Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 5-6-1974 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1974). Winona Daily News. 1369. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/1369 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. P^ Nm- By C. BARTONI^ ItEPPERT constitutional dispute between tual tapes at the White House. legitimate questions and for Rep. Paul S.. Sarbanes, D-Md. terviewed on "Face : the Na- ' ¦ ' . WASHINGTON (AP) - Pres- Congress and the President They have not yet accented the people involved to dp any less '"The" difference in opinion Was , lioti' . broadcast by the VCBS-. - .. offer.' . * . '¦¦ ident Nixon's chief lawyer says oyer what amounts to an im- than their best,, they would¦ ,.of in the proper response." .', v . - television and radio networks. peachable offense could be re- Haig said anyone who reads course,' be remiss."' '. '¦ .' Rep. Thomas ' the President's defense against . RaUsback, R- In/related - developments: . solved in court. the transcripts "knows without . Meanwhile, two members of 111., said- the .vote / reflected —The White House said it has impeaichment depends on In another . televised inter- a shadow of a doubt that there , the House panel.warned against procedural differences .which do; found "a number . of important whether Nixon himself was iii- view. White .House chief" of staiff has - not been much tampering interpreting the committee's not;' affect the committee's ulti- contradictions" between Dean's . volved in . tiush / money pay- Alexander M; Haig Jr. said he with the contents of them. They party-line vote on. -'.' the tran- mate goal of reaching the truth sworn testimony. about six talks ments to Watergate defendants; hopes the leading . members of speak for themselves." _ scripts as a sign of a .partisan in its impeachment probe, ¦ - he had- with the President; and .' ' ' ¦¦ ' : . James , D. ¦St. - .; Clair,White the House Judiciary Committee Haig declined to reply split oh the impeachment issue. [ - Interviewed ; oh NBC's ' "Meet the transcripts of those cdnver- .. .. House special counsel, said w|ll: personally listen to the; directly, to .questions about ¦ ¦: ' ' ¦ ¦ - ¦ : . After receiving ypdited tran- the Press" program, St. .Clair sations. ; " . .; '. ./. / Sunday V the presidential tape /White House tapes .and verify : whether the White Hoiise . also scripts from . the White House said : ''the: President has been —Former Watergate special transcripts released last week the transcripts.;:. woujd turn oyer evidence instead of the actual . tape , charged with essentially . a prosecutor. Archibald Cox said prove : Nhcon . neither authorized V Nixon said in releasing the Sought on issues other than Wa- recordings, the " committee criminal plot to; obstruct jus- that . '..judging.- '.- .by- the ' White : nor knew of the payments: arid material - that . Chairman .Peter tergate, such as' the milk fund, voted ;20. to 18 last week to ihr tice;. This is by paying people House transcript of Nixon's ¦ thus is innocent of any "crimi W: Rodino Jt*;, D-N.J., and the ITT case and;.;a $100,000 form /Nixon he had riot com-- hiish money to keep quiet March . 21 : ." • , 1973, meeting with nal plot; to obstruct justice ;' - Rep. Edward Hutchinson of would-be campaign contribution plied fully with its.subpoenal. /'.-, : Haig appeared on ABC's "Is- Dean; ''I. think it could be infer- , St. Clair also said he consid- Michigan, the senior committee by Howard Hughes. V'Few if any really , thought he" sues arid Answers" while Sar- red . that there was an intent to ers it unrealistic to thihk that a Republican,- could hear the ac- But he added that these "are was in full compliance," said bahes / and : RailSback were in- obstruct justice.on that date.'' 1 — ^ ; _^_:— : ______ — ¦" - ' ' . X / X -X:/ -y-^ Cloudy tonig ht Person to Person and Tuesday with Communicators! qhancie of rain ''ON" Want Ads HAIG OjN TV ... President Nixdn's Chief of Staff Alex-V ' runoff seen ander Haig rep for lies to a question during his appearance Sun- Close : day on ABC's "Issues, and. Answers" from Washington, (AP .; Photofax) V ¦ - .-. 9 ¦ ¦ - . -. : ¦ ¦ Nixoii/ aides on daily presidency in France By PAUL TREUTHARDT nated French politics for more Card d'Estaing ; would switch PARIS (AP) — Socialist than a decade under Presidents their votes to the 49-year-old fi- Francois Mitterrand will face Charles <ie Gaulle, and Georges nance minister. : $tMc Pompidou. Conceding his defeat, Cha- r^ ' conservative Finance Minister X WASHINGTON tUPI) - In the week since he 'went on Valery Gfiscard d'Estaing.in a ;.-:\The ' . : official Gaullist candi- ban-Delmas maintained his .;- the air. to "appeal to the basic fairness of the American close runoff battles for the date,: former Premier Jacques resolute opposition - to . the So- . /¦: people," President Nixon, his ' aides and.supporters have French presidency '. May 19, Chaban-Delmas, polled only 3>- cialist-Communist union but . engaged in a/daily, public relations blitz to convince the, pub- . France's • voters - decided Sun- 693,168 votes; or 14.64 per cent, avoided naming either: Mitter- lie he is innocent . of any wrongdoing, y: day." - . in what was billed asa pri* rand or Giscard d'Esaing. /The White House ytias been sayirig since the transcripts m ar y aga ins t Giscard Gaullist party leaders . were : ' Backed by the powerful Com- were released that,; despite - their ambiguity,. Nixon did not d'Estaing, the.leader of the jun- meeting today to decide their :know of the cover-iip until Dean told him yon March 21, 1973. munist party, Mitterrand led a tactics.* Should large * numbers field of 12 candidates on the ior party ih the Gaullist coali- Dean told the- Watergate committee Nixon knew as early as tion. : ' of hard-*line Gaiillists stay home ¦ • Sept. 15, 1972.:/ • " ' . ;- . - . ' -;. ; ' • '- ' • first ballot with 16,935,763 votes, Mitterrand could ¦ ¦¦ or 43.36 per :ceir of the total The consensus of politicians on May .19, ' -:' Nixon returned to the -White House Sunday night from squeeze throujgh to-victory. ;y. Camp David, Md. He scheduled a meeting today with Secre- cast, Giscard d'Estaing, a and newspapers was that the major shakeup the political Gaston Defferre,. the Socialist tary Peter J. Brennan and Undersecretary Richard F. Shu- member of the Independent Re- in maypr- ofy Marseille whoyis ex- bert to discuss unemployment insurance proposals that would publican party, ran second with pattern made the outcome of or, the , runoff unpredictable with pected to be premier if Mitter- extend benefits another . 13 weeks for the jobless .in pairticularly 8,286j382, 32,85 per cent. , rand wins, admitted that not all depressed areas; Since the heavy turnout of 25 the. result . likely to be a photo finish. '' the left wing had turned out-to tiespite a Gallup n'pll released Sunday showing that , by million . voters gave no ; candi- back its standard bearer Sun- 3-1, 700 persons surveyed . had a "less favorable" opinion of date a majority,, a runoff, must i The big quesion " mark was day. It has been suggested that • Nixon after release of the transcripts, the White House be held , between the two high y how many of the :14yper. : oent some Socialists were, wary of HAPPY CANDIDATE . .Trench Finance Ferrand, France, Sunday. Hei will face So- strategy' clearly i? aimed at going over the heads of the men in two weeks. But the vot- I who supported Chaban-Delmas the link with . the Communist MinisterV Valery Giscard d'Estaing, center cialist- candidate Francois Mitterrand in a after a campaign marked by left, in runoff election for the French presidency, House Judiciary Committee toy the public now that the 1m- ers dealt a shattering blow to party, .which is expected to give reaches out to jpyoUs supporters . ; ¦ : peachment hearings are to begin formally this week. the G-auilist Party, which domi- i personal bitterness toward Gis- the Communists a third of the front of Chamalieres- to\wn hall at Clermont- .May 19. (AP Photofax)V .": cabinet: posts If Mitterrand¦ is elected. X Y' ' :-¦ '" . '' / * '""""^ Under bond .Defferre said these . Socialist Former debutante stay-at-homes' : constituted y "a reserve for the ¦ second ballot; and Francois Mitterrand should win." r ed "A good portion of those who arraign Lawyers ask Calley freedom voted for Chaban-Delmas may V^ornan in By KATHRYN JOHNSON Robert Elliott freed the 30-year- review, of the case not to re- he was "deeply disappointed in not vote for Giscard d'Estaing COLUMBUS, Ga , (AP ) - At- old former officer Feb. 27 on duce Galley's sentence further. the President's action.'' in the . second round,'' Defferre personal recognizance in lieu of "I have, reviewed the record . Galley had been under house added. Culture Minister 'Alain torneys for William L. Calley arrest since , his ' /March' 1971 , $1,000 bond. of the United States vs. Calley - Peyrefitte, a veteran Gaullist Jr. asked a federal court Elliott said that in 1969 ay Su- and have decided that no fur- conviction . for murdering at agreed, saying that . the "dy- theft of rriasterpieces today to . allow their client con- preme Court Justice freed on ther action by me in this case least 22 Vietnamese civilians at namic of the majority," or DUBLIN, Ireland . (AP) -; paintings stolen April ,26 by. a I Miss Dugdale is the daughter tinued freedom under bond, a bond Army Capt. Howard Levy, is necessary or appropriate," My Lai. Testimony at his court- bandwagon effect, which fa- Bridget Rose Dugdale, English ! woman and four rneri from the ; 6f Col.
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