American Federation of Musicians and Employers Pension Fund Exhibit 7.07 Group 1 – 596 Custom CBAs 79801001 CHICAGO MASTER SINGERS DIVINE WORD CHAPEL CBA 2. Pension: THE EMPLOYER shall pay to the AMERICAN FEDERATION OF MUSICIANS AND EMPLOYERS' PENSION FUND ao amount equal to eleven ix,rcent (11%) of the Employe(s.gross payroll for all employees covered by this Agreement. Such payment shall be foiwarded to the Office of the Union during the week iol\owlng the week for which the payment is made. The Employer shall file contemporaneously with the aforesaid payment infonnation relating to the employees on whos~ behalf contributions are paid, including the amployee's name, so.cial security number, wages and such other lnformation which the Trustees of \he Fund may reasonably require. The Employer adopts and agrees to be bound by all the terms and aondluons of the Trust Agreement creating the AMERICAN FEDERATION OF MUSICIANS' AND EMPLOYERS' PENSION FUND, dated October 2, 1959, as amended fr-Om time to time, as fully as if the Employer were an ori9inal party thereto. The Employer hereby ratifies and agrees to be bound by an actions taken and to be taken by the Soard o!Trustees. pursuant to the Powers granted them by the Trust Agreement. The Fund shall provide pension benefits according to the AMERJCAN FEDERATION OF MUSICIANS' AND EMPLOYERS' PENSION PLAN, as amended by resofutlon dated December 3, 1964, and April 3, 1967.which said Amended Pension Plan Is attached hereto and made part hereof. In the event the Pension Plan shall be further amended, either In whole or in part, during the term of this Agreemen~ the revised Pension Plan shall be deemed to the Incorporation herein as if a part hereof. Note: In accordance with the AFM-EP Fund rehabilitation plan. the pension rate of 11.99% was adopted on April 1, 201 1. This rate will be discontinued immediately and will revert back to 11% for the remainder of the tenm of the contract when the AFM-EP Fund repeals their rehabilit ation plan. AFMEPF0783 88 American Federation of Musicians and Employers Pension Fund Exhibit 7.07 Group 1 – 596 Custom CBAs 715999002 CHICAGO MASTER SINGERS DIVINE WORD CHAPEL CBA REHAB 2 2. Pension: THE EMPLOYER shall pay to tho AMERICAN FEDERATION OF MUSICIANS AND EMPLOYERS' PENSION FUND an amount equal to thirteen and one hundred and eighty-nine thousandths percent (13.189%). inciusive of all amounts required by the Fund's Rehabilitation Plans, of the Employer's gross payroll for all employees covered by thrs Agreement The Fund will not consider 9.09% of the contribution payment when calculating future benefits. Such payment shall be forwarded to the Office of the Union during the week following the week for Which the payment is made. The Employer shall file contemporaneously with the aforesaid payment information relating to the employees on whose behalf contributions are paid, including the employee's name. social security number, wages and such other information which the Trustees of the Fund may reasonably require. The Employer adopts and agrees to be bound by all the terms and conditions of the Trust Agreement creating the AMERICAN FEDERATION OF MUSICIANS' AND EMPLOYERS' PENSION FUND, dated October 2, 1959, as amended from time to time, as fully as if the Employer were an original party thereto. The Employer hereby ratifies and agrees to be bound by all actions taken and to be taken by the Board of Trustees pursuant to the Powers granted them by the Trust Agreement. AFMEPF0784 89 American Federation of Musicians and Employers Pension Fund Exhibit 7.07 Group 1 – 596 Custom CBAs 79357001 CHICAGO SHAKESPEARE THEATER CBA flffiEH: P~NSION IBE tMPlOVER wlll «>ntnbuta to tilt AMcAICAN FEO£RATlON Of MUS1CIANS AND EMPtOVcftS' PENSION FUNO [the "Fund" II n1c.c0rdi nee wlrh tf\e oontrlbutlon sch~u le of the Aehab~ltatlon Piao adopted by t~ Bqard of Trustees or the f"nd on April lS, 2010 (the ~2010 Rehabllltatlcm Plan"), whid. i~ lncorporattd herein, THE EMPLOYER sftall pay to the Fund an amount tqUal to Eltwi and oine,ty•□io~ hundrgdtbs ~rcent(ll.99%1 of the Employer's gross wtekly payroll for all employees covered by this Agreement. Sud\ pavment shall bel forwarded weekly to the Offi,e <it the Union d~rlng the WHk followlr,s lite week for wh lch the P3Ymettl I$ made. The Emploversha.11 nte cont~mporaneously wHh the aioresJld paym~Mt 1nrorrnatlon ttlatlng to the employee5 on whose beh~lf contrlbutlor,s a~ paid, including the employe!!'s name, ~oelal ~eturity numb·e,, w~ees and such other lnformatic,i, wnkh tile Trustees of tire FtJnd m•v rtMonably ttqulro. Th~ Employtr adoptu"d airee! h> be bc;und by all the terms and condition, oft Trust Aarc ma1'l er.nun, lh& Mdi81CAN fEDERATIQN OF MUSl,CWll ANO ;MPtO'tERS' Pe'.N~ION FUNO, OATEO O~~r 2.1~9, as amend~d from Uma to tim~1 a~ fully as 1r the £mp1oye, were ,an o(l'inal party the,eto, The EmpJ()ytrhl!reb•i ratifies and agree$ to be bour,d tv all actlOM to be tak~n by the eo~rd ofTnntees pursu~nl to the powerl annted th,m ~V the Trust Agreement The Fund shall provide p~~lon oonents aci;ordlns to the AME~tCAN PEOEAA ON Or MUStCIANSAND EMPLOYERS PENSION PLAN, i15 ,mended by reso~Uon dat~d O!cember 3, 1964 a'-d April 31 1967 1 wh th Rld evenl tht Pensfon Ph,n. 1l1al b~ furlhGt amtlflded, tither in whole or ln part, during the term or this Agre~ment, the r!\11~ed Ptnsicn Plan shall be deemed to the ,nco1potatlcn hcr~io as rr a part her!!cf, (f>ensfo,- ~ calrulated on GROSS WAGES) AFMEPF0785 90 American Federation of Musicians and Employers Pension Fund Exhibit 7.07 Group 1 – 596 Custom CBAs 958327002 CHICAGO SINFONIETTA ORCHESTRA CBA REHAB 2 6.7.21 PtmiOII The ~oyer slntl paylo Ille Amerkan FedmUoo orM111ldans' and Employers· Pl'Jllioo Fand for lhe perkld from Seplembe I, 2018 ilioogh Feb1111iy 28, 2019 an amouol !1!1121 lo 11.99% of lhe iass w11ekly payof 1!.!ch Musicmn which ill'ludes lhe conlmution schedule of ihe Rehabitilallon Plan adopied by ibe Board ofTM!ees cilli! Fand oo April 15. 2010 {the '2010 Rehabitilation Piao"), whkh is ioccrporaled herein. B~inning Much I. 2019and for lheduraliln of Olis Arffill!lll, lhe Employer shall J>iYlo lhe Awic.in Ftderalion ofMusicialll' and Employen' Pm1ioo Fundan amilunl equ~ lo 13.189% wiuch includt.s Ille ronlrimlllonschl'dlleof Ille Rehabtli!Jlioo Plan adopled bylhe Boaid of TM'tees of 1he Fund on August I. 2018 (lhe 'ZOl8 Rembililalioo Plan"). Such piymetils &lull beforw11rded wetkly lo lhe Offict of the Union during the weet fci!011ingthe week fer which lhe payment is made. The Employer shall file c0111emp011neooslywith the aforeaid paymenl infwmllioo rebttng lo lhe M111lcmnson "iiost behalf cOlllributio111 are paid ioclud~ lbe M111k:i.an's name, socW !tCUJ'ily 111J1ibe, "lges and .111ch !Kher infDnlllilOf\ which lhe TM!ees of lhe Fund may ,easonably requirt Tbe Employer adopts and ag,ees lo be bound by all of lhe lerms aoo ronditllllll Ii 1he T,ust Agreement creating lhe A111e11aln Federnlloo of Musidaos· and E~loy1n' Pemioo Food, d31!d Odober 2. 1959. as ao,ended from time lo lime. aJ fully as ii the Employer were ancrigiral party !hereto. The Emplo)'t"I hereby 1111ifies ,mdagrees lobe bound byaD acliom taken aod lo be liken by lbe said Boaid of Trustees pursuanl to lbe PO\\ll'S gaoled lbem by lhe Trull Agretmeol The Fund shall provide ptll!M)ll benents ae«rdiog lo lhe American Federa!M)ll of Musiciw · and EmplO)'!fS' Pension FWld Piao. ill amended byre1olu lion dated December 3, 1964. and April 3, 1967, "iiich said Ame!lded Pemioo Plan is altlclied h1!!fo aoo made a!Plrt heu,o[. In lht milt lhe Pensioo Plan shall he furlhl'I' amend!d. ei1her in whole or in pal1. dming lbe term of Ibis Ageemm. lbe revised Pension Plan slnll be deemed lo be incorporated herein as [ apart hereof. 6.7.3 The Employer shall be oolig:iled lo paylhe Musicians f1J: all cancelled smires unless !be Mu51dans are notified in wri1ing sixty (60) days in adv,nce of such cancelled Sl'l'VktS except ill pnr,ided for In S«lioo 9.7 and Section 5.2. 6.7.4The Union expressly waives, lo the full exlelll l)l'l'milled by law. applka1ionor the foll011i!lj( loa ll employees employed under lhls ~etmeol: the Chica~o Paid SickLe.ive Ordinance, Cbapt!I' 1•24 ci lhe Mmicipal Code of Chica~o and the Cook Coomy Earned Sick le.11" Ordinance No. 16•4229; aoo any Olhl'I' oolinance, !lalule IJ: ~w requirlllj( paid sick le.ive lh.il ls hl'l'eafil'I' enacted "ilhln the jur~dictlon of this Ai!ietmenl.11 ~ uodemood that the Union and the Emoloyer 31!lted to mtmOriallze any permlued ~1il·er fer any newl}•-enaded l:rw governing SllCh beriefill by letter agetmenl. AFMEPF0786 91 American Federation of Musicians and Employers Pension Fund Exhibit 7.07 Group 1 – 596 Custom CBAs CHICAGO THEATRE GROUP IN ALBERT THEATRE OF THE GOODMAN 720153002 THEATRE COMPLEX CBA REHAB 2 ELEVENTH: Pension The Employer shall pay to the AMERICAN FEDERATION OF MUSICIANS' AND EMPLOYERS' PENSION FUND in accordance with the contribution schedule of the Rehabilitation Plans adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Fund, which are incorporated herein.
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