NC PH PUBLIC HISTORY NEWS ~ Volume 23, Number 4 ~ Summer 2003 ANNUAL REpORT 2002-2003 by David G. Vanderstel [email protected] The past year proved to be an interesting condemned his critics for practicing .1 one for history and the historical "revisionist history"-reflecting again that profession. The teaching of history received there are many-even those in positions substantial attention as the US Department of power and authority-who still do not of Education announced the third round understand the true purpose and practice of Teaching American History (or Byrd) of history. Clearly, the year provided Grants to provide professional development numerous opportunities for historians opportunities for elementary and secondary to become involved in improving the history educators. Sen. Lamar Alexander of teaching and interpretation of history and Tennessee sponsored an "American History helping the public to better understand and Civic Education" bill that would and appreciate what historians do and the establish summer residential academies for significance of history for daily life. teachers and students. President George W. Amidst these ups and downs, there was Bush and the National Archives announced yet another significant milestone for history a national project entitled Our Documents: - the National Council on Public History A National Initiative on American History, held its 25th annual meeting in Houston Civics and Service, which encourages the and marked the beginning of its silver public to think critically about some of the anniversary year of representing the public core documents and their meaning to our ~story community. Once thought by many history. All were positive steps in enhancing in the academy to be a temporary response public knowledge of and appreciation to a temporary dip in the job market, public for history. history and NCPH are, and have been, major On the down side of things, several players in graduate history education and the high-profile historians gave the historical historical profession. Furthermore, the work profession a black eye when they were of NCPH and public historians in general charged with plagiarism. In response to the has been recognized by the scholarly nation's economic downturn, states slashed community with the admission of NCPH budgets for historical agencies and closed into the American Council of Learned historic sites, thereby threatening public Societies. Clearly, NCPH has come of age. access to historical resources. President At this significant point in our history, George W. Bush resurrected the "culture I am pleased to present my ninth annual wars" of the mid- 1990s when he report to the NCPH members and to report that NCPH is in excellent condition. STAFF. The staff members of the NCPH Executive Offices have been critical to the continued success of this organization. They have done an exceptional job of handling the increased workload of the office, serving our members, and representing NCPH in all that they do -all at a staffing level of less than two fulltime employees. Dana Ward continues as Assistant to the Executive Director, a position she has held »- See Annual Report page 2 [ photo. In the weeks ahead, program and upcoming annual AASLH meeting in contributions of Acting Provost Aaron local arrangements committees will begin Providence, Rhode Island, NCPH and Ettenberg of the College of Letters and work to define a theme, issue a call for AASLH will co-sponsor two book Science and History Department chair papers/proposals, and plan tours and discussions--one focusing on material Patricia Cohen have been instrumental in special events for the meeting. Watch the culture, the other on writing local history. maintaining the strength and reputation of NCPH web site and future newsletters for NCPH will also host a cash-bar reception, our journal within the profession and the meeting details. co-hosted with the John Nicholas Brown scholarly community. Center at Brown University. Finally, I am most grateful to the ANNUAL MEETING 2006. Also at its This past year also was the first for NCPH Board and Officers for their fall meeting, the NCPH Board accepted NCPH's membership in the American support over the past nine years. It has an invitation from the Organization of Council of Learned Societies. Michael been a pleasure working with them to American Historians to participate in a Devine served as the NCPH delegate address the challenges of building this joint meeting in Washington, DC in 2006. to the annual meeting and David G. organization and to reach the ambitious President Jim Gardner and I have held Vanderstel participated in meetings of goals that we have established. I look preliminary discussions with OAH the Chief Administrative Officers. This forward to working with all of you as we regarding terms of the memorandum of affiliation brings NCPH into the circle of strive to build NCPH and to reach the agreement, which we hope to conclude over 60 professional scholarly associations larger public history community and the later in 2003. devoted to the study of the humanities. diverse audiences that we all serve. ENDO~NT.Duringthesummerof One of the key elements of the NCPH Respectfully submitted, 2002, NCPH received word that it was long-range plan is to expand the number David G. Vanderstel the recipient of a National Endowment of collaborative ventures with historical Executive Director for the Humanities Challenge Grant: Over institutions and associations, thereby July 2003 the next three years, NCPH must raise increasing the visibility and influence of $90,000 in order to secure a $30,000 -the organization. While the NCPH Board match from NEH. The endowment will and committees explore different forms help NCPH move towards a full-time of outreach, we also look to you the Executive Directorate, support an members to help NCPH make contact expanded awards program, and provide with other professional associations, professional development opportunities whether at the state, regional, national, or for practicing professionals. In order to even international level. Contact the NCPH coordinate this ambitious campaign, the Executive Offices with your ideas and NCPH Board established a Leadership recommendations on how NCPH can work Council consisting of all past NCPH with other institutions and organizations. chairs and presidents and led by honorary CLOSING REMARKS. In closing, I wish chair G. Wesley Johnson and campaign to extend my thanks and appreciation to chair Alan Newell. Watch future issues of those who have been instrumental in Public History News and the NCPH web supporting the work and mission of site for news about the campaign, and con­ NCPH. Indiana University Purdue tact the NCPH Executive Offices to see University Indianapolis has hosted the how you can help NCPH reach its cam­ NCPH Executive Offices since 1990. paign goal. During that time, the School of Liberal COLLABORATIONS: NCPH continues Arts and the Department of History have to explore ways of working with other provided substantial support. Thanks to organizations within the profession. In Dean Herman Saatkamp of the School of the coming years, NCPH will hold joint Liberal Arts for his continued financial meetings with the American Society underwriting, and to Philip Scarpino, of Environmental History and the chair of the IUPUI History Department, Organization of American Historians. who has continued to be a strong advocate NCPH also has developed a strong for NCPH within the department and the working relationship with the American university. Association for State and Local History We must also recognize the role of the (AASLH) where we are able to witness University of California, Santa Barbara, the blend of theory and scholarship with for its strong support of the editorial the practice of doing history. At the offices of The Public Historian. The Page 3 ~P_~__ SI_D_EN_T_._S_C_O_M_M_E_N_T_S ________________________J in membership revenue, I'm more con­ reasons. First of all, there are more cerned about the consequences for our organizations seeking our individual institutional partners, facing financial support than many of us can afford, and retrenchment that could make their contin­ we cannot take it for granted that everyone uing, generous support of NCPH problem­ sees NCPH as as vital to their professional atic. The fact of the matter is that we lives as we do. And second, it just doesn't depend on Indiana University Purdue make sense for us to try to act as though by James Gardner University at Indianapolis (1UPUI) and the we are sufficient unto ourselves-we need [email protected] University of California Santa Barbara for to determine what we do best, focus on it, critical support for our Executive Offices and work with our sister organizations on Facing the challenge of writing my first and The Public Historian editorial offices the rest. Rather than see AASLH or the "President's Comments," I did what any respectively. If either were to pull out, we OAH as rivals, we need to recognize good historian would do-I pulled out old would be in deep trouble, and the Board shared agendas and embrace opportunities issues of Public History News to see what has wisely recognized the need to lessen to collaborate-there's too much to be done my predecessors had written, how they the organization'S long-term financial to try to do it all on our own. had handled this task. I must admit that I dependence on them. Our new endowment I'm not going to promise that I'll identify more with Patrick O'Bannon, who campaign is pivotal-building our resolve all the above, but I'll do my acknowledged that he "dreaded" the task, endowment will put NCPH on fIrmer best-and, following in the footsteps of my than with Alan Newell, who considered it financial footing and help ensure that we able predecessors, I'll keep you informed one of "the most enjoyable aspects" of his have the resources we need for the future.
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