2041 Rochdale, Lancashire, formerly Flannel-Manufacturer and and Shoe-Mnlter, then of Mirr-latie, Preston, in the said1 Weaver, and late Weaver only. 'county, and late of Chapel-street, BlacUhurn aforesaid, George Clare, formerly of Devonshire-place, F.verton, Liver- 'Journey in an1'Shoe-Maker. pool, Lancashire, afterwards of Bieck'-lane, Wation on the James White, formerly residing in Princess-street, Hulme, Hill, near Liverpool aforesaid, House and Land Assent, and Manchester, Lancashire, HI the same time occupying an late in lodgings in Virgil-street, Liverpool aforesaid, out ot Office in Gart<ii!e-street, Manchester aforesaid, af erwards • employment. occupying an Office at No. 38, Princess-street. Manchester William Parkinson, late of Upper HawclilTe with Tarnacre, i«i aforesaid, and late in lodgings at St. Geor«e's-terrace, Man- the parish of Saint Michael's-tipon-Wyre, near Garstang, chester aforesaid, also occupying an office at No. 38, Priu- , Lancashire, Farmer, and laie in no business. cess-street aforesaid, Architect, Surveyor, and Valuer. Robert. Stmter, formerly of Grassington, near Sldpton, Yiirk- Dixon Moody, laie of No. 1, Peter-street, Manchester, -Lan- s'.ire, Innkeeper nml Auctioneer, then of Barm-street, cashire, Corn, Flour, and Provender Dealer. Bc>ltnn-l"-M'iors, Lancashire, Butcher, and late of'Kay- John Cromplon, -formerly of the Newiuarket Tavern, Old- street, Bollon-le-Moors aforesaid, Butcher. street, Stayley bridge,. Lancashire, .Licenced Victualler andJ Ann Whitaker, Widow and Administratrix of Bernard Whita- Buichf-r, and laie a lodger at the Newmarket Tavern, Stay- ker, formerly of the <~>ld Sparrow Hawk, Church-street, ley-lirii'ije aforesaid, out of business. Burnley, Lancashire, afterwards of the Masons' Arms, Saint Kdmuiid Partin^tpn, formerly of the Three'('tins. Birch; near ' •?aii)Rs'-street, Burnley aforesaid, then of the Whil.e Hart Inn. Mid.ileton, l^iix-asliire, Licenced Victualler, Farmer, and' Chi'.rch-sireet, Burnley aforesaid. Licenced Victualler, and Lahomer, .and late of. Bitch, .near Middleton aforesaid, since his decease residing at Easigate, Yorkshire-street, Burn- . Fjirnn-r and Labourer. ley aforesaid, out of luiMiiess. William Bracking, formerly of Water-street, Blackburn, Lan- William WhiiHker, formerly of the White Hart .Inn, Church- cashire, Lodging-Hoii-ekeeper and Journeyniau >. o-Maker,' street, Burnley, Lancashire, Licenced Victualler, then or afterwards of the Mar.Ue- place, Clitheroe, in the said' Yorkshire-street, Burnley aforesaid, Cotton-Manufacturer, county. Boot, and Shoe-M iker, and late of .Howarth's- and Auent for the Saie of Porter, afterwards of Church- Si|iiare, Penny-street, Biacl\i>uru aforesaiil, Journeyman Boot- street, Burnley aforesaid, Grocer, Tea-l>eale.r, and Provision and Shoe-Mnker. _ Shopkeeper, and late a lodger at the New Sparrow Hawk, John Bolton, late of Aughton-sfrent, Ormskirk, Lancashire,, Church street, Burnleya'oresaid-, Hook-Keeper. formerlv Tailur. «nd Draper.'b'U late. Tailor only. Mary Walker, late ot Donkin-street, Cha'rlestown, tfear Ashton- James Pem'ierton. late ot ihe Sh-mible-, Pre,ton, Lancjuhire,. • under-l.yue, Lancashiie, Provision Shopkeeper and Dealer Butcher, late carrying on that business in-the name ofV in Confectionary. -Peter Burscough. William Railion, formerly of the Globe Inn, Cleaver-st'eet, Thomas Leyland, late of Parr flats, near Saint Helens, Lan- • Blackhurn, Lancashire, Kelail Dealer in Ale anil Journey- cashire, Labourer. man Machine-Maker, then of Lark-lrll, Uiackburn afore- George Mutton, formerlv in lodgings at Cheetwoocl, near ' said, then in lodgings in PyI.e.-street, Blackhurn afores mi, Manchester, Lancashire, Coiinnercial Traveller, after- and late a lodger in Chapel-street, Sal ford, iu the said wards of the Beef Steak Tavern, Star-yard, Deans- county, Journeyman Machine-Maker only. gate, Manchester afore-aid, Retail Dealer in Ale, then*, in lodgings in Chy«ill-street, Sal ford, in ihe.said^ At the Court-House, at Lancaster, in the County of county, out of business, then in lodgings in Swan- street, Portwood, near Stock-port, in the county of Chester,. Lancaster, on the 20th day ol November ISolJ, at. Assistant to a:i Ale and Porter-Dealer, then nf Small-street, Ten o'clock in the Forenoon.., Stockport aforesaid, Retail Dealer in Ale, then m lodgings- Charles Legsratt, formerly of Much Park street, Coventry, in Swan-street, Pi-rlwood aforesaid, then of Heatoii-lan'e, . afterward^ of Hill-cross, Covenir'y aforesaid, Baker, Grocer, Heaton Norris, in the said county of Lancaster, then io -. 'and 1'mU Dealer, and late a lodger .at J\'o. 8, Warwick- lodgings • in Green's-court, Hardinan-stree,t., Manchester street, Manchester, Lancashire, out of business. aforesaid, AssUtnnt to a Sherifi''s OlKcer, laic in lodgings in Richard Fieldi-Ji, lonnerly of'the B'ak»rs', Arms, Red-bank, .Greeu's-court, Hardman-street, Manchester aforesaid, at Manchester, Lancashire, Licence;! Victualler and Common same time occucying the Grecian's He id Spirit Vaults,, Brewer, then in lodging* in Boardman-street, K;tnk-toji, <>eausv;-.ue, Mniirliester a!oresa'nl, Sjiirit Vault-Keeper. • Manchester aforesaid, out of business, afterwards a Prisoner Horatio Siserrilt, f-Tiner;y of the Old Chnrch-yarii, Manchester, . confined tor debt in Lancaster C.isilc, in the said county. Lancashire, then a Prisoner for debt in Lancaster Castle, ia then in loilsings at No. 14, Bourdinttn-stn-et, Manchester i the sai<l county, afterwards of the Old Chun-h yard aforesaid, . ..aforesaid, carrying on hu.siness at .Miles Platting and .NewtOii . carrying on Business in the name ot' William Brown, tl|en of Heath, neai Manchester aforesni.'., in copartnership with H.-i!f-street. OI'd Church yard aforesaid, and late a loilger at • Robert HaySeld and David Law tlie eider, as Brick-Makers, the Flying H6r»el:'in, Hnm's-hank-. Manchester,.part of the;: under Hie firru of Robert Hay field and Company, tiien 'a time occupying a Shop in Palatine buildings, and a Cottage • Prisoner f.i>r debt in Lanca-ter Castle afor^aid, afterwards in Hnnt's-hank aforesaid, Cabiuet and Maude-Maker. • of Red bank aforesaid, cirrying on business a* Retail Beer- Samuel Read Ludlow? formerly of-No. 3, Watiingr.street, Sa'int' Seller, in the name of William Allcock, and late in loaginus Paul'sv London, afterwards a, loiUer in Hackney-road, Mid- • at No. 14, Boardman sheet aforesaid, at the same time dlesex, Warehouseman, tnen a lo ls;er in King's-arms-yard, , carrying on business at Miles Piattins: anil Newton Heath Coleman street-, London, Salesman and Commercial'Tra- aforesaid, and'occupying a part of a Yard in-Cable-street, veller, then -in lodgings in Dovor-road, Surrey, Commer- St. Geor^e'.s-road aforesaiil, in -copartnership with Kobert cial Traveller only, then a lodger at iV>. 1 i, Sidney-street, , tlayfield and Dai id Law the. elder, as Brick-Makers,- under Ciiorlton upon Msdloclc, Lancashire, out of empioynie>nt, the firm of Robert llnylield und Company.^and a part of the • then Not No. 35. Sidney street aforesaid, then of No. 3, time Journeyman.. Brewer. •'. '••• •" '.* • Sidney street afore.-aid. Salesman, afterwards Comtnervial George Cnr.nard, foruierlyVif Bottom o'th'Moor,' Painter, and Traveller, then in lodgings at-the Talbot-Innv ftlanchester •• latepf the Mumps, botii in Oluhaiu, Lancashire, Painter and aforesaid, out of eni|iloyiueht, afterwanis a Prisoner confined Keeper of a (offei--house. for debt in Lancaster-Castle, in the .-aid county, and late^ iu , Thomas Fo'.-,haw, late of the Si-read Eagl-, Liverpno' road, lodgings at No. iT>, Neiv York-street, Chorllon upon Med- Manchester, Lancashire, formerly Retail Dealer in Ale and lock aforesaid, Rook-Keeper. Boat Owner, and late Retail Dealer in Ale unly. C'a'.verley Huisli, formerly residing in Crown-street, Liverpool Sarah Money, formerly of Park-roa.l, Preston, Lancashire, Lancashire, a; the same time i>ccupyi»g an Office-in Loni- Hand Loom Weaver, then of Mellor, near Blackburn, in I he inerce-tourt, Lord-street, Liverpitnl iit'ore.said, and late • said county, uut of employment, then.>of Park-road afore- residing at No. 14, Klizabeth-street. Pem!>.-o>\e-place, Liver- • said, and late of.'Qne:;n street, Preston, aforesaid, iland pool, a part of the time occiijiyiug an O.'iice in Harsruaves- Loom Wearer. buiiriiiibC.-i, High-street, Liverpool iiforct-aifi. afterwards William Do)»«on, formerly of Janies-streef, near Saint John's occupying an Olfice at No. 20, Waier-stree.t, Liverpool afore- Church, Blackburn, Lancashire, and laie io lodtrin^s at said, Commission A;;ent ami Agent to the ItiiieperiiiendcnC Stanliope-h'll, near Blackburn aforesaid, Stpne-Mason. and West Middlesex Fire and. Life Assurance Company, )m James Eaves, formerly of Duke-street, Ulackburn. in the wife and daughter, at the same time, Teachers at a Ladies*,' coiinty of Lancaster, Journeyman Shoe-Maker, then Boot, Seminary. .. ' •" and Shoe-Maker on his own account, afterwards of Fleetwoud Richard -Bibby, late of Hutton, near Preston,. •on Wyre, liear .Poulton le Fylde,.in .the.said county, Farmer and Blacksmith....
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