Mineralogy of Complex Co-Ni-Bi Vein Mineralization, Bieber Deposit

Mineralogy of Complex Co-Ni-Bi Vein Mineralization, Bieber Deposit

winerlogil wgzineD tune PHHPD olF TT@QAD ppF QVS±RHU winerlogy of omplex goExiEfi vein minerliztionD fieer depositD pessrtD qermny IDPD Q F eqxi B exh tF vyix I winerlogishes snstitutD niversitÈt urzurgD em rulndD hEWUHUR urzurgD qermny È È P heprtment of irth nd lnetry ienesD wqill niversityD QRSH niversity treetD wontreÂl g rQe PeUD gnd Q qrslitzer trF SD hETQUWI urlstein m winD qermny efeg ostErisn veinEtype goExiEfi ores of the fieer depositD pessrt mountinsD qermnyD whih re relted to the ermin uupfershieferD hve een investigted y ore mirosopyD Ery powder diffrtion nd eletronEproe mironlysisF he smples ontin vriety of ore minerlsD notly skutteruditeD ntive ismuthD oltiteD llolsiteD nioliteD muheriteD gersdorffiteD rmmelsergiteG prrmmelsergiteD sffloriteD loellingite nd empletiteF he ores disply strutures inditive of multiple reition nd omplex zoned rsenide ssemlgesF hree sequentil stges of deposition re identifiedD whih re @IA the gu stgeD @PA the min goExiEfi stgeD nd @QA the lte stgeF he rsenide minerlsD notly skutteruditeD dirsenides nd sulphrsenidesD show lrge rnge of ompositionl vrition in goExiEpe speF e reltively limited numer of skutterudite nd dirsenide ompositions lie outside the ompositionl fields estlished in the litertureF kutterudite nd dirsenides re hrterized y signifint sustitution of es y up to HFRR FpFfFuF nd HFQI FpFfFuFD respetivelyD whih is lrger thn the rnge previously reported for these minerlsF ulphrsenide ompositions n e grouped into three popultionsD whih onform to oltin rsenopyriteD oltite nd gersdorffiteF hey disply highly vrile esG rtios etween HFWSXIFHH nd IFPWXHFUQD onsistent with experimentl dtF istimtes of the formtion temperturesD sed on the presene of dendriti ntive ismuth nd empletiteD re in the rnge IHHÿQHHVgD similr to different postErisn minerliztion styles widespred in gentrl iuropeF gomprison of the goExiEfi vein ssemlge with the frmework of ville prgeneti informtion nd rdiometri ge dt for regionl minerliztion events indites n ge of minerliztion of ~ISHÿITH w for the fieer depositF uiyhX goExiEfi oresD fieerD pessrtD skutteruditeD dirsenidesD sulphrsenidesF type minerliztions of goD xiD fi nd esF wost of sntrodution the reent studies hve foused on the strtound minerliztion styleD emphsizing the importne ei metl deposits relted to the ermin f of postEdepositionl proesses @digeneti to uupfershiefer re widespred in entrl iurope epigenetiA for the metl umultion nd reE nd hve een the sujets of extensive minerE distriution within the uupfershiefer deposits logilEgeohemil investigtion @eFgF ughn @eFgF un nd uttmnnD IWWUAF hese investigE et lFD IWVWY pezikD IWWSAF he uupfershiefer È tions hve foused on ore minerlogyD tre hosts two different types of minerliztionX @IA element nlysisD stle isotope nd orgniE strtound minerliztions of guD egD esD eu geohemil studies @eFgF fehtel nd uttmnnD nd qiD nd @PA rossutting epigeneti veinE È IWWIY un nd uttmnnD PHHHAF he epigeneti È veinEtype goExiEfi minerliztions hve not een studied to the sme extentD nd only limited minerlogilEgeohemil dt re ville for B iEmilX wgnerdepsFmgillF this minerliztion style @eFgF qerlhD IWWPAF hysX IHFIIVHGHHPTRTIHPTTQHHQT 5 PHHP he winerlogil oiety F eq x i e x h t F vy i x yrogen @eerD IWWSAF he rystlline sement he present study reports the results of n e divided into severl ÿxiEstriking minerlogil investigtions rried out on veinE tetonoEmetmorphi unitsD whih reX type goExiEfi ores of the fieer depositD whih @IA elzenu formtion @iotite nd hornlende elongs to smll re of uupfershieferErelted gneissesD mphiolitesAY @PA qeiselh formtion se metl minerliztions loted in the x prt @qurtzitesD mi shistsD mphiolitesAY of the pessrt mountins @pigF IAF he fieer @QA woÈmris formtion @sturoliteEgrnetEplgioE deposit is the type lolity of the rre supergene lse gneissesD musoviteEiotite gneissesAY minerls ieeriteD goy ´U r yD nd roÈssleriteD R P @RA hweinheim formtion @mi shistsD iotite wgresy ´U r yY smples originting from the R P gneissesAY nd @SA ilterhof formtion @mphioE goExiEfi veins re held y most of the importnt litesD lsilite gneissesD mrlesD hornlende minerlogil museums throughout iurope gneissesAF ervsive deformtion nd pek metE @inluding wuseum fur xturkundeD ferlinD È morphism ourred during the risn orogeny xturl ristory wuseumD vondonD nd iole t ~QPHÿQQH w @eerD IWWSAF he metsediE des winesD risAF he ore ssemlges of the goE mentry roks re rossut y severl lmproE xiEfi veins re similr to other epigeneti phyri dykes @roelD PHHHA nd intruded y lte uupfershieferErelted depositsD eFgF ihelsdorfD ermin rhyoliti mgmsF wnsfeld nd ngerhusen @uutzshD IWSQY he rystlline sement is unonformly entzsh nd unitzshkeD IWTVY oshll et lFD overlin y ermin sedimentry roks of the IWVTY qerlhD IWWPAD ut show some distint ehstein @ehstein ID err yleAD whih feturesD suh s the presene of lrge mounts of omprises onglomertesD the uupfershiefer ntive ismuth nd very omplex intergrowths of nd ituminous dolomites @pigF IAF he lowerE goExi rsenides nd sulphrsenidesF he mjor most unit of the ehstein is omposed of ojetives of this investigtion re @IA to estlish omponentEsupported onglomerti sndstonesD minerlogil hrteriztion of the goExiEfi IÿP m thikD whih hve predominntly ore ssemlgesD nd @PA to ple some onstrints dolomiti ementF hese onglomerti sndE on the geneti evolution of the fieer depositF stones re overlin y the uupfershieferD whih represents n interltion of ituminous rgillE egionl geologil setting eous to siltErih shlesD dolomiteErih siltstones nd dolostonesF he uupfershiefer rehes he pessrt mountins onstitute prt of the mximum thikness of PFP m @men of HFU mA nd widEqermn grystlline iseD whih elongs to is followed y the ehstein dolomite unitF he the internl zone of the midEiuropen risn psqF IF qeologil sketh mp of the northern prt of the pessrtD showing the lotions of the fieer goExiEfi deposit s well s of severl other goExi nd gu depositsF edrwn nd modi®ed fter wtthes nd ykrush @IWTSAF QVT gyExsEfs isx wsxievsesyxD qiwex our in lose ssoition with ntive rseniD lowermost prt of the ehstein dolomite is ntive ismuth nd severl essory minerls omposed of plty ituminous dolostones with @vorenzD IWWID IWWSAF qeohronologil investiE mmEthik interlyers of silty dolostonesD wheres gtions hve demonstrted tht the onset of the middle nd upper prts re pure dolostones minerliztion ws t ~IVH wY hydrotherml @hmittD IWWPD IWWQAF he sedimentry roks of tivity ourred t severl distint stges nd the ehstein re overlin y the siliilsti ontinued until ~IHH w @rutmnn et lFD IWWWAF suessions of the vowerD widdle nd pper funter @rissiAD whih represent omplex sequene of sndy shlesD sndstones nd he fieer goExiEfi deposit onglomerti sndstonesF wining tivities in the fieer re were ®rst foth the risn rystlline sement nd the reorded in ISRPD when erly workings onenE sedimentry roks of the postErisn over re trted on strtound guEEeg minerliztions rossut y xÿiEstriking fult systems in the uupfershieferF he mjor mining periodD @pigs IDPAD whih were tivted s onsequene whih foused on the olt ores of the goExiEfi of the postErisn extensionl regime in gentrl vein depositsD ws from IUQI to IVTW @preymnnD iurope @eFgF ieglerD IWVUAF hese fult systemsD IWWIAF wost of the smples held within museums whih dip RSÿVHV towrds the nd xiD re were olleted during this periodF he goExiEfi frequently minerlized with ryte nd qurtz minerliztion of the fieer deposit omprises @wurwskiD IWSRY rofmnnD IWUWAD nd rry four distint vein systemsD whih reX @IA the lol enrihments of fi minerlsD whih re fuhelh go veinsY @PA the oÈhrig go veinsY dominted y empletite nd ntive ismuth È @QA the vohorn go veinsY nd @RA the fismuth @hmittD IWWQAF einEtype goExiEfi ssemE vein @pigF PAF ell vein systems represent minerE lges our only in lose ontt with the lized prts of the postErisn fult zonesD sedimentry roks of the ehsteinF e more whih were still tive during ore formtionD s omplex minerliztion style hs een reported demonstrted y reition nd prtil myloniE from struturlly similr fult zone exposed in tiztion of the older ore ssemlgesF wost of the the vower ermin rhyolite of ilufD where wn veins disply xÿi strike in the rnge ore ssemlges @wn oxides nd rontesA psqF PF hetiled geologil mp of the fieer goExiEfi depositD pessrtD qermnyD showing the prinipl rrngement of the vein systemsF edrwn nd modi®ed fter hiederih nd vemmlen @IWTRAF QVU F eq x i e x h t F vy i x sopyD eletronEproe mironlysis nd Ery IPHÿISHVD nd dip RHÿUHV towrds the nd powder diffrtionF yre minerl ssemlges xiF ynly the mjor vein of the fuhelh olt È from IT representtive smples re listed in vein system shows diverging iÿ strike le IF he veinEtype goExiEfi ores our s @pigF PAF he vein dimensions rnge from few lol enrihments nd impregntions in gngue m to ~T mD with men vlues in the rnge omposed of tulr ryte rystls nd mssive HFISÿIFSH m @preymnD IWWIAF he minerlized sideriteF wost of the goExi rsenide ssemlges fult zonesD whih re exposed in the rystlline re present s omplex zoned rosettesD otryoidl sementD the ehstein sediments nd the msses nd idiomorphi rystlsD whih were overlying vower funterD re minly ®lled with susequently overgrown y sideriteF he vein ores ryteD siderite nd stronglyEltered wllrok were sujeted to severl stges of tetoni frgmentsF st is importnt to note tht the movement long the fult zonesD whih resulted ourrene of goExiEfi oresD whih form lol in extensive frturing nd reition of the onentrtions in the veinsD is restrited to the older ssemlgesF yn the sis of the minerl rystlline sement nd the lowermost prt of the ssemlges nd

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