INDONESIA TORAY SCIENCE FOUNDATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH GRANT 2016 APPLICANTS NO NAME GENDER UNIVERSITY TITLE OF RESEARCH PROJECT PROPOSE Indonesian Institute of Sciences Dr. Widya Fatriasari, S. Hut., MM RC for Biomaterials Process Engineering of Microwave-assisted Acid Hydrolysis of Pulp Kraft 1 Female 49,968,673 Trenggalek, 8 December 1977 Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 46 Cibinong, Bogor 16911 Sorghum for Bioethanol Production T. (021) 8791-4511 / F. (021) 8791-4510 Gadjah Mada University Fac. Of Agricultural Technolgy Dr. nat. tech. Andriati Ningrum, STP., M. Agr Dept. Food Science & Agricultural Product Tech Application of Herbal Leaves as Provitamin a Source and Natural Antioxidant 2 Female 45,000,000 Jakarta, 13 June 1983 Jl. Flora No. 1 Bulaksumur, DI Yogya 55281 in Selected Vegetable Oils to Prevent Formation of Acrylamide T. (0274) 549650 F. (0274) 524517 Gadjah Mada University Fac. Of Medicine dr. Gunadi, Ph. D., Sp. BA Molecular Genetic Analysis of NTF3 and NTRK3 genes in Indonesian Patients 3 Male Research Center of Surgery Department 49,894,000 Banyuwangi, 19 November 1979 with Hirschsprung Disease Jl. Farmako Sekip Utara Sleman, DI Yogya 55281 T/F. (0274) 631036 Indonesian Institute of Sciences Bugi Ratno Budiarto, M. Sc 4 Male Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 46 Cibinong, Bogor 16911 The Strategy to Eliminate Errors in Allele-Specific HER2I655V PCR 50,000,000 Bandung, 8 January 1983 T. (021) 8791-4511 / F. (021) 8791-4510 Brawijaya University Dept of Fisheries & Marine Science Defri Yona, S. Pi., M. Sc., Stud., D. Sc Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals in Indian Mackerel (Rastrelliger sp.) in the 5 Female Jl. Veteran, Malang, Jawa Timur 65145 40,890,000 Solok, 29 December 1978 Bali Strait Indonesia T. (0341) 553512 F. (0341) 557837 Institute of Technology 10 Nopember Surabaya Fac of Civil Engineering & Planning Dept of Environmental Engineering Dr. Eng. Arie Dipareza Syafei, ST., MEPM 6 Male Head of Lab of Air Quality Control & Climate Change Wireless Sensor Monitor for Air Quality Management 47,420,000 Surabaya, 19 January 1982 Ged. Tek. Lingkungan ITS, 2nd Floor Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111 T. (031) 594-8886 / F. (031) 592-8387 Indonesian Institute of Sciences Fiqolbi Nuro, M. Si Metagenomic approach in Organic Fertilizers Effect to Promote Kangkong 7 Female Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 46 Cibinong, Bogor 16911 50,000,000 Medan, 24 August 1087 (Ipomoea reptans ) Growth and Yield T. (021) 8791-4511 / F. (021) 8791-4510 Mercu Buana University Fac of Engineering, Dept of Mechanical Sagir Alva, S. Si., M. Sc., Ph. D Effect of Coating the Hydrogel Membrane of Gum Arabic against the Corrosion 8 Male Jl. Meruya Selatan No. 01, Kembangan, 41,450,880 P. Siantar, 13 March 1977 Rate on the Surface of the Anode Aluminium Anode of Metal-Air Batteries Jakarta Barat 11650 T. (021) 584-0816 / F. (021) 587-1335 Widya Mandala Catholic University Felycia Edi Soetaredjo, Ph. D Fac of Engineering / Dept of Chemical Enginnering 9 Female Production Bio-fuel from Agricultural Waste Biomass 50,000,000 Surabaya, 2 April 1977 Jl. Kalijudan No. 37 Surabaya 60114 T. (031) 389-1264 / F. (031) 389-1267 Science Technology Research Grant 2016 Page 1 of 20 Date: 9/19/2016 INDONESIA TORAY SCIENCE FOUNDATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH GRANT 2016 APPLICANTS NO NAME GENDER UNIVERSITY TITLE OF RESEARCH PROJECT PROPOSE Pembangunan Jaya University Cendrawasih Raya B7/P Agustinus Agus Setiawan, ST., MT Bintaro Jaya, Sawah Baru, Ciputat, Utilization of Waste Material from Plastic Banners as a Fibrous Material in 10 Male 45,000,000 Semarang, 10 August 1977 Tangerang - Banten 15413 Concrete Structure T. (021) 745-5555 F. (021) 2904-5423 Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Kupang Dept of Dryland Agriculture Management Aah Ahmad Almulqu, S. Hut., M. Si Prog. Forest Resource Management Male Investigation of Carbon Dynamics in Dry Forest of NTT, Indonesia 11 Cianjur, 30 August 1981 Jl. Prof. Dr. Herman Yohanes Lasiana 49,995,000 Kupang - NTT 11520 T. (0380) 881600 / F. ()380) 881601 Indonesian Institute of Sciences RC for Oceanography Isolation and Caharacterization of Frankincense Cembranes from the Masteria Yunovilsa Putra, Ph. D 12 Male Jl. Pasir Putih 1 Ancol Timur Indonesian Soft Coral Sarcophyton glaucum and their Anticancer and Anti- 47,363,000 Padang, 16 November 1984 Jakarta Utara 14430 inflammatory Activities T. (021) 6471-3850 / F. (021) 647-1948 Brawijaya University Fac of Medicine - Dept of Internal Medicine dr. Sri Sunarti, SpPD-Kger 13 Female Jl. Veteran, Malang, Jawa Timur 65145 Frailty Syndrome and Level of Serum IL-6 and CD4/CD8 Ratio 48,013,000 Sampang, 26 November 1974 T. (0341) 569117, 567192 F. (0341) 564755 Mulawarman University FMIPA - Dept of Biology Growth, Hematological, Indices, and Immunological Status of Catfish Rudy Agung Nugroho, M. Si., Ph. D 14 Male Jl. Barong Tongkok No. 4 Gn. Kelua (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus ) FED Insect-Based Protein from Larva of 49,595,000 Yogya, 25 July 1973 Samarinda - Kalimantan Timur Tenebrio molitor T. (0541) 749140 / F. (0541) 749156 Indonesian Institute of Sciences Fac of Engineering / Dept of RC f/ Physics Dr. Edi Kurniawan Kawasn Puspitek Serpong Gd. 440-442 15 Male Repetitive Control System for Industrial Applications 47,250,000 Pemalang, 15 August 1982 Tangerang Selatan 15320 T. (021) 756-0570/556 F. (021) 756-0554 Politeknik Negeri Batam Uuf Brajawidagda, Ph. D Jl. Ahmad Yani, Batam Center, Towards a real TimeTwitter's Geolocation Based Interactive Map for Disaster 16 Male 49,300,000 Klaten, 11 August 1976 Batam 29461 Warning Propagation Monitoring T. (0778) 469856 / F. (0778) 463620 North Sumatera University Modified Resprene and Tannin from Oil Palm Trunk as Bio-Adhesive in I Putu Mahendra, S. Si FMIPA - Dept. of Chemistry 17 Male Composite formed for Plywood and Cardboard Formulated with Various 45,080,980 Denpasar, 12 October 1991 Jl. Dr. Mansyur No. 9 Medan 20155, SUMUT T/F. (061) 821-2453 crosslinking Agent University of Indonesia Bayu Ardiansah, S. Si., M. Si FMIPA - Dept of Chemistry The Green Syntheses of Novel Pyrazoline and Isoxazoline Derivatives as 18 Male 46,734,000 Kulon Progo, 2 January 1992 Kampus UI Depok, Depok 16424 Antimalarial Agent using Activated Chicken Eggshells T. (021) 727-0027 / F. (021) 786-3432 Indonesia Islamic University Muhammad Arsyik Kurniawan S, S. Si., M. Sc FMIPA - Dept of Chemistry Synthesis and Characterization of from Alginate/Zeolite/M Composite as Slow 19 Male 49,901,000 Jakarta, 24 February 1985 Jl. Kaliurang Km. 14,5 Sleman, DI Yogya 55584 Release Fertilizer (M = Fe, Zn, Cu) T. (0274) 895920 / F. ()274) 896439 Science Technology Research Grant 2016 Page 2 of 20 Date: 9/19/2016 INDONESIA TORAY SCIENCE FOUNDATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH GRANT 2016 APPLICANTS NO NAME GENDER UNIVERSITY TITLE OF RESEARCH PROJECT PROPOSE Hasanuddin University Nurhasni Hasan, S. Si., M. Si., M. Pharm.sc, Fac of Pharmacy - Dept of Pharmaceutical Tech Novel Solid Lipid Nanoparticles Loaded with Andrographolide for Antibacterial 20 Apt Female Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km. 10 and Antibiofilm against Antibiotic Resistant Staphylococcus aureus due 50,000,000 Ujung Pandang, 16 January 1986 Tamalanrea, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan 90245 quorum sensing Inhibition Mechanism T. (0411) 588556 / F. (0411) 590663 Indonesian Institute of Sciences RC for Limnology Sekar Larashati Development of Genetic Markers for Detecting Tropical Eel (Anguilla bicolor ) 21 Female Komp. LIPI Cibinong, Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 46 48,880,000 Pomalaa, 18 August 1977 in the Water using Evvironmental DNA (eDNA) Approach Cibinong - Jawa Barat 16911 T. (021) 875-7071 / F. (021) 875-7076 Indonesian Institute of Sciences RC for Biotechnology/Lab of Agronomy for Evaluation Yashanti Berlinda Paradisa, M. Sc Biotechnology Product Analysis of Blast Resistance Gene in Upland Rice Local Cultivars using 22 Female 50,000,000 Yogya, 29 December 1986 Komp. CSC LIPI, Raya Bogor Km. 46 Polymerase Chain Reaction Cibinong - Jawa Barat 16911 T. (021) 875-4587 / F. (021) 875-4588 STKIP Bima Agrippina Wiraningtyas, M. Sc Fac of Sains Education / Dept of Chemistry Education Development of TiO Nanotube Solar Cells based Iron Sand Sensitized of ZnS 23 Female 2 46,750,000 Yogya, 1 August 1985 Jl. Tendean, Desa Mande, NTT 84111 Quantum Dot T. (0374) 43195, 42801 / F. (0374) 42801 Indonesian Institute of Sciences RC for Chemistry, PP Kimia, Ged. 452 Dian Burhani, S. Si., MT Microbial Consortia Engineering for Bioethanol Peoduction from Holocellulose 24 Female Kawasan PUSPITEK Serpong, Tangerang Selatan 49,930,000 Padang, 1 December 1986 of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch (OPEFB) Banten 15314 T. (021) 756-0929 / F. (021) 756-0549 Bina Nusantara University Fac of Graduate Program Dr. Eng. Antoni Wibowo Dept of Master of Information Technology Condition Monitoring in Noised Multiple Bearing System using Multiclass 25 Male 50,000,000 Sukoharjo, 18 March 1972 Kampus Anggrek, Jl. Kebon Jeruk Raya No. 27 Extreme Learning Machine and Grey Relational Analysis Kebon Jeruk, Jakabar 11530 T. (021) 534-5830 / F. (021) 530-0244 Trilogi University Fac of Bioindustry / Dept of Food Science & Tech Yoni Atma, S. TP., M. Si 26 Male Kampus Trilogi, Jl. Kalibata No. 1 Gelatin Production from Pangasius Catfish Bone based on Green Extraction 47,860,000 Jambi, 17 March 1986 Jakarta Selatan 12760 T. (021) 798-0011 / F. (021) 798-1352 Brawijaya University Fac of Fisheries & Marine Science Dr. Sc. Asep Awaludin Prihanto, S. Pi Molecular Cloning of Gene-Encoding L-asparaginase from Food Grade 27 Male Dept of Fishery Product Technology 49,900,000 Jombang, 2 June 1981 Microalgae, Spirulina platensis Jl. Veteran, Malang Jatim 65145 T. (0341) 553512 / F. (0341) 557837 Bogor Agricultural University Fac of Agricultural Engineering & Technology Dr. Nanik Purwanti Functional Properties of Protein Nanofibrils from Local Soy Protein Isolate and 28 Female Dept of Mechanical & Biosystem Engineering 49,704,925 Sukoharjo, 8 January 1981 Whey Protein Isolate based on their Rheological Characteristics Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor 16002 T.
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