Ursinus College Digital Commons @ Ursinus College Ursinus Weekly Newspaper Newspapers 12-5-1960 The rsinU us Weekly, December 5, 1960 Catherine A. Nicolai Ursinus College Richard F. Levine Ursinus College David Williams Ursinus College Gerald Morita Ursinus College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly Part of the Cultural History Commons, Higher Education Commons, Liberal Studies Commons, Social History Commons, and the United States History Commons Click here to let us know how access to this document benefits oy u. Recommended Citation Nicolai, Catherine A.; Levine, Richard F.; Williams, David; and Morita, Gerald, "The rU sinus Weekly, December 5, 1960" (1960). Ursinus Weekly Newspaper. 328. https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/328 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. 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"DA.RK DECEMBER VICTORY" 9, 10 Volume LX MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1960 Number 7 ACES to Present Fall Play Will Ten Ursinus Students Sandercock, ~eszaros Dinner-Discussion Reign at Senior Ball A group of Ursinus ~en~or s BD:2~::: ~:~::':e~t~d Elected to Who's Who and juniors have been mVl ted by th e Curtain Club on Decem­ to meet and question a panel of ber 9 and 10 in the T-G Gym at top industry leaders at a din­ 8 p.m. Tickets will be on sale af­ ner-discussion in Freeland Hall ter meals this week and at the on Wednesday, December 7, at 7 door on performance nights. p.m. Stellar roles and production-di­ The program, presented by rection duties are performed by ACES (Americans for t h e Com­ t he following: petitive Enterprise System), will feat ure four well-known figures in th e Philadelphia in dustrial and commercial world. Invited by Aces to speak and a nsw~r .the studen ts' questions are WIlham Foulke, E){ecutive Vice Presi­ dent of the Provident TradeS­ mens Bank an d Trust Company; F. O. Hess, President of th e Sales Corporation; Charles Krull, the ACES secretary, from the Booth Potter and Seal Company; and Robert R. Titus, t rustee of Ur­ sinus and Presiden t of th e s yn- I th ane Corporation. The topics chosen for discus­ L. to r.: V. Morgan, P. Roehl, A. Statzell sion are: "Should more of th e Ten Ursinus College Seniors Club. Her other activities include resources of th e United States are on the fin a.l list of nomin- Messiah Chorus, May D~y, ~ a ­ be allocated to public affairs ees for in clusion in the volume, jorettes, and the SWlmm m g or to private enterprise?" and Who's Who Among Students in team. "Is the controlled economy of J. Sandercock, Lord; J. Drenguba, Loyalty Fund Chrm. American Universities and COl- I As a phYSIcal educatlOna l m a- I the Soviet Union likely to out­ l jor Pat Hoehl, Rye, N. Y., takes J. Meszaros, Lady Honored guests were Dr. and produce the competitive ~c ono­ eges. , t. t t in hockey my of the United States m th e This publication, which first an ac lce 10 eres . ~ . ' Friday night, December 2, Mrs. Helfferich, Mr. and Mrs. a ppeared in 1934, now contains basketball, and tenrus. I.Jhe 1S a~­ foreseeable future?" Sunnybrook Ballroom was the William Pettit, Miss Ruth .Rot h­ n ames and biographies of out- so a member o ~ .th e Wo men s scene of the annual Senior Prom. enberger, Rev. and Mrs. RIchard Curtin Winsor, Executive Di­ standing seniors in over 600 col- Athletic AssoClatlOn. and . the The seniors had transformed the · Schel1hase. rector of ACES will moderate leges and universities. Messiah Chorus. Pat lS preSIdent Ballroom into a "Land of the Committees in charge Df the the after dinner discussion. d f lof Duryea Hall. Americans for the Compet1- A com~llltt e e compose 0 r ~p = Coral Lee Kotrke, Reading, Midnight Sun." Two large igloos Prom were headed by the fol­ tive Enterprise System is a non­ resentatlves from admm Pa is an English major. She is were placed in the center of the lowing people: Sue Scherr, Nan­ S. Roll and J. McLaughlin fac ul t~ profit, non-political, . citizens' istration and studen ts pIcked ~ h e r~ i de n t of the Inter-sorority Ballroom and snowflakes and cy Craft, decorations; Carol organization in the fleld of ec­ Judith Trahearne : Sa ndra nominees fro~ the CollegeVIlle bouncil a nd president of Beard­ icicles adorned the sides. Snow Kennedy, Herb Murphy, Ma~y Holl is a junior psychology ma­ covered trees provided the en- Ellen Oehrle, Marie Veri, publ1- onomic education. The group campus. A h1gh standard ?f wood Hall She is also a Whitian, has presented a similar progr am jor. She has appeared in group .was one of a a member of the trance to the dance ~loor. city; Eleanor Rankin, guests; scholars~ip ~h e pr~- c h eerl e ~d e r , to interested Ursinus students productions during her fresh­ mary cntena u p ~n Whl ~h thlS Spirit Committee, and an active Couples danced to the mUS1C of Fred Bauman, Joan Meszaros, man and sophomore years. On Al Raymond and his orchestra. programs; Dave Emery, clean- annually for five years. Accord­ committee based lts ChOlC ~.. articipan t in May Day. ing to several students and campus Sandy is a majorette, . The wom ~~ chose are . Sal he I p Sandy Motta is president of The highlight of the evening up. .. members of the faculty, the secreta17 of the Curtain Club Eikner, Patnc1a Hoehl, Coral Lee the WSGA Council. Her activi­ was the announcement of the Jim Sandercock lS pre~ld~nt dinner and discussions have, in and her dormitory. Sandy is also Koffke, Adele Statell and San- ties include Curtain Club and 1961 permanent class officers, of the South Eastern Dl5tnct the past, proved interesting and a member of the Stars and Play- dl'a Motta. S irit Committee. As Homecom­ and Lord and Lady of the Prom. PSEA, president of the MSGA, informative. (Con t inued on page 4) Couples gathered around the and a member of the football The me~ are Da~d Emery, irig Queen for 1960, Sandy will stage to hear President Jim Mi- team. James M1chael, IrVIn Moore, represent Ursinus as Queen of Pre-Med Society Hears Dr. Armstrong to Head Vernon Morgan, and James San- the Liberty Bowl on December cbael make the announcements. Joan Meszaros is State sec­ Dr. Robert Bucher Speak Student European Tour dercock. 17 She is a mathematics major Dean Pettit crowned Joan Mes- retary of the PSEA, secretary of The Who's Who volume, not. a fr~m Colon Republic of Panama. zaros Lady of the Prom and Dean the senior class, and a member product of the Who's Who m , . d Rothenberger crowned Jim San- of the May Court. On November 22, the Brown­ Anyone interested in touring America publishers is in demand Adele Statzell,.a physlcal e u dercock Lord. Rev. Schellhase Jim Michael is president of Cub back-Anders Pre-medical Soci­ Europe June 29-August 21, 1961? by directors of personnel serv- catio~ major, 15. fro~d !e~ft announced the permanent class and Key, president of the sen­ ety heard Dr. Robert M. Bucher, Sail from Montreal-June 29 . ices and businessmen who use Readmg, Pa. She 15 presl e officers' Jim Michael, president; ior class, and a member of the Dean of Temple Medical School, Reach Paris July 7--stay three it as a reference to recruit n ew the WAA and a member 0lsf the Joan Meszaros, secretary-treas- Pre-Medical Socie~y . speak about the "Aspects of So­ days. Tour of Normandy by mo- k French Club. Adele is a 0 a urer; Judy Drenguba, reunion Judy Drenguba lS a membe: of cialized Medicine in the Future of torcar including Rouen, Bayeux wO;al~f:' Eikner is a French ma- member of th~ hockey, basket- chairman; David Emery, Loyalty the PSEA, and she is also a blOl­ Medicine." He pOinted out that Tapestry. Mt. st. Michel ~n.d jor from Broomall, Pa. She is ball, and tenrus teams. Fund chairman. Jim thanked ogy lab assistant. Socialized Medicine in its truest Chateaux of Loire Valley. V1S1t active in the Women 's Student Dave Emery is a mathematl~s the committees and everyone Dave Emery is president of sense, which is medicine no long­ prehistoric cave paintings at Association and in the French major from Pottstown, He 15 I er working under private enter­ ~a. who helped make the Prom a Imusical organizations, president Lascaux. Walled city of Caras- a member of Alpha Phl Ome.ga, success. of APO and Pi Nu Epsilon, and a prise but completely controlled sonne. French Rivier~Nice 0 · f the national service fraterm~y, by the federal government, will with trip to Monto Carlo. Ital~- oh penlngs or Cub and Key, the chapel chOIr, member of Cub and Key. not come about unless the J 'Mademoiselle' Announces Pisa, Florence, Ravenna, v emce. d and the track team. people, as a whole, want it. He plus three. days in R?me. Salz- SenIors Announce A biology major from Oreland, Publications Contest Chern Department also spoke about the grea~ ~g e burg, Muruch-Bavanan castles ___ P . J' Michael is president of of specialization in medlCme, Day's steamer J. Allen Minnich, Placement class and president of Mademoiselle would like to an­ whereby the old time general to~r-Heidelb.erg.
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