advanced-orthopaedics.comadvanced-orthopaedics.com Ladies' Knee Highs Ladies' Support Socks Ladies’ Pantyhose Ladies' Thigh Highs 15-20 mm Hg Compression 15-20 mm Hg Compression Anti-Embolism15-20 mm Hg Compression Stockings 15-20 mm Hg Compression Specify colors: BL-Black, SF-Fawn,pecify colors: NU-Nude, BL-Black, P-Pearl T-Tan, (no PearlW-White in XXL) Specify18 mm colors: Hg BL-Black,Compression F-Fawn, BE-Beige, NU-Nude Specify colors: BL-Black, F-Fawn, NU-Nude Example:Example: 9313-T 9323-BL Example: 9343-NU Example: 9333-F Specify colors: W-White, BE-Beige •• Ribbed-Style Sheer Therapy Ladies Trouser Dress Socks MaternityExample: 9353-BE Pantyhose • Sheer Therapy •• Comfortable Light, Silky Look Balloon and Toe Feel and Heel Pocket • Lace Top with Silicone Beads •15-20 Available mm in Hg Knee Compression or Thigh High Lengths •• Thin, Reinforced Lightweight Toe and Nylon/Spandex Foot • Reinforced Toe and Foot • Thrombo-Embolic Deterrent •• Non-Binding, Thin, Lightweight Comfort Nylon/Spandex Top Band Specify colors: BL-Black, BE-Beige Example: M-9343-BE • Use for Pre and Post-Operative • Non-Binding, Comfort Top Band • Sheer Therapy • Control Top • Reinforced Toe Small Medium Large X-Large XX-Large Small Medium Large X-Large • Available in Open or Closed Toe Order # 9333 9335 9337 9338 9339 Order # Small Medium Large X-Large XX-Large Order # 9313 9315 9317 9318 Small Medium Large X-Large XX-Large • Non-Binding, Comfort Top Band Shoe Size 4 - 5 5½ - 7½ 8 - 10½ 11+ 11+ Pantyhose 9343 9345 9347 9348 9349 Shoe Size 4 - 5 5½ - 7½ 8 - 10½ 11+ Order # 9323 9325 9327 9328 9329 Ankle 6¼ - 7¼" 7½ - 9" 9¼ - 10¾" 11 - 11½" 11¾ - 12½" Maternity M-9343 M-9345 M-9347 M-9348 ComfortM-9349 Top Band Ankle 6¼ - 7¼" 7½ - 9" 9¼ - 10¾" 11 - 11½" Shoe Size 4 - 5 5½ - 7½ 8 - 10½ 11+ 11+ Calf 11 - 13½" 13 - 15½" 15 - 17½" 17¾ - 18½" 18 - 19½" Calf 11 - 13½" 13 - 15½" 15 - 17½" 17¾ - 18½" Ankle 6¼ - 7¼" 7½ - 9" 9¼ - 10¾" 11 - 11½" 11¾ - 12¾" Order # Small Medium Large X-Large XX-Large Thigh 14 - 15½" 16 - 17½" 17½ - 19" 19 - 21" 21 - 23" Length* 12 - 18" 13 - 19" 14 - 20" 15 - 22" Calf 11 - 13½" 13 - 15½" 15 - 17½" 17¾ - 18½" 18 - 19½" Knee Closed 9353 9355 9357 9358 9359 Length 23 - 25" 25 - 28" 28 - 31" 31 - 34" 34 - 36" *Length* Length is from12 - 18"heel to bend13 - 19" in knee. 14 - 20" 15 - 22" 15 - 22" Knee Open* OT9353 OT9355 OT9357 OT9358 OT9359 (White Only) * Length is from heel to bend in knee. Thigh Closed 9363 9365 9367 9368 9369 (Beige Only) ThighHOSIERY High with Uni-Band Men’sKnee HighsSupport Socks Thigh Open* OT9363 OT9365 OT9367 OT9368 OT9369 (White Only) 20-30 mm Hg Compression 15-2020-30 mmmm HgHg CompressionCompression Ankle 6½ - 8" 7½ - 9" 8½ - 10" 9 - 11½" 9½ - 13" 20-30 mm Hg Compression Specify colors: BL-Black, BE-Beige, NU-Nude Specify colors: BL-Black, BE-Beige, Thigh 15 - 18" 16 - 19" 17 - 21" 18 - 23" 19 - 26" Open Toe in BL-Black and BE-Beige only SNU-Nudepecify colors: (no Nude BL-Black, in 3X BR-Brown, and 4X) N-Navy, Calf 10 - 12" 11 - 13" 12 - 15" 13 - 17" 14 - 18" Example: 9433-BL T-TanOpen Example:Toe in BL-Black 9303-N and BE-Beige only PantyhoseLength (Knee) 16" or less 16 - 18" 17 - 19" 18 - 22" 17½ - 19½" Example: 9423-BL Length (Thigh) 28" or less 28 - 30" 30 - 32" 30 - 34" 29 - 33" 30-40 mm Hg Compression 20-30 mm Hg Compression 30-4030-40 mmmm HgHg CompressionCompression Specify colors: BL-Black, BE-Beige Specify colors: BL-Black, BE-Beige, NU-Nude Example: 9533-BE SSpecifypecify colors: colors: BL-Black, BL-Black, N-Navy BE-Beige Example: 9443-BL Example: 9503-BL • Uni-Band Top for Men and Women with Silicone Beads Example: 9523-BL Maternity Pantyhose •• Attractive For Men andDress Women Style • Available in Open or Closed Toe •• Comfortable Available in OpenBalloon or ToeClosed and Toe Heel Pocket 20-30 mm Hg Compression • Traditional, Thicker, Non-Sheer Fabric •• Thin, Comfortable Lightweight Top Nylon/SpandexBand Small Medium Large X-Large XX-Large Specify colors: BL-Black, BE-Beige Example: M-9443-BE •• Non-Binding, Traditional, Thicker, Comfort Non-Sheer Top Band Fabric Open Toe 20-30 Closed 9433 9435 9437 9438 9439 • Control Top • Reinforced Toe • Traditional, Non-Sheer Fabric 20-30 Open* OT9433 OT9435 OT9437 OT9438 OT9439 OOrderrder # # Small SmallMedium LargeMedium X-L LXargeX-L XXX-L X-Large XXXX-L Order # Small Medium Large X-Large XX-Large 30-40 Closed 9533 9535 9537 9538 9539 15-2020-30 9423 9303 9425 94279305 9428 93079429 9430 9308 9431 Pantyhose 9443 9445 9447 9448 9449 30-40 Open* OT9533 OT9535 OT9537 OT9538 OT9539 20-30Open* OT94239403 OT9425 OT94279405 OT9428 9407OT9429 OT94309408 OT9431 Maternity M-9443 M-9445 M-9447 M-9448 M-9449 Ankle 6¼ - 7½" 7½ - 9" 8¾ - 10" 10 - 11¼" 11¼ - 12½" 30-4030-40 9523 9503 9525 95279505 9528 95079529 N/A 9508 N/A Ankle 6¼ - 7½" 7½ - 8¾" 8¾ - 10" 10 - 11¼" 11¼ - 12½" Calf 10½ - 13" 11½ - 14" 12½ - 15" 13½ - 16" 14½ - 17" ShoeOpen* SizeOT95237 or lessOT9525 OT95277½ - 10 OT9528 10½OT9529 - 12 N/A 12½+ N/A ACalfdvanced10½ Orthopaedics,- 13" 11½ - 14" Inc.12½ - 15" 13½ - 16" 14½ - 17" Thigh 15 - 18" 17½ - 20½" 20 - 23" 22½ - 25½" 25 - 28" AnkleAnkle 6¼ - 7½"7 - 9"7½ - 9" 9 - 10"7½ - 9" 10 - 11¼" 1011¼ - 14" - 12½" 12½ - 1311 ¾" - 15" 13¾ -15" COMPRESSION 326Thigh Main15 Street - 18" 17½ - 20½" 20 - 23" 22½ - 25½" 25 - 28" Length 23 - 26" 23 - 29" 25 - 31" 27 - 33" 29 - 35" CalfCalf 10½ - 13"10½ -11½ 15" - 14" 12½11 - 15"- 16½"13½ - 16" 1214½ - 17" - 17" 16½ - 20½"13 - 19" 20 - 24" Harleysville,Hip Up to 40"PA 19438Up to 42" Up to 44" Up to 46" Up to 52" Length*Length 11 - 15"11 - 14"12 - 17" 13 -12 18" - 15" 14 - 19" 1316 -- 16"21" 16 - 21"14 - 18" 16 - 21" * Open Toe 800.270.7074Waist Up to 30" Up to 33½" Up to 36" Up to 38" Up to 44" COMPLETE LINE FOR MEN & WOMEN ** LengthLength isis fromfrom heelheel toto bendbend inin knee.knee. [email protected] 29 - 35" 31 - 37" 33 - 39" 35 - 41" 35 - 41" advanced-orthopaedics.comadvanced-orthopaedics.com Ladies' Knee Highs Ladies' Support Socks Ladies’ Pantyhose Ladies' Thigh Highs 15-20 mm Hg Compression 15-20 mm Hg Compression Anti-Embolism15-20 mm Hg Compression Stockings 15-20 mm Hg Compression Specify colors: BL-Black, SF-Fawn,pecify colors: NU-Nude, BL-Black, P-Pearl T-Tan, (no PearlW-White in XXL) Specify18 mm colors: Hg BL-Black,Compression F-Fawn, BE-Beige, NU-Nude Specify colors: BL-Black, F-Fawn, NU-Nude Example:Example: 9313-T 9323-BL Example: 9343-NU Example: 9333-F Specify colors: W-White, BE-Beige •• Ribbed-Style Sheer Therapy Ladies Trouser Dress Socks MaternityExample: 9353-BE Pantyhose • Sheer Therapy •• Comfortable Light, Silky Look Balloon and Toe Feel and Heel Pocket • Lace Top with Silicone Beads •15-20 Available mm in Hg Knee Compression or Thigh High Lengths •• Thin, Reinforced Lightweight Toe and Nylon/Spandex Foot • Reinforced Toe and Foot • Thrombo-Embolic Deterrent •• Non-Binding, Thin, Lightweight Comfort Nylon/Spandex Top Band Specify colors: BL-Black, BE-Beige Example: M-9343-BE • Use for Pre and Post-Operative • Non-Binding, Comfort Top Band • Sheer Therapy • Control Top • Reinforced Toe Small Medium Large X-Large XX-Large Small Medium Large X-Large • Available in Open or Closed Toe Order # 9333 9335 9337 9338 9339 Order # Small Medium Large X-Large XX-Large Order # 9313 9315 9317 9318 Small Medium Large X-Large XX-Large • Non-Binding, Comfort Top Band Shoe Size 4 - 5 5½ - 7½ 8 - 10½ 11+ 11+ Pantyhose 9343 9345 9347 9348 9349 Shoe Size 4 - 5 5½ - 7½ 8 - 10½ 11+ Order # 9323 9325 9327 9328 9329 Ankle 6¼ - 7¼" 7½ - 9" 9¼ - 10¾" 11 - 11½" 11¾ - 12½" Maternity M-9343 M-9345 M-9347 M-9348 ComfortM-9349 Top Band Ankle 6¼ - 7¼" 7½ - 9" 9¼ - 10¾" 11 - 11½" Shoe Size 4 - 5 5½ - 7½ 8 - 10½ 11+ 11+ Calf 11 - 13½" 13 - 15½" 15 - 17½" 17¾ - 18½" 18 - 19½" Calf 11 - 13½" 13 - 15½" 15 - 17½" 17¾ - 18½" Ankle 6¼ - 7¼" 7½ - 9" 9¼ - 10¾" 11 - 11½" 11¾ - 12¾" Order # Small Medium Large X-Large XX-Large Thigh 14 - 15½" 16 - 17½" 17½ - 19" 19 - 21" 21 - 23" Length* 12 - 18" 13 - 19" 14 - 20" 15 - 22" Calf 11 - 13½" 13 - 15½" 15 - 17½" 17¾ - 18½" 18 - 19½" Knee Closed 9353 9355 9357 9358 9359 Length 23 - 25" 25 - 28" 28 - 31" 31 - 34" 34 - 36" *Length* Length is from12 - 18"heel to bend13 - 19" in knee. 14 - 20" 15 - 22" 15 - 22" Knee Open* OT9353 OT9355 OT9357 OT9358 OT9359 (White Only) * Length is from heel to bend in knee. Thigh Closed 9363 9365 9367 9368 9369 (Beige Only) ThighHOSIERY High with Uni-Band Men’sKnee HighsSupport Socks Thigh Open* OT9363 OT9365 OT9367 OT9368 OT9369 (White Only) 20-30 mm Hg Compression 15-2020-30 mmmm HgHg CompressionCompression Ankle 6½ - 8" 7½ - 9" 8½ - 10" 9 - 11½" 9½ - 13" 20-30 mm Hg Compression Specify colors: BL-Black, BE-Beige, NU-Nude Specify colors: BL-Black, BE-Beige, Thigh 15 - 18" 16 - 19" 17 - 21" 18 - 23" 19 - 26" Open Toe in BL-Black and BE-Beige only SNU-Nudepecify colors: (no Nude BL-Black, in 3X BR-Brown, and 4X) N-Navy, Calf 10 - 12" 11 - 13" 12 - 15" 13 - 17" 14 - 18" Example: 9433-BL T-TanOpen Example:Toe in BL-Black 9303-N and BE-Beige only PantyhoseLength (Knee) 16" or less 16 - 18" 17 - 19" 18 - 22" 17½ - 19½" Example: 9423-BL Length (Thigh) 28" or less 28 - 30" 30 - 32" 30 - 34" 29 - 33" 30-40 mm Hg Compression 20-30 mm Hg Compression 30-4030-40 mmmm HgHg CompressionCompression Specify colors: BL-Black, BE-Beige Specify colors: BL-Black, BE-Beige, NU-Nude Example: 9533-BE SSpecifypecify colors: colors: BL-Black, BL-Black, N-Navy BE-Beige Example: 9443-BL Example: 9503-BL • Uni-Band Top for Men and Women with Silicone Beads Example: 9523-BL Maternity Pantyhose •• Attractive For Men andDress Women Style • Available in Open
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