AND TECHNOLOGY CORP. Community Relations Plan for the North Penn Area 6 Superfund Site Lansdale, Pennsylvania December 1993 Submitted by V WastB& e Scienc Technologd ean y Corp. AR500002 Contents 1.0 Overview of Plan ........................................... 1 0 Sit2. e Description ............................................3 3.0 Site Background Information ................................... 6 3.1 Previous Site Operations ................................. 6 2 Sit3. e Regulatory History ................................2 .1 3.3 Current and Upcoming Regulatory Activities ................. 12 4.0 Community Profile ........................................ 14 5.0 History and Analysis of Community Concerns .................... 15 6.0 Summary of Key Concerns .................................... 17 6.1 Drinking Water Quality ................................7 .1 2 Healt6. h Effects .......................................8 .1 6.3 Economic Effects ...................................... 18 6.4 Reliable Sources of Information ........................... 19 7.0 Community Relations Program ............................... 20 7.1 Objectives ........................................... 20 7.2 Activities ........................................... 20 Table . Table 1 Implementation Schedule ............................... 22 Figure Figur eSit1 p ............................................. eMa .5 TC-1 HR500003 Contents (Continued) Appendices Appendi xA Lis Contactf to s ................................l .A- Appendix B Locations of Information Repository and ............. B-l Administrative Record Appendix C Locations for Public Meetings and .................. C-l Meeting Support Services Appendix D Description of Superfund Process .................... D-l Appendix E Technical Assistance Grant Program ................. E-l Appendix F Glossary ...................................... F-l TC-2 1.0 Overview of Plan This document describe communite sth y interest concernd san s related to the North Perm Area 6 Superfund site (North Perm 6 site) in Lansdale, Pennsylvania alst .I o outline communite sth y relations activitie A wilsEP l conduct during the remedial investigation (RI)*, feasibility study (FS), and focused feasibility Norte studth ht ya Per sitem6 . The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCL Superfundr Ao ) authorize Unitee th s d States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to investigate and respond to releases of hazardous substances that may endanger public health and the environment. EPA developed the Superfund community relations program to keep the public informed of site- related developments and to give residents and local officials the opportunity to review and comment on EPA plans for a site. This community relations plan is divided into the following sections: • Overview of plan. • Site description. • Site background information. • Community profile. • History and analysis of community concerns. • Summary of key community concerns. • Community relations program. *Words in bold face print appear in the glossary in Appendix F. RR500005 Appendice thin si s community relations plan provid followine eth g information: • List of contacts. • Location informatiof so n repositor administrativd yan e record. • Locations for public meetings and meeting support services, such as court reporters and audio-visual equipment rental. • Description of Superfund process. • Description of Technical Assistance Grant program. • Glossary. informatioe Th n presente thin di s pla obtaines nwa face-to-facd dan fro A mEP e d telephonan e interviews with local officials, community groups, residentsd ,an business owners in and around the borough of Lansdale. AR500006 0 Sit2. e Description Norte Th h Per sitm 6 locate s ei Lansdaln di e Borough, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. It includes the following 26 properties, identified by current or past owner operatorsr so RI/Fe .Th S authorize A wil propertiese EP ly th dcoveb f o 9 r1 , which are marked by an asterisk. The remaining seven property owners are negotiatin conduco gt wit A thEP thei investigation row n unde A oversightrEP . • Eaton Laboratories* 5th St. & Mitchell Ave. • Keystone Hydraulics* 834 W. 3rd St. • Lehigh Valley Dairies,Inc.* 880 Allentown Rd. • Tate Andale Company* 135 E. Hancock • Decision Data Computer Corp.* Lin Pere& m Sts. • Dip'n Strip* 10 S. Mitchell Ave. 5t. W h • 0 StElectr20 . a Products* • Landacq Associates* 650 N. Camion Ave • REP Industries* 312 Walnut St. • Tri-Kris Company* Walnut & Hatfield Rds. 7t . • W h 6 MatterSt31 . o Brothers* • Westside Industries* 5th St Mitchel.& l Ave. • John Evans' Sons Inc.* Maple Ave .Sprin& g St. • Philadelphia Toboggan* 8th St .Mapl& e Ave. (east side) IndustrialP N • * 8th St Mapl.& e Ave. (west side) • Rybond, Inc.* 840 Main St. • Lansdale Realty* North Walnut St. • Crystal Soa Chemicad pan 8t. W l hSt 1 Co. 60 * • Royal Cleaners of Lansdale* 1315 N. Broad St. • American Olean Til. eCo 1000 Cannon Ave. • Borough of Lansdale 3rd St. & Richardson Ave. • Central Sprinkler Corp. 451 Camion Ave. • J.W. Rex Company 8th St. & Valley Forge Rd. • Parker HannifiWes 2 Sth 42 t.6t n Corp. • Simc Walnuo0 Company92 t St., Inc. • Willia Wilso. mM n ann dSo 8th St Valle.& y Forg. eRd AB5Q0007 EPA has identified the owners or operators of the 26 properties as the potentially responsible parties (PRPs contaminatioe th r )fo Norte th f hno Penn6 site. Norte Th severahf o Pen e l on nsit 6 Nationa s ei l Priorities List (NPL) siten si and around Montgomery County (Figure 1). The boundaries of the site were determined by the known extent of the plume of groundwater contamination in the boroug Lansdalef ho . The topography of the area is flat to gently rolling. The land and drainage in the area generally southeast e slopth o et , towar Delaware dth e River. Most soin li the boroug Lansdalf ho moderats ei deeo et depthn pi , gently sloping, acidicd ,an moderately slo drainagen wi . The history of ownership and use is complex for the properties that comprise the site. Most of the properties are in areas of Lansdale that have been industrialize manr dfo y years. Some propertie neae sar r residential dwellings; others are more isolated. EPA divided the site into two parts or operable units. The first operable unit, called source control, deals with identifying and controlling or removing sources of site contamination; the second operable unit is a groundwater study to determine the deao t bes ly wit groundwatete wa hth r contamination e operabl.Th e unit approach deao allowt l effectivelA sEP y wit groundwatee hth r contamination, give large nth e numbe complee PRPth f r o d sxan hydrogeolog areae th .n yi AR500008 SCALE IN MILES 1 5 0. 0 Site North Penn Are6 a Figure 1 Source Control OU RI/FS UJ tNCE AND TECHNOLOGY CORP. 2 t- 5 u6l7J ^^J Location of NPL Sites *Ul V*j? PHILADELPHIA, PA fiR50QQQ9 0 Sit3. e Background Information e NortTh h Pen s nsitoriginall6 wa e y calle J.We th d. Rex/Allied Paint Manufacturing, Inc./Keystone Hydraulic s renameswa sitet I . d s whewa t ni discovered that contaminatio causes nwa additionay db l sources. More thacompanie0 10 n s were determininvestigateo t s i A o EP ewh y db potentially responsible for site contamination. To date, EPA has identified 26 PRPs for the North Penn 6 site. The remainder of this section presents an overview of past operations at each of the properties that comprise the North Penn 6 site. It also provides highlights of past, current upcomind ,an g regulatory activities. 3.1 Previous Site Operations Eaton Laboratories-formerly at Fifth Street and Mitchell Avenue. Eaton Laboratories occupied buildina par Streeh f to 5t d Mitchel t tan a g l Avenun ei Lansdale. After July 1986, Eaton Laboratories moved its operations to Allentown, Pennsylvania; other operations now exist in portions of the building. Previous investigations reported that Eaton Laboratories manufactured textile chemicals, particularly detergent compounds, and purification units at the Lansdale facility. The chemical companse th use y db y included tetrachloroethene (PCE possibld )an y trichloroethene (TCE). Keystone Hydraulics-834 West Third Street. Keystone Hydraulics is involved operationse indi tood lan , general machining d meta,an l stampin hydraulir gfo c components Keystone .Th e Hydraulics plan 1940s e buils tth wa n t.i operates Itwa d by J.W. Rex Company until 1959, when it was sold to Allied Paint Company. The Companx Re J. .W y operate heat-treatinda g metal facilitsite eth that ya t used TCE. Allied Paint Company operated the plant between 1959 and 1979. In the southwester propertyne parth f to , Allied Paint Company installe 10,000-galloda n underground storage tank. This tan removes kwa 197n di 9 befor properte eth s ywa transferred to Keystone Hydraulics. A fire in 1974 reportedly destroyed one of the two plant buildings. An underground storage tank is onsite; its contents are unknown. Keystone Hydraulics has been at this location since 1979. High concentrations of TCE have been found at this location. AR500010 Lehigh Valley Dairies, Inc.~880 Allentown Road. Lehigh Valley Dairies produce distributed san s dairy products subsidiara s i t .I Johannf yo a Farms. Past investigations reported that Lehigh Valley Dairies used paints, lubricants, mineral spirits cleanind ,an g solvents wastel Al . s were trashdisposee th n .i f do Lehige Th h Valley Dairies facilit thres yha e productio procesnr wellsfo o s:tw water and one to cool equipment. Tributaries of Towamencin Creek border
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