;:XXXy. No. 20 CRANFORQ, K J.. THURSDAY, JUNE 23, IW2 FIVE CENTS WOlisjnsHoin* Dto-ted County TM Board Consider* 1 By Stubborn Attic Fn Diplomas, '67 Appeals Here Tuesday Township Employees Tin startlnf tn the atoc damaged Setting New Record The Union County Board at Taxation Awarded Wedhesday the roof and top floor of tbe W. B. WU1- will conduct a hearing Tuesday morn- tams residence at JOT Prospect awnue I Ing, starting at 9 30 a m tn the Town- Refund Part Salary yesterday afternoon to the extent of Elsa Reimer and Karl Ireland •""• R00"11'« "» «' property owner. |°o«ng Hour of Greufctkw Drive Set for 8:30 P. M., Wedr**- about Il/M). .Fire Chief William Tunl- receive r.-1. /*. Jcnoior- Bienta n niad< by U)e toci, ^^ 0, K day, June 29. AU Subscription. Mutt Be in spontaneous combustion, possibly gen- ahjps at High School Com- assessors. The number of appeals is Return of Ten Per Cent by All WB Reauh in Saving ol About "Ballot Box" on or Before That Hour. erated in a pile or-rag* m the over- mencement. Other Awards.' considerably 1m than for the two pre- 16,000. School Board Employee* Urged heated attic _______ , ceding years. Making a quick run to answer tbe _ I Including among the appeals are sev- to Join Pfan for Rest of Year, Next Wednesday; .evening will witness" the termination of "The alarm, the firemen found flame* llckii^ Cranford High School graduated » , „.», ^ uk,,, around dormer window* and already tnl propertte whlch § Citizen an<t Chronicle circulation building campaign, which has been in pupils. IU largest class, at toe com- pvw by Mimt „„ loan ^^u^ E-urogress during the last "seven -weeks, .-.. roaring through the roof. From the . J\1 a special ttiMliiiK >>f the 1V»»it.foj> Cxmmitttr Tucwtay night,' front lawn, two streams were played on ownctment exercise* lMtThursilay «v- mort|W compmio, „,,, twikt. Ap- Mayor l.utz anmmncol all Township ««;>!••>«> at* njiiiuarily agreeing The object of the campaign was to place The Citizen and Chronicle the roof and beat back the flame* suffi- ening in. Roose.velt School. Diplomas peate hav.'D»«i Wed-lor th« two apart- to refund ten |*r rent of'their wlarxo f<*.ihc ir») of llie year. i a'liumber of homes in this -section where it >vas"not a regular'visitor, ; ciently so that ladders were raised and I—Twere «presente !--—•»••d by ?ftwildent -"«•»»•"••«™ Jonn_K-. jn,OwTt-hou« the ones Inin BpringtuTl West Holld yavenue. rtreet" anRed- .AiiHUintinj; to a, ten. per cent o« in f>«iij«T>»irtuii. tlir refund will t, and the publisher is pleased to announce that'the campaign has been a t 1 of MoclUo11 Prtn the nose lines dragged up to the dor-S?.^°A ?*3*" ' " 'or the e I Sifd lie made liy all employee*. except t!»<n*- of ihr hj^ltway and rnKJnccring I success. • " mer windows, Within a few- mi^M'T* b^^^'T^School prises, Harry R 81«onT •••*»>» •» "»»*'"omt »c some Board of Education medala departments, who accepted ten. jwr cent folucJJtui-. the first of the year. the fire was checked, but the firemen 1 remalned'more than an hour, wetting _ Elsa Reimer and. Karl Ireland were The pillicv ot-returntng-tjne»teiuh. ml ,.ihe'|*yT>>H .t<> the Town»hi|> quality list of paid Subscriber* in this down the charred roof and ripping sway awarded the P.-T. A. Council scholar' Treasury is ex|>cctol t» start July I. ••'-.'• .""'•• ships.of WOO.each, with Olga Speeht section, made up ot the most represen- smouldering shingle*. ~ ~-t Appbiftf «o all Tifndata, including the , tative families. ON OVERNIGHT HIJKE a* alternate. In the past, the council Washington Play Marks .; paOtrtaro, and flremrh, apd, office help has. awarded one scholarship of asoo,, -»• GLIDER CLUB TO USE The following prizes leu any com- tn the adnlcMraUon roomsi the «on- Boys Enjoy Week-end Bivoaac In WH- but this, year U jr^_*«ldBa.to,gi«e.t*o{.-,'.,.v,;.,MU Kl mission already received, will-b*. turned tS.S3.<r^ua14^x over to the four workers finishing wlt'h W WWriiw sih^ •"dmereftce" between "T" ••-.- j^f-,ji, T«rh*lp OominretreLIt was the .highest point totals: the amount tabed by the P.-T.''A.' units AA «. L ' r ' ir> i '• •' WUI fiiart Op«r»U>n» with !**>*** «" Uau nearly W.ooo would bo First, Prize-4500 in cash. land the MOO waa raised by public sub-1 ** -Member* ot Graduating rblng Ctall J»ly I, »«id tn IW»-m»nnrr. acrumulat«d as Second Pri»rr*3!XUn cash. From Lincoln School —- «""H ' ' tpptapftitwl in ~iird Pri^fMpj t*rM>«»ttft and Clarki'Ui hd l ^Howard CVndmmyMf*. O«ortt| •UKUn-eashr- Tfnifo »H'"»^|i>ye5 Winifred Crocket, Virginia iote The-Oranfont'Olldnr wlU oism '•*'•- •...'•' -.•.••••-•-•. day and Sunday at. The Pines, neat M. Bates English Prise, S4; Virginia Dl- •' ASttt ihe plan miui announced, l»lre The final count will begin promptly -entr-anrhFrienilir lhe-^lS3J^;srason^ at' Cnanf brd -Atrpori _ at 8:3»_P.M.WedneBday at The Citizen .Wayside.- TheJwys-made use-«Mhe Graf andAlfred Meyer Win ISfelsUMLjt t*Un PrU», »»; parris Friday, July-1,—Hoth-ylWer* whichrti r.-A W and Chronicle office. All workers and >up tents and slept on the sand Swackhamer, P.-T. A. Mathematics club owns, the w*)™Lftiyl ihf u*-l *" —-.j^^i^^..—.»- RJ A tize*4&i4or-Scholar-orScho —In ktcplng with TJniWaililngUtii lll- to <>ln rrftm<1 tnm lu m •friends are invited to be present 'of the usual bed sacks. Dur- Prig. 15;. H«rTmrKlck~P.-T. A. oom- Rhon~nangfr. wll/be put Into s«rtw." "* »"**" »" * • but are not required to do so. ing the night a large, deer came close ship at Commencement. •'. merclal Pi 15 IbU centennlal celebration Uila year, the at that time. T>1» Waco Is the »bip fr?1**" ••«» produced to show _-|:'. to the bivouac attracted by the camp? • ' A CVoke Race purchased about a year ago. The Ktxm tut refund from school fire. Its tracks showed plainly tbe next Raiwer Is the on« the club liais. brtu neptojnv* would amount to a - .' "Who the" winners of the four prises morning. , A class of SO waa graduated from will be is almost as much-in the dark Lincoln School with appropriate exer- building, n>n» almost compleli^i. tx-fc- t 121,000 prr year.' ror ,, at this tune as when the campaign was After collecting, firewood the boys cises In the school Monday night, be- lim onlyj/few nnlahlng toucheit to put t^lendar. year, such ac- '- explored the surrounding country, pick- it. iip^jfiim .condition...: '., -In. its infancy. A number of workers fore a large audience of parent* and «n«>0r«rSreit are making good records, and have been ed wild strawberries and indulged In friends of pupils. Musical selections T)i«/eleven members of the club e». -- » -.— -— •—— IS: .Howard Bath, W. p. T~ U. Essay Wu,-rwinslow', his brutl»r-U.-law. 1 htctt running very dose during the entire target practice jwd. games. William were given by the Combined Hemen- pecj/to ai-cuinpllHh much this inmn. ! "*" •* ""< t*»payers through Contest. *3; Phyllis Stuck, tilss Edmoni charlm jphanaeii; Jame. Ellis, Wash- campaign. Only a few subscriptions for Matthael completed bis Cooking Merit tary Schools: Orchestra, whUe the grad- Iti/the. way of learning to-fry.-aided artten^f*crt«v4lreclly employed-bjf. Prise for General Science and Bloiog) lngton., meMCh,t.r, JlM;k . P|eur,n; IB any one of the workers before, the clos- Badge tents slid he and Ray Cowperth- uating class and Girls', Boys' Chorus Xr«Htly by the closehem of the held., f .I*—"** «owroment. walte commenced the construction of sang. There were also selections by a »; Herbert Crane, Miss Edmond Prli Jute Perkins. lh» cupUln's hired mai p0 d wt t>ll l nl M ing hour—may materially change the Teddy Torgersen; Qeneral WiC (Flyliui last year was done at OtuW " ***• ^* .' * « « the bridge required for Plohee string ensemble ! for Chemistry, ts; Betty Oundersoi w ptan t value of the prise they will win. Even String ensemble, Oeneral Organisation Prlie for Tilglw iipcessiutlng a • iorig • trip each way "••• " **^*. _*"*"* "* * *"— A -fffff.JtMftwrrlrHHtiiAaejutacrinU f T*fly m«*a» t^? 511*7- Cooking was done in the openjjhej T^JPa*«.L»f.^«!f«sion»fis- tan'sjannj;,:^ ^_ _^_ __^ whenever any work was to he itonr" '"^^"^ - •""« QTthrlrMlaTies. in- 'a'casn " % ' "crenee "between prize and the . — K—T •"'• v:. RansoWUNmU Comfortunuon,. Jrjr., pastopastorr of fblaVer.. .... nicer, -cyril^iadf MriTltob- the club members to get out and do "» rrf«md taia k«p U«Kr »cale of wagss ppose . A cold spring pr i water for the First Presbyterian Church of Hack- commission. drinking .and cooking •Durlrig the exercise*, the High 8choc ertson, Marian Dllllas;-Rhixhyitobert- mout of their Hying-ln^the earUet hours y. *" W«—M»W"«« aUowlng • vsca-' Wednesday^ purposes and kettstowfl, wh^ sub^ect^waa^Wjuiteit ~^k»j ——1 »— '— —— ., .,!««, ••laa*->4 _«. Comfort soiu' maid, Katlierlne Sanders; tituan m . ^.^ »M.,w-.ilon give water for bathing and washing. by tn« Rev.' Matchett Y. foynter. u*st< Ume than later In thee diayday, when thO»e " ^ .e»j*»»alem to a t*n per cent out, drive.': That is the closing day of the gave an Inspiring talk. In*which he Burns, Anna Malpere / The tract consist* of forty acres of I of the Cranford M. E. Church. The air becomes bumpyr and ththe_o.traae ntrenee waa" not mkmatf odoiklered.
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