Witt Cotoer of Campus SEtjousftt anti action " ®f)e ®ulltorotttcie Vol. 49—No. 59 Duke University, Durham, N. C. Friday May 21, 1954 Chronicle Presents Annual Awards Judging Board Elects Scholastic Winners IFC Publishes Rules For Exceptional Work Of Fall Rush Season For outstanding achievements in various areas of campus life, the CHRONICLE is presenting its Laws Include Restrictions On Summer Mail second annual Achievement Awards this week. And Maximum Funds For Use At Functions The addition of Thanksgiving Holidays to the 1954-55 calendar was named by the selection hoard Prohibition of rushing during Orientation Week, taboos as the Biggest News Evewt of on summer mail relating to campus fraternities, and restric­ the year. Selected as making the tions upon maximum funds to be used for rush functions are Best Contribution to Campus all included in the 1954-55 edition of the Inter-Fraternity Spirit was -the Homecoming Council's fall rush rules. Show, which "united East and ONLY OFFICIALS * West in the finest display of spirit in years," according to the Regarding Orientation Week, judges. only official workers for the IFC, "A Study in Sin," produced, YMCA, FAC, and students grant­ 5000 Justices directed and written by Dennis ed special permission will be al­ Marks, on honors as the Best lowed on campus. Fraternity Production of the Year, The pins are not to be worn nor are Argue Decision Chapel Choir's presentation of fraternities to be discussed by "The Messiah" was named as the those men. Orientation Week is Best Musical Production. thus to be regarded in the man­ In the Archive, an award for ner of a- quiet period. Further- In Segregation the Best Short Story of the year ^OW-WOW OF THE CHIEFS is the theme of this meeting as re, housemasters are not to By AL HEIL was given to Miki Odessa South­ Sue Smith, Coed editor; Miki Southern, coed news editor; Ted attend fraternity rush functions ern for "The Tent Meeting," ap­ Ziegler, editor-in-chief; Frank Green, assistant editor; and Bill Senior Siaff Reporter pearing in the February issue in of their individual chapters. Duke (lower foreground), former editor-in-chief get together Futher limitation imposed up­ Finals, vacations, and week­ October. David Tornquist's three ends have popped into between- sonnets won the Best Poetry in the close confines of the Chronicle office to choose the reci­ on members by the new plan is award. pients of the numerous Chronicle awards, given on the basis of the forbidding of any fraternity the-class conversations this to spend money to entertain Awards for CHRONICLE work outstanding merit or service in different phases of campus extra­ week, but the Supreme Court's freshmen unless at regular cam­ segregation legislation has been went to: Frank Green, Best News curricular life. Story, "Hoof 'N' Horn Selects pus-wide rush functions or other­ the most talked-about topic Marks' Script," Jan. 6; John wise approved by IFC vice-presi­ since its passage in Washington dent Pete Burkholder. Pearson, Best Feature, "Al Capp- on Monday. tivates Listeners," May 11; Club To Reward Writers CAPITAL LETTERS Sampling a cross-section of Leonard Kamsler, Best Picture, Particularly stressed, in capi­ "Say 'Rah,' " Sept. 26; Dan Leh­ tal letters, is a clause outlawing campus opinion, the CHRONICLE man, Best Spots Feature, "Come any fraternity man to join a first interviewed University On Duke Tarheels," Nov. 27; Hoof V Horn Will Give freshman in the imbibing of al president A. Hollis Edens, The Tom Martz, Best Sports News Story, Georgia Tech game story, cholic refreshments. administrative chief said; "The Nov. 20. A net-C average for fraternity people of North Carolina are membership is still the same reasonable people; I anticipate Paul Lucey took honors as $100 Award for Script compulsory qualification it was that they will take the decision Best Actor for his role in "Hello, With an offer of a $100 cash nounce the winner as soon as under the old rush rules. IFC in­ Out There." For her characteriza­ award for the script used in next the committee has had enough in stride.'" terprets a net C-average to mean Former editor of the CHHON­ tion in "Study in Sin," Judy Le- year's production, the Hoof'n time to give each script im­ that a freshman must pass at Fever was named Best Actress. Horn Club hopes to promote partial consideration. ICLE and Men's Glee Club presi­ least 13 hours of work with s dent Bill Duke made this state­ Laurels for jobs well done in interest and provide an incen­ Breaking all records for a number of quality points com­ the Hoof 'N' Horn production tive for the creative writing for Hoof 'n' Horn show attendance, ment: "I think the decision was mensurate to the number oJ both progressive and correct; were given to: Larry Taishoff, the theatre, according to Don "Foamin' Over," sold 1511 hours carried. Best Male Performance; Lenore Smith Hoof 'n' Horn president. tickets for its Friday night show however, it should and will take Green, Best Female Perform­ The deadline for the competing during Joe College weekend. Another point retained ^from time to make the effects of the ance; Dennis Marks, Best Con­ scripts will be October 23, a last year's rush rules was a de­ ruling a reality." Fearing Night, Thursday, sold claration of those areas out of tribution to Production. "Loved month after classes start, pro­ 875 tickets, bringing the total Worth Lutz, president of the and Lost," music and lyrics by viding ample time for the ticket tales to 2386. With con­ bounds for the fraternity man. Men's Student Government As­ Marks, was selected as the Best writers to finish. The executive tributions amounting to $209 the All freshman dormitories, in­ sociation, claims that "we Song. committee will serve as the total given to the Fearing Fund cluding the freshman quad­ should be hesitant here and else­ (Continued on Page Five) judging committee and will an­ was $1200. rangle are to be off limits; how­ where about making a decision ever, FAC men and authorized until we've carefully surveyed persons of IFp may enter fresh­ the changes to be made and the man dormitories on official busi­ many problems which will arise ness. from these changes." The much disputed point con­ Commenting that he "expect­ Seniors Finish Careers cerning, shall associates room in ed the ruling even sooner," fraternity sections has been firm­ Berne , WSsner, WDBS station A musical program is on the ly handled in the new plan manager, called the new segre­ Long, Hard Years of Studies Cease; agenda for Sunday afternoon. Under a section of the rules en gation legislation "a type that Included will be a carillon recital titled "Fraternity Housing" if could be found only in America Graduation Terminates Anxieties at 3:30 p.m., the first of the sum­ a simple statement of the new as the American citizens are the mer season, by Anton Brees, uni­ ruling declaring that no student kind of people who, as the A full weekend of graduation concert in the West Campus versity carillonneur, and an or­ may live in a fraternity section founders of our country stated 'exercises, alumni affairs, and Quadrangle. gan recital at 4:30 p.m. by Mrs who has not passed at least one so perfectly, believe in the farewell functions will begin on Preceding the Glee Club Mildred Hendrix. semester with a C-average. equality of man." campus Friday, June 4, following Concert in Page Auditorium Sat­ completion of final examinations. urday night, will be the General An outdoor reception honor­ Opening the festivities on Fri­ Alumni Dinner in the Union at ing the graduates, their parents TRAVELLING GLEE CLUB WILL SING day is the Annual Two-Day Golf 6 p.m. , and friends will be held Sunday Tournament on the Hope Valley The one hundred-second Com-1 at 6 p.m. on East Campus. Fol­ links. The tourney is open to all mencement will officially begin lowing the reception, will be the IN CONCERT AT COMMENCEMENT seniors, their parents, alumni, traditional flag-lowering cere­ with the Baccalaureate Sermon monies at sunset. Following the Alumni dinner Saturday night, June 5, the Men'tr trustees, faculty and staff. The for the graduating classes in the Traveling Glee Club will sing at 8:30 p.m. in Page Auditorium 18-hole event is divided into Chapel Sunday morning. Admis­ Climaxing the year's activi­ as part of the commencement activities. four flights, and entrants may sion to the sermon will be by ties will be the final graduation Tickets priced at $1 will go on sale June 1 from 2-5 p.m. at begin their rounds at 1 p.m. Fri­ special card only. The Rev. James exercises Monday morning at the Page Auditorium Box Office (extension 6225). day or 8:30 a.m. Saturday. W. Henley, pastor of West End 10:30 in the Indoor Stadium. The concert will last one and a half hours and will include Saturday's agenda will include Methodist Church in Nashville, Speakers for the ocasion will be many numbers which the club sang on its northern trip. meetings of the boards of trus­ Tennessee, will deliver the ser­ Dr. Reuben B. Gustavson, presi­ According to director J. Foster Barnes, "This will be the first tees and the National Council, mon. Dr. Henley holds degrees dent and executive director of opportunity in 27 years for the University community to hear the with a joint luncheon of the two from Emory and Yale Univer­ the Resources for Future, Inc., sities and has done post-graduate Traveling Glee Club in a public concert on the Duke campus."" groups the West Campus Union.
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