IMPROVING PLACES SELECT COMMISSION Venue: Ann Rhodes Community Date: Wednesday, 19th October, 2011 Centre, Bierlow Close, Brampton Bierlow, Rotherham. S73 0TJ Time: 1.00 p.m. A G E N D A Please note the venue for this meeting: - Ann Rhodes Community Centre, Bierlow Close, Brampton Bierlow, Rotherham. S73 0TJ (Map attached) - THERE WILL ALSO BE A TOUR OF THE DEMONSTRATOR PROPERTY AT THE END OF THE MEETING. 1. To determine whether the following items should be considered under the categories suggested in accordance with Part 1 of Schedule 12A (as amended March 2006) of the Local Government Act 1972. 2. To determine any item(s) the Chairman is of the opinion should be considered later in the agenda as a matter of urgency. 3. Minutes of the previous meeting of the Improving Places Select Commission held on 7th September, 2011 (copy attached) (Pages 3 - 6) 4. Fuel Poverty Energy Conservation (Paul Maplethorpe, Affordable Warmth and Sustainable Energy Co-Ordinator, to report) (Pages 7 - 17) • Policy Context and Background. • Fuel Poverty in Rotherham. • Information Sheet for Members. 5. Tools, Advice and Practical Measures to Conserve Heat & Energy (Presentation by Paul Mablethorpe, Affordable Warmth And Sustainable Energy Co-Ordinator) 6. Dearne Valley Eco Vision Project (Presentation by Joanne Wehrle, Dearne Valley Eco-Vision Project Manager) (briefing note attached) (Pages 18 - 21) 7. Date, time and venue for the next meeting:- WEDNESDAY, 30 th November, 2011 at 1.30 p.m. at the Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. S60 2TH Page 1 Agenda Annex The Anne Rhodes flat lies in the community of Brampton Beirlow Rotherham Anne Rhodes Community Centre Bierlow Close Brampton Bierlow Rotherham (Barnsley) S73 0TJ And is surrounded by bungalows whose residents use the community centre below the flat. Care should be extended to the residents when parking. Green dot indicates place of flat Page 2 Paul Maplethorpe Affordable Warmth & Sustainable Energy Coordinator Asset Management Environment and Development Services Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Tel: 01709 334964 Page 3 Agenda Item 3 1E IMPROVING PLACES SELECT COMMISSION - 07/09/11 IMPROVING PLACES SELECT COMMISSION Wednesday, 7th September, 2011 Present: - Councillor Whysall (in the Chair); Co uncillors Andrews, Atkin, Dodson, Ellis, Falvey, Havenhand, Hodgkiss, Johnston, Middleton, Nightingale, Pickering, Read, P. A. Russell, Sims, Swift and Wright. Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Beaumont, Gilding, Gosling, and Co - optees Messrs. Carr, B. Walker and Jepson. 9. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest made at the meeting. 10. QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC There were no questions from members of the press and public. 11. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF THE IMPROVING PLACES SELECT COMMISSION HELD ON 6TH JULY, 2011 Consideration was given to the minutes of the previous meeting of the Improving Places Select Commission held on 6 th July, 2011. Resolved:- That the minutes be approved as a correct record. 12. HOUSING ADVICE AND HOMELESSNESS PREVENTION The Commission considered the submitted report which provided a s ummary of the provision of housing advice and homelessness prevention activity currently offered by Key Choices. The report also set out the key challenges faced by the service, and updates Members on the Government’s proposed changes set out in the Localism Bill. Sandra Tolley, Housing Choices Manager and Philip Syrat, Housing Options Co- ordinator provided information to the Commission on:- • Key Choices – provision of housing advice and Choice Based Lettings – applying for housing • Housing allocation policy A demonstration was given of the Abritras system. A discussion took place followed by a questions and answers session covering the following:- - Availability of other means of making a bid for a property i.e. telephone, free Internet in libraries, the Property Shop, neighbourhood offices - What is the process was used for identifying existing rent arrears - Reasons people would be prevented from bidding Page 4 IMPROVING PLACES SELECT COMMISSION - 07/09/11 2E - Did the limit of 3 bids in any week penalise people? - Definition for Priority Plus noting the limitation of five areas for which to bid - Ability of the system to record number of bids received, number of bids withdrawn and to identify demand in certain areas - Other functions and uses of the Abritras system - Current housing policies - Bidding for areas in which customer has a local connection - Role of the Housing Assessment Panel - Problems created by adding a likely indication of entitlement date - The Key Choices Letting Scheme Guide - Number of people on the Register and the weekly availability of properties Sandra Tolley, Housing Choices Manager also provided information to the Commission on:- • Proposed changes set out in the Localism Bill and their impact • Homelessness prevention advice • Rough sleepers A further questions and answers session ensued covering the following:- - The contribution of this Commission into policy development arising from the Localism Bill, particularly in relation to Tenure reform, allocations and homelessness. - Safeguards and assurances were offered in relation to the power of the Council to bring the homelessness duty to an end with offers of suitable private sector accommodation, without requiring the agreement of the person owed the duty. Concern was expressed that properties needed to be of a satisfactory standard – assurance was given by confirming that all properties were inspected prior to letting. - Impact of changes in housing benefits in Rotherham and number of claimants likely to be affected from April 2012. - What criteria would be used to decide whether someone was offered lifetime security of tenure - Working with the rent guarantee organisations, landlords and environmental health (enforcement). Page 5 3E IMPROVING PLACES SELECT COMMISSION - 07/09/11 - Criteria used for counting the number of people sleeping rough. - Costs associated with the Abritras system. - Prison visits and re-offending. - Ability of Abritras system to monitor customers who repeatedly move between private to council housing. Resolved:- (1) That the Select Commission undertakes a short spotlight review of the Abritras system in six months, using knowledge & intelligence gathered from Councillors’ surgeries and community contacts. (2) That the Select Commission undertakes a review of the implications of the Localism Bill, after it is enacted, in relation to housing allocations & homelessness, benefits & tenure reform. 13. ARMED FORCES COMMUNITY COVENANT (AFCC) The Commission considered a report and presentation from Christine Majer, Policy Officer, which provided a briefing to the Commission on the progress made in the preparation of an Armed Forces Community Covenant. The Commission was asked to consider the key challenges and service issues rising from the provision of housing advice and tenancy services for ex-service personnel and their families. Information was provided to the Commission on:- - The background to the proposal - The definition of the Armed Forces Covenant and its proposed content - The role of the Council in establishing its own Armed Forces Community Covenant - Existing policy and the Armed Forces in respect of housing and education - The proposed process for the establishment of the AFCC through working with partner organisations - Anticipated number of ex military personnel in Rotherham It was pointed out that there was no budget allocation for this work other than staff time to develop the initiative. However at national level the Government had set aside £30m over 4 years, profiled at £5m for the first two years and £10m per year for the following two years. Discussion, questions and answers session ensued covering the following:- - risks and sacrifices and unique position of military personnel; - proposal that Rotherham should be Vanguard for the development of the AFCC; - the percentage & number of Rotherham residents currently in the armed forces; - collation of up to date figures on the number of ex AF personnel; these Page 6 IMPROVING PLACES SELECT COMMISSION - 07/09/11 4E should be recent cases as distinct from 'long time 'ex veterans'; - Arrangements should be made for the MOD to notify Local Authorities of all AF personnel leaving the forces as this occurs; contact details need to be provided so that Local Authorities can ensure that housing and other service needs are met; - The AFCC should also include Employment and Healthcare to assist the transition of ex-military personnel and their families back into civilian life; - Members suggested that the AFCC is considered by the Health & Well Being Board; - links to the work to prevent rough sleeping. Resolved:- That the comments of the Select Commission be reported to the Cabinet Member for Community Development, Equality and Young People’s Issues, and that the report on the Armed Forces Community Covenant was welcomed. 14. ANY OTHER BUSINESS. The following issues were raised: - (i) Report on the Scrutiny Review re:- Private Sector Housing It was reported that the report was currently being completed. (ii) Report on the Scrutiny Review of the Council’s Response to Extreme Weather It was reported that this report would be presented to Cabinet in October. (iii) Select Commission’s workload and agenda items Reference was made to the above. 15. DATE, TIME AND VENUE FOR THE NEXT MEETING:- Resolved: - That the next meeting of the Commission
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