THORPE MANDEVILLE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes – 25 March 2019 Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held from 7.00pm on 25 March 2019 in the Village Hall, Thorpe Mandeville. (A signed notice of the meeting and agenda had been displayed on both village notice boards from 13 March. On the same date a copy had been entered on the Parish Council website and a summons of attendance had been issued to all Councillors.) PRESENT: Councillors: Janet Ormond (JO) (Chairman), John Clouston (JC) Ian Durham (ID) and Tim Moss (TMM). Parish Clerk: Maurice Cole (MC) Public: None APOLOGIES RECEIVED FOR ABSENCE: 2019/39: Emlyn Lilly (EL) COUNCILLORS’ NON-STATUTORY DISCLOSURES AND DISCLOSURE OF ANY DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS IN RELATION TO THE AGENDA NOT COVERED BY DISPENSATION: 2019/40: PLANNING APPLICATION: S2018/2442/LDE (2019/42): ID and TMM advised that they do not have any pecuniary involvement in the Manor’s activities but their dwellings are adjacent to the estate. Councillors agreed this did not prevent participation in the agenda items. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING 2019/41: The minutes of the meeting held on 25 February 2019 (draft distributed earlier) were confirmed as correct and signed by the Chairman. MATTERS ARISING FROM MINUTES NOT COVERED WITHIN THE MEETING: 2019/42: PLANNING APPLICATION: S2018/2442/LDE: Certificate of Lawfulness for Existing Development/Use comprising change of use of dwelling to private venue for hire, Thorpe Mandeville Manor, Banbury Lane, Thorpe Mandeville, OX17 2HR (2018/155): 2019/42a: It was noted that subsequent to the last meeting, the South Northants Council (SNC) website advised that the application had been withdrawn. 2019/42b: In the light of recent and promoted events at Thorpe Mandeville Manor the Parish Council had requested Henry Teare to advise the Council about the position regarding a ‘change of use’ planning application. The request had been acknowledged and information was awaited. It was agreed that if an application arose, an advisory note regarding the consultation process should be issued to households in view of the significance of this matter. 2019/42c: The SNC had notified the Council on 18 March that a new premises licence application had been received in respect of Thorpe Mandeville Manor; the consultation deadline being 15 April. However, the SNC subsequently advised that the application was “on hold” due to a change of circumstances with the applicant and a new deadline for comments would be announced. The SNC had refused to provide a copy of the full application to the Parish Council, indicating that the five Councillors could only see this by travelling to the SNC offices in Towcester. It was agreed that the Council’s challenge to this position would be withheld pending the outcome of the “on hold” situation. FINANCE 2019/43: CASH BOOK: The Clerk produced the latest bank statement, showing a balance of 14,463.20 on 21 February 2019. This was in agreement with the cashbook. The balance included the Community Infrastructure Levy Fund of £11,325.03 (2019/12). 2019/44: CHEQUE PAYMENTS: No recurring items had been paid since the last meeting. Councillors authorised the following payments: Village Hall hire (for the year to 31 March 2019) £84, Clerk’s net salary (quarter to 31 March 2019) £80, PAYE £20 and contribution to the Clerk’s expenses (year ending 31 March 2019) £50. 2018/45: INTERNAL AUDIT: Geraint Gregory had indicated that he would again be prepared to undertake this task. Councillors approved the appointment, expressing thanks. 2018/46: FIDELITY GUARANTEE INSURANCE: In accordance with recommended good practice, Councillors considered the level of fidelity guarantee insurance and confirmed the current limit of £150,000 to be adequate. UTILITIES ETC: 2019/47: VEHICLE ACTIVATED SIGNS (VAS) (2018/11) AND NEW FOOTPATH REQUESTS (2018/71 & 140): The county council had advised that Keir/WSP were actively looking at the HS2 Road Safety Fund projects. It was hoped that the vehicle-activated signs would be installed by late April. Subject to a funding review, the proposed footpath on Banbury Road would be undertaken later. The Clerk had subsequently received a telephone request from WSP seeking the Council’s reconfirmation that they still wish to apply for two VAS. This was agreed. The sites were discussed. The meeting favoured on or opposite the lamp post outside Dormer House and either on the left or right-hand verges on entering the village by the Three Conies, almost opposite Townsend Lane, subject to practical problems and discussions with county representatives. PLANNING: 2019/48: PLANNING APPLICATIONS: There were no applications to consider. HS2: 2019/49a: HS2 LIAISON GROUP MEETING: TMM reported on his attendance with MC at the meeting at Towcester on 1 March. TMM had questioned the timetable for the proposed tree planting adjacent to the Cimla dwelling on Banbury Lane. The HS2 representatives had been unable to give a response. HS2 had announced that the proposed drop-in session in the village hall in February had been deferred again, “until the summer months” (2018/142). The session was intended to advise design considerations and obtain community feedback regarding the Lower Thorpe and Edgcote viaducts. HS2 were currently prepared to hold a general engagement event in the village but in the absence of the viaduct design, a timetable and the awaited revised traffic movement and noise assessment figures, Councillors did not see engagement being beneficial. 2019/49b: STOP HS2: Councillors unanimously agreed the agenda item proposal that in view of the STOP HS2 organisation’s actions supporting the interests of the parish, a contribution of £50 would be made towards the organisation’s running costs. COMMUNITY BUS SERVICE: 2019/50: Further to the last meeting (2019/34) JO reported that she had attended a meeting at Culworth at which a minibus service provided by the charity ‘Ability Northants’ was favourably viewed, particularly by Culworth and Eydon representatives. The service would not involve administration by the councils, requiring individuals to register for pre-booked journeys. The service would be fee paying unless a bus pass was held. The service would probably be weekly on one morning to Banbury, returning at lunchtime. However there would be a requirement for an initial donation of £500 from each parish council. It was agreed that interested parishioners would be encouraged to attend the Annual Parish Meeting to hear further details, enabling the Council to reassess the likely level of support. ANNUAL PARISH MEETING: 2019/51: Arrangements for the Annual Parish Meeting on Monday 29 April at 7.00pm were discussed, recognising it would not be a Parish Council meeting. CORRESPONDENCE OF CONSEQUENCE: 2019/52: 2019/52a: BRITISH LEGION: An invitation from Middleton Cheney Branch of the Royal British Legion to attend their events was discussed. It was agreed that the branch should be advised that the invitations were respectfully declined as the parish’s historic and current allegiance has been with Wappenham branch. However it was agreed that the D-Day service at Chacombe church would be promoted on the Council’s website to see if any parishioners wished to participate. 2019/52b: INSURANCE COVER: The Clerk had circulated details of a new procedure requested by the Council’s insurance broker seeking agreement to the basis of cover in respect of the renewal arising on 1 June. It was agreed that this looked satisfactory subject to raising awareness of the bus shelter and office equipment. 2019/52c: COUNCIL TAX: A notification had been received from the SNC advising that there had been an error in the Council Tax calculation for 2019/20 and households would be receiving revised notifications. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: 2019/53: None ANY OTHER BUSINESS RAISED BY COUNCILLORS OR CLERK: 2019/54: EL had requested the meeting considers mowing the green at the entrance to the village (2018/130b). ID volunteered to obtain quotations. NEXT SCHEDULED COUNCIL MEETING: 2019/55: The next ordinary meeting was scheduled for Monday 20 May 2019 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall being the Annual Meeting of the Council. MEETING CLOSED 8.15pm .
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