Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 11-7-1966 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1966). Winona Daily News. 768. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/768 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Cloudy With Reach the Active Occasional Snow; Buying Market ' vvvV Colder Tel. 3321 Three Crash Survivors Critical : : :V " " - ; ; . Four Killed In Collision At Lewiston LEWISTON, Minn. — Four By WILLIAM F. WHITE ing in his teeth when he categorically persons have died in one of the Daily New* Publisher states that the Republicans are actively worst auto accidents in recent pushing a sales tax. Secondly, the states Winona County history Tha When Sandy Keith was challenging three survivors are in critical Governor Rolvaag in the primary election, ments that a sales tax will add $14 a condition. we were inclined to take the majority month to the average family budget sim- The two-car accident at the position of sympathy for the "underdog" ply are not true (unless the average fam- intersection of Highway 14 and County Road 25 governor. We were disappointed, too, with ily earns some ?__,000 a year.) here Sunday the Republican convention, which we killed one person at the scene; These anti-sales tax statements are hoped would nominate John Pillsbury. two died late Sunday afternoon During the last week, however, we aimed at panicking the wage earner into at Community Memorial Hospi- tal Winona have witnessed the most irresponsible poli- voting for Rolvaag but of fear. It is cer- , , and the fourth died this morning at the hospital. ticking we have ever seen in Rolvaag's ad- tainly the basest and vilest political cam- vertising campaign against the "Republi- paigning we have seen in this state. Hope? KILLED at the scene was can Sales Tax." fully the average wage earner will see Mrs. William H. Roessler; 63, In the first place the governor is ly- through it. ". '. ' ' ¦ 377 W. King -St.,. Winona. She was a passenger iij a car driv- DEADLY INTERSECTION.-' _ :. Traffic oh .Highway 14 tonYresidejert directed the one-lane traffic. Coroner Dr. R; fi. en by William H. Haack, 83, Would Insist on Referendum is directed cautiously around the County Road 25 intersection Tweedy, is at left near the car in which three persons were 357 Dacota St., Winona. at Lewiston Sunday after a two-car collision killed four people; kitted. (Daily News photo) Haack died at 3:20 p.m. Sun- Sheriff George Fort, at: far right, and an nnidentlfied Lewis- day at the hospital. Also •" dead are his wife, Louise, who died Sunday at 5 p.m., and MrsY Ethel V. Been, LeVander' Promises^ 42, Orange, Conn., driver of the second car. She died at 5 a.m. today at the hospital. In critical condition at Cpm- ^^ : munity Memorial Hospital are _Mf $TO^ William H. Roessler , By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS sales tax measure reaching his^stops ifor^ a final) half-hour tele- , 65 377 W. King St., Republican and Democratic- desk from the Legislature. vision show. and Miss Maria Le- DUke, 84, 550 W. King St., both Farmer-Labor candidates went At Wi news conference at- GOP candidates also planned Blast passengers in the Haack vehi- down to the wire today on the atfa cle. MrsY Alice L. Fuchs, 36, tended by other GOP candidates a half-hour TV show tonight in WASHINGTON (AP) - The punching at the President on the was "a tired man engaging In York Daily News, winding up its Johnson Creek, Wis., a passen. sales tax issue as only hours and former Republican Gov. a final appeal to voters. remained before voters decide campaign winds up today, Viet Nam issue. verbal abuse." straw poll, says O'Connor will ger in the Reen car, also is in Elmer L. Andersen, LeVander LeVander concluded his cam- sparked by a blast from Presi- Here's a look at some of the Win with a 2.6 per cent edge. critical condition. : many observers believe "Vote here" signs will be out what said he had stated many times paign Sunday night at a rally dent Johnson at "white back- key races and the AP survey Minnesota: In Vice President will be: another tight race for across the land Tuesday, and an MRSY ROESSLER died of a that he "would not allow shift- at the same junior high school lash" voting. indications on them as the poli- Hubert H. Humphrey's home the Minnesota governorship. estimated 59 million Americans ticians Sounded the last hurrahs skull fracture and chest injur ing a tax burden onto the low in South St. Paul where he an- Former Vice President Rich- state, it's nip and tuck between ies, Harold LeVander, GOP candi- _also_:addecLsome — a record for a nonpresidential of the long and often listless Democratic Gov. Karl F. R6U a physician said. Haack re- " nounced his candidacy last Dec. ard:M.JSixon ceived a broken neck and date for governor, said at a income people. homestretch steam, counter- election— are expected to an- campaign,; : vaag and Republican Harold skuH morning news conference that Meanwhile Vice President Hu- MY Y' - Y , - : - Levander. .;¦" fracture. Mrs, Haack had mul- he is "opposed to a general "Let me reassure you," Le- swer - the calL An Associated / tiple internal injuries. bert H. Humphrey headed a Press survey completed five GOVERNORSHIPS Georgia: Lester G. Maddox, sales tax," and added he had Vander said, ''that I am firmly California: Gov. Edmund G. I Miss LeDuke received Inter- DFL Iron Range campaign days, before the voting indicates self-styled "segregationist for nal injuries and rib fractures. made "no pledges or commit- opposed to a sales tax." He said Brown ap^eed Sunday/ he is all time," appears to have a tour, with the sales tax issue consistently , the voters iare likefy to give the Roessler has multiple internal ments" and "would veto a gen- he had made that New lp! Republicansfive or six addition- trailing in public opinion polls in narrow lead over Republican eral sales tax if it didn't provide the most popular Yibpio. Y position .statement "at least |te r^ against his Republican injuries, a physician said. Mrs. al governorships, perhapji an Howard If, <7allf»w*y. $!%&$ Fuchs suffered head lacera- for a referendum so that the In Tuesday's general election^ lfl.OW times in' this campaign." additional Senate seat and chalfenger^RflaaldReagan . But for" former Democratic Gftv. peopl« themselves could vote on He charged that use of the BroWn said "they told Harry tionsY an estimated 1.3 million voters fewer than 30 additional House Ellis Arnall possibly could Mrs, and decide the issue." "phony issue of the sajes tax Truman that back in '48, I will throw the election into the Reen died of a "cardiac will bring in the verdict in races f Ordered for seats. The "out" party usually Geor- arrest" Her heart by the Rolvaag forces . will win." He said the backlash is a gia Legislature. Y Y stepped In the windop of perhaps the for governor-and other constitu- mikes congressional gains in YYY about 4 p.m. Sunday while she tional offices , the. V.S. Senate not tool the people of. Minneso-: off-year elections. strong issjae and charged Rea- Maryland: It's a close one most bitterly fought election ta," gan is guilty of "a subtle ap- was receiving treatment for battle in recent Minnesota his- aind eight House seats. between Republican Spiro T. scalp lacerations, but it resum- Fred Black At a Texas news conference peal to file white-backlash." Agnew and Democrat George P. tory, George Fair, DFL state Andersen, the loser in Rol- The governor and other DFL Sunday, Johnson zeroed in on New York: A close one be- ed functioning. However, she said "LeVander's vaag's 91-vote victory in 1962, candidates, in the closing days WASHINGTON (AP) - The Mahoney. A foe of open housing, chairman, Supreme Court ordered today a the backlash — the adverse tween Republican Gov. Nelson suffered another "arrest" lat- hysterical dental of his support mentioned what he called the of the campaign, have claimed er in the evening. new trial for Fred B. Black Jr., reaction of some whites to vio- A. Rockefeller and Dejnocrat CAMPAIGN for a sales tax for Minnesota "fraud and deceit" of the High- LeVander favors a 3 per cent lence in some Negro demonstra- Frank D. O'Connor. The New (Continued on Page 14, Col. 5) days convicted of federal income tax THE ACCIDENT occurred at has focused attention on the way 35 charges in closing sales tax. evasion. tions and the feeling of some principal issue in the cam- of that campaign and added LeVander said he looked . for Whites that Negroes are pushing 1:45 p.m. Sunday. Haack was paign " DFL leaders are "using the a close gubernatorial race Tues- Black, a public relations man too hard for equal rights. going west on Highway 14 and and one-time associate began a left turn onto County "When he announced his can- same techniques on the sales day, but said an "unprecedented of Bobby The President declared "ra- didacy," Fair said, LeVander tax issue." tilrnout" of voters will elect Baker, former secretary to Sen- Road 25 directly in front of ate cism as it comes pack- Amputee Wants Mrs.
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