, LOOK AT THIS TODAY! 1 have four choice lota, all together, IRVINGTON Colonial, on cor- 1000 Photographs of Homec. ROSE CITY PARjT. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. GARAGE. REALTORS. two facing the Pacific ocean; board MARSHALL. 1898. ner lot. hardwood floors throughout, tile FOR SALE. I am offering for sale for the first Modern bungalow, large floored " MAIN 74S7. DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED HOME! walk, county road and railroad runs in bath, 4 fine, airy bedrooms. lots of See time my beautiful two-stor- y attic, full cement basement, wash trays. ' I front of property. The other two lota HAWTHORNE. built-in- s; double garage; price $10,500; FRANK L. McGUIRE . house. This is one of the most modern ftsplace. buffet, Dutch kitchen, ea-- Se the Photographs of our larre. NEWLY BUILT. DOTBLB CON- adjoin the two above and face on the term. To Buy Your Home. and homes you will find in rage; paved sts. and sewers paid. Only carefully chosen listing before you select road in the rear. Ail are near the depot, VACANT. ALAMEDA 6 rooms, den and sleep- WHY PAY RENT when THE Mc- the entire district and Is located on the $ooo cash, balance rent terms. your home; we have desirable homes for STRUCTED HOME; 6 ROOMS; VERY hotel and Kockaway. Size of lota la ing porch. full basement. hardwood GUIRE SYSTEM makes' it-s- easy to most desirable corner in Rose City Park. sale in every section of the city. 25 feet by atnut t'O feet and are ex- $4600. floors in main rooms. 1 bedroom down. OWN YOUR HOME? The System of The color scheme is mahogany and ivory BUNGALOW, $3200. ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW TYPE; ceptionally adapted frr business or resi- 2 upstairs sleeping porch, furnace, REAL SERVICE! 1000 PHOTOGRAPHS and tapestry paper KUxlOO, BEARING FRUIT. ALBERTA, acreage and the fine which ce- dence. Will consider some near No. 186 New bungalow and fireplace, lots of bullt-m- s. screened back OF HOMES FOR SALE. Every district. covers all the walls makes a most at- 6 rooms on first floor, fireplace, suooo. ROOMS ARE AIRY AND COMFORT- Portland or automobile In trade. Price garage, hardwood floors, fireplace, paved posch. furnace, fireplace, beautiful lawn Every kind of home to SATISFY YOUR tractive appearance. The rooms are all ment basement, HOIOO, all kinds of $150 and $125 each, address R V7U. street and cement sidewalk in and paid and shmbbery; two blocks to car. Price REQUIREMENTS. EVERY HOME PER- large and conveniently arranged. Front bearing fruit, only 2 blocks to car; $600 Very substantial bungalow on ABLE. IT'S VACANT; MOVE IN TO- Or soman. for. Place Is vacant, ready to move into. t:j0. Good terms. SONALLY INSPECTED AND AP- porch extends clear across front of casn, Daiance o montn. full corner lot ; large Price $46O0, $1000 cash, balance $25 per Two houses, PRAISED. Hundreds of REMARKABLE house. Large wind- rooms, cement basament. best of plumb- DAY. ROOMS. KLMORR PARK choice beach residence month plus 7 per LAURELHURST reception room with HOME. WELL PLANNED lots for ; to cent interest. full basement, furnace, fireplace. 3 bed- BARGAINS. 21 experienced, courteous ing stairway. Living room and dining SUNNYSIDE ing; $5o0 down will buy this place. It sale close estate will offer R V I NO An 1 bedroom, 1 much below purchase price. East 503d. I T ON. rooms each; oak: floors in main rooms. salesmen with autos at your SERVICE. room separated by 'large arch. Very attractive home, very sooa. vaiuo. IDEAL WHITE DUTCH KITCHEN $5750. One garage; AND handy built-i- n bath and toilet down. 3 bedrooms up; TilJamook St. has dirt cheap at $4500 and OPEN EVENINGS SUNDAYS. kitchen with splendid I No. 181 New bungalow and $4750. Any reasonable terms. See features and new inlaid linoleum on the cement basement, Dutch kitchen, 50x180 "WITH SUNNY BREAKFAST OOK garage, hardwood floors, fireplace, at- 270 AGAIN! ! Cosy lot, ail Kinds of bearing fruit, paved sts. For Bale Lota. built-in- s; J. A. Mccarty. stark st. NEVER floor. breakfast room. Back porch PENINSULA. tic, latest in fact, this house event-ng- Will you GET SUCH A ana sewers paid. .Price $34dUt terms. $2IO0. Is modern in every respect. Here is a Main 1700; and Sunday Tabor SPLENDID extends across entire back of house. The ADJOINING. IVORY FINISH 5o57. ROSE CITY AT THIS LOW PRICE! A second floor is very attractive. Large CLEVELAND-HENDERSO- $500 DOWN. chance to buy a home in Irvington for SACRIFICE In & WONDERFUL VALUE 3 N CO.. BUT NOW TERMS. $5750, payment on IRVINGTON. hall connects the bedrooms with the 806-30- 8 of Building. THROUGHOUT. OWNER LEAVING EAST easy down $2000, balance TYPICAL BUNGALOW! It has bath. Each room has large closet with Board Trade Tf you have ever fallen heir to any NEW PARK ROSE TRACT. terms. Who wants a nice little house? bookcases, massive buffet, fireplace, My Broadway 4754. thing you will appreciate being able C DIS- , WOODSTOCK. throughout, fireplace, window. hardwood floors are the ITT. TE RMS. A LIB ERAL Hardwood floors Dutch kitchen, HARDWOOD FLOORS. best money will buy. Furnace, full ce- to get a no use liRe tnis at this or ice. $102 down, over 8 acres and only $4800. furnace, garage, all complete, for only is 1 $050 acre; ground nearly clear- No. 174 house, sleep- $6000, terms. BREAKFAST NOOK, INVERTED ment basement. GOOD GARAGE. Nice 93250 WTtST BUNGALOW. It well built, on a full rot, block from COUNT FOR CASH. ONLY $5990. EAST all den and LIGHTS; t; FIDE car 2 to cement base- ed along ing porch, good elec- MBTZGER-PARKE- R CO., IDEALLY LOCATED. E. 67th. lawn. Lots of rose bushes, fruit trees Here is, fotr-- you and blocks school: except small growth fireplace, plumbing, Price for QUICK SALE. $4450. terras. and a garden. Two blocks to car, six to it just what want. ment, laundry trays. 2 fine bedrooms, drainage canal; fine garden and tric lights, graded streets, cement side- 269 Oak Street. Broadway 5355. A NEAR CORBETT AND CARLONIA. of on Rnlrt w in. near 17TH STREET NORTH, LOOK AT berry land; mohthlv payments only walk, newer. This place is situated on ALSO ITS GUARANTEED VALUE. school. Improvements all in and paid. SUNNY. SOUTHERN PORTLAND. best Diumbint In, Immediate possession given. Price Washburn; fine kitchen range and sev THIS TODAY. $21. including interest. an exceptionally large lot, 70x142. Total a dandy house, close near UNUSUAL $6SOO. - blocks) car. view of mountains and of SEE price Ions-tim- e "WESTMORELAND. Owner will show property by eral cords wood included. $4800, $2400 cash, balance a Broadway. Needs some repairs; price $3900 ALWAYS appointment. harbor: 6 large., too rms J. L .HARTMAN COMPANY, loan. only $4200. See this. IT PAYS TO GET the Call Broadway 779. with finest decorations, built-in- s, fire- FRANK L. McGUIRE. 8 Cham, of Cora. bldg. ROSE CITY. METZGER-PARKE- R CO.. BEST! You'll set It here. place, buffet, sleeping porch, cement Main 208. $4750. 269 Oak Street. Broadway 5355. homelike, sheltering bun- BEAUTIFUL NEW basement, porcaiain plumbing, garage, 1INSWORTH. NEAR 15TH. TO BUY YOUR HOME. 164 m ce- galow. ENCLOSED SLEEPING SO N-- $2750. PARK ROSE BRANCH OFFICE END No. bungalow, full PORCH, nice lot, min. S car; no bridges OP PARK ROSE CA KLINE. ment basement, hardwood floors and at- clever builtins to save LAURELHURST HOME $8500. to cross; nice neighborhood. You could ABINGTON BLDG. MAIN 1068. your time; 4 sunny I $ti00 own will tflkn thi hnnse tic, furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, bedrooms, not expect to huild a home like this 4" ce- $7000 WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS splendid furnace, TERMS. Reed- - with upstairs bedrooms; living full se4 of plumbing, paved street, This moderrt 1 M: -- story bungalow, two lor let, a than $454)0; is positive. larse 3D BETWEEN WASH. AND STARK. ment sidewalk, sewer. property is HOME $7000. way. just east of Milwaukle. clo.e Now, that room with fireplace, cement basement This colo- blocks from Laurel hurst pairk, built for the house is practicably new and laundry ; FIVE MINUTES below the hill, on a lot 50x100. Total This is a modern to car and school. WHY NOT owner, in pink of All we is with trays piped for furnace. In my auto from Broadway bridge to price $4750, nial home; fireplace, furnace! all SOLVE YOUR INCREASING well constructed and beautifully condition. want This is a substantial, attractive house, $2000 cash, balance a long built-in- s; finished, expensive lighting fix- a couple of prospects to show It to and "Willamette boulevard over the new St. time. beautiful view lot; re- i. rnuUbUM TODAY 7 with weil worth the money; easy monthly Johns- - how close tlje side. Rea- tures, shades and wallpaper; bent lino it's surely sold. Terms arranged. Don't payments. BUNGALOW, river road. Think ROSE CITY. stricted district, west high-grad- 4WX1. PORTLAND HEIGHTS peninsula is brought to town. in lcum in kitchen and bathroom, e aeiay. Main 20O0 COCSi. Houses $4725. sonable .terms. Tabor 308!; no WE HAVE 80 HAWTHORNE3. plumbing, hardwood floors G. C. GOLDENBERQ. HU; LES4 THAN University Hark are practically unobtain- No. 187 5 room bungalow, sleeping agents.
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