. .. .— .—, — . ----- .-. ,*. —-. z ._.-., “ ‘ -- . LA-4225-Ms .——, ——. “..!:- - cIc-14 REPORT COLECTION ,.......-..REPRODUCTION - -- - 4 _._cy3PY’” ‘“--” - C3 . .— ..J _ _. —..- .-. —--- -.:+ .-. -:. ,r#+ ..S_ J.+ .— .=.- —Q_— ----- .— . ..-. 4 . ..- -: ...” .—:-– —--—--- .... ,- . .““ . .. ... *.L._==_ .-. —-=——.-_TJ...---- ,‘7’- ----- .— .— - _— f.. ,,. .—.. F-*& - . .. .,----- ..””. ..- ----- - .,. - ..-:. — -. =.,- :...— r,. - , * -& ?.__+: ;–-._..-.-._ Q .- ?.-:;--%: .=:-:.. -. =--5=, - “-s k:, - =“s - - .’ ‘-- .%-.-i .. LOS ALAMOS’- “SC-lENTIFiC-”-,=...LABOliA@liy ‘-”-.“ — .—,‘—”- . ---- ---- -- —-—~_... — — ..— .-.<— ,..:. *, .—— J —---r-.-: ‘.”-:..;%ksssA= 1 -L-..-+--=-_+~ .. .&?@=@’-”+2:”G7“”””.. -.-—-... ... -..7 . ..-— ._ ~.-~+ . - &A++-+~~ ____..—.=g.~:.> --~ ----- - ?.7=s. —-— .- _.. --- .-. —-—-?-”= . -=—.——— -.=_-—~- .._-5.- ----- --7—. .— . —-. : -.= .=.. .— --- .2 A-=-- - -’---:-—.=z*– .-. -?-——...,-- --.—,___.+ ..—z-xi--y.—... -~ .= -=._ . -- . .. .-.-:-e ~-~ .-=~.-cx.-. -, .>.= ;2 ● ✎✎ “_- .._ . LEGAL NOTICE Tbls report was prepared as an accotit of Ooveroment sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes anywarrenty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the uee of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed tn thte report may not infringe privately owned right6; or - B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulttog from the use of any information, apparatue, method, or process dtsclosed in this report. Aa used in the above, “person acttng on behalf of the Commission” tncludes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, dieseminatea, or providea accees to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commtmdon, or his employment wfth such contractor. ,7- . -. .’ . —.—--. — .—...—’— ..- .— ..- . _,-_—.-’ -. .. r-. .. -. —. <,., . .. .-. This report express-es ihe opi~o”ns” of th’e ‘author ‘or authors -and does not nec.essari!y reflect the opinions or views of the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. .—. —— .-. - .“. -.. —.—. --.--.-:- .. .!= ---- — ... .—.- .- . —.—=...— — -.. _. _.-. -_ . —. .. --—— -. ., . –. Printed in from Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information —.-. National Bureau of Standards, U. S. Department of Commerce .—. .—- -- :-Springfield, Virginia 22151 . .. Price:. Printed -Copy $3.00; Microfiche $0.65-” .. .. ----- -. .. ------ .. ——. .. Distributed: September 17, 1969 LA-4225-MS UC-34, PHYSICS TID-4500 LOS ALAMOS SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY of the University of California LOS ALAMOS ● NEW MEXICO The Data of Nuclear Reactor Physics, 1967-1968: A Bibliography timpiled by Jean Furnish .— THE DATA OF NUCLEAR REACTOR PHYSICS, 1967-1968: A BIBLIOGMPHY Compiled by Jean Furnish INTRODUCTION This bibliography is a continuation of LA-3740-MS. Nuclear Science Abstracts for 1967 and 1968 have been searched and the pertinent abstracts arranged in the following order: I. Critical Experiments, Reasonably Homogeneous 11. Critical Experiments, Lattices III. Reactivity Measurements IV. Neutron Flux Spectra v. Neutron Cross Sections 1. Sources of data 2. ENDF/B tapes and other evaluated lists 3. Wide ranges in energy 4. Capture-to-fission ratios 5. Resonances 6. Doppler effects VI. Laboratory Summary Reports and Miscellaneous Within each section the abstracts are grouped first by year of appear- ance in Nuclear Science Abstracts and then alphabetically by first author (or corporate author if no individual author is given). Critical masses of several small metal assemblies, reported in the 1956-1966 search, are being reevaluated by H. C. Paxton and G. E. Hansen, who will publish results later. Changes in organization of the previous search are due to an expansion of neutron cross section and flux work. Of particular importance are the ENDF/B and other similar evaluated data files. m Los Alamos sources for light isotope cross sections and the computer handling of data files are L. S. Stewart and R. J. LaBauve, respectively. I. CRITICAL EXPERIMENTS Reasonably Homogeneous 1967 35673 (ANf-7320, PP 159~~) E~~ERIM~TAfJ A:;D THE- 35667 (ANL-7320) PROCEEDINGS OF Ttip lNTEHNA- ORETICA L “WORK AT THE ZERO-ENERGY FAST REACTOR FRO. ‘1’IONAL CCJNFE1lENCE ON FAST CRITICAL KXPERlhf ENTS Andersson, T. L.: Bjoereus, L.: Hellstrand, E~;.Haeggblom, H.: AND THEIR ANALYSIS [HELO AT AilGONNf! N.4TIONAL LAB- ‘ London, S-O.; Tlren, L. L (Aktieholaget Atomenergf, Studsvik ORATORY, ILLINOIS], OCTOBEN 10-13, 1’366. (.4rgunnc tia- (Sweden)); Kockum, J. (Forsvarets Forskrdngaanstslt, Stockholm tionnl Lsb., Iii.). Contract W-31 -109 -eng-38. 8113p. (CONF- (Sweden)), 661019). DCP. CFST1. The fast reactor FRO Is a split-table machine with vertical fuel The variou~ phases of fast reactor phyeics considered tn the con- elements. A quantity of 120 kg 235Uis available aa fuel, fabricated ference were: differential and group cross ecctions, tt-sts of croaa into metallic plates of 20% enrichment. Of tbe first five cores ecction scta, clcnn critical experiments rmd tbcir analyti is, cwalua- studied three (numbers 1, 2, and 4) consisted of undiluted fuel. tion and compututlon techniques, Doppler end Na reuctlvity effuctn, Core No. 3 was diluted with graphite (29 v/0) md NO. 5 with VaPi2- 12pcCjaI exI~crlmcnts and their nnn]yai~, spectrum M(”UbUrL.mMIt&!, itc (29Z) fmd polythene (7.5%). All assemblies had a thick refkto~ experimental tcclmiquc!e and equipment, and future pru~mums. A of Cu except for No. 4, which had a U reflector. Among the ex~ri- total of 73 pnpers wne prurncnicd. Ai~structs were prt.lmrtni for 58 mcnts carried out with FRO the following iteme are dealt with: of the fmptirs; 8 palwrs are iucludut under CONk’-IWl0 19; ni,=tructti critical mass, reaction ratios, central reactivity coefficients, and for G pupurs appcur in Nuclcnr Scicmcu Abstrntls, Vol. 21, under hetcrogcnclty effects. Measurements of reactivity,worths of multt- the following }d~qtract ndmix!ru 19151, 17520, 194tiY, 2L’71,J, 194ti6, plylng as wrll se absorbing control rods are ,also summarized, in- 5GW; ono pnpcr it+ uimtracled umicr the report number Tl{t; - cluding studies of interaction effects and streaming in empty chan- Rclwrt-13t14. &f. L. S.) nels. Rcccntly, epcctromctry work with protcm;rccoil oounterB and For abslrdcth of indit,itltd pup,,, s SCC: 344(, i, W.CI1 .- i.>.I.bJ, Doppler mcnsurcmenta by meana of foil activation have been initi- 354!/7, J554b-3X163, 35645, and 35668 –J>,’OU. ated. The latter have been carried out at 590”C, and preliminary results for 23SUand 238Uhave been obtained. The experlmeotat re- sults haye been analyzed with various models. The epectrum pro-~ gram SPENG, which includes a data library, hue been used to csf - 35675 (ANL-7320,- pp 205-14) ZPR-3 ASSEMBLY 48: STUD- culatc core and teflcctor fine-etructure spectra mid to derive IES OF A DILUTE PLUTONIUM-FUELED ASSEMBLY. Broom- multigroup crose-acction sets for the different assemblies. For field, A. M.; Amund80n, P. 1.; Davey, W. G.; Gaaldlo, J. M.; IIctja, the criticol-size and flux calculations the DSN end TDC transfmrt A. L.; Kenncy, W. P.; Long, J. K. (Ar~onno National Lnb., Ill.), theory progrnmq hnve generally been employed and a eecond-order A series of relatively dimplo Pu-fuc]cd a~semblics with W0117 pm-turbation code has been used to analyze the central reactivity degraded spectra haa been designed for study in ZPR-3. Aasom- mcasuretintit. -Alist of 41 references ia included. kntb) bly 48, the flret in the series, tvas chosen as the sub]cct of an in- ternational comperiaon of fast reactor calculation techniques. Each aeaembly in the propnsed program wU1 consist of a cylindrical core surrounded by a depleted U blanket. fn Assembly 48 the rna- terisl constituents of the core are limited to Pu, depleted U, Na, graphite, and the stainlesa steel present in the structure and can- ning of tbe Na and Pu plates. Graphite ia included to degrade the a neutron spectrum. The ratio of U to Pu in the core is 4.2. The program of meaeurementa with Assembly 48 is still in progress. The rgsulta of tbe critical-masa evaluation, fission cross-section ratio, and central perturbation measure mcnta are deacribcd, Also . included is a brief ststement of the results of the neutron spectrum and Doppler coefficient measurements. A list of 11 references ia included. (autb) 1 Critical Experiments: Reasonably Homogeneous 1967 ., -. 35b4S (ANL-73200 pp 186-93) MEA5.UREMfZNTS AND ANAL- 38481 ANALYSIS (IF PuO@J~ CRITICA f. KXPKRIMENTS. YSISOF Al-, AI@3-, ANU MO-REFLECTED FAST CRITICAL EX# wetrttnghouee Electrio CO., ~t~+rgh). ‘rane” m PERIhl ENTS. L3utlcr, D. K.; Doerner, R. C.; Knapp. W. G. (Ar- ~;~~w~u%l. =.”, lfJ: sOG-T(JUn~1967)* gnnne Natlond I ah., Ill.). From 13th AMuid Meeting of the Amurlcan Nuclctir Secltity, The smlcs of rrlticnl nsscmblies discussed was performed In ~n tnepo, Calif., Jue 11-15.1967. SW CON k’-~7”cu2” mmwxfinn with the promam for development of a fast W reactor . for nurlenr propulshnr. A prn~r,nrn of crltlcnl cxpcrlmcnts was . plmncd tn nhtnln some Imsic Informntirm nhout fndt M’-lmsed sys- trms. The nrrrft~ch m’lrrfmf w’ns to hcgbr with systems which had 44946 (RFP-1017) CRITICAL MA.SSES OF OIL’REFLECTED, slrendy been etutllrd, such ns AmwmMics 11 nnd 22 of ZPR:3
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