HERBICIDE INSECTICIDE FUNGICIDE PROTECT YOUR PROTECT CEREALS HERBICIDE Replacing Prestige™ XL, this herbicide provides targeted control of broadleaf weeds ESTEEM like thistle, cleavers and kochia in barley, spring wheat and durum wheat. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Fluroxypyr 180 g/L, MCPA Ester 600 g/L, Clopyralid 360 g/L CHEMISTRY GROUP: Group 4 APPLICATION RATES AND PACKAGING: HOW IT WORKS: · 1 co-pack case includes: 9.6 L jug Fluroxypyr 180 The components of ESTEEM move within the plant + 11.01 L MCPA Ester 600 + 3.34 L ADAMA to control exposed and underground plant tissues. Clopyralid 360 It mimics naturally occurring plant hormones which · 30 (high rate) to 40 (low rate) acres per control weeds by disrupting normal plant growth co-pack case patterns. Symptoms of effect include epinasty (twisting of the stems) and swollen nodes. REGISTERED CROPS: · Barley CROP STAGING: · Wheat (spring, durum) 3-leaf stage to just before flag emergence WEEDS CONTROLLED: WATER VOLUME: CROP ROTATIONS: At the low rate of 40 ac/case or 605 ml/ac: · Ground: 20 – 40 L/ac Barley, canola, flax, forage grasses, mustard, oats, (240 ml/ac of 180 g/L Fluroxypyr 180; 280 ml/ac · Aerial: 12 – 20 L/ac rye and wheat can be seeded the following year. of 600 g/L MCPA Ester 600; 84 ml/ac of 360 g/L of ADAMA Clopyralid 360) will control: RAINFASTNESS: PRE-HARVEST INTERVAL: Wild buckwheat, burdock, cleavers, Canada thistle 4 hours Do not harvest treated crop within 60 days (low infestations), cocklebur, field horsetail (top of application. growth), volunteer flax, flixweed, kochia, lamb’s SUPPORTED TANK MIXES: quarters, wild mustard, plantain (top growth), BENGAL® WB, BISON® 400 L, LADDER® 240 EC, GRAZING RESTRICTIONS: prickly lettuce, ragweeds, shepherd’s purse, LADDER® ALL-IN, Liquid Achieve™, Horizon®, Do not graze livestock within 7 days of application. stinkweed, stork’s bill, volunteer sunflowers, Assert® 300 SC, Puma®, Avenge® 200-C, Axial®, annual sunflowers, vetch, wild radish BroadBand® and Varro® STORAGE: At the high rate of 30 ac/case or 800 ml/ac: Do not freeze. 320 ml/ac of 180 g/L Fluroxypyr 180; 365 ml/ac MIXING INSTRUCTIONS: of 600 g/L MCPA Ester 600; 110 ml/ac of 360 g/L 1. ½ fill the tank with clean water. ADAMA Clopyralid 360) will control: 2. Add the required amount of MCPA Ester and Tartary buckwheat, Canada thistle (medium to fluroxypyr, agitate thoroughly. high infestations, season long control), volunteer 3. Add any tank-mix partners, agitate thoroughly. canola, chickweed, dandelions, common groundsel, 4. Add the required amount of ADAMA Clopyralid, hempnettle, roundleaf mallow, redroot pigweed, agitate thoroughly. Russian pigweed, scentless chamomile, smartweed, 5. Fill the tank and agitate again before using. annual sow-thistle, perennial sow-thistle (season Always read and follow label directions. long control) CEREALS GROWTH STAGES LEGEND WINTER WHEAT WHEAT BARLEY OATS RYE CORN HERBICIDE BROADLEAF HERBICIDE GRASSES INSECTICIDE FUNGICIDE FLAG HEADING RIPENING GROWTH STAGE PRE-SEED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10.1 10.5 11 PRODUCT (GROUP #) BADGE® II (4 & 6) BISON® 400 L (1) BROMOTRIL® II (6) FORCEFIGHTER™ M (4 & 6) ESTEEM (4) HOTSHOT™ (2 & 6) LADDER® 240 EC (1) LADDER® ALL-IN (1) OUTSHINE™ (2 & 4) PRIORITY® (2) RUSH™ 24 (4) RUSH M™ (4) SQUADRON® (5) THRASHER® II (4 & 6) TOPLINE™ (2 & 4) PYRINEX® 480 EC SILENCER® 120 EC SOMBRERO™ 600 FS BUMPER® 60 ml BUMPER® 120 ml TOPNOTCH™ (3 & 11) WESTERN CANADA HERBICIDE PRODUCT NAME BADGE® II BISON® 400 L BROMOTRIL® II ESTEEM FORCEFIGHTER™ M Active Ingredient Bromoxynil, MCPA Ester Tralkoxydim Bromoxynil Fluroxypyr, MCPA Ester, Clopyralid MCPA, Fluroxypyr, Bromoxynil Group 4,6 1 6 4 4,6 Replaces BUCTRIL M, LOGIC® M, MEXTROL® LIQUID ACHIEVE™, MARENGO® PARDNER®, BROTEX®, KORIL® PRESTIGE™ XL ENFORCER® M Case Package Size 2 × 10 L 8 L + 8 L Addit® adjuvant 2 × 9.7 L 9.6 L fluroxypyr 180 + 11.01 L MCPA ester 600 2 x 10 L bromoxynil/MCPA Acres Treated 40 ac/case 40 ac/case 40 ac/case + 3.34 L ADAMA clopyralid 360 = 23.95 L case + 9.6 L fluroxypyr 30 – 40 ac/case 40 ac/case Bulk Package Size 120 L drum – 116.4 L drum – 2 x 120 L bromoxynil/MCPA Acres Treated 240 ac 240 ac + 115.2 L fluroxypyr 480 ac Registered/Supported Crops wheat W S D, barley, oats, flax, corn wheat W S D, barley, rye, triticale wheat W S D, barley, oats, forages, barley, wheat S D wheat W S D, barley alfalfa, canary seed, corn, millet, sorghum Crop Rotation no restrictions no restrictions no restrictions wheat, barley, oats, rye, canola, field peas, barley, canola, flax, forage grasses, flax, mustard lentils, mustard, peas, rye, wheat Crop Stage (No Tank Mix) 2 leaf - flag 2 leaf – flag up to flag leaf (crop dependent) 3 leaf to just before flag leaf emergence 2 leaf – early flag Key Pests 30+ weeds including: wild foxtail G Y, volunteer oats, wild oats, wild buckwheat, smartweed, wild buckwheat, burdock, cleavers, Canada wild buckwheat, cleavers, kochia, buckwheat, volunteer canola, barnyard grass, Persian darnel pigweed, kochia, cow cockle thistle (low infestations), cocklebur, flixweed, Canada thistle lamb’s quarters, stinkweed, (see label for more) kochia, lamb’s quarters, wild mustard, cow cockle, flixweed prickly lettuce, ragweeds, shepherd’s purse, stinkweed, stork’s bill, volunteer sunflowers, annual sunflowers, vetch, wild radish Pest Staging up to 8 leaf for many weeds barnyard grass; Persian darnel: up to 8 leaf 2 – 4 leaf (wild buckwheat: 1 – 8 leaf; cleavers: 1 – 4 leaf stage (see label) 1 – 4 leaf; foxtail G Y: 1 – 5 leaf; oats 1 – 8 whorls; volunteer flax: 1 – 12 cm; stork’s (volunteer, wild): 1 – 6 leaf bill: 1 – 8 leaf; dandelion, spring rosettes, hempnettle: 2 – 6 leaf; roundleaf mallow: 1 – 6 leaf) Registered Tank-Mix BISON® 400 L, LADDER® 240 EC, Attain™, Curtail® M, Dichlorprop + MCPA, 2,4-D, BISON® 400 L, Liquid Achieve™, BISON® 400 L, Horizon®, BISON® 400 L, LADDER® 240 EC ® ® ™ ® ® ® ® Options Avenge , ARROW 240 EC 2,4-D, MCPA, Prestige , BADGE ll, LADDER 240 EC, Dicamba LADDER 240 EC, LADDER ALL-IN, THRASHER® ll Assert® 300 SC, Puma®, BENGAL® WB Additional Supported Refine®, Axial®, Everest® SILENCER®, RUSH M™, RUSH™ 24, – – – ® ® Tank Mixes BROMOTRIL II, BUMPER , OcTTain™, Pixxaro™ Rainfastness 1 hour 1 hour 30 minutes 4 hours 1 hour Adjuvent – 0.5 L Addit/100 L of water – – Key Features gentle on crop wide window of application gentle on crop – 3 actives, 2 groups controls a wide range of weeds, including many herbicide resistant weeds Aerial (wheat, barley, oats) (cereals) (wheat, barley) may be applied by aircraft – Storage do not freeze store above -5 C do not freeze do not freeze do not freeze Additional Info avoid temperatures above 25 C do not mix with amines avoid spraying above 25 C at avoid application 3 days before during application application time or if frost or after frost has occurred W winter wheat | S spring wheat | D durum wheat | G green foxtail | Y yellow foxtail WESTERN CANADA HERBICIDE PRODUCT NAME HOTSHOT™ LADDER® 240 EC LADDER® ALL-IN OUTSHINE™ PRIORITY® Active Ingredient Bromoxynil, Florasulam Clodinafop-propargyl Clodinafop-propargyl Florasulam, Fluroxypyr, MCPA Ester Florasulam Group 2,6 1 1 2,4 2 Replaces Unique to ADAMA SLAM’R, BULLWHIP®, SIGNAL® HORIZON® NG, NEXTSTEP® NG, STELLAR™ PREPASS™, SPITFIRE®, FIRSTPASS™, FOOTHILLS® NG, FOAX BLITZ™, BATTLEFRONT® Case Package Size 2 × 9.7 L bromoxynil, 3.68 L + 4 L Adjuvant 80 2 x 5.66 L jug 2 × 8 L florasulam & fluroxypyr 2 × 6.4 L Acres Treated 1.6 L florasulam 40 ac/case + 9.33 L MCPA 320 ac/case 50 ac/case 40 ac/case Bulk Package Size – 11.04 L + 12 L Adjuvant 80 90.6 L drum – – Acres Treated 120 ac Registered/Supported Crops wheat, barley, oats wheat S D wheat S D wheat S D, barley pre-seed prior to barley, oats, wheat (spring, durum, winter) Crop Rotation pre-seed wheat WD, barley, oats no restrictions no restrictions wheat, oats, peas, barley, canola chemfallow before Aug. 1 – barley, canola, oats, wheat W S D, peas can be seeded the following year chemfallow or post-harvest after Aug. 1 – barley, oats, wheat W S D can be seeded the following year Crop Stage (No Tank Mix) prior to seeding 1 – 6 leaf 1 – 6 leaf 2 - 6 leaf prior to seeding Key Pests kochia, hempnettle, volunteer foxtail G Y, wild oats, volunteer oats, foxtail G Y, wild oats, volunteer oats, cleavers, hempnettle, kochia, cleavers, dandelions, hempnettle, canola, dandelion, wild barnyard grass, Persian darnel barnyard grass, Persian darnel volunteer canola, chickweed, narrow-leaved hawk’s beard, buckwheat, narrow-leaved wild mustard, lamb’s quarters volunteer canola hawk’s beard Pest Staging apply to small weeds, target barnyard grass: 1 – 5 leaf; foxtail G Y: barnyard grass: 1 – 5 leaf; foxtail G Y: 2 – 4 leaf unless otherwise noted target 2 – 4 leaf stage the 1 – 4 leaf stage 1 – 5 leaf; wild oats: 1 – 6 leaf; 1 – 5 leaf; wild oats: 1 – 6 leaf; on label volunteer oats: 3 – 6 leaf volunteer oats: 3 – 6 leaf Registered Tank-Mix Glyphosate (DMA, IPA or 2,4-D, Attain™, RUSH™ 24, BADGE® II, 2,4-D, Attain™, RUSH™ 24, BADGE® II, Assert®, Axial®, Everest® Glyphosate (DMA, IPA or ® ® ® ® Options K-salt formulations) BROMOTRIL II, Curtail M – 30+ BROMOTRIL II, Curtail M K-salt formulations) Broadleaf products (See label) Additional Supported – SILENCER® 120 EC, BUMPER®, SILENCER® 120 EC, BUMPER® – BROMOTRIL® II ™ Tank Mixes RUSH M Rainfastness 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes 2 hours Delay if imminent Adjuvent – 0.25 – 0.32 v/v – – – Key Features controls hard-to-kill and herbicide tank mixable with 30+ products – 2 modes of action controls Group mixes with all glyphosates resistant weeds 2 & 9 resistant kochia Aerial – – – – Storage store above -10 C (see below) no restrictions store away from food, feed do not freeze store above -10 C (see below) and fertilizer Additional Info if frozen, bring to room temperature must use Adjuvant 80 no additional adjuvant is required spray at pre-seed or post-harvest and agitate before use only.
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