~ Serving the State Th.Weather University of Iowa (; llnued cold toda Campus and ,,·jah ble iIIO~ Our­ I' • II b tou, t. n­ Iowa City at tlnut'll (' Id throucb , un­ dol • E51. 1868 - AP leose.J Wire, Wlrephoto - Fi.... unb lowo City. lowo, Solurday. March 16. 1955 Two Gunmen ob Iowa City Gro'c r '. Belgian Students Ptotest Cut in School Subsid ~ es Scoop Money ~ Flee Hancher Greets Ind"an Ambassador From John's Grocery , t Joh,,'s Mar­ t., tall' FT d y. n ' ht. m n I II-;~ with hIm f0r &bout uod '. Al I 1 C .. WI"plitt., IGN-WAVING 8 eleian athollc ll tud ~nl.s demon trate In 11 vtrl('e a aln t Ihe onrnmeot' po_ posed CU ! In Catholic chool ubsldlt . tore than !),OOO poll I'mtn \\trl' moved Into 8m I earl Stress~s Importance this morning to enforce a r onrnmenl ban on all catherlnJ' or more Ullln five pe pit'. ,roup mov - rnents Inlo Brussels bave been prohibited. About 934.00 of Beltlurn '. 1,646,000 chool children at. lelld CathoUe school. Catholic p rents kept their chJldr n ut of hool Thursda in one~d pro­ test strike against the sub Idy cut. Of H;' ~ torical Editing l 'Universe Entry Am('ri.c;m univeNiilic FJ'Q:ty r----"!"""­ nl 111 W rc: U!1g'u 10 do mom In th Hi.! torlCliI F.lIltnl,'· H' <11- t II ld. of prom till, rril al West A((uses Russia o . plain ~l th po 1II0n of the ' kal iUn b) Prot. J tilln . hl.~IQI hi torlcol editor alol1o'ld th' P. BoYd, of the Prin Lon ! - v. Ily h torv de- I rtwnt. hI>- OfSeuecy Violatio &yd spoic the 8 p.m. alon f th 334 nnu I Cell LO~ (A» -The We tern pGiNC!r3 u. the viet Uno, of Tl~Omb hrtBre." loh Frida night of gross viola- tion oC the sec'recy rules of the The ~cstern powers chargcil five--power London conference that Sovlel JJe.puty Foreign Mln­ Called Pollee on dtisal'mament. Ister Andr.d A. Gl'omyko Leok d A rhal>ky cal\ d the pol cc ot to the SovIet news o~ency a plan T h~'Y p'led~ed . hl>wevcr, to prl'sented by him to the con(er­ 9:30 p.m. push ahead With the negotiations enee Bnd gave ou a "Downright Both m n, AI "to cast aside the hor.rible threat mIsrepresentation" o.t the W(6t~ w ~ bout 25. JI laid one wa ern positlon. bout 5-10 and thinly built. Th other, he said, w about 5-" The Brliish tor i~ oHic in a and stocky. The stocky IMn, h statement char d Gromyko First of 70 To Probe id, shivered notl~llbly whU with a "gro.. violation" of e­ talkln, with Alberhosky brlore cr~y rules agreed up n at the the hold-u.p. start oC th conference a month Progress A1berhask,y, ho keC!p6 h I~ PI'!ys Set ago. ,tore open until 11 p.m.. wa The state deopartment I'leld up 10 1050, wh n b:lndll.! Of A-Plane Washington said th V.S., Bri­ took nboul ,ISO. For Monday 'ml'n. tain ond Fra"ncc o~r ed Ru. 'Ie Friday nliht's hold-up WlI Jdferaon Papers wasguilly of n "shockini breacn Killona hlah school' presenta­ WASHINGTON W) - A sen­ partly covered. by In:;urnnce. he Boyd (s now edltin- "The ate-house Atomic Energy sub­ of faith." said. tion or "The U,ly DuckUn," at p. pel'S or Thomas Jefterson," a committee plans to ask air Io:c(' Gromyko, chief Russian dele­ Customers In BernIe's Fox 9:30 a.m. Monday will be lh~ 50-volum work or whkh £Om" leaders why greater progre s gate. left London Thursday to ! fuad tavern. acro' the str t flrst ot 70 on -acL plays n leI 12 volum h ve en pUbJi hed. hasn't been made In developing Moscow, via Stockholm. aftl'f trom the grocery, said th two week on Unlvenlly theatre t ,C, In the arternoon . ion Prot. giving an interview on the talk~ men. ~re drlnkln there be­ Followin, Kalona in the 21th atomic planes. FIR T ENTRANT In the 1955 harl' L. Mo"" t. Un Iv r ity to the Soviet Tass ogcncy. Th,l' Core the hold-up. annual Iowa Plo:v Prod uc t.I on or Chkugo hist 'Ian, .lid BrilL h The question will be posed to Miss niverse beaut, oompe­ festival will b Dy.art, "The Secretary Harold Talbott and top Interview touched otC the We ·t­ Utlon I 1 -year-old lnJ'a oci Iy Is becomin mor' like ern denunciation. Runnin, Tidc"; Fayette, "Heot­ AmerIcan lIOC'i y. air force brass at a hearing next lIoffman, "MI rIlJlIay," Ing LI,htnlng"; ond Luana, "The Gl'omyko detailed B Russian Spellkin on the subject of Wednesday. who won hrr naUon', IIn.a .. Storm." Hlah chools with en­ plan cilUing for st p-by-step re­ Billiard Room "Th Tro ormation I7f BrlU ~ h Sen. Albert Gore CD-Tenn.), n recently In Montevideo. The roll men t5 ot fewer than 150 stu­ duction oC conventional weap­ annual ev~nt I cbeduled lor I ty Sl~ 1909:' Mowat. sa.ld subcommittec member, said FrI­ dents wil l t kc part in the fes­ JrENKl' TEELE CO!UMAGER, left, hi tori n and author, talk ons. like tanks and artillery, and July 14-24 III Lonl Beath, thal th~ dL rane 01 <, Iou da y he feels part of the difficul­ tival. wl~h PTot. Ralph EU"worth, head 0' the 'U l IIbr.r , U1)On hi ar­ ty "may lie in th-e , Jact that the leading to eventual abolition of CaUf. Open Monday barriers, better WI('"CCSS 0 hi her Monday's playbill II I.!, begin­ rival her Frida . omma.er wlll Ik to Ole 33d nnu I n­ nuclear arms. e uca ion. th Jmprov ~ status air [olce hasn't had any Admiral ning at 2 p.m .• OldJl, "Wny I am terence or the tuchers ot hi ~,.,. and I I Rick over." . Six SUI queens wllJ aim for of h workini man Dnd the u the side pockels to oftlclally open a Bachelor"; D nmark Academy, ThJ TOlTenl: P 011 EducaU,n ," of f w r dom lic servants show He credited Rear Adm. Hy­ .....~.~ Telescope the bilUald room Ln the new ad­ "The Jeweled Cro "; Under­ -- that the 1055 pal n of Brltish man George Ri ckover. who su­ dition to the Iowa Memorial wood, "Sparkln' to; Monte:cuma, Ilte I much dirtercnt from that pervised the building of the tJnjon Monday mornlni, The "HI'h Window." before World War n, atomic sub"1srine Nautilus, with Date Set for Evening ta eUme Mond y, 30 'Gunmen' Harass billiard room will be the econd "British ocl ty mDy ~omc pushing i\ to a successful con­ May Detect recreational area to be opened with the fi rst curtain ,oin, up ven or Am rlcoD than Am- clusion much earlier than other­ t 7:30, will be shared by Earl­ in the new addition. erican societ.y in at I~a one re- wise 'WoOld have occurred. Gori' Red Editors Sixteen bowling lanes became ville, "Playgo rs": We t Liberty. School Bus Driver 5IX'Ct-ln the shorter span be­ said a ttlp made by committee New Stars available for cocducaUOn:JI, on­ "Th Sisters McIntosh"; Freder­ t.ween Eng 1 i s h extremes ot members on the sub had spark­ ik3, "The Fin&cr of Cod" an~ FAIRFIELD, C 110. (A»-Law­ MOSCOW (A» -Eleven Ru­ CAMBRIDGE, Ma..<!. (JP) - Po. compu recreation last month \\ 31th and poverty," h stated. ed the Inquiry into plane de­ Perry, "A Sun:1Y Momin,," ren·e B. E ;lOo;ito drIves t~e 2:45 tri ked the kid a,aln. sian student editors will l'ave uperhuman eye - the radio Other facilities of the 167-by- More EqaJbble InCMllne velopments. Tuesday prOIl oms will be,i;; p.m. bus out of Roger L:.aco.v pistoL. What., .aid F.spto, heTe April 10 for a visit to the tele. cope - sing things In out­ 205-foot, two-slory addition wil l "The maximum Income after The ·Tennessee senator said in the mornlDa with Maynard. hi"" hool. H:: a II marked what do you mean no w t'r p' - Unl~ed States, the U.S. mbassy er space the human eye and old­ be formally opened during the la xe~ to any individual in Great much weight is involved in "Fum d Oak", folio ed by Cler­ m n. Gurm n lurked behlnd 101J~ said Friday. fashioned telescope could never week 01 April 24-30. him. Britain Is about 6,000 poun shieldlnF the atomic power plant, The nrst users or the 10 mont, "The R d Kay"; We s t Look gain. Look in the books. (18,000)" Mowat said, "and (The ll .havc been Invite. to See, will be trained by Harvard Branch, "S. or Suspicion", Any' ·c: n'l he'li get it' in the to p.event radiation injilry. Iowa City by the S I tudent billia. d tables will b Miss S jJ In the boo ? th :-c arc only 60 such persons university upon what may be and Rowley, "A Bolt from Heav- back of the !1 !l:l. It W~, nerve If that problem can be licked, Collncll to observe Iowa.
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