Albany 23 ALBANY COLLEGE of PHARMACY / PHYSICAL PLANT Albany College of Pharmacy 1 Notre Dame Drive Albany 12208 518-694-6917 Thomas Dellarocca 75 75

Albany 23 ALBANY COLLEGE of PHARMACY / PHYSICAL PLANT Albany College of Pharmacy 1 Notre Dame Drive Albany 12208 518-694-6917 Thomas Dellarocca 75 75

New York State Office of General Services Procurement Services Group Road Salt Delivery Schedule 1 FTL Bulk (Tons) Contract Year: 2013 - 2014 Acct Delivery Point Address City/Zip Phone Contact Oct. Store Total Del Cap Qty Albany 23 ALBANY COLLEGE OF PHARMACY / PHYSICAL PLANT Albany College of Pharmacy 1 Notre Dame Drive Albany 12208 518-694-6917 Thomas DellaRocca 75 75 3479 ALBANY COUNTY DPW / COMMISSIONER Albany Co DPW Coeymans Sub Div 156 Co Rt 111 Alcove 12007 1,500 Albany Co DPW Colonie Watervliet Shaker Rd. Colonie 12212 250 1,000 Albany Co DPW Colonie Route 155 off Exit 5 off I-87 Colonie 12211 3,000 2,600 Albany Co DPW Berne Sub Div 821 Cole Hill Rd CR 2 East Berne 12059 1,500 3,000 Albany Co DPW BETH 255 Old Quarry Rd. - CR102 Feura Bush 12067 518-765-2055 VALERIE KOMJATHY 3,000 Albany Co DPW Knox Sub Div 1296 Township Rd St Hwy 146 Knox 12107 3,000 2,950 Albany Co DPW Rensselaerville Sub 265 Co Rt 357 Medusa 12120 3,000 3,750 Div Albany Co DPW New Scotland Sub 449 New Salem Rd Voorheesville 12186 518-765-2055 VALERIE KOMJATHY 3,000 4,000 Div Albany Co DPW Westerlo Sub Div 19 CR410 Westerlo 12193 3,000 3,900 26 ALBANY MEDICAL CENTER / BUYER Albany Medical Ctr South Clinical 25 Hackett Blvd Albany 12209 518-262-3243/8436 Gary Ruger 80 340 Campus 27 ALBANY PORT DIST COMMISS / PURCHASING Albany Port Commission Port of 100 Smith Blvd. Albany 12202 518-463-8673 Richard Hendrick 50 75 Albany 2652 ALBANY RURAL CEMETERY / GENERAL MANAGER Albany Rural Cemetery Cemetery Ave Menands 12204 518-463-7017 Markus Filuta 35 25 Delivery to Barn Area-M-F 8 to 4/Sat 8-11 105 BERNE-KNOX-WESTERLO CSD / BUSINESS OFFICE Berne Knox Westerlo CSD Berne 1811 Helderberg Trail Berne 12023 518-872-1521 Town of Berne 70 60 Hwy Gar Delivery: M-F 7a.m. - 2 p.m. 4839 CITY OF ALBANY / PARKING AUTHORITY NYS OGS Procurement Services Group Page 1 Feb 27, 2014 1 FTL Bulk (Tons) Contract Year: 2013 - 2014 Acct Delivery Point Address City/Zip Phone Contact Oct. Store Total Del Cap Qty Albany City of Albany Parking Auth 655 Broadway Albany 12207 518-434-8886 Richard Thorne 25 100 Delivery 8AM - 3PM 283 CITY OF COHOES / PURCHASING AGENT City of Cohoes DPW New St Cohoes 12047 518-233-2111 Peter Frangie 1,100 1,100 1956 DAUGHTERS OF SARAH NURSING COMPANY, INC / Daughters of Sarah Nursing Ctr 180 Washington Ave Ext Albany 12203 518-456-3230 Mike Regan 22 100 24 HOUR NOTICE - DELIVERY HRS. 8AM TO 4PM 5486 NYS DOT / OFAS NYS DOT Albany - Thruway Exit 23 MP 141.90 Albany 12209 NYS DOT Colonie Exit 5 I-87 & Rt 155 Colonie 518-765-2841 Doug Rose 2,400 5,000 Height restrictions,unload without having to raising dumpbox. NYS DOT Albany 16 Maple Ave (Intersection Rt 155 & Voorheesville 12186 518-765-2841 Doug Rose 3,300 5,000 Rt 85A) Del to salt conveyor,truck must be equipped with conveyor(lowboy) preferred 5151 NYS OGS / NYS OGS at Thruway Interchange 23 Rt. 9W Albany 12209 NYS OGS Campus Op Gnds Dept 1220 Washington Ave Albany 12226 518-457-6660 John Ramundo 300 1,100 5184 NYS OPRHP / NYS OPRHP Bureau of Historic Sites Delaware Ave North Cohoes 12047 518-237-8643 x3222 Paul Woitkoski 35 44 Peebles Island We will call for delivery. 973 NYS THRUWAY AUTHORITY / BUREAU OF PURCHASING NYS Thru Auth Albany Mtce Interchange 23 Route 9W Albany 12209 2,000 5,600 1110 RAVENA/COEYMANS/SELKIRK CSD / SCHOOL BUSINESS ADMIN Ravena Coeymans Selkirk CSD at West Shore St Ravena 12143 518-756-5200 x7001 Brian Dengler 300 100 Vill of Ravena Delivery 7AM - 3:30PM 1224 SIENA COLLEGE / PURCHASING DIRECTOR Siena College 515 Loudon Rd Loudonville 12211 36 0 2018 TOWN OF BERNE / HIGHWAY SUPT Town of Berne Hwy Dept 1811 Helderberg Trail Berne 12023 518-872-1521 Kenneth Weaver 80 80 1961 TOWN OF BETHLEHEM / HIGHWAY DEPT/SUPT NYS OGS Procurement Services Group Page 2 Feb 27, 2014 1 FTL Bulk (Tons) Contract Year: 2013 - 2014 Acct Delivery Point Address City/Zip Phone Contact Oct. Store Total Del Cap Qty Albany Town of Bethlehem Hwy Gar 74 Elm Ave East Selkirk 12158 1,800 2,500 430 TOWN OF COLONIE / GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT Town of Colonie Hwy Dept 347 Old Niskayuna Rd Latham 12110 518-783-2795 John Cunningham 7,500 10,000 Deliver 7:30 am - 4:00 pm M-F 347 Old Niskayuna Salt Shed 1470 TOWN OF GUILDERLAND / COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE Town of Guilderland Hwy Gar 6338 French's Mill Rd Guilderland Cntr 12085 518-861-5108 Steven Oliver 1,500 3,000 Deliver 7:30 AM to 3:00 PM 2015 TOWN OF KNOX / HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Town of Knox Hwy Dept @ Albany 1296 Township Rd Altamont 12009 518-872-0038 Gary Salisbury 200 200 Co DPW 1524 TOWN OF NEW SCOTLAND / HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Town of New Scotland Hwy Dept Gar 2869 New Scotland Rd Voorheesville 12186 518-475-0385 Ken Guyer 400 1,200 Deliver 7:00 am to 3:30 pm, M-F - Call to deliver After Hours 2783 TOWN OF RENSSELAERVILLE / HIGHWAY SUPT Town of Rensselaerville Hwy Dept 87 Barger Rd Medusa 12120 518-797-3798 Randall Bates 1,500 700 Deliver 7:00 am to 3:30 pm M-F - Tickets must be signed 3480 TOWN OF WESTERLO / SUPERVISOR Town of Westerlo Hwy Dept 671 Rt 401 Westerlo 12193 518-797-3205 Keith Wright 3,500 500 5202 UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY / PURCHASING DEPT SUNY Albany Grounds Bldg 1400 Washington Ave Albany 12222 518-442-3450 David Van Vranken 600 600 1701 VILLAGE OF ALTAMONT / DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS Village of Altamont WWTP 6370 Gun Club Rd Altamont 12009 518-861-8554 Tim McIntyre 50 140 Tri-Axle Truck Only, Deliver 7:00 am to 4:00 pm 4465 VILLAGE OF COLONIE / HIGHWAY DEPT Village of Colonie Hwy Dept 2 Thunder Rd Colonie 12205 518-869-6372 Carl Fleshman 750 1,500 No Dump Trailers 1785 VILLAGE OF MENANDS / CLERK/TREASURER Village of Menands DPW Gar Oakland Ave Menands 12204 518-434-2922 John Stangle 100 400 1567 VILLAGE OF RAVENA / CLERKS OFFICE NYS OGS Procurement Services Group Page 3 Feb 27, 2014 1 FTL Bulk (Tons) Contract Year: 2013 - 2014 Acct Delivery Point Address City/Zip Phone Contact Oct. Store Total Del Cap Qty Albany Village of Ravena Hwy Gar West Shore St (End of) Ravena 12143 518-496-3658 Alan Court 400 400 518-756-8233 Fritz Persico 2076 VILLAGE OF VOORHEESVILLE / D P W Village of Voorheesville DPW 12 Altamont Rd (Rt 156) Voorheesville 12186 518-765-4512 William Smith 200 400 Deliver 7:00 am to 3:30 pm M-F 1859 VOORHEESVILLE CENTRAL SCHOOL / FINANCE CLERK Voorheesville CSD NYS DOT Rt 155 and 85A (Maple Rd) Voorheesville 12186 518-765-2381 x508 Michael Goyer 1,000 60 (Voorheesville) Albany County Total (Tons): 61,599 Allegany 31 ALFRED UNIVERSITY / OFFICE SERVICES SUNY Alfred University Ofc Serv 1 Saxon Dr Alfred 14802 607-871-2154 - 2802 Richard Walker 35 90 Deliveries between 7:00 am & 1:00 pm M-F 33 ALLEGANY COUNTY / BOARD OF LEGISLATORS Allegany Co DPW Buffalo Crushed Co Rd 42 Alfred Station 14813 585-973-3361 Keith Karnes 600 11,000 Stone Allegany Co DPW Stockpile Co Rt 48 Belmont 14813 585-973-3361 Keith Karnes 600 2,000 6880 CUBA-RUSHFORD CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT / Cuba Rushford Central School 5476 Route 305 Cuba 14727 716-753-6101 David Hardman 35 120 647 HOUGHTON COLLEGE / MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT Houghton College 9736 State Rt 19 - Houghton Coll Houghton 14744 585-567-9480 Charles Smith 30 75 Maint Center Delivery 8:00 - 4:30 M-F 5486 NYS DOT / OFAS NYS DOT Caneadea - 61034 9037 Rt 19 Caneadea 14717 585-973-2171 Jonathan Engels 2,000 2,600 Del salt 1/2 mi S int Rt 243 NYS DOT Friendship Rt 275 & CR 20 Friendship 14739 585-973-2171 Jonathan Engels 3,000 4,300 NYS DOT Wellsville Sub 2860 Andover Rd Wellsville 14895 585-973-2171 Jonathan Engels 3,000 3,100 NYS DOT West Almond - 61061 2525 Co Rt 2 West Almond 14804 585-973-2171 Jonathan Engles 1,800 2,400 5008 SUNY ALFRED / MGR - PROCUREMENT SUNY Alfred State Coll Facilities Serv 10 Upper College Dr Alfred 14802 607-587-4755 Bob Haley 100 200 NYS OGS Procurement Services Group Page 4 Feb 27, 2014 1 FTL Bulk (Tons) Contract Year: 2013 - 2014 Acct Delivery Point Address City/Zip Phone Contact Oct. Store Total Del Cap Qty Allegany 1377 TOWN OF ALFRED / TOWN CLERK Town of Alfred (Buffalo Crushed 638 St Rt 244 Alfred Station 14803 607-587-8102 Tom Mansfield 1,000 350 Stone) 4213 TOWN OF ALLEN / HIGHWAY SUPT Town of Allen Hwy Dept 4949 Klein Rd Fillmore 14735 585-567-8320 Eric Brodman 110 105 1378 TOWN OF ALMA / HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Town of Alma (Buffalo Crushed 638 St Rt 244 Alfred Station 14737 585-593-4021 Daniel Ford 1 500 Stone) 4346 TOWN OF ALMOND / HIGHWAY SUPT Town of Almond Hwy Dept 1 Marvin La Almond 14804 607-276-5240 Kim Costello 300 250 3886 TOWN OF AMITY / HIGHWAY DEPT Town of Amity @Allegany County County Rd 48 (Stockpile) Belmont 14813 585-268-5517 James Reniff 400 400 DPW 4685 TOWN OF ANDOVER / HIGHWAY SUPT Town of Andover Hwy Dept (Buffalo 638 St Rt 244 Alfred Station 14803 607-587-8102 Tom Mansfield 1,000 300 Crushed Stone) 4200 TOWN OF ANGELICA / HIGHWAY DEPT Town of Angelica Hwy Dept (Buffalo 638 St Rt 244 Alfred Station 14803 585-466-7749 Kevin Demick 160 160 Crushed Stone) 5525 TOWN OF BELFAST / HIGHWAY SUPT Town of Belfast Hwy - Buffalo 638 State Rt.

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