QUEENS TIPublished forM the BoroughES of Queens VOLUME 24, NO. 22 THURSDAY, MAY 30, 2019 25 CENTS The Following is The History of Council Member Vallone Marches in Memorial Day Whitestone, Little Neck & Douglaston This is the history of why on this celebrated day, Memorial Day, you are able to enjoy the BBQ, the Beach and your family; Memorial Day Parades if you forgot it is because of all those who made the ultimate sacrifice to give us all the freedom we take for granted today, our Veterans. The following is a brief history reminding all why they have the freedom that was given to them by our Veterans. Hug a Veteran and say thank you to them, not just on Memorial Day but every day. It was 1866 and the United States was recovering from the long and bloody Civil War between the North and the South. Surviving soldiers came home, some with missing limbs, and all with stories to tell. Henry Welles, a drugstore owner in Waterloo, New York, heard the stories and had an idea. He suggested that all the shops in town close for one day to honor the soldiers who were killed in the Civil War and were buried in the Waterloo cemetery. On the morning of May 5, the towns- people placed flowers, wreaths and crosses on the graves of the Northern soldiers in the cemetery. At about the same time, Retired Major General Jonathan A. Logan planned another ceremony, this time for the soldiers who survived the war. He led the veterans through town to the cemetery to decorate their comrades’ graves with flags. It was not a happy celebration, but a memorial. The townspeople called it Decoration Day. In Retired Major General Logan’s proclamation of Memorial Day, he declared: “The 30th of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers, or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country and Council Member Paul Vallone hands out flags to spectators along the during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost Whitestone Memorial Day Parade route. See story and other photo on page 12.. every city, village and hamlet churchyard in the land. In this observance no form of ceremony is prescribed, but posts and comrades will in their own way arrange such fitting services Volunteers Place Flags on Veterans (Continued on page 2) Graves in Maple Grove Cemetery Flanders Field VFW Post #150 at St. Leo’s Veterans Memorial Monument After mass at St. Leo’s Church the members and friends of The Friends of Maple Grove in Kearns and many volunteers, at Maple Grove, going as far back Flanders Field VFW Post #150 are pictured with Commander partnership with the choir of St. gathered to honor the veterans at as the War of 1812 with John and Mike Liquori in front of the St. Leo’s Veterans Memorial Mary’s High School in Manhas- Maple Grove Cemetery. Over the Stephen Lott. Monument where Pastor of St Leo’s Fr. Hoppe made a set under the direction of Andrew years, Helen Day, Joanne Raskin Saturday morning, all the blessing to remember all those who made the ultimate Koslosky, the Richmond Hill Boy and Carl Ballenas have been cre- sacrifice giving us the freedom we enjoy today, our Veterans. Scouts with Scout Master Patrick ating a database of veterans found (Continued on page 2) One Edition for ALL of Queens! Visit our website at www.queenstimes.com PAGE 2 THE QUEENS TIMES THURSDAY, MAY 30, 2019 The Following is The History of Memorial Day (Continued from page 1) have died. Church services, visits Day, soldiers of the Third U.S. to the cemetery, flowers on graves infantry walk along the rows of and testimonials of respect as cir- or even silent tribute mark the headstones. Each soldier stops at cumstances may permit.” day with dignity and solemnity. a headstone, reaches to a bundle The two ceremonies were It is a day of reflection. However, of flags he is carrying, pulls one joined in 1868, and northern to many Americans the day also out and pushes it into the ground. states commemorated the day signals the beginning of summer These soldiers are part of a special on May 30. The southern states with a three-day weekend to spend regiment; the Old Guard. Most commemorated their war dead on at the beach, in the mountains or consider it a privilege to place different days. Children read po- at home relaxing. flags on the more than two hun- ems and sang civil war songs and In Waterloo, New York, the dred thousand graves of soldiers veterans came to school wearing origin has not been lost and in who served in the wars or who their medals and uniforms to tell fact the meaning has become even died in them. “They have done students about the Civil War. Then more special. President Lyndon their job,” said one soldier, “and the veterans marched through Johnson proclaimed Waterloo now it’s my turn to do mine.” their home towns followed by the birthplace of Memorial Day It is an equal honor to guard the townspeople to the cemetery. in 1966, 100 years after the first the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier They decorated graves and took commemoration. Every May 30, all year. There are actually four photographs of soldiers next to townspeople still walk to the soldiers buried in this spot: the un- American flags. Rifles were shot cemeteries and hold memorial known soldiers of the two World in the air as a salute to the northern services. They decorate the graves Wars, the Korean conflict, and the soldiers who had given their lives with flags and flowers. Then they Vietnam War. Each soldier repre- to keep the United States together. walk back to the park in the mid- sents all of those who gave their In 1882, the name was changed dle of town. In the middle of the lives in the modern wars. Soldiers to Memorial Day and soldiers who park, near a monument dedicated from the Army’s Third Infantry had died in previous wars were to soldiers, sailors and marines, guard the tomb twenty-four hours honored as well. In the northern the Gettysburg address is read, a day. Wreath-laying ceremonies United States, it was designated a followed by Retired Major Gen- take place all through the year public holiday. In 1971, along with eral Logan’s Order # 11 designat- and people from all over the world other holidays, President Richard ing Decoration Day. The village come to watch the changing of the Nixon declared Memorial Day a choirs sing patriotic songs. In the guard. On another hill of Arling- federal holiday on the last Monday evening, school children take part ton Cemetery there is a mass grave in May. in a parade. of unidentified soldiers from the Cities all around the United Arlington National Cemetery Civil War. States hold their own ceremonies in Virginia is the nation’s largest On Memorial Day, the President on the last Monday in May* to national cemetery. Not only are or Vice President of the United pay respect to the men and women members of the armed forces States gives a speech and lays a who have died in wars or in the buried here; astronauts, explorers wreath on the tombs. Members service of their country. and other distinguished Ameri- of the armed forces shoot a rifle Memorial Day is not limited cans have all been honored with a salute in the air. Veterans and to honor only those Americans special place here. President John families come to lay their own from the armed forces. It is also F. Kennedy is buried in a spot wreaths and say prayers. There is a day for personal remembrance. overlooking Washington, D.C. a chance that one of the soldiers Families and individuals honor the Here in the early hours of the buried here is a father, son, brother Subscribe to the memories of their loved ones who Friday morning before Memorial or friend. Queens Times Volunteers Place Flags on Veterans Your Local Newspaper-One Edition for All Of Queens Graves in Maple Grove Cemetery Just $28.50 per year... and have the paper (Continued from page 1) for honoring the veterans and were wonderful, heartwarming songs. delivered to your door by US Mail happy to help. Upon finding a Biographies of a few of veterans groups met at the Center and were veteran, the students paused, knelt were read aloud and a prayer was Please Enter my Subscription For One Year supplied with over 600 American in prayer and gave a salute before recited. The end of the ceremony flags provide by Bonnie Dixon, placing a flag. This continued for a was marked with a trumpet player Name .............................................................................. the President and Executive Man- few hours. At 2 o’clock the groups performing TAPS. ager of Maple Grove. Starting at 11 gathered at the lake for a memorial Over the years, The Friends of Address .......................................................................... AM the students, scouts and vol- service. It began with the Pledge Maple Grove have created many unteers started to fan all sections of Allegiance lead by Andrew wonderful and innovative events, City..................................................Zip........................... of Maple Grove, finding graves Koslosky. A keyboard which was workshops, walking tours, con- of veterans. Neighborhood vol- set up by Giovanni and Marco certs and so on, but this ceremony Please make check payable to: Queens Times and mail to: unteers, including Crystal Counts Vittozzi was played upon by Pat goes straight to the heart of our 11-20 154th Street, Whitestone, NY 11357 of the Briarwood/Kew Gardens White and the Saint Mary’s High mission to those who we care for Lions Club came and thanked us School choir sang a number of at Maple Grove.
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