Vol. IX. No. 1/2. January/February 1958 Price: 1 8; 40 c ‘‘ TFe are as unknown, and yet well known; J5. D o n z o v as dyin8> all(l behold, xve live; as chastened, and not killedII. Corinthians, VI, 9. The West Steering a Fatal Course? We who liacl the misfortune to be born sian elements in the West, who are most pest, Zhukov,. and, finally, if one reads Mrs. under Russian tsarist or Bolshevist despotism emphatically in favour of the preservation of E. Roosevelt’s travel-report on the U.S.S.R. and who know Russia and her policy cannot the monstrous Russian imperium. The latter then, indeed, one can but be amazed that the understand why the West, after forty years of statement may sound very paradoxical, but, Russians have not yet established themselves Bolshevism, still fails to comprehend this po­ unfortunately, it is true. One only needs to in Paris, London and Washington. licy, — just as Hitler, both as an ally and read certain Western and by no means Com­ There is something wrong with some of the later as an enemy of Russia, likewise failed to comprehend it. What is the “general course“ of Russian for­ eign policy? It was already clearly formulated in 1917 by the second greatest hangman of the regime, Leo Bronstein-Trotsky. His motto was: “neither peace nor war“! Trotsky was murdered, but his murderers continue to pursue his policy. They do not venture to start a war between the states, but, on the other hand, they do not want peace or a stabili­ zation, either. For this reason they chose civil war, which could also be conducted and kindl­ ed in the midst of complete peace. And such is the general course of Russian foreign policy today, as it was in the past and during tsarism. It is a fact that Moscow with considerable success kindled a civil war by every available means in Ukraine in the 17th century and in Poland in the 18th century. In the 19th century it kindled a civil war in Persia, in the Balkans and in the Ottoman empire; after the 1917 re­ volution it again started a civil war in Ukraine, Caucasia, the Baltic states, in Bavaria, Hun­ gary and Spain, and, after World War II, in China, Persia, Korea, the Balkans, Indo-China, France, Italy and, finally, in the Near East. In addition, Russia is also trying to kindle a war between the black race and the white race in A.F.A.B.N. Demonstration in front of the Soviet Consulate in New York on November 6, 1957. the U.S.A. and in Africa. And it is not at all out of the question that whilst the West is fully munist papers in order to ascertain this suici­ leading circles in the West. Russia makes good occupied in the Near East, Russia might try dal fact. Sometimes one is moved to laughter use of every dispute in the Occident and of to kindle a civil war in France in order to seize when reading the opinions expressed by this all national, religious, lingual, racial and class power there, just as she tried to do in Spain press, but more often than not one is horrified differences in the West, in order to create before World War II. at the amazing unconcern of the responsible chaos and to start a war of all against all there, The example of Spain throws light on the (or rather, irresponsible) writers who, by their to the advantage of her own policy. A German causes which have made it possible for the articles, daily stifle the moral resistance of officer and ex-prisoner-of-war in Russia has Russians to kindle the flame of civil war in the their own country against Russian infiltration. recounted how the Russians carefully studied heart of the European continent. The main If one reads in this press, for instance, that even the least divergence between the various cause was and is the blindness of the West to the Hungarian people are no doubt experienc­ people of Germany —• the Bavarians, Prus­ the danger and aims of Russian policy; and, ing hard times, but that they prefer the pre­ sians, etc., in order to exaggerate all these secondly, the excessive influence of pro-Rus- sent regime (that is to say, Russian tyranny) small differences in dialect, attire, food and to any “restoration of feudalism“ . if one customs, which are occasionally the subject of 'I' 'T' 'p reads the stupid, enthusiastic opinions ex­ mutual and harmless jokes, and make them X * X * pressed by this press on “the great achieve­ appear as national differences. But all the big ment of Russian science“ on the occasion of the differences and deep enmities, the big cul­ x “ABN-Correspondence“ would x x r ^ invention of the Russian “baby moon“, —• the tural, lingual, political and even racial diffe­ * like to take this opportunity o f £ “achievement“ which Husenko recently ex­ rences between the very different peoples of posed as being based on thefts which were the U.S.S.R. are unnoticed, ignored and not * wishingitsreaders and friends all * committed by Russian spies years ago . if used to advantage by the politicians of the one reads about the pilgrimage of Western West. But when these differences and enmities x over theworld the compliments o f x students to the new Mecca — Moscow . or assume such proportions that they can no lon­ about the enthusiastic crowds who rushed to ger remain unnoticed, as for example during * the season and success and pro- * see the Russian-Polish ship, “Batory“, the ship the armed revolt, after the first and the second which on several occasions saved Bolshevist world war, in Ukraine, in Hungary or in East * sperity during the coming year. * spies from the American law-courts . if one Germany, they are minimized, falsified and x * read the praises sung until recently by this distorted by the West and described as insig­ ^ X ^ W ^ W 'J' ^ w w \±* vl. \L/ m m Nix m m m m m vp \L* m m m m \|/ a* si' *Ts /Ts m /T'* o ' o ' m m 'T'' o ' o ' 'T' d ' o ' /Ts /r 'T' o ' o ' m /T' /T' /Ts n ' /T 'T' d ' press on the subject of the hangman of Buda­ nificant and hopeless. They are given no Page 2 ABN-CORllESPONDENCË Number 1/2 The West Steering a Fatal Course? asked, in the course of a conversation with an sian circles in the West as “fascist" or "feudal", Continued from page 1 important German staff officer shortly after will lie immaterial in this case. These nations moral support whatever . .so as not to offend World War II, where in his opinion the defeat will refuse to recognize the rule of any inter­ the hangmen of the Kremlin or to arouse the of Hitler was decided, replied “in Stalingrad". national mafia or of any red or white “demo­ latter’s suspicion that the freedom-loving The German, however, retorted, “wrong, — in cratic“ Russia over their countries. The world West might really have some objection to the Kyiv, when the Germans hoisted the German and the West have entered the era of civil cruel tyranny of the Russians over these Swastika there instead of the Ukrainian flag.“ wars. The Occident, too, will not lie spared peoples. And, indeed, from then onwards Hitler’s star this fate. If the Western powers wish to I know that in this respect there are some began to wane. The revolt in Ukraine flared emerge from the third world war as the victor, laudable exceptions, which will always be up and to a considerable extent helped to they must seek the friendship not of the red gratefully remembered by the peoples enslav­ bring about the defeat of the German forces. or “democratic“ Russians, but of the enslaved ed by Russia. But the Western press and With or without a war, the collapse of the nations of the U.S.S.R. and must help them, at Western political circles as a whole uphold Russian imperium is as inevitable as the re­ least morally, to overthrow and disintegrate the attitude that actually the entire forcibly storation of the completely independent states the monstrous Russian imperium. In addition, assimilated medley of peoples of the U.S.S.R. of Ukraine, Poland, Caucasia, Turkestan and the West must definitely rid itself of the in­ is populated by one people alone, the Rus­ Byelorussia, etc., — independent states and fluence of persons of the Fuchs’ and Rosen­ sians, from the Elbe as far as Alaska and from not “states“ of the Gomulka, Kadar, Rakochy, borgs’ types, if it docs not want (lie latter, as the White Sea as far as Persia or Syria. Anna Pauker or Tito type, namely satellites of future Western Lenins, Trotskys, Khrushchevs the “new democratic Russia“. And whether and Kaganovichs, to destroy its Christian cul­ Does not this attitude remind one of Hitler's these national states are decried by pro-Rus- ture and civilization. attitude towards Russia, both during his alli­ ance with that country and also in his war against it? It is an established fact that, during Germany’s war against Russia, Hitler refused to allow the nations in the East who, For a Spiritual Renaissance off Europe until a short time previously, had been independent to set up their independent Marquis Valdeiglesias the guest o f ABN in Munich states. And similarly, most of the politicians of (he West refuse to allow any independent national states, such as Poland, Ukraine, etc., Iu October, 1957, Marquis Vakleiglesias, the Sec­ European Centre so far and ought to he discussed to be established, — not even on the ruins of retary-General of the European Centre for Docu­ at all its conferences in the future, too.
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