Together, Moving Gauteng City Region Forward HEALTH Distribution of Service Platforms Financial Inputs Actual Expenditure R1.6 Billion R1 Billion R14 Billion R1 Billion R290 Million R8 Billion R918 Million R15 Billion *Percentages above represent expenditure as a % of final appropriation Human Resources for Health Total Health Workforce Nursing Professionals 32,503 Management Professionals Support Staff 112 11,797 Engineering Support Staff 10 Administration 68 118 Staff 9,370 Engineering Clinical Professionals Professionals 71 6,520 Allied Allied Support Staff Professionals Clinical 1,974 5,761 Nursing Professionals Professionals Dental Dental Student Registrars Practitioners Dental Registrar 49 Nurses 306 3,120 Professional Nurses 15,116 Dental 32 503 Medical Specialists Registrars 6 520 124 1,221 Medical Registrar Nursing Staff Nurses Assistants Medical Medical 7,728 Specialists Practitioners 6,539 1,305 3,515 Medical Practitioner Adminstration Support Management Staff Staff Professionals Junior Middle Junior Middle Managers Managers Managers Level 16 level 13 Managers 80 (Levels 9-10) (Levels 11-12) (Levels 9-10) (Levels 11-12) 1 472 237 2 0 9 370 11 797 112 Level 15 Level 14 Lower Levels Lower Levels 5 26 (Levels 1-8) (Levels 1-8) 8,661 11,795 A snapshot of Health Services provided to Women, Mothers and Children Our efforts to improve care for children and women to reduce infant and maternal morbidity and mortality, as well as to promote reproductive health and the health and well-being of children, women and youth are as follows: 256 515 pregnant women were provided We screened antenatal care services. 223 761 200 564 124 learners across all grades for couple year of protection to detection and prevention of any prevent unwanted pregancies learning barriers. were provided through our family planning services 157 582 pregnant women attended the ANC 109 236 clinics before they reached 20 weeks learners were provided screening of gestation (of their pregnancy) Provided cervical cancer services including referrals and screening for other health care interventions such as deworming, dental care 162 359 etc. women 30 years and older Over 219 000 200 139 deliveries across our facilities were babies under 1 year fully attended to by skilled health 108 502 immunised attendants learners immunised against HPV 1 Department of Health Province of Gauteng Vote No. 4 Annual Report Financial Year 2017/2018 PR 335/2018 ISBN: 978-0-621-46642-3 PART A: GENERAL INFORMATION 2 1. DEPARTMENT GENERAL INFORMATION Gauteng Provincial Government | Health | Telephone number: 011 355 3477 Annual Report 2017/2018 Email: [email protected] Physical address: 37 Pixley Ka Seme Street Website address: http://www.health.gpg.gov.za Marshalltown Facebook: Gauteng Provincial Health Department Johannesburg Twitter: @GautengHealth 2001 Instagram: @gautenghealth Postal address: Private Bag X085 Marshalltown 2107 South Africa 3 CONTENTS PART A: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. DEPARTMENT GENERAL INFORMATION 2 2. ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS 6 3. FOREWORD BY THE MEC FOR HEALTH 9 4. REPORT OF THE ACCOUNTING OFFICER 10 5. STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY AND CONFIRMATION OF THE ACCURACY OF THE ANNUAL 15 REPORT 6. STRATEGIC OVERVIEW 16 7. ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE 17 8. ENTITIES REPORTING TO THE MEC 18 9. LEGISLATIVE AND OTHER MANDATES 18 PART B: 4 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 1. AUDITOR-GENERAL’S REPORT: PREDETERMINED OBJECTIVES 20 2. OVERVIEW OF DEPARTMENTAL PERFORMANCE 21 3. STRATEGIC OUTCOME-ORIENTATED GOALS 25 4. PERFORMANCE INFORMATION BY PROGRAMME 26 5. TRANSFER PAYMENTS 72 6. CONDITIONAL GRANTS 73 7. DONOR FUNDS 76 8. CAPITAL INVESTMENT 78 PART C: GOVERNANCE 1. INTRODUCTION 90 2. RISK MANAGEMENT 90 3. MINIMISING CONFLICT OF INTEREST 90 4. FRAUD AND CORRUPTION 91 5. CODE OF CONDUCT 91 6. HEALTH SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 91 7. PORTFOLIO COMMITTEES 93 8. SCOPA RESOLUTIONS 103 9. PRIOR MODIFICATIONS TO AUDIT REPORTS 107 10. INTERNAL AUDIT AND AUDIT COMMITTEES 108 11. AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT 109 PART D: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 1. INTRODUCTION 112 2. OVERVIEW OF HUMAN RESOURCES 112 3. HUMAN RESOURCES OVERSIGHT STATISTICS 113 5 PART E: FINANCIAL INFORMATION 1. REPORT OF THE AUDITOR-GENERAL 144 2. ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 153 PART F: MSD FINANCIAL INFORMATION 1. REPORT OF THE ACCOUNTING OFFICER 283 2. REPORT OF THE AUDITOR-GENERAL 295 3. ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 299 2. ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS A&E Accident and Emergency ECC Emergency Communication Centre ACSM Advocacy, Communication and Social ECD Early Childhood Development Mobilisation ECDP Early Childhood Development Centre ACSM Advocacy, Communication and Social Practitioners Mobilisation ECE Estimated Capital Expenditure AET Adult Education and Training ECT Emergency Care Technician AGSA Auditor-General South Africa EE Employment Equity AIDS Acquired Immune Defi ciency Syndrome EHWP Employee Health and Wellness Programme ALOS Average Length of Stay EMIS Education Management Information System ANC Antenatal Care EML Essential Medicines List AO Accounting Offi cer EMS Emergency Medical Services APD Association for the Physically Disabled EMTCT Elimination of Mother to Child Transmission ART Antiretroviral Treatment EPWP Expanded Public Works Programme ARV Antiretroviral Virus ERM Enterprise Risk Management ASELPH Albertina Sisulu Executive Leadership ES Equitable Share Programme ESMOE Essential Steps in Managing Obstetric BAS Basic Accounting System Emergencies BLS Basic Life Support EWP Employee Wellness Programme BUR Bed Utilisation Rate EXCO Executive Committee or Council CAD Computer Aided Dispatch FBO Faith-Based Organisation CBO Community-Based Organisation FDC Fixed-Dose Combination (ARV Pill) CCMDD Centralised Chronic Medicine Dispensing and FPS Forensic Pathology Services Distribution FY Financial Year CCMT Comprehensive Care Management and Treatment GAS Gauteng Audit Services CDC Communicable Disease Control GDE Gauteng Department of Education 6 CDU Central Dispensing Unit GDF Gauteng Department of Finance CEO Chief Executive Offi cer GDID Gauteng Department of Infrastructure Development CFO Chief Financial Offi cer GDoH Gauteng Department of Health CHBAH Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital GGHH Global Green and Healthy Hospital CHC Community Health Centre GPG Gauteng Provincial Government CHW Community Health Worker HAART Highly Active Antiretroviral Treatment CIO Chief Information Offi cer HAST HIV, Aids, STIs and TB CMR Child Mortality Rate HCA Hospital Corporation of America COE Compensation of employees HCT HIV Counselling and Testing COGTA Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs HCWM Health Care Waste Management COJ City of Johannesburg HFRG Hospital Facility Revitalisation Grant COT City of Tshwane HIRA Hazard Identifi cation Risk Assessment CPD Continuing Professional Development HIV Human Immunodefi ciency Virus CRO Chief Risk Offi cer HOD Head of Department CVs Curriculum Vitae HPs Health Promoters DDG Deputy Director General HPTDG Health Professional Training and Development Grant DHIS District Health Information System HPV Human Papilloma Virus DHS District Health System HR Human Resources DID Department of Infrastructure Development HWSETA Health and Welfare Sector Education and DOL Department of Labour Training Authority DORA Division of Revenue Act ICDM Integrated Chronic Disease Management DPOS Daily Patient Opinion Survey ICSM Integrated Clinical Service Management DPSA Department of Public Service and ICT Information and Communication Technology Administration ICU Intensive Care Unit DR TB Drug Resistance TB IEC Information, Education and Communication DRTB Drug Resistant TB ILS Intermediate Life Support EAP Employee Assistance Programme IMCI Integrated Management of Childhood OPD Out-patient Department Illnesses OSD Occupation-Specifi c Dispensation IMCI CC Integrated Management of Childhood PACS Picture Archiving and Communication System Illnesses Community Component PASOP Prevention Avoid Stop Overcome Protect IMR Infant Mortality Rate PC Primary Care IPM Institute of Personnel Management PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction IRS Integrated Reporting System PDE Patient-Day Equivalent ISHP Integrated School Health Programme PDUs Pharmacy Dispensing Units IT Information technology PEC Patient Experience of Care ITT Intervention Task Team PET Position Emission Tomography KMC Kangaroo Mother Care PFMA Public Finance Management Act KZN Kwazulu-Natal PHC Primary Health Care LAN Local Area Network PIDS Provincial Indicator Data Set LARC Long Acting Reversible Contraception PIER Public Information Education and Relations LBC Liquid Based Cytology PLHIV People Living with HIV LE Life Esidimeni PMTCT Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission LMSD Leadership Management and Skills Development PPSI Provincial Patient Safety Incident Committee LOUOP Limited Obstetric Ultrasound Outreach PPSML Provincial Patient Safety Medico-Legal Programme PPT Plan Patient Transport MBFI Mother Baby Friendly Initiative PPTICRM Permanent Team for Ideal Clinic Realisation MDGs Millennium Development Goals and Management MDR-TB Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis PSETA Public Service Education and Training Authority MEC Member of Executive Council PTC Pharmacy Therapeutic Committee MIS Management Information System PWD People with Disabilities MMC Medical Male Circumcision QA Quality Assurance MMR Maternal Mortality Rate 7 QIP Quality Improvement Plan MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging QP Quadpara MSD Medical Supplies Depot SABPP South African Mobility for Blind Trust MTEF Medium-Term Expenditure Framework SAICA South
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