Wednesday, July 4 Lectures. 8:45 1. Opening. | 15 min. 2. David Blaschke Was GW170817 indeed a merger of two neutron stars? | 45 min. 3. Michal Eckstein NCG overview. | 45 min. Coffee Break. 10:30 { 11:00 4. Kyrill Bugaev Chemical Freeze-out Parameters Found by Hadron Resonance Gas | 45 min. Model with Induced Surface Tension. 5. Gordon Semenoff Dynamical violation of scale invariance and the dilaton in a cold | 45 min. Fermi gas. 6. Lawrence Gibbons Status of g-2 for the Muon. | 45 min. Lunch. 13:30 { 15:00 7. Thiago Guerreiro Quantum entanglement and wave particle duality. | 60 min. Coffee Break. 16:00 { 16:30 Blessing in the OAC Chapel (19:00 { 20:00) After dinner talk in the open veranda of OAC "History of Crete" by Emanuela Larentzakis (20:30 { 21:15) 1 Thursday, July 5 Plenary Session (Room 1, 8:20) 1. Opening of the conference. | 40 min. 2. Slava Mukhanov Bekenstein Entropy and Hawking Radiation-Reminiscences. | 30 min. 3. Robert Pisarki The phase diagram of QCD: Critical endpoint vs a pseudo-Lifshitz | 30 min. point. 4. Chihiro Sasaki Parity doubling in QCD thermodynamics. | 30 min. Coffee Break. 10:30 { 11:00 Special session on QCD { from vacuum to finite temperatures (Room 1, 11:00) 1. Hugo Reinhardt Hamiltonian approach to finite temperature QCD by compactifica- | 30 min. tion of a spatial dimension. 2. Willibald Plessas Relativistic Coupled-Channels Quark Model for Baryon Ground | 30 min. and Resonant States. 3. Herbert Weigel Exotic Baryons in Chiral Soliton Models. | 30 min. 4. Krzysztof Redlich Exploring chiral symmetry restoration in heavy-ion collisions with | 30 min. fluctuation observables. 5. Ralf Hofmann SU(2) Yang-Mills thermodynamics and Cosmology. | 30 min. 2 Thursday, July 5 Mini Workshop on Instruments and Methods in HEP (Room 2, 11:00) 1. Martina Ressegotti Overview of the CMS detector performance at LHC Run 2. | 30 min. 2. Christos Lampoudis The Micromegas construction project for the ATLAS New Small | 30 min. Wheel. 3. Georgios Tsiledakis Large high-efficiency thermal neutron detectors based on the Mi- | 30 min. cromegas technology. 4. Dragos-Victor Anghel Ultrasensitive superconducting photon detectors for axions obser- | 30 min. vation. Lunch. 13:30 { 15:00 5. Oleksandr Starodubtsev ELI-NP gamma beam characterization. Beam imager and a new- | 30 min. concept gamma calorimeter. 6. Nadir Daci CMS Trigger Performances. | 30 min. Special session on Astro-Cosmo-Gravity (Room 3, 11:00) 1. Angela Gligorova The AEgIS experiment: current status and outlook. | 30 min. 2. Camilla Maggio MAGIC: from Astrophysics to Fundamental Physics. Presenta- | 30 min. tion of the latest results . 3. Jorge Alfaro δ Gravity, δ matter and the accelerated expansion of the Universe. | 30 min. 4. Martin Pohl Magnetic field in intergalactic space. | 30 min. 3 Thursday, July 5 5. Xavier Defay Identification of Dark Matter with the CRESST-III Experiment. | 30 min. Lunch. 13:30 { 15:00 6. Nikolay Gulitskiy Two-loop calculations for a compressible turbulence: Renormal- | 20 min. ization group analysis of stochastic Navier-Stokes equation. 7. Tomasz Miller Causal evolution of probability measures. | 20 min. 8. Vladimir Dzhunushaliev Mass gap, deconfinement and ΛQCD in non-perturbative quanti- | 20 min. zation `ala Heisenberg. Parallel Section (Room 4, 11:00) 1. Ivan Ravasenga Studying collective phenomena and very low pT pion production | 20 min. in pp, Pb-Pb and Xe-Xe collisions with the ALICE experiment. 2. Mikhail Zubkov Momentum space topology and non - dissipative currents. | 20 min. 3. Alexandru Catalin Ene pMonte Carlo event generator predictions for forward physics in | 20 min. s = 7 TeV proton-proton collisions. 4. Guglielmo Baccani Muon radiography of an Etruscan mine: the San Silvestro archae- | 20 min. ological park near Campiglia Marittima (Tuscany). 5. Federica Mingrone Neutron-induced reaction measurements at the n TOF facility of | 20 min. CERN. 6. Frigyes Janos Nemes Elastic and Total Cross-Section Measurements by TOTEM: Past | 20 min. and Future. 7. Zahra Ghorbanimoghaddam Search for Boosted Dark Matter at ProtoDUNE. | 20 min. 4 Thursday, July 5 Parallel session A High Energy Particle Physics (Room 1, 15:00) 1. Diego Martinez Santos Probing SUSY effects in K 0 S ! µ+ + µ−. | 20 min. 2. Francesco Gonnella Search for K+ ! π+νν+ search for exotic particles at NA62. | 25 min. 3. Murat Ali Guler Study of charm hadroproduction and tau neutrino production at | 20 min. CERN SPS. Coffee Break. 16:00 { 16:30 4. Ashot Gasparian Neutral Pion Radiative Decay Width Precision Measurement at | 20 min. Jefferson Lab. Parallel session B Heavy Ion Collisions and Critical Phenomena (Room 4, 15:00) 1. Andrea Alici Charmed meson and baryon production with ALICE at the LHC. | 30 min. 2. Anastasia Merzlaya Open charm measurements at CERN SPS energies with the new | 30 min. Vertex Detector of the NA61/SHINE experiment - status and plans. Special session on QCD { from vacuum to finite temperatures (Room 1, 17:00) 1. Stanley Brodsky Supersymmetric Features of Hadron Physics and other Novel | 35 min. Properties of Quantum Chromodynamics from Light-Front holog- raphy and Superconformal Algebra. Welcome Concert (21:20 { 22:30) 5 Friday, July 6 Plenary Session (Room 1, 8:30) 1. Diego Martinez Santos Highlights from LHCb. | 30 min. 2. Saranya Samik Ghosh CMS Highlights. | 30 min. 3. Xingguo Li ATLAS Highlights. | 30 min. 4. Francesco Noferini ALICE Highlights. | 30 min. Coffee Break. 10:30 { 11:00 Main Conference Section (Room 1, 11:00) 1. Diane Cinca Higgs physics at ATLAS. | 30 min. 2. Yusheng Wu Probing the Electroweak Sector and QCD with the ATLAS Detec- | 30 min. tor. 3. Claudio Caputo Higgs (CMS). | 30 min. 4. Katharina Mueller Flavour Anomalies in Rare Decays at LHCb. | 30 min. 5. Katharina Mueller CP violation in B decays at LHCb. | 30 min. Lunch. 13:30 { 15:00 6. Robert Harris Search for narrow and broad dijet resonances at CMS. | 30 min. 6 Friday, July 6 Special session on QCD { from vacuum to finite temperatures (Room 2, 11:00) 1. Thomas Cohen The QCD Vacuum and the theta term. | 30 min. 2. Leonid Glozman Chiralspin symmetry and its implications for QCD. | 30 min. 3. Thierry Grandou Perturbative peculiarities of quantum fields at non-zero tempera- | 30 min. ture. 4. Peter Lowdon Probing the analytic structure of QCD propagators. | 30 min. 5. Roman Rogalev The Longitudinal Gluon Propagator in Lattice SU(2) Gluodynam- | 30 min. ics at the Criticality. Special session on Astro-Cosmo-Gravity (Room 3, 11:00) 1. Anna Pollmann Neutrino and beyond standard model physics with IceCube. | 30 min. 2. Vitaly Kudryavtsev LUX results and LZ sensitivity to dark matter WIMPs. | 30 min. 3. Filip Simovic A Holographic Approach To Gravitational Screens. | 30 min. 4. Matteo Sanguineti ANTARES and KM3NeT: latest results of the neutrino telescopes | 30 min. in the Mediterranean. 5. Haidar Sheikhahmadi Quasi-bi-Field Spectroscopy for Primordial Perturbations in | 30 min. Schwinger-Kyldesh formalism. 7 Friday, July 6 Excursion to Chania (16:00 { 23:30) Historical Talk (19:00) Concert of classical music and Public Talk by Dr. Despina Hatzifotiadou (19:30 { 21:00) 8 Saturday, July 7 Lev's Lipatov Memorial Session (Plenary Session, Room 1, 8:30) 1. Victor Fadin Memories of Lev Lipatov, a scientist and a man. | 30 min. 2. Carl Bender Nonlinear eigenvalue problems. | 30 min. 3. Arkady Vainshtein On vacuum angle (in)dependence in the Higgs regime. | 30 min. 4. Valentin Zakharov Towards understanding the origin of the micro states of large black | 30 min. holes. Coffee Break. 10:30 { 11:00 Lev's Lipatov Memorial Session (Room 1, 11:00) 1. R. Muradyan (piano), S. Nor (violin), V. Nor (cello) "In memory of a great artist", Trio by P.I. Tchaikovsky, Part | 30 min. II-A. 2. Roland Kirschner High-energy scattering in QCD and Yangian symmetry. | 30 min. 3. Dmitry Kazakov Kinematically Dependent Renormalization. | 30 min. 4. Agustin Sabio Vera Gravity in the high energy limit. | 30 min. 5. Irina Aref'eva Effects of non-zero chemical potential in the holographic QCD. | 30 min. Lunch. 13:30 { 15:00 9 Saturday, July 7 6. Victor Kim High-energy QCD asymptotics at collider energies. | 30 min. 7. Henri Kowalski Unexpected properties of the discrete BFKL solution. | 30 min. Coffee Break. 16:00{ 16:30 8. Victor Fadin Regge cuts in QCD amplitudes. | 30 min. 9. Alex Prygarin Subleading corrections to the BFKL equation: singlet versus color | 30 min. adjoint state. 10. Jamal Jalilian-Marian Particle production at high energy: DGLAP, BFKL and beyond. | 30 min. 11. Luca Trentadue Radiative corrections for a novel evaluation of the Hadronic Lead- | 30 min. ing Order Contribution to the g-2 of the Muon. 12. Gennady Volkov On the geometry of the new fermion exotic "spin"-structure. | 30 min. Parallel session A High Energy Particle Physics (Room 2, 11:00) 1. Music in Room 1. "In memory of a great artist", Trio by P.I.Tchaikovsky, Part II-A. | 30 min. 2. Florian Kuchler Searches for electric dipole moments (EDM) Overview of status | 30 min. and new experimental efforts. 3. Nandita Raha The current status of the Fermilab Muon g-2 Experiment. | 30 min. 4. Laura Patrizii Status of the searches for magnetic monopoles. | 30 min. 10 Saturday, July 7 5. Maria Vasileiou Hadronic resonance production measured by ALICE at the LHC. | 30 min. Parallel session B Heavy Ion Collisions and Critical Phenomena (Room 3, 11:00) 1. Music in Room 1. "In memory of a great artist", Trio by P.I.Tchaikovsky, Part II-A. | 30 min. 2. Rachid Nouicer Charm and Bottom Measurements as Precision Probes of QCD | 30 min. Medium at RHIC. 3. Yorito Yamaguchi Direct photon results from PHENIX at RHIC. | 30 min.
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